Antrim and Michigan Audits - Matthew DePerno & Patrick Colbeck - Dominion #BigLie Ed McBroom

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Re: Matthew DePerno & Bill Bailey v. Antrim and other Counties MI - Dominion #BigLie


Post by Luke »

He wants to keep playing! :dance:

Keep digging, Patrick! It's been fun to keep pointing out the #FAIL.

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Re: Matthew DePerno & Patrick Colbeck - Antrim and Michigan Audits - Dominion #BigLie Ed McBroom


Post by Luke »

Patrick just keeps posting lies, pisses me off to see them just blatantly lie to innocent people, confusing them and grifting. He thought he'd be cute with a bogus chart that's ridiculous and debunked by common sense and Polifact in Feb: ... suits-whe/.
Trump did not win two-thirds of election lawsuits ‘where merits considered’

Former President Donald Trump and his allies have won one lawsuit related to the results of the 2020 election. It did not prove that widespread voter fraud contributed to President Joe Biden’s win.

The database the Epoch Times relied on includes election-related lawsuits dating back to March 2020. Not all of them list the Trump campaign as a complainant, and some aren’t directly related to the general presidential election.

Experts told us that just because a case is dismissed on procedural grounds does not mean it wasn’t duly considered. The Epoch Times revised its Feb. 7 headline after we reached out.
Still can't believe an ex-elected official in Michigan would spew this BS.

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Re: Matthew DePerno & Patrick Colbeck - Antrim and Michigan Audits - Dominion #BigLie Ed McBroom


Post by Luke »

My new BFF Patrick Colbeck & his dear friend Matt DePerno got some ink today in the Epoch Times. Matt & Patrick's quotes are sweet.
Michigan Attorney General, Police to Probe People Who Made Election Fraud Claims
BY ZACHARY STIEBER July 9, 2021 Updated: July 9, 2021
Michigan’s attorney general, with assistance from police officers, will investigate people who claimed election fraud happened during the 2020 contest.

A spokeswoman for Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel told The Epoch Times in an email on Friday that the Democrat will probe people who allegedly made false claims, with help from Michigan State Police. The spokeswoman said Nessel decided to launch the probes on a request from Republicans in the Michigan Senate. A Republican-controlled Senate panel last month issued a report saying it “found no evidence of widespread or systematic fraud in Michigan’s prosecution of the 2020 election.” A portion of the Michigan Senate Oversight Committee report focused on Antrim County, where the county clerk falsely reported on the morning after Election Night that Democrat Joe Biden had beat former President Donald Trump by thousands of votes. The senators said their review backed the position of Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson and Antrim County officials, which is that the false reporting was due to human error and was ultimately rectified. The committee recommended that Nessel “consider investigating those who have been utilizing misleading and false information about Antrim County to raise money or publicity for their own ends.”

“The Committee finds those promoting Antrim County as the prime evidence of a nationwide conspiracy to steal the election place all other statements and actions they make in a position of zero credibility,” it said. Benson said her office looked forward to partnering with Nessel :P “on this critical investigation into the real fraud that took place in 2020: efforts to deceive Michigan citizens about their vote with misleading, false statements about the accuracy & integrity of our elections.” Attorney Matthew DePerno and his client, William Bailey, have raised money for a case brought against the county that alleged Dominion Voting Systems machines used in the county “were shown to miscount votes” cast for Trump, counting them for Biden. The case was dismissed in mid-May.
DePerno told The Epoch Times in an email on Friday: “Dana Nessel is a lawless Marxist. She is trying to stop our investigation into election fraud. She is also opposing counsel in the case Bailey v Antrim County and Jocelyn Benson. She is now using the power of the police state and her to actively investigate opposing counsel. This is unethical, unconstitutional, and criminal (see MCL 750.505). Dana Nessel must resign immediately for her unethical conduct.”

Patrick Colbeck, a former Michigan senator, has a website where he hosts content he says back his election fraud claims. Users must pay a monthly fee to see some of the content. Colbeck recently started a petition to censure McBroom and the other Republican senators who signed onto the report and denounced what he described as legislators’ “attempt to marginalize those exposing election fraud.” In a lengthy post on his site, Colbeck said the panel’s report “consistently repeats the flawed assertion that the integrity of the election can be demonstrated simply by running ballots through the tabulator. The Committee appears to be operating under an extremely unique definition of ‘election fraud’ that dismissed any evidence of fraud if it did not add up to the 154,188 votes promoted as the margin of victory for Joe Biden. This failure of reasoning dismisses the cumulative effect of breaches in the chain of custody and violations of existing statute,” he said. ... f3cqLuk%3D



Patrick and Matt are quite upset with Jonathan Oosting of Bridge Michigan, who wrote a story yesterday:

"Michigan AG, police to probe false election fraud claims after GOP report", which included:
Colbeck charges a monthly fee for access to some of the content on his website, where he has documented his election claims, and he has helped organize related events that the public must pay to attend.

But he disputed the suggestion he is profiting off the work, telling Bridge Michigan he’s grossed around $30,000 from his website, with about half of that going towards expenses.

“That's what I was living off of for seven months,” said Colbeck. “We want to get some truth out about this election.”
Yet, on June 30, Patrick tweeted me and many others were copied:

Havent Spent.JPG
Havent Spent.JPG (55.44 KiB) Viewed 4462 times

Knew every Fogbow member would want clarification so asked Patrick.

Michigan Sen. Ed McBroom, head of the Republican-led Senate Oversight Committee, also had a nice quote in that story that all of these grifters should take to heart:

"No one has free speech if they’re committing a crime, and committing fraud is a crime," McBroom told Bridge Michigan last week at his Upper Peninsula farm, where he responded to subsequent attacks from Trump and his allies.
Nice full story at ... -election/
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Re: Matthew DePerno & Patrick Colbeck - Antrim and Michigan Audits - Dominion #BigLie Ed McBroom


Post by Luke »

Fogbow's new BFF Patrick Colbeck (realized it's unfair not to share him with y'all) replied... he has 2 shady accounts, business and "legal defense". The reporters are copied on these tweets, will be fun to see them dig through and follow up with Patrick. 8-)

Have spent time on our BFF because
1) He hasn't blocked and that's worth points
2) He needs to be publicly called out on his lies and grift (the Fogbow Motto)
3) He and Matt must be mad as hell they can't just blame Democrats, it's the Michigan GOP that said they have "zero credibility". and
4) Believe he and DePerno are going to go down hard between the sanctions and criminal investigations the AG is conducting with the police. So we'll be able to say hey, that Patrick, we knew him when. :P
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Re: Matthew DePerno & Patrick Colbeck - Antrim and Michigan Audits - Dominion #BigLie Ed McBroom


Post by Tiredretiredlawyer »

Orlylicious, you're my favorite Tweet Warrior!!!! Our Fogbow artists should be inspired to render you as a Marvel/DC Comics character with tweeting as your superpower. :biggrin:
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Re: Matthew DePerno & Patrick Colbeck - Antrim and Michigan Audits - Dominion #BigLie Ed McBroom


Post by Luke »

Wendy Rogers is SO EXCITED -- Matt wrote a Memo.

Dr. Kelli Ward Retweeted Wendy Rogers @WendyRogersAZ 49m
Attorney Matt DePerno wrote a great legal opinion about our authority to recall the electors and decertify the election. Please share far and wide.

Converted to Word.

Date: August 14, 2021

To: Sen. Wendy Rogers

From: Matt DePerno

Subject: Preliminary Memo regarding Authority Over Elections and Electors

Can a State Legislature recall the state electors to decertify a national election upon proof of fraud in the election? The Answer is "Yes."

"Congress has never undertaken to interfere with the manner of appointing electors, or, where (according to the new general usage) the mode of appointment prescribed by the law of the State is election by the people, to regulate the conduct of such election, or to punish any fraud in voting for electors; but has left these matters to the control of the States." In re Green, 134 U.S. 377, 380 (1890) (emphasis added).

The United States Supreme Court opinions discussed herein are based on the overarching principles that the Constitution reserves to the national government only those expressly enumerated powers in Article I. All other powers not specifically reserved are delegated to the states and to the People. Indeed, "[a]ll powers that the Constitution neither delegates to the Federal Government nor prohibits to the States are controlled by the people of each State." See U.S. Term Limits, Inc. v. Thornton, 514 U.S. 779, 848 (1995).

The Ninth and Tenth Amendment work in tandem to consecrate this broad delegation of power to the states. In Chiafalo v. Washington, 591 U.S. , 140 S. Ct. 2316, 2324-25 (2020) "Nothing in the Constitution expressly prohibits States from taking away presidential electors' voting discretion." (emphasis added). Specifically, the Supreme Court noted that the Constitution's text and the Nation's history both support allowing a State to enforce an elector's pledge to support his party's nominee – and the state voters' choice – for President.

The Constitution is "barebones about electors." Id. As it should be. The residual powers are left to the states. Article II includes only the instruction to each State to appoint, in whatever way it likes, as many electors as it has Senators and Representatives. There are no restrictions or limitations.

The Twelfth Amendment then tells electors to meet in their States, to vote for President and Vice President separately, and to transmit lists of all their votes to the President of the United States Senate for counting. "Appointments and procedures and . . . that is all." Chiafolo, supra at 2315 (emphasis added).

In prior cases, the Court has stated that Article II, §1's appointments power gives the States full authority over presidential electors, absent some other constitutional constraint. The Court has described that clause as "conveying the broadest power of determination . . . " McPherson v. Blacker, 146 U. S. 1, 27 (1892). See also Chiafalo, supra at 2324.

It would be meaningless if after giving full authority to the States over presidential electors, the state legislature could not, upon a proper showing, recall those electors to decertify a fraudulent election. As the Supreme Court said in Chiafolo, supra, the State has full authority absent some other constitutional constraint.

As far as the national government (and Constitution) is concerned, i.e., federal law, there are no such constraints. "Congress . . . has left these matters to the control of the States." In re Green, supra at 380. Therefore, each state Legislature has the power to recall electors and decertify their vote upon demonstrable proof of fraud. Indeed, this is the only way the state can guarantee that the People are represented. The Federal Government "is acknowledged by all to be one of enumerated powers." McCulloch v. Maryland, 17 U.S. 316 (1819). "[T]he powers delegated by the . . . Constitution to the federal government are few and defined," while those that belong to the States "remain . . . numerous and indefinite." The Federalist No. 45, p. 292 (C. Rossiter ed. 1961) (J. Madison). Thus, "[w]here the Constitution is silent about the exercise of a particular power[,] that is, where the Constitution does not speak either expressly or by necessary implication," the power is "either delegated to the state government or retained by the people." See Martin v. Hunter's Lessee, 14 U.S. 304 (1816) (stating that the Federal Government's powers under the Constitution must be "expressly given, or given by necessary implication").

For an added measure of assurance in the latter regard, it is declared that "[t]he enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the People." U.S. Const., amend. IX (emphasis added). It was universally agreed by the Framers that there are additional fundamental rights, protected from governmental infringement, which exist alongside those specifically mentioned in the first eight amendments. "The [Ninth] Amendment ... was proffered to quiet expressed fears that a bill of specifically enumerated rights could not be sufficiently broad to cover all essential rights and that the specific mention of certain rights would be interpreted as a denial that others were protected." I Annals of Congress 439 (Gales and Seaton ed. 1834). See also II Story, Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States (5th ed. 1891), pp. 626-627. As "it cannot be presumed that any clause in the constitution is intended to be without effect . . . effect should be given to all the words it uses." Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (1 Cranch) 137, 174 (1803). See also Myers v. United States, 272 U.S. 52, 229 (1926). And, indeed, a right to political affiliation and political choice has been addressed as protected, at least in part, by this amendment. United Pub. Workers v. Mitchell, 330 U.S. 75, 94-95 (1947). This includes, of course, the fundamental right to vote. Id. See also Reynolds v. Sims, 377 U.S. 533, 560 (1964).

That the latter is the fundamental and primary right among all other fundamental rights, enumerated or not, is evident in the fact it is self-executing. Infringement upon it cannot occur under the Constitution if the government is, in fact, one that is duly and legally chosen by the People. Any government that asserts a mandate to rule on the basis of fraud or illegality effectuates an instant infringement on the sovereign's will, of necessity, has no legitimacy. It is as violent a usurpation as would be the direct use of force to suppress the People. Only, it is more sinister and insidious.

It is at once an uncontestable rejection of the values and ideals of the People and a silent assassination of their collective right to express them.

To countenance a fraudulent election is to deny the inherent sovereignty retained by the People to govern themselves. To allow one such as this to pass as valid with the level of skullduggery and fraud evident to everyone who cares to look and who is not blinded by the conspired obfuscation foist upon them by bureaucratic functionaries, technocrats, subversives in both political parties, and their corporate and foreign donors, and those who control, to the great detriment of public debate and discourse, the information from social media all the way to the transmission of the "news" to households across the nation, is to leave the sovereign citizens of this country little choice. Ignoring this treasonous crime destroys any remnants of faith in the proper and orderly functioning of a government that is supposed to serve them.

If the choice of the People has been adulterated by fraud, they have a right, an obligation, and, indeed, a duty to call it out to ensure preservation of the Republic that is guaranteed to them by the Constitution; or indeed, to dissolve and abolish it altogether. The Declaration of Independence, Second Paragraph (July 4, 1776) (emphasis added).

This can be done by legislative decertification under the principle of the Tenth Amendment and the Supreme Court's interpretation of the broad discretion states have over electors. The state constitutions give broad authority to the People to recall all publicly elected officials. Of course, this extends to any public official charged with a duty to represent their will. And, this must be done, for under the Ninth Amendment, if the fundamental right to vote is to be protected, every illegally cast or counted vote must not be allowed to unconstitutionally disenfranchise the legal voter's fundamental, constitutional rights.

These rights that reside in the People are necessarily delegated to the state Legislature in the event that the latter must act sua sponte to correct a fraudulently held election. After all, the Legislature is the lawmaking authority in the state. Absent any restraints in the state or federal constitution, it must act in the stead of the people where there is no actuating power given to the People under state law. In other words, the Legislature itself does not have to pass a state law to exercise its constitutional (both state and federal) authority.

A legislature's determination to decertify the votes cast by the electors on demonstration of fraud in the election itself is nothing more than the Legislature's use of its reserved sovereign powers under the Tenth Amendment to protect those fundamental rights and privileges reserved to the People by the Ninth Amendment. ... ectors.pdf

Yeah, Matt.
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Re: Matthew DePerno & Patrick Colbeck - Antrim and Michigan Audits - Dominion #BigLie Ed McBroom


Post by RTH10260 »

Decertification of electoral votes? How do they think that ought to work out? Just blowing hot air. There are no statutes that can be invoked for Congress to change the final count of electoral votes after the fact. No way to derail an elected president, his cabinet and administration.
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Re: Matthew DePerno & Patrick Colbeck - Antrim and Michigan Audits - Dominion #BigLie Ed McBroom


Post by notorial dissent »

That's just so very clever, in the trying the President before a military court martial clever. I may be wrong, but what I see is that the Constitution grants to the States the appointment of the electors, at which point they come under the Federal umbrella and out of State control. I see this in the same light as the States have the power to ratify or reject a constitutional amendment but not rescind.
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Re: Matthew DePerno & Patrick Colbeck - Antrim and Michigan Audits - Dominion #BigLie Ed McBroom


Post by Jim »

notorial dissent wrote: Wed Aug 25, 2021 5:50 pm That's just so very clever, in the trying the President before a military court martial clever. I may be wrong, but what I see is that the Constitution grants to the States the appointment of the electors, at which point they come under the Federal umbrella and out of State control. I see this in the same light as the States have the power to ratify or reject a constitutional amendment but not rescind.
Didn't a bunch of states (red I believe) pass faithless elector laws that required their electors to only vote for candidate that the voters gave the most votes to?
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Re: Matthew DePerno & Patrick Colbeck - Antrim and Michigan Audits - Dominion #BigLie Ed McBroom


Post by northland10 »

Since they decided to mention the Federalist, IIRC, one argument for the Electoral College is that is was a body sitting in separate locations with a one-time-only responsibility. After that is done, they are done. There was never intended any recall, especially after Congress certifies the result. After they enter office there is 5 ways and 5 ways only to remove a sitting President.

1. Lose the next election.
2. Impeachment
3 Resignation
4. 25th Amendment
5. Death of the President

You cannot recall electors because they are electors no more after they finish voting in December. The Electoral College was created to prevent inappropriate influence in the election of our Chief Executive. Recalling electors is the exact definition of inappropriate influence.

The state determines how the electors will be selected and it ends there. No Backsies.
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Re: Matthew DePerno & Patrick Colbeck - Antrim and Michigan Audits - Dominion #BigLie Ed McBroom


Post by Foggy »

Not even to mention, ol' Wendy Rogers and ol' Matthew DePerno STILL have not got one single state anywhere in the US where there is any real evidence of fraud. Not one state has any serious intention of deciding that the result in that state was wrong.

Even if it was possible to do what DePerno suggests, it really can't be done by a bugnuts crazy minority of a state senate all by itself. It would, at minimum, require a governor and the secretary of state and a damned bulletproof government ruling based on an honest-to-cornflakes genuine pile of real evidence. And even then, what Northland10 says is right - there's simply no way to change the result of the election now, it's cast in stone.

And as ol' Wendy may have noticed (she hasn't noticed), there were 64 or more lawsuits about this, and none of them resulted in a ruling that any state's results were wrong.

But it's a fun topic for daydreaming. :daydreaming:
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Re: Matthew DePerno & Patrick Colbeck - Antrim and Michigan Audits - Dominion #BigLie Ed McBroom


Post by Luke »

Hey Foggy, why don't you give Mark Small and call and hook Matt up with him? Mark seemed to fancy you the most. :P

ReVote2017 ~ The Citizens' Case For A New Election: The Petition for Writ of Mandamus to the Supreme Court of the United States Paperback – June 16, 2017

It's a real bargain, we could get Wendy a copy too:

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In this historic citizens’ case to the US Supreme Court, legal points and precedents are clearly stated, aimed at protecting the public good, the sanctity of our elections and restoring our Democracy. Americans have a right to have their votes protected from foreign attack! That right was violated in the 2016 Election, and the Supreme Court had the authority, ability and duty to remedy this unconstitutional situation. A grassroots citizen group led the effort to petition the US Supreme Court to void the 2016 election and call for a new election, as patriotic Americans committed to safeguarding citizens’ right to free and fair elections, uncorrupted by foreign powers or acts of treason. The unprecedented attacks on our Democracy by Russian Gov't operatives in our 2016 election violated our right to a free and fair election, ensured in the Guarantee Clause of the United States Constitution: Article IV, Section 4 states: “The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.” Congress and the Executive Branch failed to safeguard our votes; thus only our legal system could remedy this injustice, and order protective strategies against future foreign or domestic corruptions to our electoral processes. Through attorney, Mark Small, the ReVote2017 team petitioned the US Supreme Court –on June 7, 2017, this Citizens case was docketed: #16-1464. *** NOTE: Revote2017 was separate and apart from an earlier, also-failed, effort to obtain a new election. Some of the first core team persisted and new members joined to create this entirely new case on multiple constitutional grounds, representing 12 petitioners in 10 different states, including several swing states. These brave petitioners were a wide spectrum of people, with varied life experiences, concerns and political affiliations who sought a remedy by the Justice System to restore confidence to all Citizens by considering evidence as to how our Democracy was attacked by foreign powers (Russian operatives) in the 2016 Election, and the testimony of a diverse group of Petitioners for this legal Writ included USA citizens from several “swing” states. It sought to declare the 2016 Election illegitimate, nullify its results, and overturn every decision and appointment that stemmed from its results. It further sought to redress the injustice of an illegitimate 2016 Election by ordering a new Election, to provide a free and fair voting process; order the US Government to implement security measures to keep pace with the technology of information warfare strategies, thus protect Voting Rights, Campaigns, and Election Systems. After the USSC declined to hear the case without comment, the ReVote2017 team formally dissolved. This case is now an historic and educational resource.
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Re: Matthew DePerno & Patrick Colbeck - Antrim and Michigan Audits - Dominion #BigLie Ed McBroom


Post by noblepa »

RTH10260 wrote: Wed Aug 25, 2021 5:15 pm Decertification of electoral votes? How do they think that ought to work out? Just blowing hot air. There are no statutes that can be invoked for Congress to change the final count of electoral votes after the fact. No way to derail an elected president, his cabinet and administration.
Also, too, which electors do they plan to "recall"?

If they were to somehow recall the slate of electors that gave the state to President Biden, I would think that they would simply vote for him again.

I'm sure that they want to "recall" the slate of electors who would have voted for Trump and have them "decertify" the election and cast new votes for Trump. This would be a blatant rejection of the voters of Arizona by the legislature.

Besides, the electors don't certify the election in the first place. That is done by the Governor, I believe, on the recommendation by the Secretary of State. So, the electors don't have any authority to "decertify" the election.

Even if they did "decertify" the Arizona election, they would still have the obstacle that the US Congress has certified the election. Remember January 6? I seriously doubt that the democrat-controlled congress would even entertain the idea of decertifying the election of President Biden, even if there was some Constitutional provision allowing them to do that.
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Re: Matthew DePerno & Patrick Colbeck - Antrim and Michigan Audits - Dominion #BigLie Ed McBroom


Post by Suranis »

Orlycious, next time you are talking to Patrick, please thank him for his efforts to ensure the inauguration of Nancy Pelosi as President.

Because that's what the constitution says happens when a President and VP is removed for any reason.
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Re: Matthew DePerno & Patrick Colbeck - Antrim and Michigan Audits - Dominion #BigLie Ed McBroom


Post by notorial dissent »

I would suspect too, also, that the Electors casting their votes is like the states ratifying an amendment, once done, done for good and always.
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Re: Matthew DePerno & Patrick Colbeck - Antrim and Michigan Audits - Dominion #BigLie Ed McBroom


Post by Slim Cognito »

Can this function be performed at Denny's, or, for such a momentous occasion, do they upgrade to Olive Garden?
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Re: Matthew DePerno & Patrick Colbeck - Antrim and Michigan Audits - Dominion #BigLie Ed McBroom


Post by Estiveo »

Slim Cognito wrote: Fri Aug 27, 2021 1:55 pm Can this function be performed at Denny's, or, for such a momentous occasion, do they upgrade to Olive Garden?
Pfft! Eye-talian food? :nope: :fingerwag:
Golden Corral, ya commie.
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Re: Matthew DePerno & Patrick Colbeck - Antrim and Michigan Audits - Dominion #BigLie Ed McBroom


Post by northland10 »

DePerno was pushing the Antrim "fraud" in a county Trump won, yet the county he at least works in (and where I grew up) Biden won 83,686 to 56,823. I sort of figure he lives out in Texas Township or maybe outside of Mattawan (right on the border in the next county) which were probably more Trumpy, though I was surprised about half of the Texas Township voters were for Biden (think suburban sprawl area so soccer moms).
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Re: Matthew DePerno & Patrick Colbeck - Antrim and Michigan Audits - Dominion #BigLie Ed McBroom


Post by Luke »

Blech. What a shock, the grifting disgraced loser endorses the grifting disgraced loser. This should help the Democrat.
US Audit Watch, [17.09.21 09:32]
[Forwarded from US Audit Watch]

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Super Lawyer Matthew DePerno is running for Attorney General in the Great State of Michigan. He has defended the Constitution for 20 years, and has been on the front lines pursuing fair and accurate elections, as he relentlessly fights to reveal the truth about the Nov. 3rd Presidential Election Scam.

Matt will properly enforce the laws for everyone - unlike what the out-of-control Radical Left Prosecutors are doing now. He will always defend our under siege Second Amendment, loves our Military and our Vets, and will restore Law and Order in the face of rampant and record-setting crime in Michigan. Matt DePerno has my Complete and Total Endorsement. He will never let you down!
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Re: Matthew DePerno & Patrick Colbeck - Antrim and Michigan Audits - Dominion #BigLie Ed McBroom


Post by Lani »

This is so dangerous. I've never wished for bad things to happen to people, but I can cope with tfg stroking out.
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Re: Matthew DePerno & Patrick Colbeck - Antrim and Michigan Audits - Dominion #BigLie Ed McBroom


Post by MisterC »

Not sure if there is a more appropriate thread for it, but it involves Michigan GQP'ers gearing up for the next round.
Lansing — Republican Party leaders across the battleground state of Michigan have quietly worked in recent weeks to replace incumbent county election officials with newcomers, some of whom have sought to undermine the public's faith in the 2020 vote.

The trend focuses on four-member county canvassing boards, the bipartisan panels in charge of verifying records and importantly, certifying results. It comes in the midst of an internal party struggle over whether to accept Democratic President Joe Biden's win last year.
:snippity: :snippity: :snippity:
• In Michigan's largest county, Wayne, GOP canvasser Monica Palmer said she believes she wasn't renominated by local Republican leaders because she voted to certify the last election. One of the three GOP nominees to replace her was Hima Kolanagireddy, who was apparently the same person Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani presented last year as he pressed state lawmakers to intervene in the 2020 results.
• In northern Michigan's Antrim County, which has been a hotbed for false claims about the 2020 vote, Republicans' canvassing nominees included Victoria Bishop, the spouse of conservative radio commentator "Trucker" Randy Bishop, who moderated an event in June with election critic Mike Lindell, the CEO of My Pillow. During the gathering, Lindell suggested the U.S. Supreme Court would put Trump back in office in August, which didn't occur.
The Detroit News: Michigan Republicans replace local election officials in 'unprecedented' trend
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Re: Matthew DePerno & Patrick Colbeck - Antrim and Michigan Audits - Dominion #BigLie Ed McBroom


Post by Notaperson »

Juicy stuff coming out of Michigan....

Clerk decries ‘tyranny’ after Michigan strips her of running election
LANSING — A small-town clerk who refused mandatory maintenance of her voting tabulator says she is hiring attorneys to fight government "tyranny" after Michigan officials stripped her of authority to conduct next week’s municipal election.

Adams Township Clerk Stephanie Scott, a Republican, told Bridge Michigan she does not trust the machine she inherited upon taking office this year and wants to preserve any old data on it, echoing unfounded claims that tabulators may have been rigged against former President Donald Trump in 2020.

Scott also ignored state requests to confirm whether she would sign off on legally required “logic and accuracy testing” but told Bridge she still planned to conduct that testing on Wednesday night even as she explored the possibility of ditching the tabulator to conduct a hand-counted election.
State officials contend Scott is spreading misinformation about Hart Intercivic Inc. voting machines — which do not actually store old voting data — and failed to fulfill her legal responsibilities, making her unfit to administer the Nov. 2 election that will decide a proposed school operating millage renewal.

Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's office on Monday took what government observers called an aggressive step with little precedent: The Michigan Bureau of Elections directed Scott to step aside and allow Hillsdale County Clerk Marney Kast, also a Republican, administer the election instead. ... g-election
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Re: Matthew DePerno & Patrick Colbeck - Antrim and Michigan Audits - Dominion #BigLie Ed McBroom


Post by Notaperson »

She's hoping to get herself arrested, I guess....

Voting machine missing after Michigan clerk stripped of election power
LANSING — Michigan State Police launched a criminal investigation Thursday after election equipment at the center of a voting tabulator conspiracy theory went missing this week in a rural, conservative community.

Adams Township Clerk Stephanie Scott, a Republican whose social media has included QAnon memes, had refused to allow a vendor to conduct routine maintenance on a Hart Intercivic Inc. voting machine.

Hillsdale County Clerk Marney Kast, a fellow Republican who the state tasked with running the local election instead of Scott, told Bridge Michigan her office attempted to retrieve the Adams Township equipment earlier this week but was unable to locate the tablet, which she described as the “brains” of the machine. ... tion-power
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Re: Antrim and Michigan Audits - Matthew DePerno & Patrick Colbeck - Dominion #BigLie Ed McBroom


Post by Notaperson »


Police find voting equipment missing from Adams Township
The office of Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson said that state police recovered missing voting equipment Friday from the township hall. An investigation is underway to determine if the equipment has been tampered with, officials said.

The tablet went missing the day after Adams Township Clerk Stephanie Scott was stripped of her election authority after refusing to allow required maintenance on the voting machines.

It is currently unclear if Scott was involved in the incident. Officials say the Secretary of State’s office will refer any suspected violations of state or federal election law to authorities. ... -township/
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Re: Antrim and Michigan Audits - Matthew DePerno & Patrick Colbeck - Dominion #BigLie Ed McBroom


Post by Foggy »

Stephanie, you did wipe it down, anyplace that might have your fingerprints, yesno? :batting:
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