#Q #QAnon QCumbers Q-Tip "The Storm” "Any Day Now

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Re: #Q #QAnon QCumbers Q-Tip "The Storm” "Any Day Now


Post by zekeb »

Meh, I'd probably have to drive north all the way up to I-90 just to charge the thing. It seems that a Tesla is cutting edge technology coupled with shoddy workmanship. Yeah, give me a vehicle with what I'd estimate as having $750 a year in taxes alone. I'm not impressed.
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Re: #Q #QAnon QCumbers Q-Tip "The Storm” "Any Day Now


Post by neeneko »

roadscholar wrote: Wed Jun 02, 2021 10:13 pm Hey, I’d take a free Tesla. (“Free” is doing the heavy lifting here.)
I am actually a little surprised they are not free. Tesla doesn't really make its money from selling cars, but I guess the cost is part of the appeal... kinda reminds me of years ago chatting with an IBM engineer about their compiler, and how they had originally given it away for free in order to encourage people to develop for their chips, but it was not until they started charging for it that people waxed eloquent of how good and worth investing in it was.
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Re: #Q #QAnon QCumbers Q-Tip "The Storm” "Any Day Now


Post by roadscholar »

Sample principle: When asked why he charged for Transcendental Meditation classes, the Maharishi said something like "If we don't charge for it, Americans will think it is worthless."
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Re: #Q #QAnon QCumbers Q-Tip "The Storm” "Any Day Now


Post by neeneko »

Yep, very American.

Though I suspect with Tesla, a big part of it is they want to be seen as being driven by the right kind of people, which means a barrier to obtaining based off moderate affluence. Not so expensive that they are seen by the middle class as something only for the wealthy, but not so cheap that they become common among those that the middle class do not aspire to be.
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Re: #Q #QAnon QCumbers Q-Tip "The Storm” "Any Day Now


Post by Luke »

QAnon at a Crossroads: Leaders Try to Rein In the Crazy
With Q silent and Trump out of office, QAnon’s heroes are trying to pump the brakes on the right’s most popular nutty conspiracy theory.
Will Sommer Politics Reporter Published Jun. 08, 2021 4:53AM ET

QAnon’s anonymous leader has been silent for more than six months. Now QAnon is in upheaval over what’s next. When pro-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell took the stage at a QAnon convention in Dallas late last month, she was wearing a biker vest with a “Q” patch sewn on the back. And yet, when Powell began speaking, she did the unexpected: she trashed some of QAnon’s most cherished ideas. According to the worldview held by many QAnon believers, Powell will actually lead the military tribunals at the heart of QAnon lore, imprisoning pedophile-cannibal Democrats in Guantanamo Bay and restoring Donald Trump to power. But at the conference, Powell broke some hard news to the QAnon faithful. “There are no military tribunals that’s magically going to solve this problem for us,” Powell said, to scattered applause.

Powell even went against one of QAnon’s central pillars—the idea that believers should “trust the plan,” putting their faith in the idea that Trump and the military are carrying out a secret agenda to depose Democrats and bring back the Trump administration. "I don't have any evidence that there's some grand underlying plan, pursuant to which all this is going to be made right,” Powell said. “I don't want to give anybody false hope that this is happening." The crowd didn’t mind Powell’s off-message remark too much; that night, a picture of Powell riding a kraken sold at an auction at the conference for thousands of dollars. And Powell didn’t do much else to dissuade QAnon supporters of their bizarre beliefs. She claimed the election was stolen and raised the prospect that Trump would retake the presidency later this year. But she did break it to the disappointed crowd that Trump wouldn’t get his second term extended to account for Joe Biden’s time in office. And Powell’s attempt to debunk the military tribunals and “plan” aspects of QAnon orthodoxy marks a new phase in QAnon’s tumultuous post-Trump era.

QAnon now finds itself without a central figure: Trump is out of office; And the anonymous “Q,” whose clues make up the conspiracy theory movement’s basis, has been silent since last December. Followers of the nonsensical collection of conspiracy theories are now looking for guidance from a diffuse group of leaders in the QAnon movement. And the leaders—some pure hucksters and some pure screwballs—have very different visions for where the coalition should go. For some leaders, it’s about reining in the most madcap beliefs. For others, it’s about using the momentum that QAnon has built in the GOP world to take over local offices and school boards. A poll released in late May found that roughly 15 percent of people buy into the core QAnon idea that the world is controlled by a cabal of pedophilic elites. And QAnon has carved out ties with GOP officials. Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) and former Rep. Allen West (R-FL)—who resigned as the Texas GOP chairman just days ago to explore a statewide run—both appeared at the QAnon convention in Dallas.

QAnon has seen internal turmoil before, but in the past, “Q” was able to step in and settle disputes. One splinter group of followers, for example, believes that John F. Kennedy Jr. faked his death in a 1999 plane crash to team up with Trump and take on the Deep State. In a QAnon clue, though, “Q” claimed that JFK Jr. was dead. (That Q “drop” seemed aimed at putting down the breakoff faction that had begun to draw increasingly negative attention to QAnon.) With Q gone, however, no one may have more power in the QAnon mythos than Michael Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser. Flynn openly embraced QAnon in the final months of Trump’s presidency, selling QAnon merchandise and taking a “QAnon oath” with family members on the Fourth of July. But in mid-May, Flynn pushed back on some QAnon beliefs in an interview with podcaster Doug Billings. He explicitly dismissed the idea that the military secretly controls the country or that Trump somehow invalidated the election through the Insurrection Act. “I’m just going to ask you some questions, and I just want you to tell me whether it’s nonsense,” Billings said. “Did President Trump ever sign the Insurrection Act?” “No, nonsense,” Flynn said. “Is the United States military running the country, is that nonsense as well?” Billings said. “More nonsense,” Flynn said. “There’s no plan.”

After the interview, Flynn spoke multiple times at the Dallas QAnon conference, and helped auction off a quilt bearing a giant “Q” image. On the conference’s second day, he called for a Myanmar-style military coup to take place in the United States—a popular notion in QAnon-world. The fight over QAnon’s direction has spilled over into QAnon’s social media channels. In the wake of Twitter and Facebook crackdowns after the U.S. Capitol riot in January, tens of thousands of QAnon believers ended up on Telegram, a messaging app and social media platform popular with the far right. On Telegram, a virulently antisemitic QAnon promoter impersonating former Trump intelligence official Ezra Cohen-Watnick has amassed more than 300,000 followers, coming from nowhere to challenge some of QAnon’s most established promoters. The account has attempted to push QAnon, which has always held antisemitic overtones, into a far more anti-Jewish direction, posting crude caricatures of Jewish people and pushing discredited antisemitic conspiracy theories.

At the same time, Telegram has become a haven for QAnon promoters posting outlandish financial promises, claiming, for example, that QAnon believers will become wealthy if they buy a specific cryptocurrency or near-valueless currency like the Iraqi dinar. Others have claimed that the world economy will soon be radically restructured in a “global financial reset” that will abolish debts, meaning QAnon believers should feel free to take on huge debts and not worry about paying them back. As QAnon’s Telegram channels have become a haven for even more obvious hucksterism than usual, prominent QAnon booster Jordan Sather has slammed his QAnon rivals in an attempt to push QAnon away from both the antisemitic “Ezra” account and the predictions of a financial utopia. As often happens in internal QAnon wars, various sides have accused one another of being deep-state plants meant to sow discord within QAnon. “What do we see now with the Q movement and the patriot truth movement that’s out there on social media?” Sather said in a speech at the Dallas convention. “Just a lot of dumb clickbait, ugh! I am sorry but there is just so much disinformation that is out there, it’s really targeting the platforms that we’ve all been funneled into.”

Sather’s feud with his QAnon rivals has hardly made him QAnon’s voice of reason. During his speech at the convention, Sather promoted the nonexistent medical benefits of chlorine dioxide—a substance the FDA says is equivalent to consuming bleach. Other QAnon promoters at the convention urged supporters to fact-check their ideas before posting them online to QAnon channels—an odd idea for a movement based on amateur sleuths investigating the idea that, say, Hillary Clinton eats children in a Washington pizzeria and Tom Hanks drinks blood to keep his youthful appearance. In the place of QAnon’s original wild-eyed visions, the Q promoters respectable enough to make it onstage at the QAnon convention promised more modest goals for QAnon. They urged audience members to build up local QAnon organizations and take precinct seats in local Republican groups—far from the vision of a world reborn through violence that sparked QAnon, but one that’s likely more achievable for the QAnon movement. In the spirit of QAnon new localism, one promoter urged Q fans to get involved with their local school boards, a battlefield where QAnon has already seen some early success. As the QAnon convention began in Dallas, a school board in Michigan was convulsed by the news that a QAnon believer had won a seat in the body. At the conference, QAnon promoter Zak Paine urged audience members to follow suit. "Go to your local school board meetings," Paine said. "Get on the school board."
https://www.thedailybeast.com/qanon-at- ... -the-crazy

Asked Dunford if he was the guy who bought the pic of Sidney riding the Kraken.

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Re: #Q #QAnon QCumbers Q-Tip "The Storm” "Any Day Now


Post by Volkonski »

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Re: #Q #QAnon QCumbers Q-Tip "The Storm” "Any Day Now


Post by Slim Cognito »

I saw a video on twitter last night that said security for trump's rally wasn't allowing anyone wearing Q symbols in. They had to remove, turn them inside out or cover them up before entering. This will be a long post so I'll put that link under Spoiler.
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Ok, assuming the guy talking on the video is correct (I couldn't hear the security guy myself) let's keep walking...

I got an email from Darash today. Usually I just delete them but Hubs is out of town and I'm bored so, for S&G I read it. Lots of links so I'll sum up. I'll list a few things without linking them. If anyone wants the link, respond and I'll Spoiler it. I put it here because it's all Q stuff.

The usual blah, blah, blah, they're publishing a book, Government by Consent, send $$$, prayer meeting, blah, blah.

What's this?
A link to a story on the "scamdemic." Yawn.

This one sounds fun:
Flynn's July Surprise! Trump Reinstall PLUS 3rd Term? Military In Control! Deep State PANIC False Flag Coming!
Spoiler Alert:
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https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2 ... 53226.html
Airlines are now Advising People who have had the Jab to avoid flying
Yeah, sure.

From something elsewhere in the email, I think "one" in the headline below relates to state audits, starting with AZ. Not sure, didn't watch video.
Dave Hayes – One Falls They All Fall, Red Line Crossed, Military The Only Way Forward
more boring bullshit, heard it all before, moving along...What's this?
Emergency Broadcast: Democrats Planning Violent Coup Against American Republic! - Banned Must See Video
https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conse ... 84876.html

...something about getting your guns and ammo ready...

And now we're down to Buy our silver lung stuff and survival seeds!

So I clicked on the Mike Flynn link hoping to read an article as my internet back here is still spotty and I'm sick of the buffering. You're on your own for any videos. But there was an article in a casual red font so you KNOW it had to be factual. I can't begin to explain it, or sum it up. I'll copypasta. Hmmmmm, only four paragraphs? There's only five so no biggie, the missing one has nothing of interest.
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Re: #Q #QAnon QCumbers Q-Tip "The Storm” "Any Day Now


Post by realist »


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Re: #Q #QAnon QCumbers Q-Tip "The Storm” "Any Day Now


Post by fierceredpanda »

Ah, NESARA. The OG crank conspiracy theory. :clap:
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Re: #Q #QAnon QCumbers Q-Tip "The Storm” "Any Day Now


Post by Luke »

There's actually a JFK Jr Telegram group with 53,000 (!) followers: https://t.me/John_F_Kennedy_Jr_Q_17

JFKJ.JPG (71.14 KiB) Viewed 3845 times

John F. Kennedy Jr., [15.06.21 19:18]
Rising to the occasion.
Understanding what's at stake.
God bless each and every one of you.
We will not fail.

Join @John_F_Kennedy_Jr_Q_17

John F. Kennedy Jr., [17.06.21 17:11]
A revolution is coming!
A revolution which will be peaceful if we are wise enough.
Compassionate if we care enough.
Successful if we are fortunate enough.
A revolution which is coming whether we like it or not.
We can affect its character.
We can’t alter its inevitability.

Join @John_F_Kennedy_Jr_Q_17

John F. Kennedy Jr., [20.06.21 19:10]

Join @John_F_Kennedy_Jr_Q_17

John F. Kennedy Jr., [21.06.21 17:34]
The path we have chosen for the present is full of hazards, as all paths are. The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender, or submission.

Join @John_F_Kennedy_Jr_Q_17

Steve Agee @steveagee Jun 19
got my second vaccine yesterday and a bunch of dipshits who still believe JFK Jr. is still alive are calling me foolish.
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Re: #Q #QAnon QCumbers Q-Tip "The Storm” "Any Day Now


Post by Slim Cognito »

I've never heard of someone getting a bigger nose job but I'm sure it can be done. Lobbing off the tip of your chin, tougher but doable.

Having your eyes moved closer together, not so much.
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Re: #Q #QAnon QCumbers Q-Tip "The Storm” "Any Day Now


Post by keith »

My vote for the Flynn July Surprise: "Q" has [strike]died of Covid[/strike] descended from the cross, and appointed him (Flynn) as his new representative on Earth.
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Re: #Q #QAnon QCumbers Q-Tip "The Storm” "Any Day Now


Post by northland10 »

Slim Cognito wrote: Sun Jun 27, 2021 4:25 pm So I clicked on the Mike Flynn link hoping to read an article as my internet back here is still spotty and I'm sick of the buffering. You're on your own for any videos. But there was an article in a casual red font so you KNOW it had to be factual. I can't begin to explain it, or sum it up. I'll copypasta. Hmmmmm, only four paragraphs? There's only five so no biggie, the missing one has nothing of interest.
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Wait, I thought the whole arrest thing on July 4 was happening on July 4, 2018?

Amazing how the right can have a mad-on about the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Secretary of Defense (himself a retired General) yet the Q folks still think the military is behind them.

Any Day Now.
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Re: #Q #QAnon QCumbers Q-Tip "The Storm” "Any Day Now


Post by Gregg »

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Re: #Q #QAnon QCumbers Q-Tip "The Storm” "Any Day Now


Post by MsDaisy »

Slim Cognito wrote: Sun Jun 27, 2021 7:18 pm I've never heard of someone getting a bigger nose job but I'm sure it can be done. Lobbing off the tip of your chin, tougher but doable.

Having your eyes moved closer together, not so much.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
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Re: #Q #QAnon QCumbers Q-Tip "The Storm” "Any Day Now


Post by Foggy »

Hay nao, after more'n 20 years moldering under 6 feet of dirt, I wouldn't look much like JFK Jr. either. :fingerwag:
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Re: #Q #QAnon QCumbers Q-Tip "The Storm” "Any Day Now


Post by fierceredpanda »

Much as I hate to admit it, Fusca has played it fairly cleverly. I don't think he's ever outright said "I'm JFK, Jr." (which might expose him to legal action by the Kennedy family). Instead, he just shows up at every crank festival, poses for pictures with people, and let's their overactive imaginations do all the work.
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Re: #Q #QAnon QCumbers Q-Tip "The Storm” "Any Day Now


Post by noblepa »

fierceredpanda wrote: Tue Jun 29, 2021 7:37 am Much as I hate to admit it, Fusca has played it fairly cleverly. I don't think he's ever outright said "I'm JFK, Jr." (which might expose him to legal action by the Kennedy family). Instead, he just shows up at every crank festival, poses for pictures with people, and let's their overactive imaginations do all the work.
Does he charge $5 per selfie with him?
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Re: #Q #QAnon QCumbers Q-Tip "The Storm” "Any Day Now


Post by keith »

fierceredpanda wrote: Tue Jun 29, 2021 7:37 am Much as I hate to admit it, Fusca has played it fairly cleverly. I don't think he's ever outright said "I'm JFK, Jr." (which might expose him to legal action by the Kennedy family). Instead, he just shows up at every crank festival, poses for pictures with people, and let's their overactive imaginations do all the work.
He is aware of the fate of anyone in the Kennedy clan that put themselves in public view isn't he?
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Re: #Q #QAnon QCumbers Q-Tip "The Storm” "Any Day Now


Post by Gregg »

keith wrote: Tue Jun 29, 2021 10:54 pm
fierceredpanda wrote: Tue Jun 29, 2021 7:37 am Much as I hate to admit it, Fusca has played it fairly cleverly. I don't think he's ever outright said "I'm JFK, Jr." (which might expose him to legal action by the Kennedy family). Instead, he just shows up at every crank festival, poses for pictures with people, and let's their overactive imaginations do all the work.
He is aware of the fate of anyone in the Kennedy clan that put themselves in public view isn't he?
Caroline invited him to the annual ski-football game.
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Re: #Q #QAnon QCumbers Q-Tip "The Storm” "Any Day Now


Post by Luke »


Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5jDHZd0JAg
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Re: #Q #QAnon QCumbers Q-Tip "The Storm” "Any Day Now


Post by Estiveo »

Heartbreaking article from Vice.

I’m a Parkland Shooting Survivor. QAnon Convinced My Dad It Was All a Hoax.
Bill’s final semester at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, was already difficult enough.

He was part of the final graduating class of survivors of the 2018 shooting, and they all had just marked the third anniversary of the day 17 people were killed, nine of whom were Bill’s classmates.

But Bill also had to deal with his father’s daily accusations that the shooting was a hoax and that the shooter, Bill, and all his classmates were paid pawns in a grand conspiracy orchestrated by some shadowy force.
But until January, that was as far as it went. Then Bill’s father saw a video of Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene harassing Parkland survivor David Hogg in 2018, while he was visiting Washington to advocate for stricter gun control. Greene has repeatedly voiced support for QAnon and claimed the Parkland shooting was a hoax.

Ever since then, Bill’s father has become convinced the shooting his son survived was a so-called “false flag” event and that the shooter was “​​a radical commie actor.”

https://www.vice.com/en/article/epnq84/ ... all-a-hoax
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Re: #Q #QAnon QCumbers Q-Tip "The Storm” "Any Day Now


Post by dan1100 »

Whackjob in California killed his 2 kids because of the qanon lizard conspiracy.

https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/ca ... y-n1276611
A California surfing school owner who was charged with killing his two children in Mexico is a follower of QAnon and Illuminati conspiracy theories who thought the children "were going to grow into monsters so he had to kill them," federal officials alleged.

Matthew Taylor Coleman, 40, was charged Wednesday with foreign murder of U.S. nationals in connection with the death of his 2-year-old son and his 10-month-old daughter, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Central District of California. Authorities said Coleman confessed to the killings and told the FBI that he used a spear fishing gun to stab them.

A criminal complaint alleges that he told the FBI that he killed his children because he believed they "were going to grow into monsters" and that conspiracy theories led him to believe that his wife had passed down her "serpent DNA" to the children.
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Re: #Q #QAnon QCumbers Q-Tip "The Storm” "Any Day Now


Post by bill_g »

dan1100 wrote: Thu Aug 12, 2021 8:27 am Whackjob in California killed his 2 kids because of the qanon lizard conspiracy.

https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/ca ... y-n1276611
A California surfing school owner who was charged with killing his two children in Mexico is a follower of QAnon and Illuminati conspiracy theories who thought the children "were going to grow into monsters so he had to kill them," federal officials alleged.

Matthew Taylor Coleman, 40, was charged Wednesday with foreign murder of U.S. nationals in connection with the death of his 2-year-old son and his 10-month-old daughter, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Central District of California. Authorities said Coleman confessed to the killings and told the FBI that he used a spear fishing gun to stab them.

A criminal complaint alleges that he told the FBI that he killed his children because he believed they "were going to grow into monsters" and that conspiracy theories led him to believe that his wife had passed down her "serpent DNA" to the children.
OMG. That is so effing stupid.
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Re: #Q #QAnon QCumbers Q-Tip "The Storm” "Any Day Now


Post by Suranis »

Hmm... the person could have bad some kind of Psychosis or untreated Schizophrenia. I would hesitate to blame Q completely for it, though it might have had a role in shaping the delusions. There's too little information to do that.
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