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Passport e-gates back online after outage causes delays at UK airports

11 hours ago
By Michael Race & Katy Austin, BBC News

A "nationwide issue" which caused huge delays at passport e-gates has been resolved, the Home Office has said.

Major UK airports including Heathrow, Gatwick, Manchester and Edinburgh all confirmed a Border Force problem was causing delays with arrivals late on Tuesday.

Pictures and videos on social media showed long queues.

One passenger told the BBC he spent longer queuing for passport control than he did on his flight from Lisbon.

E-gates are automated gates that use facial recognition to check a person's identity and allow them to enter the country without talking to a Border Force officer.

There are more than 270 of them in place at 15 air and rail ports in the UK, according to the government's website, which also says they are supposed to "enable quicker travel into the UK".

Due to the outage, staff were left manually processing passengers instead.

Affected airports included London Stansted, Birmingham, Bristol, and Newcastle.

The Home Office, which oversees Border Force, said in a statement early on Wednesday: "eGates at UK airports came back online shortly after midnight."

A spokesperson for the Home Office said the problems were caused by a "system network issue" and were first reported around 19:50BST, meaning the issues persisted for more than four hours.

They added that "at no point was border security compromised, and there is no indication of malicious cyber activity".

They extended apologies to "travellers caught up in disruption" and thanked "partners, including airlines for their co-operation and support" during the outage.

However, the problem did not appear to not just be affecting the e-gates themselves, as Belfast International Airport, which does not have them, said the Border Force "systems" had been impacted.
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This is a blog post on a Blog about MLMs, but this part relates to the Post Office Scandal in Britain. The first half talks about how the MLM industry was more or less found to be a fraud in the Gerald Ford administration but the powers that be literally buried their heads n the sand about it not least because powerful figures in the MLM industry were part of the Administration, and every administration since has basically done the same thing.

It then goes onto the Post office scandal and how it parallels

https://mlmtheamericandreammadenightmar ... andal.html
This shameful, ongoing American cover-up has remarkable parallels with what has happened in Britain with the Post Office scandal, albeit on a much smaller scale. More than 900 innocent Post Office contractors are known to have been wrongfully sacked, prosecuted, extorted, bankrupted and their lives and happiness destroyed, due to a faulty computer system which they were assured was 'robust,' and which they were obliged to use. More than 230 innocent people were sent to prison. Furthermore, 3500 other innocent sub-postmasters were coerced, by the threat of sacking (which also meant the loss of their initial investment) and criminal prosecution, into paying the Post Office significant sums of money (in some cases over £100 000) which they were falsely-accused of stealing. The effectively-valueless software - known as 'Horizon' and which cost UK tax-payers one billion £ - made it appear that all these thousands of honest people were liars and thieves. The true scale of the damage caused by the Big 'Horizon is robust' Lie, is incalculable, because, obviously, it wasn't just the innocent sub-postmasters whose lives and happiness were destroyed by it. Yet, no independent quantifiable evidence existed to prove that any money had been stolen.

The politically-appointed senior management of the UK Post Office, and of the government-backed Japanese commercial company, Fujitsu, that supplied the faulty software, knew the truth, but maliciously hid it to protect their own reputations and financial interests - causing a massive miscarriage of justice to occur and, in some cases, lives to be lost. Perhaps the most- damning evidence proving that the abuse was centrally-directed by the Post Office senior management, lies in the fact that the victims were all fed exactly the same scripted-lies - initially when they contacted the Post Office's 'help-line,' and subsequently, when they faced the Post Office's investigators. They were told individually that the Horizon system was proven to be without fault, in that they alone were the only sub-postmaster in the UK with large sums of money missing. Just like in a totalitarian state, the all-powerful Post Office managers maintained an absolute monopoly of information over their powerless workers, whilst the ruling-regime's closed-logic controlling-narrative, could never be wrong. Thus, any sub-postmaster challenging the Big 'Horizon is robust' Lie, was sytematically branded as 'a liar and a thief.' According to their contracts, sub-postmasters were personally responsible for any losses.

Perhaps the most damning-evidence proving that the abuse was also centrally-directed by the senior management of Fujitsu, lies in the fact that the company is now known to have employed a team of 12 specialists to gain constant remote access to thousands of the sub-postmasters' 'Horizon' accounts. This was a secret attempt to maintain Fujitsu's management's monopoly of information by identifying and correcting the many accounting mistakes, and thus, remove the evidence that the system was fatally-flawed. At the same time, Fujitsu propaganda kept telling the sub-postmasters that remote access to their Horizon accounts was completely impossible.

As it gradually became clear that something must be radically-wrong with 'Horizon,' because hundreds of sub-postmasters were being accused of theft, an all-party group of Members of Parliament was formed to investigate. The Post Office CEO, Adam Crozier, was replaced.

In 2012, a sinister game then began to be played when the new CEO of the Post Office, Paula Vennels (an ordained Minister in the Church of England), began pretending that she too was in search of the truth about Horizon. However, the ensuing independent investigation she organized, but which she and her colleagues tried to limit and stage manage, reveals that just like her predecessors, Paula Vennels was probably only interested in hiding the full-truth, and/or playing for time.

Eventually, when it looked like the Post Office's monopoloy of information could no longer be maintained, Paula Vennels instigated an internal system of dispute resolution, supposedly to compensate the innocent sub-postmasters, but this turned out to be just another cruel charade.

Most of those criminally-responsible for creating, and maintaining, the Big 'Horizon is robust' Lie have finally been hauled before a public enquiry and grilled by lawyers acting for the surviving victims. Some of the most-arrogant guilty parties had to be forced to appear. All of a sudden, their memories of their own abusive criminal roles in these matters have become lost. They have kept reciting the classic phrase, 'I don't recall.' Various current, and previous, UK government Ministers are also implicated for failing to take appropriate action, until public opinion suddenly-shifted and they began to fear for their future electoral chances.

After several years with, little or no, well-informed media interest, Fujitsu and the Post Office's monopoly of information began its slow public melt-down. This was the result of an article by Rebecca Thompson published in 2009 by a specialist magazine, 'Computer Weekly.' That was followed a few years later, by an investigation conducted by journalists from the popular satirical magazine, 'Private Eye.'

Mr Bates vs The Post Office - Wikipedia ... ost_Office

The award-winning television dramatization, 'Mr. Bates vs the Post Office' (broadcast as recently as January 2024), was the major factor that finally shone a light on the dark truth and forced the sitting Conservative government to take swift appropriate action.

Alan Bates is a financially-savvy, dignified and tenacious former sub-postmaster who, when in 2000, he spotted substantial short-falls in his weekly 'Horizon'-generated accounts, went through all his Post Office transactions with a fine tooth-comb. Alan Bates immediately realized exactly what was going on. 'Horizon' was glitching and duplicating certain transactions making it appear that money had gone missing. He contacted the Post Office with his urgent concerns and, realizing the serious implications, refused to sign any Post Office document which would make him look responsible for 'Horizon's' obvious mistakes. At the same time, he did his best to confront the Post Office bosses with the reality that they had bought a fragile system which could not be trusted, but he met with an inpenetrable wall of organized lying and obstruction. Eventually, Alan Bates was arbitrarily sacked simply for continuing to report the truth, and refusing to be framed. The Post Office counter was removed from his shop, and his initial investment of £60 000 was lost. That didn't stop Alan Bates, because he gradually managed to gather together an alliance of other, equally-determined, and well-informed, innocent victims.

The 'Justice for Sub-postmasters Alliance' eventually managed to take the Post Office to court and ultimately win against all the odds. The initial triumph of the truth in the High Court, opened the flood gates, because the justice system itself then had to confront the shameful catalogue of cruel abuse it had presided over.

Prior to the broadcast of 'Mr. Bates vs The Post Office,' although they were fully-aware that a massive miscarriage of justice had happened, the government Ministers with responsibilty for these matters had claimed to be concerned, but they had done as little as possible to compensate fully the surviving victims and their families.

It looks increasingly likely that a number of current, and former, Post Office and Fujitsu employees are soon going to be charged (at the very least) with the crime of 'conspiracy to pervert the course of justice,' and they will probably be jailed themselves. Alan Bates says he is quite prepared to raise the cash via public appeal in order to launch private criminal prosecutions; that is, if the authorities fail to hold the guilty parties fully to account. The succession of impotent politicians who presided over this tragedy for more than 20 years, of course, will never be held fully to account.

In the meantime, UK tax payers will have to foot the bill for the Big 'Horizon is robust' Lie. Although Fujitsu is ultimately responsible financially. The innocent survivors' criminal convictions have been quashed, but they are still waiting for full compensation. Sadly, more than 30 victims have already died.

David Brear (copyright 2024)

Sub-postmasters, are contractors who have bought a form of frachise from the UK Post Office to operate a local post office business. However, contrary to the vocabulary employed, these take-it-or-leave-it contracts have placed sub-postmasters in the position of dependent employees, rather than independent business owners. Indeed, the Post Office has retained the one-sided right to terminate these contracts, if it is ruled that any of the many terms set out in them, is not being respected by a sub-postmaster.

'Horizon' is the name of a computer software system which the UK Post Office originally purchased at a cost of one billion pounds sterling from the Japanese information technology company, 'Fujitsu.' At the time of 'Horizon's purchase, the government of Prime Minister, Tony Blair, held power in the UK and it was ultimately a government decision.

'Horizon' was supposed to have been acquired for the benefit of sub-postmasters, in order for them to accomplish electronically the laborious day-to-day tasks of running a sub-Post Office (accounting, stock-taking, etc.). These activities previously required hours of paperwork and calculations.

'Horizon' was installed by the Post Office in 1999. Serious problems immediately began to be reported to the Post Office's own 'helpline.' Postmasters were assured that their concerns were being addressed. However, Post Office management not only disregarded these concerns, they also began reciting the Big Lie that 'Horizon is robust,' and they began blaming, and isolating, the sub-postmasters for the accounting mistakes that the faulty system kept producing.

In this way, the faulty Horizon system made it appear that money was being stolen by hundreds of previously honest sub-postmasters, when in reality, this obviously could not be the case. It is interesting to note that 'Horizon' never seems to have made it appear that money was appearing: only that money was disappearing, a fact which seems suspicious to me. That said, the faults in Horizon are evidently only assumed to have been the result of genuine mistakes in the system's development, rather than any criminal activity.

David Brear (copyright 2024)
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This is a 2015 Panorama programme about it, just to show some of the real people who went to prison over this.

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Rishi Sunak calls UK national election for July 4 ... 024-05-22/

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called a national election on Wednesday for July 4, saying Britons would be able to choose their future in a vote his Conservatives are widely expected to lose to the opposition Labour Party after 14 years in power.

Ending months of speculation as to when he would call a new vote, Sunak, 44, stood outside his Downing Street office in pouring rain and called the election several months earlier than expected - a risky strategy with his party far behind Labour in the opinion polls.
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Paula Vennels, former CEO of the Post Office, has been testifying this week about her part in the scandal.

She is piece of work. :mad:
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Rwanda flights will not take off before election, says Rishi Sunak
Assertion that flights will not begin until after 4 July poll prompts despair from Tories on right of party

Rajeev Syal, Jessica Elgot and Rowena Mason
Thu 23 May 2024 17.24 CEST

Rishi Sunak has said deportation flights to Rwanda will not leave before the general election, prompting ridicule from Keir Starmer and despair from Tories on the right of the party.

Under the £500m scheme, which is the cornerstone of his government’s promise to “stop the boats”, flights would not start landing in Kigali until “after the election”, the prime minister said.

Sunak made stopping small-boat crossings in the Channel one of his key pledges when he became the Conservative leader. The government had claimed flights would act as a deterrent and would leave from the end of June.

However, a human rights charity and a union have launched fresh legal action against the scheme. Channel crossings are at record highs in the first half of 2024, suggesting there has been no discernible deterrent effect.

Pressed on whether any deportation flights would take off before voters go to the polls on 4 July, Sunak repeatedly said the scheme would get up and running only after the election.

“If I am re-elected as prime minister on 5 July, these flights will go … we will get our Rwanda scheme up and running,” he told the BBC.

Starmer said Sunak had always been aware that the plan, devised two years ago under Boris Johnson, would not work.

“I don’t think he’s ever believed that plan is going to work, and so he has called an election early enough to have it not tested before the election,” the Labour leader said on a visit to Gillingham in Kent.

Tories on the right of the party are frustrated and have said Sunak should have ensured that a plane would land in east Africa before any election date.

One former minister said: “If the PM truly believed in the plan, which ministers have spent so much time getting right, he would have seen it through, whatever it took. Instead, it will be difficult if not impossible to defend because it has not been shown to work.”

Another Conservative said Sunak did not want to take on the European court of human rights, which stopped the last deportation flight to Rwanda in 2022 by issuing a rule 39 injunction.

“The suspicion is that Sunak is worried that Strasbourg would attempt to stop the flights again and is unwilling to ignore their rulings,” they said.

Refugee charities that have been fighting the plan said it was a “dead duck”. Enver Solomon, the chief executive of the Refugee Council, said: “The Rwanda plan will go down in the history of British policymaking as an Alice in Wonderland adventure that was both absurd and inhumane.”

Government lawyers had previously told the high court that the earliest date for flights was the week commencing 24 June. ... ishi-sunak
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Speculating minds may want to suggest that the election was set so to delay the actual implementation of the Ruanda deportation scheme as things were anyhow going bad for the Torries.
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Wait, the horrible delay is from the end of June to the 5th of July? And if he loses the election that prevents a fait accompli? Oh, this is awful.
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The Guardian has published over the last couple of years an ongoing historical review on slavery, especially with the British historical background in mind.
Revealed: how Church of England’s ties to chattel slavery went to top of hierarchy
Lambeth Palace documents show purchase of enslaved people in 18th century approved by Anglican archbishop

Desirée Baptiste and Jon Ungoed-Thomas
Sat 25 May 2024 17.20 CEST

An archbishop of Canterbury in the 18th century approved payments for the purchase of enslaved people for two sugar plantations in Barbados, documents seen by the Observer have revealed.

Thomas Secker agreed to reimburse a payment for £1,093 for the purchase of enslaved people on the Codrington Plantations, as well as hiring enslaved people from a third party. It was stated the measures were “calculated for the future lasting advantages of the estates”.

The papers are among a cache of documents found in the archives of Lambeth Palace Library which detail the direct links between the Church of England and chattel slavery on plantations owned by its missionary arm, The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (SPG).

In response to the Observer’s revelations, Justin Welby, the archbishop of Canterbury, said: “Every new piece of evidence around the Church’s involvement in the slave trade is sobering, and reading that a former archbishop of Canterbury was involved in the purchase of enslaved people is particularly painful.

“It is also a reminder that this work is not finished and there is more we need to do to examine our role in the trade in enslaved Africans, which was a blasphemy against God’s creation in treating men, women and children as less than human. ... -hierarchy
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British pubs struggle to survive as drinkers stay home

PBS NewsHour
25 May 2024

A historic bicentennial anniversary is upon us. The humble pint is now 200 years old. That staple measurement of bar life was first introduced in 1824 to placate British drinkers who claimed taverns were cheating them of precious ale. Now those public houses are facing a crisis: what happens when the public no longer heads to the pub? Special correspondent Malcolm Brabant reports.
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he ought to have chosen the 5th Ave - not Mexico - no humans were hurt for this picture
British ambassador to Mexico sacked after pointing gun at embassy employee
Clip on social media showed Jon Benjamin aiming assault rifle at colleague in region rife with drug gangs

Thomas Graham in Mexico City
Fri 31 May 2024 20.35 CEST

The British ambassador to Mexico was quietly removed from his post earlier this year after he pointed an assault rifle at a local embassy employee, it emerged when footage of the incident was posted on social media.

The Financial Times reported that Jon Benjamin was on an official trip to Durango and Sinaloa, two states with strong organised crime groups, when he looked down the gun’s sights at a colleague, who gestures uncomfortably in the five-second clip.

The firearm presumably belonged to the security detail accompanying the diplomat, who was sacked soon after the incident in April.

The video was released by an anonymous account on X, formerly known as Twitter. “In a context of daily killings in Mexico by drug dealers, he dares to joke,” wrote the account.

Mexico has seen more than 30,000 homicides a year for the last six years – one of the highest homicide rates in Latin America – as organised crime groups fight to control territory and businesses across the country.

Benjamin, 61, is no longer listed as the ambassador on the UK government website.

Benjamin became UK ambassador to Mexico in 2021, having previously held posts in Chile, Turkey, Ghana, Indonesia and the US over a career of almost four decades.

The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office did not immediately respond to a request for comment by the Guardian, but told the FT: “We are aware of this incident and have taken appropriate action. Where internal issues do arise, the FCDO has robust HR processes to address them.” ... y-employee
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Slavery in the UK - today
UK care agencies accused of exploiting foreign workers caught in debt traps
Exclusive: Experts raise alarm over ‘national scandal’ that has hallmarks of trafficking and modern slavery
‘He didn’t have a contract for me’: the Indian careworkers who paid agents to work in Britain
What are the problems with the UK visa system for care work?

Kiran Stacey and Poonam Joshi
Sun 2 Jun 2024 18.37 CEST

British social care agencies have been accused of exploiting foreign workers, leaving people living on the breadline as they struggle to pay off debts run up while trying to secure jobs that fail to materialise.

Dozens of people working for 11 different care providers have told the Guardian they paid thousands of pounds to agents to secure jobs working in UK care homes or residential care, with most finding limited or no employment when they arrived.

Many are now struggling to pay off huge debts in their home countries and having to work in irregular jobs for below the minimum wage.

Labour and the Conservatives are now under pressure to tackle the issue if they win next month’s election. The Tories recently banned foreign care workers bringing their dependents to the UK with them, a ban Labour said last week it would keep in place in an effort to bring net immigration down.

But experts say the ban has failed to tackle the deeper issue of exploitation of the workers themselves, many of whom are still in the UK and living in poverty, afraid to leave their employers for fear of losing their visa status.

The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has now written to the leaders of all three major national parties to demand a full government inquiry into treatment of migrant care workers when parliament returns.

Prof Nicola Ranger, the acting general secretary of the RCN, said: “The exploitation of migrant care workers is a national scandal but little has been done to tackle it. ... debt-traps
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As above.

Subdiplomatic @subdiplomatic wrote: British Ambassador to Mexico, Jon Benjamin, points a semi automatic weapon at concerned Mexican staff member. In a context of daily killings in Mexico by drug dealers, he dares to joke.
The British Embassy in Mexico has a history of hiding things to the public. Including how Jon Benjamin's attitude of being 'above everything' has resulted in the systematic harassment of Mexican staff. Allowing for racism, homophobia and transphobia to flourish.

Mexican staff members of the Embassy are terrified of speaking up about these injustices because internal whistleblowing tools are broken and favour British Diplomats. They are afraid to lose their livelihoods if they speak up.
Please share, retweet, download and re-upload this video. It is only the tip of the iceberg. The whole of the FCDO should be investigated for harassment of local staff. We are desperate for justice.
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raison de arizona wrote: Mon Jun 03, 2024 12:08 pm As above.

Subdiplomatic @subdiplomatic wrote: British Ambassador to Mexico, Jon Benjamin, points a semi automatic weapon at concerned Mexican staff member. In a context of daily killings in Mexico by drug dealers, he dares to joke.
The British Embassy in Mexico has a history of hiding things to the public. Including how Jon Benjamin's attitude of being 'above everything' has resulted in the systematic harassment of Mexican staff. Allowing for racism, homophobia and transphobia to flourish.

Mexican staff members of the Embassy are terrified of speaking up about these injustices because internal whistleblowing tools are broken and favour British Diplomats. They are afraid to lose their livelihoods if they speak up.
Please share, retweet, download and re-upload this video. It is only the tip of the iceberg. The whole of the FCDO should be investigated for harassment of local staff. We are desperate for justice.
I will point out that this is no relation so far as we can tell to H. Jon Benjamin, the voice actor behind 'Archer'. Though that would be somewhat droll.
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when Boris Johnson promised that the UK would be a global intellectual power house
UK universities face ‘irreversible decline’, global league table suggests
British institutions face possible closure as 52 out of 90 are given lower positions this year in Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) rankings

Richard Adams Education editor
Tue 4 Jun 2024 22.00 CEST

UK universities will have their international reputations dented and face possible closure because of continuing funding pressures, according to an authoritative league table that named Imperial College London as second in the world.

Imperial overtook Oxford and Harvard universities and was behind only the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the annual Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) world university rankings.

But the overall table made grim reading for UK institutions, including Cambridge dropping from second down to fifth, as 52 out of the 90 British universities received lower rankings this year.

The rating of only 20, including Imperial, improved, while University College London remained ninth overall.

Ben Sowter, QS’s senior vice-president, said some UK universities could be forced to close because of current funding policies, while the sector was beginning to “lose its footing” in critical metrics such as staff-to-student ratios, job outcomes and academic reputation.

“The cumulative effects risk pushing UK higher education into a downward spiral towards irreversible decline,” Sowter said, noting that more than 50 UK universities had recently announced job cuts.

“These cuts have been directly linked to drops in enrolment resulting from recently announced policies. It’s not hard to see how this could lead to the gradual erosion of UK higher education,” he added. ... e-suggests
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As long as MIT is number 1 all is right with the world. ;)
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cause related to my country:
Britain’s richest family sentenced to jail for exploiting staff in Swiss mansion
Prosecutors claimed four members of family underpaid staff and gave them little freedom to leave Geneva mansion

Agence France-Presse in Geneva
Sat 22 Jun 2024 10.15 CEST

A Swiss court has handed jail sentences to four members of Britain’s richest family for exploiting Indian staff at their Geneva mansion.

The Hindujas, who were not present in court, were acquitted of human trafficking but convicted of other charges on Friday in a stunning verdict for the family, whose fortune is estimated at £37bn.

Prakash Hinduja and his wife, Kamal, were each sentenced to four years and six months in prison, and their son Ajay and his wife, Namrata, received four-year terms.

The case stemmed from the family’s practice of bringing servants from their native India and included accusations of confiscating the staff’s passports once they had arrived in Switzerland.

Prosecutors argued that the Hindujas paid their staff a pittance and gave them little freedom to leave the house. The family denied the allegations, claiming the prosecutors wanted to “do in the Hindujas”.

The Hindujas reached a confidential out-of-court settlement with the three employees who had made the accusations against them, but the prosecution decided to pursue the case owing to the gravity of the charges.

The Geneva prosecutor Yves Bertossa requested custodial sentences of five and a half years for Prakash and Kamal Hinduja. Aged 78 and 75 respectively, both had been absent since the start of the trial for health reasons.

In his closing address, the prosecutor accused the family of abusing the “asymmetrical situation” between powerful employer and vulnerable employee to save money.

Household staff were paid a salary of between 220 and 400 Swiss francs (£195-£350) a month, far below what they could otherwise expect to earn in Switzerland. “They’re profiting from the misery of the world,” Bertossa told the court.

The Hinduja family’s defence lawyers argued that the three plaintiffs received ample benefits, were not kept in isolation and were free to leave the villa. “We are not dealing with mistreated slaves,” Nicolas Jeandin told the court.

Indeed, the employees were “grateful to the Hindujas for offering them a better life”, another lawyer, Robert Assael, argued.

Representing Ajay Hinduja, Yael Hayat criticised the “excessive” indictment, arguing that the trial should be a question of “justice, not social justice”. ... ation-case

nb. the minimal pay for household staff is in the area of chf 1800, for highpriced Geneva it may be more
nb2. the prosecutor likely also took this case to court cause there are similar cases happening in the internaional community residing in Geneva.
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James Dyer @jamescdyer wrote: .@iamjohnoliver on point as ever. #LastWeekTonight
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The Guardian ...
John Oliver on Tories: their ‘unremitting cruelty has stained the last decade and a half of British life’
Last Week Tonight host looks into surprise UK general election and last 14 years of Conservative rule in Britain

Adrian Horton
Mon 24 Jun 2024 18.03 CEST

John Oliver looked homeward on his latest Last Week Tonight, as Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called a surprise general election for next month. (The prime minister can call an election whenever they want, as long as there is one every five years. “Like many things, the way Britain operates is kinda like the US but whimsically worse,” Oliver explained.)

Sunak’s party, the Conservatives, or Tories, are currently “wildly unpopular” in the UK after getting trounced in local elections this year. “To put it mildly, the Tories are in trouble, which is a remarkable downfall for a party that’s been in power for the last 14 straight years,” said Oliver. “This could be a massive couple of weeks for the UK.”

Oliver, born in Birmingham, took the opportunity to delve into the main players in this election, the hallmarks of Conservative rule in Britain, “why people are so mad at the conservatives, and why they are absolutely right to be”. ... k-election
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Putin is playing in elections again ... /104038246

Revelations of foreign interference in the UK election, uncovered by the ABC, have been described as "highly alarming" by the Conservative Party, which will be writing to the Cabinet Office seeking urgent advice about how to combat it.

Ahead of the UK elections, the ABC has been monitoring five coordinated Facebook pages which have been spreading Kremlin talking points, with some posting in support of Nigel Farage's populist Reform UK party — a key challenger to the Conservatives in the July 4 poll.

The five pages identified by ABC Investigations as being part of a coordinated network appear to have little in common. One page presents itself as a pro-refugee left-wing group, while others reference white supremacist conspiracy theories and use AI-generated images of asylum seekers to stoke anti-immigration fears.

The ABC has been able to link these seemingly disparate pages by examining the location data attached to the pages' administrators, tracking paid ads, and by analysing the pages' similar or shared content.
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Post by raison de arizona »

This is some funny stuff.
Led By Donkeys @ByDonkeys wrote: 🚨We just dropped in on Farage’s election rally with a beaming picture of Putin. Nigel was not pleased.
From the peanut gallery:
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Carol Vorderman
This is HUGE

Our Supreme Court is allowing Water Companies to be sued for dumping sewage

Let’s go for thousands of claims from swimmers, surfers, families and more

Yessssss 👍🏼

Times are changing


Make it historic

Feargal Sharkey
This is massive

Supreme Court rules WCs can sued for nuisance or trespass for dumping sewage even if “There has been no negligence or deliberate misconduct”, by the WC

That opens the way for 1,000s of claims by fishing clubs, swimmers, riparian owners against WCs. WOW just WOW!
Hic sunt dracones
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Post by MsDaisy 2 »

We're leaving for England today and I soooo hate flying but London is fun and so is Devon and we're going to both! I'm gonna get some REAL fish & chips in Devon along with a good pint or two :thumbsup:
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Have a great trip!
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Let us know how the results of the election are received in your locality/pub.
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