Should President Joe Biden Drop Out of the 2024 Presidential Race? Poll & Editorials

Should President Joe Biden Drop Out of the 2024 Presidential Race?

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Should President Joe Biden Drop Out of the 2024 Presidential Race? Poll & Editorials


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“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.” —John Adams
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Should President Joe Biden Drop Out of the 2024 Presidential Race? Poll & Editorials


Post by raison de arizona »

I'm telling you it's too late, where were all you naysayers while Biden was racking up 85%+ in all the primaries? We're riding with Biden, and that's how it is.
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Should President Joe Biden Drop Out of the 2024 Presidential Race? Poll & Editorials


Post by Luke »

Pigpen Bannon says over and over the plan is to make this process as "painful" as possible for Democrats. Republicans and especially MAGA are doing just that, its in their interest.

FWIW, Memoli has been wired into Bidenworld for decades. NBC News:
Biden's family urges him to 'keep fighting' as donors look for alternatives
A top campaign official held a tense call with donors Sunday, laying out what would happen to the campaign infrastructure should Biden step aside — stressing he had no plans to do so.
June 30, 2024, 11:16 PM EDT
By Mike Memoli and Monica Alba

WASHINGTON — As top Democrats offered a public show of support for President Joe Biden throughout the weekend, his advisers worked privately Sunday to push back against suggestions that he step aside, with his campaign manager describing the mechanics of replacing him on the ticket as messy and impractical. During a tense call with a group of about 40 of Biden’s top financial backers, campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez laid out what could and could not be done with the campaign’s infrastructure if Biden were to step aside while emphasizing throughout the call that he had no intention of doing so.

Most of the campaign’s significant war chest would fall to Vice President Kamala Harris, Chavez Rodriguez said, according to two people familiar with the discussion. Only a smaller pool of money would be kept by the Democratic National Committee. As several donors posited what a participant derisively referred to as fanciful “West Wing”-type scenarios for replacing Biden, Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., who joined for part of the call, emphasized that the process would be “messy” and predicted that Harris would ultimately end up as the nominee.

Sunday’s call was just one of a series of similar conversations top Biden advisers and campaign leaders have been holding with Democratic officials and donors after Biden’s halting debate performance rattled the party elite. The conversation was among the more candid the campaign has held with a larger group in recent days, wading into the delicate question of exactly who might succeed Biden if he were to step aside. Jen O'Malley Dillon, the chair of the Biden campaign, is also set to hold a call with a larger group of donors Monday night, according to two sources familiar with the plans.

Meanwhile, Biden’s family — the people who have most influence on him — met and discussed the future of his campaign during a long-planned gathering at Camp David, Maryland, NBC News first reported. The message from Biden’s children and grandchildren, together for a photo shoot Sunday with famed photographer Annie Leibovitz, was to “keep fighting,” said two sources familiar with the discussions.

In recent days, some of Biden’s family members have expressed deep frustration with the aides and advisers responsible for preparing him for the debate, which carried over into conversations over the weekend, multiple sources said. A senior Biden adviser called such suggestions false, while a campaign spokesperson said Biden still has confidence in his most senior staffers. “The aides who prepped the President have been with him for years, often decades, seeing him through victories and challenges. He maintains strong confidence in them,” Biden campaign spokesman Kevin Munoz said in a statement.

The campaign’s public posture Sunday was to draw attention to the positive, or at least neutral, response that voters and grassroots supporters have had to Biden’s first debate against former President Donald Trump. “Every time Donald Trump opened his mouth, those dials dropped. They just absolutely plummeted,” Biden campaign pollster Molly Murphy said on MSNBC, referring to live panels the campaign conducted Thursday. “[Voters] felt like the president came across as someone who cares about middle- and working-class Americans, and when compared to Trump he came across as more presidential, more likable, more truthful.” House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., said in another MSNBC interview: “It certainly was a setback. But of course I believe a setback is nothing more than a setup for a comeback.”

During the call with donors, Chavez Rodriguez noted that the campaign has raised $33 million since the debate and even received hundreds of new applications from people wanting to join the campaign.
Coons also made a “fiery” case for Biden, pointing to his performance during recent international gatherings and his campaign rally in North Carolina on Friday to say there’s no evidence that Thursday’s debate was anything other than a bad night. One participant said that many on the call were still firmly behind Biden but that “a lot of the participants are frightened.” “There were some tough comments from those on the call. Some were upset that they are just hearing campaign talking points,” the participant said, adding that some donors even asked about having their contributions refunded.

Another senior Democratic official who has spoken directly with Biden and members of his campaign team said he has been reassured about Biden’s staying in the race and characterized his team’s posture as “powering through.” But he also said he has had a lot of “one-off texts and conversations” with his peers and predicted the next two weeks would be critical.

“We’ll have polls and we’ll have a money count. If they’re good, it leans that he [remains in the race]. And if it’s not, all bets are off,” the official said. It will be “decided on data more than emotion. It’s too early to make the call.” ... rcna159694
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Should President Joe Biden Drop Out of the 2024 Presidential Race? Poll & Editorials


Post by bob »

I mean, Ohio already ratfucked its election deadlines, so Biden will be the official nominee before the convention even starts.

There's little upside to changing (as any new candidate will become a target), and Republicans will have a field day with the chaos it would create.

And if Biden were to step aside, the best way for him to do that would to resign, and let Harris become the president now. I don't foresee that occuring.
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Should President Joe Biden Drop Out of the 2024 Presidential Race? Poll & Editorials


Post by Suranis »

Besides, one Candidate was elected with a consistent 80% of his parties vote with no-one running against him, and the other one with 95% of his parties vote. And here's a clue, the second one is the one that the Media is trying to pretend does not have his party behind him.
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Should President Joe Biden Drop Out of the 2024 Presidential Race? Poll & Editorials


Post by sterngard friegen »

I'd like Donald Trump not to be elected POTUS 47. So I voted in the affirmative.

Biden is my age and cognitively he's clearly diminished substantially. It's his hubris and narcissism (yes, just like Trump's) keeping Joe in. Along with his family and advisers who want to stay close to power.

Those of us Joe's age have already fucked up the planet to a fair-thee-well. It's time to let a younger, more vibrant generation clean up our messes. We've demonstrated we aren't capable of doing it.

"I know how to do the job." That's not enough. Sure Joe knows how to do the job, but so do a lot of Democratic Governors and Senators. The person I would like to see head the ticket is Josh Shapiro, the architect of the I-95 Highway Collapse Miracle. That showed Josh can put together a team, inspire and lead. And that, my friends, is most of the job of a President.

Finally, any man who attended Barrack Hebrew Academy and keeps Kosher has my vote. No more shellfish and bacon in the White House!
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Should President Joe Biden Drop Out of the 2024 Presidential Race? Poll & Editorials


Post by Frater I*I »

sterngard friegen wrote: Mon Jul 01, 2024 9:02 pm No more shellfish and bacon in the White House!
Whoa now, let's pump the brakes on that heresy right there....

And by heresy I mean to tastiness... :biggrin:
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Should President Joe Biden Drop Out of the 2024 Presidential Race? Poll & Editorials


Post by raison de arizona »

John Fetterman @JohnFetterman wrote: [Two, count 'em TWO middle fingers]
The Hill @thehill wrote: Longtime Democratic strategist James Carville says Biden should be replaced
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Should President Joe Biden Drop Out of the 2024 Presidential Race? Poll & Editorials


Post by bob »

If you are going to get all Machiavellian (like Carville likes to do), the better course of action would be to nominate Biden, and then in August have him step down while everyone is on vacation. And then the party leadership can name a successor, i.e., Vice President Harris.
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Should President Joe Biden Drop Out of the 2024 Presidential Race? Poll & Editorials


Post by bob »

For completely unrelated reasons :roll: , this again is making the rounds:
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Should President Joe Biden Drop Out of the 2024 Presidential Race? Poll & Editorials


Post by Suranis »

Good looking couple.
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Should President Joe Biden Drop Out of the 2024 Presidential Race? Poll & Editorials


Post by raison de arizona »

Kamala Harris Should Be the Democratic Nominee for President in 2024 | Opinion
By Tim Ryan
Former Congressman from Ohio and President of We The People Action Fund

I ran for President in 2020. I was the first Presidential candidate to endorse Joe Biden in 2020. I love America. I love our Party. I love Joe Biden.

The Democratic Nominee in 2024 should be Kamala Harris.

Joe Biden's debate performance was deeply troubling. But it isn't just about a 90-minute debate and a terrible performance. This election needs to be about generational change—something about which I have been shouting for more than a year now.

I supported Joe because I believe he is a good and honorable man. I'm still very happy with my decision. He is the most pro-union, pro-manufacturing president in my lifetime. He understands the working class people—regardless of race or gender—that I represented in my Northeast Ohio Congressional District for 20 years.

He also promised to be a bridge President to the next generation. I liked that idea. I envisioned him defeating former President Donald Trump, stabilizing the country, and passing the torch to the next generation.

Regrettably, that bridge collapsed last week. Witnessing Joe Biden struggle was heartbreaking. And we must forge a new path forward.
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“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.” —John Adams
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Should President Joe Biden Drop Out of the 2024 Presidential Race? Poll & Editorials


Post by raison de arizona »
Aaron Rupar @atrupar wrote: Nobody loves that Joe Biden is 81. It would be great if he was 35. But you know what I really dislike? Authoritarianism. So I humbly beseech people to get a goddamn grip.
“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.” —John Adams
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Should President Joe Biden Drop Out of the 2024 Presidential Race? Poll & Editorials


Post by raison de arizona »
Jasmine Crockett @JasmineForUS wrote: If Dems found half as much energy to attack MAGA, the real threat, then we’d be good.

For all the geniuses out there who think someone else would be better,
1) explain to me who it is,
2) how they get on the ballot in all 50 states,
3) how they get the money and apparatus together to get this done in 4 months (the over 100 million Biden has on hand doesn’t transfer)
4) how we explain that a random person has been selected… subverting the votes that were casts, because of bad polls.

Dems spend all their time seeking perfection, while Republicans focus on their disastrous agenda & could care less so long as they rig the system in their favor!

USE YOUR ENERGY ADDRESSING PROJECT 2025 & the fact that this Supreme Court has laid the foundation to finalize the full destruction of our democracy!
“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.” —John Adams
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Should President Joe Biden Drop Out of the 2024 Presidential Race? Poll & Editorials


Post by pipistrelle »

Crockett is the best.
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Should President Joe Biden Drop Out of the 2024 Presidential Race? Poll & Editorials


Post by Frater I*I »

pipistrelle wrote: Tue Jul 02, 2024 9:50 pm Crockett is the best.
The DNC needs to fast track her into a Senate seat as far as I concerned....
"He sewed his eyes shut because he is afraid to see, He tries to tell me what I put inside of me
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Should President Joe Biden Drop Out of the 2024 Presidential Race? Poll & Editorials


Post by pipistrelle »

Frater I*I wrote: Tue Jul 02, 2024 10:01 pm
pipistrelle wrote: Tue Jul 02, 2024 9:50 pm Crockett is the best.
The DNC needs to fast track her into a Senate seat as far as I concerned....
Preferably the Cruz one.
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