Roger Stone

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Re: Roger Stone


Post by Luke »

Roger sent an email:
I want to send your something special
Roger Stone
1:59 PM (2 hours ago)
to me


Dear Friend,

If you watched Tucker Carlson the other night on Fox you know the story. The Biden Justice Department has been politically weaponized to persecute supporters of president Trump like me and former Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Meanwhile Biden's Secretary of the Army has announced a new investigation into General Michael Flynn and "his contacts with the Russians."

Despite warning from the Courts the FBI has been conducting warrantless searches and surveillance of US Citizens who are political opponents of Biden, Harris and the Democrats. This is the kind of authoritarian tactic Vladimir Putin uses on his political opponents. It is both unconstitutional and un-American!

As Tucker pointed out- the continued harassment of me and my family is never ending.


Tucker reminded his viewers that during the corrupt anti-Trump Mueller investigation my Fort Lauderdale home was the target of a pre-dawn raid in which 29 SWAT clad, heavily armed FBI Agents stormed my home at 6 am, arriving in 17 vehicles including armored vehicles and Government sedans in which Mueller's henchmen rode with FBI Agents from Washington. They brought a big battering ram up to the front door and then pounded up the door yelling "FBI Open Up"...staged just so for the CNN Camera only 100 feet from my front door.

I opened the door looking down the barrel of two high powered M- 4 tactical grade military assault rifles, presumably full automatic. After confirming that I was indeed Roger Stone, I was told they had a warrant for my arrest and I was swiftly handcuffed for the CNN Crew.

Those charged with non-violent white collar crimes routinely tell the charged individual to turn themselves in and arrangements to do so are made. This over-the-top Gestapo style raid was meant to strike fear into the heart of the President and his supporters. This was same kind of thuggery we saw when the FBI raided former Mayor Rudy Giuliani's home and office days ago.

It's bad enough that Mueller's thugs committed a felony by leaking the details of my pre-dawn arrest and execution of a search warrant to CNN but marching my poor wife out of the house barefoot and in her nightclothes to humiliate her before the CNN cameras is indefensible.

Simply because I am a long-time advisor and loyal supporter of President Donald Trump and because I refused under enormous pressure from Robert Mueller's rabidly partisan and corrupt prosecutors to provide false testimony against the president to be used against him in the impeachment proceedings, I was subjected to a legal lynching and totally fabricated charges before a Trump hating biased judge, and ethically corrupt jury Forewoman and an entirely rigged Trump-hating jury.

Because I prayed fervently to God for justice, President Donald Trump had both the courage and the strength to clearly see the injustice of my prosecution and commuted my sentence to prevent my immediate incarceration at age 68 to a COVID-19 infested prison and ultimately to grant me a full and free pardon.

In the end, the last remaining redacted sections of Mueller's long-hidden secret report that a Federal Judge ordered the Department to release- specifically about my case, Mueller sugar coated the stunning admission that with unlimited legal authority, an unlimited budget supplied by the taxpayers and over 600 lawyers as well a the FBI working on my case could find no factual evidence to support the accusation that I had worked with any Russian's, Wikileaks or Julian Assange nor did they find any proof of the most repeated liberal myth- that I had anything to do with the reported phishing and publication of John Podesta's damaging emails.

Of course MSNBC, Reuters, the New York Times, Washington Post, ABC News, MSNBC and the other fake news outlets who had accused me for two solid years of "treason" and 'Russian Collusion" in blazing headlines reported.....nothing.

I had hoped that this horrific experience of being politically targeted simply because I supported President Trump was over but as Tucker Carlson reported that is not the case.

Because I traveled to Washington DC on January 5th to exercise my free speech rights to question the irregularities and anomalies in the results of the 2020 election, I was falsely accused by irresponsible and biased fake news outlets like ABC news, CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times and the Washington Post of being involved in the illegal assault on the capital on January 6 - his despite the fact that I never left the grounds of my hotel that day and had no involvement whatsoever in the mindless and politically destructive illegal acts at the US Capitol that day.

Not content to have destroyed me and my family financially and unable to come up with a scintilla of evidence that proves that I either knew about or was involved in the illegal and counterproductive acts at the US Capitol on January 6, and despite the best "guilt by association" tactics of ABC NEWS, the New York Times and a gaggle of other smart-ass left-wing hitmen posing as "journalists" and repeated endlessly they came up empty handed. I have now been targeted yet again by the Biden Justice department!

To our shock last Friday, the U.S. Department of Justice filed a legally and factually flawed and sensationalized civil lawsuit against my wife and me to collect interest and penalties on back taxes I have already paid! They also implied that we have evaded taxes which is categorically false.

While it is true that I owed the IRS $800,000 in past due taxes from 2007 and 2008 and under a settlement agreement I paid them $890,000 in steadily increasing monthly payments.

In fact, my tax attorney had been in good faith negotiations for over four months with the IRS under the "offer in compromise" program to settle my debt. Penalties and interest are routinely reduced or waived when the actual balance of taxes due have been paid – but those negotiations broke off abruptly the minute Joe Biden was Inaugurated! The DOJ suit is both factually and legally inaccurate. In fact, we have neither under-reported income nor hidden any assets of any kind. The claim that my wife and I funneled money anywhere to live a lavish lifestyle is preposterous and will be exposed at trial as patently ridiculous. In fact, we are still struggling to pay for housing, groceries, medical and dental expenses and gas for Mrs. Stone's "luxurious" 2012 car with 98,000 miles on it every month.

The revenues to the business LLC cited in the DOJ complaint have been fully and accurately reported in our tax returns for many years and all income has been declared and properly taxed; it is not and has never been a tax shelter. No assets have been hidden or are not accessible to the IRS in my wife's revocable family trust. The Government's whole case is contrived and sensationalized.

But then Tucker nailed it when he pointed out that there was evidence that Hunter Biden had received millions of dollars from shady business deals in Ukraine, the US and China and recently got a $10 million advance payment on a book that sold fewer than 10,000 copies. The President's son just moved into a $4.5 million mansion in the Hollywood Hills that rents for $25,000 a month!

It has been reported that Hunter Biden is under IRS investigation. Where is the Biden DOJ lawsuit against Hunter Biden?

As Tucker Carlson asked- "Why is Roger Stone being treated differently than Hunter Biden?"

It is only through your prayers and support that I have survived this entire ordeal and I hesitate to ask you again for your help but in truth I have no choice.

I know you are weary of the many appeals to help Trump supporting candidates and causes but I really have no one else to turn to. I really need your help.

I need to know if I can count on your continued support and prayers in the exhausting and draining legal fight ahead.

This time however I want to give you a token of my deep appreciation for your prayers and your loyal support.

If you simply respond – it would be my privilege to send you a personalized and signed copy of the full and unconditional pardon President Trump issued to me on December 23, 2020 exactly like this one I sent to Tucker Carlson in appreciation for his strong support.

I want you to have your own small piece of history as a token of my deep appreciation for your solid support and prayers through this terrifying ordeal.

Needless to say your contribution to the Stone Support Fund right now would be crucial. I must hire the best tax attorney in my home state to fight the Biden Justice Department and I hope you will help me do it. I must prepare for trial, get my website relaunched, replace the desktop, laptops, digital cameras microphones and lighting equipment purposely destroyed by the FBI when they raided my studio at the same time they raided my office and get my video podcast up at and resume my syndicated radio show.

For two years my family was, hunted, terrorized, threatened, attacked, silenced, deplatformed, gagged, smeared, censored, harassed, persecuted, and forced into poverty by the corrupt politically-motivated Mueller Witch-Hunt and Mueller's sadistic lynch mob being crushed, stripped of all your constitutional rights, essentially being gagged before being lynched is a horrifying experience. The pressure to co-operate and bear false Witness against my friend of 40 years Donald Trump, a man I first urged to run for President in 1988, was excruciating.

But our faith in Christ became stronger and His proverbs proved prophetic. In Psalm 56 the Bible says "Be merciful unto me, O God: for man would swallow me up; he fighting daily oppresseth me. Mine enemies would daily swallow me up: for they be many that fight against me, O thou most High. What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee. In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me.Every day they wrest my words: all their thoughts are against me for evil.They gather themselves together, they hide themselves, they mark my steps, when they wait for my soul......When I cry unto thee, then shall mine enemies turn back: this I know; for God is for me. In God will I praise his word: in the Lord will I praise his word.In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me.Thy vows are upon me, O God: I will render praises unto thee. For thou hast delivered my soul from death: wilt not thou deliver my feet from falling, that I may walk before God in the light of the living?" And so it was.

God - and President Donald J. Trump - delivered me from this rabid left-wing lynch mob who tried to send me to die at age 68 in a COVID-19 infected prison and with your help He will deliver me victory again.

God Bless You,
Roger Stone

Please let me know if I can count on your continued support and I will mail you your own personalized signed copy of the official pardon granted to me by President Trump by First Class Mail.
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Re: Roger Stone


Post by Phoenix520 »

How cool, flat point!
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Re: Roger Stone


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Ps Send money
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Re: Roger Stone


Post by pipistrelle »

Roger Stone
Got that right.
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Re: Roger Stone


Post by Tiredretiredlawyer »

Kate520 wrote: Mon May 03, 2021 4:34 pm How cool, flat point!
Yes! I am so jealous!!!!! What are Pirate children called?
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Re: Roger Stone


Post by Chilidog »

Tiredretiredlawyer wrote: Mon May 03, 2021 7:22 pm
Kate520 wrote: Mon May 03, 2021 4:34 pm How cool, flat point!
Yes! I am so jealous!!!!! What are Pirate children called?
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Re: Roger Stone


Post by Foggy »

Tiredretiredlawyer wrote: Mon May 03, 2021 7:22 pm What are Pirate children called?
Crotchfruit. :whistle:
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Re: Roger Stone


Post by Luke »

Ali "Alexander" Akbar on Telegram:
ALI ALEXANDER 🇺🇸, [28.05.21 13:36]
Please pray for Nydia Stone.

She is a lovely woman and devoted wife. The Stone family announced today that she has stage 3 cancer and that it has spread to her lungs.

She is a fighter. We join in prayer and support to aid her fight.

And on Roger's Telegram:

Roger Stone, [28.05.21 22:09] ... nouncment/

Please Pray: Roger Stone Makes Devastating Announcement
By Kari Donovan on May 28, 2021

A family spiritual leader, Rev. Randy Coggins, who ministers to political icon Roger Stone released a statement to the media announcing upsetting health details about Mrs. Nydia Stone on behalf of the Stone family. “The Stone Family has asked me to announce that Roger Stone’s wife, Nydia Bertrand de Espinosa Stone, (Nydia Stone) has been diagnosed with Stage 3 Cancer, which has spread to her lungs. Nydia Stone is determined to wage both a medicinal and spiritual fight against this newly discovered and aggressive cancer. She is stoic, brave, and in good spirits” Coggins wrote.

May 28, 2021

During Roger Stone’s two year struggle against what we now know from declassified documents was the politically motivated Mueller investigation, I became a friend and spiritual advisor to Roger Stone and his wife, Nydia. During this time, I have forged a wonderful friendship and bond with the Stone Family based in our Faith.

Nydia was her husband’s rock during his political persecution and trial and I know she will face this new challenge with the same extraordinary courage that has characterized her life. The Stones have been married 30 years.

Nydia Stone was first seen by the American public when 29 heavily armed FBI agents arriving in 17 vehicles, a government helicopter, and 2 FBI amphibious units, raided the Stone’s Fort Lauderdale home in the predawn hours of January 25, 2020. Mrs. Stone was paraded in her night clothes by FBI agents from their home for the benefit of CNN news cameras; the only media outlet allowed in the secured area perimeters set up by the FBI.

Mrs. Stone attended every day of her husband’s trial in Washington, D.C., before Judge Amy Berman Jackson. Roger Stone was convicted by a D.C. Jury – despite the fact that jury forewoman, Tomeka Hart, had attacked Roger Stone by name in 2019 on both Twitter and Facebook (as well as attacking President Trump) regarding the actual case in which she had been picked as a juror. President Trump himself had called out Hart, a Democrat who once ran for Congress, for what he said appeared to be her “significant bias.” Tomeka Hart hid these posts using a private setting during jury selection and trial and deleted them after Stone’s faulty conviction. The Judge ruled that Hart’s conduct did not constitute bias.

On Nov. 3, 2020, the U.S. Justice Department, by court order, released the last remaining redacted sections of Mueller’s classified report, in which the special prosecutor admitted that the had “no factual evidence” of Russian collusion, Wikileaks collaboration or any advanced knowledge of John Podesta’s purloined emails by Roger Stone. This information – which would have undercut Stone’s prosecution for lying to Congress by demonstrating that he had neither knowledge nor motive to lie – was withheld from Stone at trial both by the Judge and the prosecution. Needless to say, only the Washington Examiner and Buzzfeed reported this rare midnight release on the busiest media day of the year.

President Donald J. Trump issued an unconditional Pardon to Roger Stone on December 23, 2020 citing the bias of the judge as well as the misconduct of the Jury Forewoman in concluding that Stone had not received a fair trial, after Nydia Stone released a video calling on President to issue Clemency in her husband’s case.

Last month, the Biden Justice Department sued Roger and Nydia Stone for $2.2 million dollars in back taxes in a civil suit in which every legal and factual assertion by the Justice Department is demonstrably false. The Stone’s formal response in Federal Court in this civil manner will be filed on June 15, 2020. Having been welcomed in the Stone family home, shared meals and prayed with them, I can assert with certainty that the government’s allegations that the Stones’ are somehow secretly living a lavish lifestyle is a reprehensible lie.

The Stones have not underreported or failed to report any income or assets and in truth, they still struggle to pay for the basic necessities of life having been driven to the brink of bankruptcy by the politically motivated Mueller witch hunt. “This lawsuit is politically motivated and is a transparent fraud upon the court,” Roger Stone himself said last week.

As for Mrs. Stone, our thoughts and prayers are with her and her family at this difficult time. While the course of treatment for Mrs. Stone is not yet finally determined, the family has asked for privacy regarding Mrs. Stone’s efforts to beat this disease.

Although the insurance that the Stones have left will cover much of Nydia Stone’s medical expenses, the Stones have no funds to pay for natural and homeopathic remedies that have been proven effective in the fight against cancer, as well as the basic necessities of living. Between Internet censorship and the outrageous “guilt by association “claims by ABC NEWS and others which failed to prove that Roger Stone had any involvement or knowledge of the illegal actions of January 6 , the stones have been unable to rebuild their family finances and are struggling for necessities such as housing, utilities, gasoline, groceries and medical care. Those who wish to help contribute can do so at Any contribution would be greatly appreciated.

On behalf of the Stone Family we appreciate the prayers of the millions of Americans who are praying for them and their family.
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Re: Roger Stone


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Re: Roger Stone


Post by AndyinPA »

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Re: Roger Stone


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"prayed with them"

Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
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Re: Roger Stone


Post by Flatpoint High »

Slim Cognito wrote: Sat May 29, 2021 9:13 pm "prayed Preyed with them"
Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
Fixed it for you.
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Re: Roger Stone


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happened to the wrong stone

just like my sister's cancer happened to the wrong hatcher
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Re: Roger Stone


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Re: Roger Stone


Post by raison de arizona »

Katie Porter and Kamala seem to be popular choices.
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Re: Roger Stone


Post by tek »

I dunno, it'd be kinda fun to have Orly asking him about Harrison and stolen SSNs..
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Re: Roger Stone


Post by neeneko »

Ok, there have to be some fictional lawyers to choose from that can use electric shocks every time you lie or are dishonest.
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Re: Roger Stone


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Why am I picturing Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson?
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Re: Roger Stone


Post by LM K »

bob wrote: Fri Jun 04, 2021 1:05 pm
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
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Re: Roger Stone


Post by Suranis »

Slim Cognito wrote: Mon Jun 21, 2021 2:00 pm Why am I picturing Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson?
Exactly what I was thinking. But I think Cruises hammering on Kiefer Sutherland earlier in the movie would be closer to how I think it would go.
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Re: Roger Stone


Post by bob »

Suranis wrote: Mon Jun 21, 2021 3:52 pm
Slim Cognito wrote: Mon Jun 21, 2021 2:00 pm Why am I picturing Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson?
Exactly what I was thinking. But I think Cruises hammering on Kiefer Sutherland earlier in the movie would be closer to how I think it would go.
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Re: Roger Stone


Post by Maybenaut »

Caffey’s cross-examination if Kendrick was masterful. He got exactly what he wanted out of Kendrick: Dawson had already been punished for violating Kendrick’s orders (he gave food to a guy on restriction), and from that experience he learned that he can’t decide for himself which orders to follow and which to obey.

He got Kendrick to admit that there was such a thing as a Code Red, but Kendrick denied that withholding food from the restricted guy was one. The jury would’ve seen through that bullshit. And he asked whether the Marines at the unit would think it was a Code Red. That objection was sustained, but it doesn’t matter - the jury heard it.

I’d be happy if some attorney had similar success in cross-examining Roger Stone.
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Re: Roger Stone


Post by bob »

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Maybenaut wrote: Mon Jun 21, 2021 4:52 pm Caffey’s cross-examination if Kendrick was masterful.
My possible quibble with this scene is where judge warns Kaffee that Kendrick is a highly decorated officer.

In civvie court, this would be judicial misconduct (the judge essentially vouching for the witness in front of the jury). I assume it would be even more prejudicial in a military court (command influence and all that), but would be curious as to what the actual experts would say.
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Re: Roger Stone


Post by Maybenaut »

bob wrote: Mon Jun 21, 2021 5:02 pm
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Maybenaut wrote: Mon Jun 21, 2021 4:52 pm Caffey’s cross-examination if Kendrick was masterful.
My possible quibble with this scene is where judge warns Kaffee that Kendrick is a highly decorated officer.

In civvie court, this would be judicial misconduct (the judge essentially vouching for the witness in front of the jury). I assume it would be even more prejudicial in a military court (command influence and all that), but would be curious as to what the actual experts would say.
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I mean, you’re right about vouching, but I don’t think it’s unlawful command influence since the military judge isn’t the commander. But f I was Dawson’s appellate defense counsel, I’d argue to the Navy-Marine Corps Court of Criminal Appeals that my client was denied a fair trial because the warning to Caffey improperly bolstered Kendrick’s credibility, which is a question solely for the jury.

The N-MCCA would then engage in a bunch of appellate hand-wringing about how the military justice system must not only be fair but appear fair; it would strongly caution military judges to refrain from making any statements that suggest to the panel that a witness should or should not be believed; it might potentially find that Dawson waived the error because he didn’t object — used to be anything goes, but they’re finding a lot more stuff waived these days if unobjected-to; then they’d put the hammer down (“Having considered the issues raised by Appellant, we have determined that the findings and sentence are correct in law and fact, and are affirmed.”).

Then we’d appeal that decision to the Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces. If they granted review, we might succeed. Or we might not.

Parenthetically, there are a lot of things about military law that the film got wrong. There are no B and C misdemeanors in the UCMJ, there are only “offenses” and “serious offenses,” but as a practical matter the distinction doesn’t mean much; the whole plot point of Caffey putting his career and freedom at risk by asking Jessup about the Code Red is TOTAL bullshit - you can ask any question so long as it’s relevant and you have a good faith basis; and there’s no such offense as “conduct unbecoming of a Marine,” to name but a few. And even in 1992 when the movie came out, we were all, like, no way would a female Lieutenant Commander let a Lieutenant Junior Grade talk to her like that.

Still, it’s one of my favorites - I just have to suppress the urge to say, “not in a million years!”
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Re: Roger Stone


Post by bob »

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Maybenaut wrote: Mon Jun 21, 2021 5:41 pmThe N-MCCA would then engage in a bunch of appellate hand-wringing about how the military justice system must not only be fair but appear fair; it would strongly caution military judges to refrain from making any statements that suggest to the panel that a witness should or should not be believed; it might potentially find that Dawson waived the error because he didn’t object — used to be anything goes, but they’re finding a lot more stuff waived these days if unobjected-to; then they’d put the hammer down (“Having considered the issues raised by Appellant, we have determined that the findings and sentence are correct in law and fact, and are affirmed.”).
There's a moment in Cruise's performance where he ever-so-slightly acknowledges the judge's admonishment and then moves on. Which would support the argument that the issue was waived (i.e., counsel considered the objection and then chose not to object, for tactical reasons). And these, of course, are the nuances not available from an appellate record.

But I'm not sure if this a nod to the I-strenuously-object scene* (to show that Kaffee is a better trial attorney than Galloway) or just Cruise (the actor) knowing what Kaffee (the character) doesn't know.

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