Biden Harris 2024 Campaign: Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. & Kamala Devi Harris

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Biden Harris 2024 Campaign: Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. & Kamala Devi Harris


Post by Luke »

Here we go!

Made a first donation. We'll be showing strength since we haven't been wasting money on bogus fraudits, grifts, NFT trading cards and donating to woo and legal funds because our candidates broke the law. MAGA is broke from all the bs stuff their people got them to buy into, Democrats haven't even begun to fight.

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Biden announces he is running for reelection in 2024
President formalizes his intent to seek another term, setting the stage for a tumultuous election
By Toluse Olorunnipa, Tyler Pager and Michael Scherer
April 25, 2023 at 6:00 a.m. EDT

President Biden officially announced his bid for reelection Tuesday morning, saying in a solemn launch video that he wants to “finish the job” he started when the country was racked by a deadly pandemic, a reeling economy and a teetering democracy. Claiming that his presidency has pulled the country back from the brink on all those fronts, Biden underlined his ambition to turn what he had once pitched as a transitional presidency into something far more transformational. “The question we are facing is whether in the years ahead we have more freedom or less freedom, more rights or fewer,” Biden said in the video. “I know what I want the answer to be. This is not a time to be complacent. That’s why I’m running for reelection.”

For Biden, 80, the announcement marks a pivotal moment in a political career that has spanned a half-century. The decision may defy the wishes of some Democratic voters clamoring for a different standard-bearer — one who is younger, more progressive and more reflective of the party’s diversity — while also underscoring Biden’s strength among party leaders, including those who believe he has the best chance of defeating Donald Trump or another Republican. The 2024 race is expected to be the final campaign of a figure who has run seven races for the U.S. Senate and sought the presidency or vice presidency four times. It will shape the legacy of a man who rose from a county council in Delaware to become one of the youngest U.S. senators in history, a partner to the country’s first Black president — and ultimately the 46th president as a pandemic swept the country.
Inside the final days before Biden's announcement
Even with Tuesday’s announcement, Biden is expected to hold few explicitly campaign-style events in the near future, as his aides hope that he can remain above the political fray during a hard-fought GOP primary. But he may face rocky political terrain in the coming months as he heads into a bitter fight with Republicans over the government’s debt limit, as the Justice Department wraps up a criminal investigation of his son Hunter and as the president himself confronts a probe into classified documents found among his personal belongings.
The president could benefit from contrasting his approach with a Republican field that has been remade in Trump’s combative image, said Biden aides, some of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal strategy. “Every generation of Americans has faced a moment when they’ve had to defend democracy, stand up for our personal freedoms, and stand up for our right to vote and our civil rights,” Biden said in his launch video, which began with scenes from the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection. “This is ours. Let’s finish the job.”

Biden’s central campaign themes have been on display for months as he has traveled the country touting his economic accomplishments and blasting the Republicans who took control of the House in January. They often amount to an argument that he gets things done for ordinary Americans, while “MAGA Republicans” are extremists who veer toward authoritarianism. President Biden inherited the deepest crises in generations, and he turned them around to deliver unprecedented job growth, the biggest infrastructure investments in 70 years, Medicare’s new power to negotiate lower drug costs, and the biggest manufacturing resurgence in modern history,” said White House spokesman Andrew Bates.

In an immediate example of the split screen that Democrats hope plays in their favor, Tuesday marks the beginning of Trump’s civil trial for rape and defamation allegations. If Trump emerges as the Republican nominee, he may find himself appearing as a defendant in several criminal trials as well while campaigning for president. Even before his announcement, Biden’s events have resembled modest campaign events, with union workers in bright-colored vests forming a blue-collar backdrop. His speeches typically include recitations of the positive economic data points of his presidency — record job growth, expanded manufacturing and new small businesses — as well as populist messaging about the futility of trickle-down economics. “The middle class built this country,” he often says. “And unions built the middle class!”

Aides say the president plans to emphasize those messages while increasing his travel around the country in the coming months as his campaign builds up. Democrats believe the president’s path to reelection likely runs through the same narrow set of competitive states where he bested Trump in 2020 — Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, New Hampshire, Georgia and Pennsylvania. While Democratic strategists say the Supreme Court’s recent decision overturning abortion rights has buoyed their prospects, they recognize that they face serious struggles in attracting rural voters and those without college degrees.

To win in 2024, Biden will need to maintain unified support from a diverse coalition of Democratic voters, including some liberals who have at times been disappointed by his centrist positions, party strategists said. He will also need to win over moderates who have voted for Republicans in the past, including suburban women and college-educated voters who were turned off by Trump’s presidency.

Biden enlists potential rivals as advisers
As Biden barnstorms the country, he is expected to deliver increasingly sharp barbs at his Republican detractors, targeting not only congressional lawmakers but also the party’s presidential candidates as they compete for votes in a primary dominated by the GOP’s base voters. He is also expected to warn of the dangers of a return of Trump, who continues to lead in polls of Republican voters.
Aides said Biden delayed his announcement of a reelection bid, which was initially expected earlier in the year, in part because he wanted to continue governing without having his actions viewed through a strictly partisan lens. But the timing also reflected delays in making major decisions about his campaign, including selecting his campaign leadership. Biden announced that Julie Chavez Rodriguez, a senior adviser in the White House, will manage the campaign, and Quentin Fulks, who oversaw Sen. Raphael G. Warnock’s reelection campaign in Georgia, will serve as principal deputy campaign manager.

The president also announced a slate of national co-chairs for the campaign: Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D), Sens. Christopher A. Coons (D-Del.) and Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.), Reps. Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-Del.), James E. Clyburn (D-S.C.) and Veronica Escobar (D-Tex.), and Jeffrey Katzenberg, a Hollywood mogul and major Democratic donor. Even as the campaign structure emerges, much of the political nerve center around the president will be operating out of the White House, officials said, where the president’s 2020 campaign manager, Jen O’Malley Dillon, and several long-standing aides continue to work in official positions.
Still, Republicans face their own challenges. Trump, who leads the GOP field by a wide margin, is bitterly disliked by much of the electorate, and he has already begun lashing out at other Republicans weighing presidential runs, notably Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. And Biden has won support from Democrats with his legislative success, said Joel Payne, a Democratic strategist. “If you had your druthers, would you prefer the candidate of your choice to not be in direct competition with actuarial charts? Sure,” Payne said. “But the package that Joe Biden is in is the package that he’s in. And I actually don’t think it’s a new piece of data. It’s not like voters elected a young man and then three years later he’s old, right?”

Biden, who often says “watch me,” in response to questions about his age, plans to continue traveling the country and holding events to allow voters to see him in action. White House officials have also pointed to Biden’s travel schedule — which at times has been more busy than previous, younger presidents — as evidence of his vitality. Trump, 76, has also faced questions over his age and mental acuity — raising the prospect of a battle between two senior citizens over their physical and mental capacity to lead the country. Some analysts said Biden is benefiting from Democrats’ uncertainty about who, if anyone, would have a better chance of keeping Trump from a second term.

“In the absence of a clearly established successor who could guarantee a Democratic victory, the president sees himself as the main barrier between Donald Trump and the White House, notwithstanding polling numbers that suggest his own weakness,” said Russell Riley, a presidential historian at the University of Virginia’s Miller Center. “If President Biden does get reelected, he automatically enters the conversation about the most consequential presidents.” ... dent-2024/

They're hiring -- the job questionnaire is interesting with the positions, states and other questions. Good way to see how they're focusing. ... e%20Widget

Foggy said at one point, "I didn't expect it, but I'm a Biden Democrat." I'm the same. The election is about the two candidates. Whether it's the twice impeached indicted guy going on trial for rape today, or the out-of-control Governor who is homophobic and unlikeable, we're ready to work our hearts out for Biden 2024.
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He's In! 2024 Campaign - Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. Re-Elect


Post by Foggy »

Foggy said at one point, "I didn't expect it, but I'm a Biden Democrat."
Still am.

I'd like to see a younger Democrat, but Ol' Handsome Joe has been a steady hand.

I read once, in reference to Bill Clinton, IIRC, that America chooses a president like we hire a plumber. Within limits, we don't want to know if he mistreats his children or drives drunk on Saturday night. We just want to know if he's competent at making the pipes work.

Clinton was getting blow jobs in the Oval Office, but he was good at making the pipes work, which is how he managed to leave office with a 66% approval rating.

And Biden is old, but he's doing a damned good job of making the pipes work, for most of us. He's facing a lot of extremely stupid resistance, but he has kept his cool and kept his eye on the ball. I have serious issues with some things the administration has done, and I wish we had somebody even better, but until that person surfaces, I'll vote for Joe.

Although I'm gonna give Robert Kennedy Jr. a good look, and also Marianne Williamson. Maybe one of those two would be a bet-- :sick:

I can't even say it.

Joe won't debate either of those two, which is terribly sad because it would be so entertaining.
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He's In! 2024 Campaign - Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. Re-Elect


Post by AndyinPA »

I heard someone who helped with Biden's first campaign say the other day on MSNBC that the key to winning would be not to have primary opponents. Ron Claine, I think.
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He's In! 2024 Campaign - Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. Re-Elect


Post by Luke »

Bring it on! And yes, no primary challenge eliminates all the madness we're seeing in the DeSantis v Trump all-out war. Some MAGA get it but they get crushed :P

The Map, the Issues and the Incumbency Favoring Democrats
President Biden’s poll numbers remain low, but structural advantages have Democrats insisting he is far better positioned than his Republican rivals.
By Jonathan Weisman April 25, 2023, 11:15 a.m. ET

Nearly seven in 10 Americans believe their country is on a “wrong track.” The incumbent president will be 81 on Election Day 2024. More than half of the voters in his own party don’t want him to run for re-election. Yet as President Biden embarks on his campaign for a second term, Democratic officials firmly believe he is beginning his bid on Tuesday from ground that is far more solid than his personal standing indicates. Democratic unity has stifled even the hint of an intraparty insurgency. The issues dominating the nation’s politics have largely worked in the Democrats’ favor. And a battleground that has narrowed to only a handful of states means, at least for now, that the 2024 campaign will be waged on favorable Democratic terrain. “I’m always going to be worried because we’re a very divided country, and presidential races are going to be close, no matter who is in it,” said Anne Caprara, who helped lead Hillary Clinton’s super PAC in 2016 and is now chief of staff to Illinois’s Democratic governor, J.B. Pritzker. “But for the first time in my career, I think Republicans have painted themselves into a terrible position. They’re losing and they can’t seem to see that.”

Without doubt, Mr. Biden’s personal liabilities are tugging at the Democrats’ well-worn worry strings. Despite low unemployment, a remarkably resilient economy and an enviable record of legislative accomplishments in his first two years, the octogenarian president has never quite won over the nation, or even voters in his party. A new NBC News poll has Mr. Biden losing to a generic Republican presidential candidate, 47 percent to 41 percent. “President Biden is in remarkably weak shape for an incumbent running for re-election,” said Bill McInturff, a veteran Republican pollster who co-directs the NBC News poll. Republicans plan to play on those uncertainties, harping on Mr. Biden’s age and frailty and painting him as the weakest incumbent president to run for re-election since Jimmy Carter tried 44 years ago. The campaign of former President Donald J. Trump is already looking past the coming Republican nomination fight to contrast what it sees as the strength of personality of an aggressive challenger against a vulnerable incumbent. “This is a choice between Joe Biden and Donald Trump,” said Chris LaCivita, a senior adviser to the Trump campaign, adding, “If they think that is their greatest strength, they are going to have a long, miserable year.” (Agree with Chris but in reverse :lol: )

But the political fundamentals look significantly better than Mr. Biden’s personal approval. By avoiding a serious primary challenge, Mr. Biden will not be spending the next year fighting with members of his own party on difficult issues like immigration, crime, gender and abortion in ways that might turn off swing voters. Instead, he can bide his time attending ribbon cuttings and groundbreakings for roads and bridges, semiconductor plants, electric vehicle manufacturers and solar energy projects that stem from his three biggest legislative achievements — the infrastructure bill, the “chips and science” law and the Inflation Reduction Act, with its huge tax incentives for clean energy. The mere presence of Mr. Trump in the Republican primary race is helping the Democrats make the 2024 campaign a choice between the two parties, not a referendum on the incumbent, a far more difficult challenge for the party in power, said Jim Messina, who managed the last successful presidential re-election campaign, Barack Obama’s in 2012. Early polls, both in key states like Wisconsin and nationally, have Mr. Biden holding onto a slim lead over Mr. Trump, but even with or behind Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida.

The Republicans’ narrow control of the House has also given Mr. Biden a foil in the months before a Republican presidential nominee emerges, just as the Republican Congress helped Mr. Obama. And then there is the map. The 2022 midterms should have been a disaster for a president with low approval ratings. Instead, in two critical states — Pennsylvania and Michigan — the Democratic Party greatly strengthened its hand and its electoral infrastructure, with victories in the governors’ races in both states, the Pennsylvania House flipping to the Democrats and the Michigan Legislature falling to complete Democratic control for the first time in nearly 40 years. At the outset of the 2024 campaign, two-thirds of the Upper Midwestern “Blue Wall” that Mr. Trump shattered in 2016 and Mr. Biden rebuilt in 2020 appear to favor the Democrats. As partisanship intensifies in Democratic and Republican states, battlegrounds like Florida, Ohio and Iowa have moved firmly toward Republicans, but other battlegrounds like Colorado, Virginia and New Hampshire look reliably Democratic.

That has elevated just a handful of states as potentially decisive next year: Wisconsin, the third brick in the “Blue Wall”; Georgia, once reliably Republican; Arizona; and Pennsylvania, especially if the political winds shift in the Republicans’ favor. If Mr. Biden can lock down Pennsylvania, he would need to win only one of the other big battlegrounds — Wisconsin, Georgia or Arizona — to get the necessary Electoral College votes in 2024. Even if he lost Nevada, he would still win as long as he secures New Hampshire and doesn’t split the Electoral College votes of Maine. Wisconsin had a split decision in 2022, with the Democratic governor, Tony Evers, winning re-election while the Republican senator, Ron Johnson, also prevailed. But this month, an expensive, hard-fought State Supreme Court race in Wisconsin went to the Democratic-backed candidate by 11 percentage points, a remarkable margin.

Democrats won the governorship in Arizona in 2022. And while they lost the governor’s race decisively in Georgia, they eked out the Senate contest between the incumbent Democrat Raphael Warnock and the Republican, Herschel Walker. Those recent electoral successes point to the other major factor that appears to be playing in the Democrats’ favor: the issues. The erosion of abortion rights in the wake of the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade has continued to dominate electoral outcomes in key states like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. And abortion is not fading, in large part because the socially conservative core of the Republican electorate keeps driving red states and conservative judges forward on abortion restrictions. The tragic drumbeat of mass shootings has kept gun control high on the political agenda as well, an issue that Democrats believe will help them with suburban voters in key swing states and will trap Republicans between a base of voters who want no compromise on gun rights and a broader electorate that increasingly favors restrictions.

Republicans have issues that could favor them, too. Crime helped deliver House seats in New York and California, which secured the narrow House majority for the G.O.P. And transgender politics might help Republicans with some swing voters. A poll for National Public Radio last summer found that 63 percent of Americans opposed allowing transgender women and girls to compete on teams that align with their gender identity, while broader support for L.G.B.T. rights has only gained ground. But a hotly contested primary is likely to drag the eventual nominee to the right, even on issues that could otherwise favor his party. Mr. DeSantis, widely seen as Mr. Trump’s most serious challenger, signed a ban on abortion in his state after six weeks, a threshold before many women know they are pregnant. And at some point, Republicans’ drive against transgender people and their fixation on social issues may appear to be bullying — or simply far afield from real issues in the lives of swing voters, said Ms. Caprara, the chief of staff for the Illinois governor. “There’s this toxic soup between abortion, guns, gay rights, library books, African American history,” she said. “It just comes across to people as, ‘Who are these people?’”

The biggest issue, however, may be the storm cloud on the horizon that may or may not burst — the economy. In 2020, Mr. Biden became one of the few presidential candidates in modern history to have triumphed over the candidate who was more trusted on the economy in polls. Since then, the surge of job creation from the trough of the coronavirus pandemic has shattered monthly employment records, while unemployment rates — especially for workers of color — are at or near their lowest levels ever. Inflation, which peaked near 10 percent, is now at about 5 percent. Yet Mr. Biden continues to get low marks on his economic stewardship, and those marks could deteriorate as the Federal Reserve continues to tamp down inflation with higher interest rates, warned Mr. Messina, the former Obama campaign manager. A new poll for CNBC found that 53 percent of Americans expect the economy will get worse, compared with 34 percent when Mr. Biden took office. “Today, I’d rather be Joe Biden,” Mr. Messina said. “But I wish I knew where the economy is going to be, because that’s the one thing hanging out there that nobody can control.” ... ction.html
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He's In! 2024 Campaign - Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. Re-Elect


Post by realist »

Unfortunately, I know of no Democrat currently in the spotlight that could possibly win a general presidential election, go Joe it is. Hard to believe we don't have a younger/better. :(

Pretty much what Foggy said:
I have serious issues with some things the administration has done, and I wish we had somebody even better, but until that person surfaces, I'll vote for Joe.
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He's In! 2024 Campaign - Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. Re-Elect


Post by Luke »

I'm a tiny bit surprised they rolled out with Kamala Harris. Wondered if they'd focus on Biden for now, but guess that was unrealistic. While she has strengths, respectfully, she really hasn't shown leadership on an issue (she was going to be on point for the border, etc). And ofc the GOP has pounded her, but her approval is really low. Thought we might, might see a ticket question but I guess since they won let it roll. There are great Democrats, but I agree Realist, they aren't ready yet. I'm looking at guys like Josh Shapiro, Gretchen Witmer. Jared Polis & ofc Boot-edge-edge.

WaPo did a rundown of top 10 and honorable mentions: ... 24-ranked/
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He's In! 2024 Campaign - Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. Re-Elect


Post by Foggy »

I suspect her approval is low because she hasn't broken out yet. I don't know why she doesn't take an issue and make it hers. She could do it so easily. :confuzzled:
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He's In! 2024 Campaign - Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. Re-Elect


Post by bob »

realist wrote: Tue Apr 25, 2023 12:50 pm Unfortunately, I know of no Democrat currently in the spotlight that could possibly win a general presidential election, go Joe it is.
The Democrats with the best poll numbers against Biden in a primary are ... Harris and Buttigieg. They won't run.

Past that, it is quickly the leftovers, e.g., Clinton and Sanders.
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He's In! 2024 Campaign - Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. Re-Elect


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... and Bernie is older than Joe.
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He's In! 2024 Campaign - Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. Re-Elect


Post by Phoenix520 »

That’s a great ad!

I’m a Biden voter. No one can satisfy every desire we have in a candidate. I’ve seen steady leadership from him; he’s respected worldwide; he’s come around on progressive issues more than expected. Also, dammit, who else is there?

I’m so pissed that for the last several years what passes for political discussion has seemed, in spite of the fact we had a mobbed up criminal RUNNING THE FUCKING COUNTRY, to be about all the ways Democrats are depraved.

We (royally) were right not to make a big stink about the accusations because time is showing us all the reality but still, the loudest voices out there are hate-filled and lying. Even in Congress. We’ve found a few champions willing to speak out but the steam roller is still gathering steam and until the we manage to shut them up and gather our wits again ( honestly, don’t you feel frazzled?) Joe is my guy.

Sorry for the rant. :oopsy: It just slipped out.
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He's In! 2024 Campaign - Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. Re-Elect


Post by Suranis » ... ction-bid/
GOP releases 100% AI-generated ad to fearmonger over Biden’s reelection bid
RNC calls Biden "out of touch" for asking voters to let him "finish the job!

Shortly after US President Joe Biden announced his 2024 presidential run—asking Americans to re-elect him so he can “finish the job!”—the Republican National Committee (RNC) responded with a 100 percent AI-generated video. The 30-second RNC ad urged voters to “Beat Biden,” or else suffer disastrous consequences that the RNC suggests would likely come to pass if Americans voted to re-elect “the weakest president we’ve ever had.”

The RNC video opens with a fake news announcer calling the 2024 presidency for Biden. On the screen flashes a dark, AI-generated image of Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, smiling and waving in front of a sea of American flags. From there, a series of AI-generated scenes show the faked future that the RNC imagines that this election result would bring, depicting banks closing, China invading Taiwan, San Francisco crime skyrocketing, and 80,000 “illegals” overwhelming the border.
Just put the ad in a non loading link as I don't want to add to their view count. Anyway, the advert is awful.
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He's In! 2024 Campaign - Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. Re-Elect


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Not sure why I am supposed to be impressed with a "100% AI-generated" advert? It looks rather amateurish. :shrug:
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He's In! 2024 Campaign - Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. Re-Elect


Post by Flatpoint High »

neonzx wrote: Tue Apr 25, 2023 5:15 pm Not sure why I am supposed to be impressed with a "100% AI-generated" advert? It looks rather amateurish. :shrug:
It will impress the target audience of which we are not a part of.
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He's In! 2024 Campaign - Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. Re-Elect


Post by Dave from down under »

neonzx wrote: Tue Apr 25, 2023 5:15 pm Not sure why I am supposed to be impressed with a "100% AI-generated" advert? It looks rather amateurish. :shrug:
It was impressive that the GOP could get the AI to do it..

After all the AI has more integrity and empathy than the entire GOP aggregate.
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He's In! 2024 Campaign - Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. Re-Elect


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Foggy wrote: Tue Apr 25, 2023 4:11 pm ... and Bernie is older than Joe.
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He's In! 2024 Campaign - Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. Re-Elect


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This ad alone would encourage me not to vote for any rnc candidate. Fear mongering.
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He's In! 2024 Campaign - Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. Re-Elect


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can ya'all help me find the page where you can buy the dark brandon t-shirt please.

My mind is gone tonight and I just can't find it.

thank you
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He's In! 2024 Campaign - Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. Re-Elect


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Tim Walz’ Golden Rule: Mind your own damn business!
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He's In! 2024 Campaign - Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. Re-Elect


Post by Luke »

MAGAt reactions have been pretty funny. Their circuits are fried, they've been lied to for two years that Biden was going to be removed from office by impeachment (they don't remember the conviction part) or 25th Amendment. So there are lots of bewildered tweets that are like, what? Re-election? WHERE'S THE IMPEACHMENT??? It's also upsetting the Q fans who have been saying 1) he's passed away and it's a body double (remember all that "the White House is a movie set") while saying the military was really in charge and T*** was still president or 2) he's been in GITMO (with Obama, Clinton and most everybody else). Meanwhile, they are taking death shots in a death match and WAR between Ron and Don. :lol:

They were WHINING about no Democratic primary debates. Then the twice-impeached, indicted loser now defending in a rape case said maybe he WON'T debate because nobody from the RNC asked for his PERMISSION. :lol: He still is totally clueless about the RNC and how it should be neutral with multiple competitors. Once that dropped, a lot of the MAGAts got quiet about debates. It is amazing how they can just drop something they've been SCREAMING about and pretend it never happened.

Then there's the Bill Mitchell fantasy: "Rumors are a lot of Democrats are considering a 3rd party vote. That would basically hand us the election." Yeah, right, a Democrat might want MAGA policies by splitting the party.

With respect to the comments about Kamala Harris yesterday, many journalists noted the same thing. Many are thinking she's a counterbalance to Biden's age (hence the huge number of shots of her in the launch video) and that she hasn't had an opportunity to take charge and show what she can do. She still reaches interesting demographic groups and is naturally a next-generation leader. They must have focus tested her thoroughly and determined she can improve her standing.

I'd much rather be on our team, Democrats are truly making a difference in people's lives while the GOP is fighting meaningless culture wars (on the wrong side) and unable to govern.
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2024 Campaign: Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. & Kamala Davi Harris Re-Elect


Post by Luke »

Added Vice President Harris to the topic title -- further to messages above:
Scoop: Inside Biden's strategy to repair Harris' image
Alex Thompson

Top White House officials are rushing to the aid of Vice President Kamala Harris to try to shore up her underwhelming poll numbers heading into 2024.

Why it matters: Harris' numbers are even worse than President Biden's (approval in the high 30%s versus low 40%s). Officials believe that could make her a drag on the ticket as Biden begins a reelection campaign that likely will boil down to a few tight states.

What's happening: There's zero chance Biden will replace her on the ticket — doing so would be an admission that he botched the most important decision he made as a candidate. So the White House and campaign team are working to give Harris a boost — which her allies feel is long overdue. Biden's campaign announcement video featured shot after shot of the president and Harris together, as well as her meeting solo with voters. She's also featured prominently with Biden on the homepage of Biden's revamped website. Anita Dunn, one of the most powerful West Wing officials, recently directed the White House political and engagement teams to help schedule events with Harris promoting popular Democratic causes such as infrastructure spending and abortion rights.

The backstory: This is a huge shift from much of Biden's first two years, when there was mutual distrust and anonymous sniping between the vice president’s team and the West Wing.

Between the lines: Harris, initially saddled by Biden with no-win issues such as immigration and a stalled voting-rights bill, has frustrated many of his top aides. She has suffered frequent staff turnover, and rarely has been entrusted with high-profile assignments. Harris' allies point out she has faced sexism and racism, and argue that the White House has not helped her enough. But detractors say her approval ratings are self-inflicted, and include some missteps in high-profile interviews.

What we're hearing: Biden will turn 82 before his second term would begin, and Republicans plan to argue that reelecting him could mean a Harris presidency. If former President Trump, 76, is the GOP nominee, look for him to spend lots of time running against Harris, 58.

The intrigue: Last year's book by Jonathan Martin and Alex Burns, "This Will Not Pass," reported that then-White House communications director Kate Bedingfield had privately criticized Harris. Bedingfield publicly denied the story — but walked over to the vice president's offices and asked to see Harris so she could apologize, according to people familiar with the event. Much of Harris' team didn't believe Bedingfield's denial and told her the vice president was unavailable. Harris' aides made Bedingfield wait roughly two weeks until they granted her a meeting with the vice president. Harris' aides insisted the meeting be 15 minutes, max. The meeting did soothe some tensions. About a week later, when Bedingfield had COVID, Harris personally called to see how she was doing and offered tips for feeling better. Bedingfield declined to comment. White House spokesperson Andrew Bates told Axios that "after winning the most votes of any ticket" in 2020, "you've seen the results of the strong, consistent partnership between Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and their teams." Harris spokeswoman Kirsten Allen added that "our teams have been focused on lifting up the priorities of President Biden and Vice President Harris as they build a future where every person in our nation can thrive, and will continue to remain focused on this work together."

What we're watching: Some White House and administration officials say the vice president's team has started to steady because of chief of staff Lorraine Voles, who took over the post a year ago. Voles, trying to improve the office's culture, had everyone take the Myers-Briggs personality test, then compare their personality profiles, according to two people familiar with the moves.
Some in the office rolled their eyes at Voles' efforts. But others liked it, with one person comparing her to the gushy Ted Lasso character on the Apple TV show. Harris hasn't had a communications director since Jamal Simmons left in December. Her office did pitch veteran Democratic strategist Jennifer Palmieri about the post, but she demurred. Palmieri declined to comment.
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2024 Campaign: Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. & Kamala Davi Harris Re-Elect


Post by bob »

I'm just thrilled because Harris won't be an official candidate until after the convention: The birthers will have to play their games this primary cycle with Haley, Ramaswamy, etc.
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2024 Campaign: Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. & Kamala Davi Harris Re-Elect


Post by raison de arizona »

orlylicious wrote: Wed Apr 26, 2023 3:07 pm Added Vice President Harris to the topic title -- further to messages above:
Scoop: Inside Biden's strategy to repair Harris' image
:snippity: What we're hearing: Biden will turn 82 before his second term would begin, and Republicans plan to argue that reelecting him could mean a Harris presidency. If former President Trump, 76, is the GOP nominee, look for him to spend lots of time running against Harris, 58. :snippity:
All of them.
Aaron Rupar @atrupar wrote: here's Nikki Haley on Fox News saying she doesn't think it's "likely" Biden lives to 86 years old
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2024 Campaign: Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. & Kamala Davi Harris Re-Elect


Post by pipistrelle »

Starting to see a few ol' Bernie Bros talking about how Jill Biden is the only one excited about Biden running and it's Hillary 2016 all over again.
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2024 Campaign: Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. & Kamala Davi Harris Re-Elect


Post by Lani »

I just saw the new video for Biden 2024 - just after midnight in Hawaii (6 am on East Coast). It is excellent. I missed the beginning, but it was beautiful. All ages, all colors, joy. I'll try to find a link.
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2024 Campaign: Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. & Kamala Davi Harris Re-Elect


Post by sad-cafe »

Joe is killing it at the WHCD

Love it.

He took shot at large marge, little fucker tucker, fox news and got in their suit several times.
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