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Justice Thomas renews attacks on landmark First Amendment decision in fiery dissent

Devan Cole
Updated Tue, June 27, 2023 at 8:40 PM GMT+2

Justice Clarence Thomas on Tuesday renewed his yearslong attack on a landmark First Amendment decision, with the conservative jurist again calling for the Supreme Court to revisit the “flawed” ruling in the 1964 case.

The decades-old case, New York Times v. Sullivan, created a higher bar for public figures to claim libel and has been a bedrock of US media law. But some conservatives, including former President Donald Trump, have frequently taken aim at it, arguing it provides too much protection to news outlets.

As part of a separate case decided Tuesday, the majority invoked Sullivan when it wiped away a lower court decision upholding the stalking conviction of a Colorado man who sent hundreds of messages to a woman over Facebook. The 7-2 ruling said it would suffice for prosecutors to show that the speaker was aware that his speech could be viewed as a threat and that the speech was reckless, even if not intentionally threatening.

In a fiery two-page dissent, Thomas criticized his colleague’s use of the Sullivan case, saying they were wrong to apply it to the matter at hand and calling again for the high court to take another look at the landmark ruling.

He said his dissent intended to “address the majority’s surprising and misplaced reliance on New York Times Co. v. Sullivan,” and quoted from previous dissents he’s penned in which he has called into question the 1964 ruling.

“It is thus unfortunate that the majority chooses not only to prominently and uncritically invoke New York Times, but also to extend its flawed, policy-driven First Amendment analysis to true threats, a separate area of this Court’s jurisprudence,” Thomas wrote.

“It’s not surprising that Justice Thomas is once again beating his drum to revisit Sullivan – one of the modern Court’s most important First Amendment precedents with respect to press freedom,” said Steve Vladeck, CNN Supreme Court analyst and professor at the University of Texas School of Law. “But today’s lineup reaffirms that he appears to be in a minority of one on that point.”

Thomas has issued similar public critiques of Sullivan in recent years, including in 2019, when he wrote that the 1964 ruling and “the Court’s decisions extending it were policy-driven decisions masquerading as constitutional law.” ... 26634.html
(original CNN)
Sullivan hell, I think Thomas wants to revisit Dred Scot and Marbury v. Madison.

Precedent, what's that?
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Everyone but him is wrong.
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Post by Maybenaut »

Gregg wrote: Wed Jun 28, 2023 7:34 pm

Sullivan hell, I think Thomas wants to revisit Dred Scot and Marbury v. Madison.

Precedent, what's that?
What a horrible decision. The world would be a very different place indeed had Dred Scot prevailed in his claim to citizenship.
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They exempted the military, apparently.
Sean Davis @seanmdav wrote: By a vote of 6-3, the Supreme Court just ruled that university admissions programs that use affirmative action and other race-based admissions criteria are unconstitutional and violate the 14th Amendment. Roberts wrote the opinion. ... 9_hgdj.pdf
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There’s Nothing Supreme About the Supreme Court
The right wing of the highest court in the country is more corrupt than we even imagined. So why should we take their judgments seriously?

The Supreme Court is on the verge of finishing out its 2023 term with a series of rulings that will dramatically reshape the civil rights landscape. This includes deciding whether religious beliefs allow business owners to ignore local and state civil rights laws in the case of 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis, and likely ruling that race cannot be used as a factor in any governmental action.

These are poised to continue the trend of reversing civil rights and making the United States less democratic in its elections. In the aftermath of upholding extreme gerrymandering in Gill v. Whitford, endorsing oligarchy in Citizens United, gutting the Voting Rights Act (VRA) in Shelby v. Holder, turning religion in to a “get out of jail free” care in Little Sisters of the Poor, and ending bodily autonomy in Dobbs v. Jackson, the public has less faith in the Supreme Court than ever, and it couldn’t come at a worse time.

The U.S. is as fractured as it was right before the Civil War, according to some experts. Laws targeting transgender people with the goal of “eradicating them from public life” are passing in half the U.S., and trans people are fleeing red states at a rate commensurate with Jews leaving Germany in the first few years of the Third Reich. Red states and Blue states are squaring off, passing laws that vow non-cooperation with each other in cases involving custody disputes, abortion, and health care for trans youth.

Life expectancy is plummeting, wealth inequality is rising, the dream of home ownership is effectively dead for most people under the age of 40. The political system is completely gridlocked by gerrymandering, non-proportional representation, and the filibuster. States are divided along the same lines as just before the Civil War: Pro-slavery states from 1860 are largely the same states curtailing human rights today, while holding the controlling votes at the Supreme Court.

This might be mitigable if the Supreme Court had an ounce of self-awareness. Instead, there is a belief among the justices on the Right that theirs is the word of God, and it can neither be questioned by mere mortals nor the people affected by their decisions. There is an arrogance in their responses to criticism, particularly by Justices Sam Alito and Clarence Thomas.
:snippity: ... eme-court/
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The cackling call of the RWNJ of the bird site is that the Civil Rights Act is next. I fear they are correct. :mad: :(
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“Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!”
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Barack Obama @BarackObama wrote: Affirmative action was never a complete answer in the drive towards a more just society. But for generations of students who had been systematically excluded from most of America’s key institutions—it gave us the chance to show we more than deserved a seat at the table.

In the wake of the Supreme Court’s recent decision, it’s time to redouble our efforts.

So, if you’re looking for ways to help right now, here are some organizations doing important work:
Our Statements On the U.S. Supreme Court’s Decision To Overturn Affirmative Action
President Obama’s Statement: ... 37056?s=20
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Post by raison de arizona »

This is a court hellbent on destroying and overturning everything in the R's path.
CBS News @CBSNews wrote: "Is this a rogue court?" a reporter asks President Biden after he delivered remarks on the Supreme Court's ruling on affirmative action in college admissions.

Biden: "This is not a normal court."
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Post by Sequoia32 »

I was expecting this decision, but the comments to her beautifully written statement are making me sick.

Are there a bunch of disgusting RWNJs sitting ready to pounce and obliterate any sense?


Edited to clean up a mess.
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Sequoia32 wrote: Thu Jun 29, 2023 2:16 pm I can't figure out how to embed the tweet from Michelle Obama. Got it. Don't know how to fix the gibberish at the ins of the link.

I was expecting this decision, but the comments to her beautifully written statement are making me sick.

Are there a bunch of disgusting RWNJs sitting ready to ounce and obliterate any sense these <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I wanted to share some of my thoughts on today&#39;s Supreme Court decision on affirmative action: <a href=""> ... </p>&mdash; Michelle Obama (@MichelleObama) <a href="https://">June 29, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
They really are quite horrible. So much hate crawling out of the woodwork.
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Post by raison de arizona »

'Member the lady with the emails? Right again.
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Getting really sick of RWNJs quoting MLK like this is what he supported and stood for. MFers need a punch in the mouth.
Tim Wise @timjacobwise wrote: 1/ If you support the SCOTUS decision on affirmative action, so be it. But at least don't be so disingenuous as to act like the decision was in keeping with MLK's vision. King blatantly supported race-conscious policies in his writings in 1961, 1963, 1965 and 1967...

2/ He specifically chided folks who thought it was enough to simply announce "equal opportunity" and tell everyone to just run the race, when some had been kept from entering the race for hundreds of years and when ongoing inequity of access existed...

3/ So if you want to support ending aff action, you do you, but don't co-opt the words and vision of someone whose actual politics you would have despised back then ... 55015?s=20
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Post by RTH10260 »

Key document may be fake in LGBTQ+ rights case before US supreme court
Christian website designer says she received email request from same-sex couple but ‘author’ says he did not send it – and is not gay

Sam Levine in New York
Thu 29 Jun 2023 23.21 BST

The veracity of a key document in a major LGBTQ+ rights case before the US supreme court has come under question, raising the possibility that important evidence cited in it might be wrong or even falsified.

The supreme court is expected to issue a ruling on Friday in 303 Creative LLC v Elenis, which deals with a challenge to a Colorado law prohibiting public-serving businesses from discriminating against gay people as well as any statements announcing such a policy.

The suit centers on Lorie Smith, a website designer who does not want to provide her services for gay weddings because of her religious objections.

In 2016, she says, a gay man named Stewart requested her services for help with his upcoming wedding. “We are getting married early next year and would love some design work done for our invites, placenames etc. We might also stretch to a website,” reads a message he apparently sent her through her website.

In court filings, her lawyers produced a copy of the inquiry.

But Stewart, who requested his last name be withheld for privacy, said in an interview with the Guardian that he never sent the message, even though it correctly lists his email address and telephone number. He has also been happily married to a woman for the last 15 years, he said. The news was first reported by the New Republic.

In fact, until he received a call this week from a reporter from the magazine, Stewart said he had no idea he was somehow tied up in a case that had made it to the supreme court.

“I can confirm I did not contact 303 Creative about a website,” he said. “It’s fraudulent insomuch as someone is pretending to be me and looking to marry someone called Mike. That’s not me. ... y-colorado
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Post by raison de arizona »

Unbelievable. :mad:
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Post by AndyinPA » ... rgiveness/
The Supreme Court on Friday said President Biden does not have the authority for his nearly half-trillion dollar plan to forgive student loan debt, the latest blow from a Supreme Court that has been dismissive of this administration’s bold claims of power.

The vote was 6 to 3 along ideological lines, with Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. writing for the court’s dominant conservatives.

Biden contended his administration had the authority to forgive student loan debt under the Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students Act of 2003. The law allows the education secretary to waive or modify loan provisions in response to a national emergency, such as the coronavirus pandemic.
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Post by bill_g »

RTH10260 wrote: Fri Jun 30, 2023 5:29 am :think:
Key document may be fake in LGBTQ+ rights case before US supreme court
Christian website designer says she received email request from same-sex couple but ‘author’ says he did not send it – and is not gay

Sam Levine in New York
Thu 29 Jun 2023 23.21 BST ... y-colorado
Very odd that this case made it to the SCOTUS without this "little detail" known before. That's a pretty big thumb on the scale.
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Post by bill_g »

While watching, listening, and reading about the SCOTUS Affirmative Action reversal this week, I was shocked to hear Justice Thomas claims he was always opposed to AA.

I think it was MSNBC where I heard a discussion on his life, and how he stated he went to uni based on his scholastic abilities, not AA. He goes on to say "everyone" (referring to the student body) assumed he was there because of AA. After graduation, he was unable to find any meaningful work with his new JD. This led him to the conclusion that Affirmation Action was bad, and did nothing to solve racial inequality.

I think he drew the wrong conclusion, that his life exemplified the problem, and that his admission into uni was based on the actions and sacrifices of those before him. They opened the college door so he could walk through. He should have worked on the next door: the one to the private sector. He seems bent on nailing it shut.
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Post by AndyinPA »

He's all about past grudges. He holds them dear. And punishes based on them.
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Maybe nobody would hire him because he was obviously an asshole.
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Post by raison de arizona »

:yeahthat: Remember Anita Hill, seems like he was always quite the a-hole.
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Drip. Drip. Drip.
'Shady and Corrupt': Add Barrett Real Estate De​al to List of Supreme Court Ethics Scandals
The right-wing justice sold a home to a religious freedom group that has filed numerous briefs in cases before the court.

Thursday reporting on a real estate deal made by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett months after her confirmation in 2020 was the latest evidence, said a government watchdog, that ethics reforms at the high court must either be imposed by the judiciary or Congress.

Days after ProPublicareported on Justice Samuel Alito's previously undisclosed private jet trip—funded by a billionaire hedge fund owner whose business has been involved in numerous Supreme Court cases—CNNrevealed that Barrett has had financial dealings with the Religious Liberty Initiative (RLI) at Notre Dame Law School.

A Note Dame professor who had just taken a leadership role at RLI purchased Barrett's private home months after she was sworn in in October 2020.

The group, which advocates for religious freedom, was founded in 2020 and has filed numerous amicus briefs in cases related to the issue—related to questions surrounding abortion, public health precautions, and school prayer—since it was established. RLI has filed at least nine briefs with the court since the sale of Barrett's home.

The newly reported conflict of interest is one of several in recent months that have brought renewed scrutiny to the fact that the Supreme Court justices are not required to abide by an ethics code, as other federal judges are.
"Every federal judge is bound to an ethics code requiring them to avoid behavior that so much as looks improper, except for Supreme Court justices. Chief Justice Roberts has the power to change that, but so far he hasn't shown the courage."
"The endless drip of shady and corrupt Supreme Court dealings just further underscores the need for reform," said Kyle Herrig, president of the watchdog group Accountable.US. "Every federal judge is bound to an ethics code requiring them to avoid behavior that so much as looks improper, except for Supreme Court justices. Chief Justice Roberts has the power to change that, but so far he hasn't shown the courage. If he fails to do his job, Congress must do theirs."
:snippity: ... state-deal
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From the foul language under a spoiler tag department.
► Show Spoiler ... 16833?s=20
lauren @NotABigJerk wrote: real tired of the "you have to be nice to us while we systematically dismantle your rights" schtick
Fox News @FoxNews wrote: Chief Justice Roberts calls out Democrats demonizing the Supreme Court opinions they don't like.
Chief Justice John Roberts wrote:It has become a disturbing feature of some recent opinions to criticize the decisions with which they disagree.
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More Perfect Union @MorePerfectUS wrote: A billionaire paid for two years of private school for a child raised by Clarence Thomas.

But today Justice Thomas ruled that everyone else's children shouldn't get their debt relieved.
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