#Brunson v. Adams - MAGAts Version of Birthers Hopium / ReVote2017 SCOTUS Case

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#Brunson v. Adams - MAGAts Version of Birthers Hopium / ReVote2017 SCOTUS Case


Post by MN-Skeptic »

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Totally off topic, but... tuning. I have a niece who is in college and is a cello performing major. She's the talented type who wins contests. Anyway, her college got a new president and so they were going to have a few instrumentalists play at his induction (inauguration? whatever.) Anyway, a fellow college student who plays the oboe was also asked to play and my poor niece. Orchestras tune to an oboe, and my niece told us that this oboe player won't play the same pitch twice in a row. :o :lol:
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#Brunson v. Adams - MAGAts Version of Birthers Hopium / ReVote2017 SCOTUS Case


Post by northland10 »

johnpcapitalist wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2023 10:52 am
orlylicious wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2023 1:32 am Think Foggy would buy this documentary for us all to watch?

Released today: Flight of the Brunson Brothers!

This fight is not about reinstating Donald Trump, it's about taking America back!
Regarding the "A=432" business, there has been a movement for a while to change the common tuning standard for musical instruments from the current A=440 hertz to this slightly different number. Some music theorists believe things sound better that way. I am not musical and I can't hear the difference between the two tones. IIRC, A=432 is a function of some other note (maybe C in the octave below) being 256 hertz, an exact power of two.

Where this gets creepy (and why this TV channel is pushing the idea) is that some people believe that A=432 is somehow magically found in nature and thus A=432 music has mystical healing properties. Another component of the conspiracy is that Goebbels mandated A=440 in Germany to subjugate the population because it made them more nervous. A good article debunking a lot of the conspiracy nonsense is here: https://jakubmarian.com/the-432-hz-vs-4 ... cy-theory/.
OHhhh... FFS. :brickwallsmall:

I have sometimes used a lower frequency on the digital organ thing I have because it created a better sound at the time, but it was only due to small details in the sound (mainly in the harmonic series, i.e. extra tones, it creates). There is no extra magic in the tuning.

And how do you tune voice narration in 432 hz anyway? Each person talking has different frequencies, actually many of them. A=440 or whatever frequency is the frequency for one note, the A above Middle C (which is also the next to highest string on a violin). My speaking voice will never be 432 or 440 unless I go for the little boy voice and speak entirely monotone. Oh yeah, consonants are much higher frequencies which is why folks when their hearing is weakening have trouble understanding. The weakening is in the higher frequencies where consonants, thus clarity, are.

The frequency of A is a base frequency to tune on and nothing else. After that, the rest of the pitches are tuned based on whatever tuning system is being used which most often now is equal temperament. Some may be tuning in a historical version like well-tempered, meantone temperament, Pythagorean, or a bunch of other methods.

It is all complicated physics but it there is no magic. Too also, 432 hz is one pitch and one pitch only.
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#Brunson v. Adams - MAGAts Version of Birthers Hopium / ReVote2017 SCOTUS Case


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As someone who had to quit her transcription job bc of clarity/hearing loss, that was interesting. Thx.
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#Brunson v. Adams - MAGAts Version of Birthers Hopium / ReVote2017 SCOTUS Case


Post by bob »

Facebook comment to Rayland:
Fred Muggs wrote:As others have asked why are you only suing these three justices? We know that none of the nine justices were in favor of certifying your petition because no one filed a dissent to the dismissal. So again I ask why these three? BTW the letter writing is a waste of time. No court has ever ruled based on how many letters they received much less the Supreme Court. This is just stupid.
Patrick E. Craig wrote:I see that a troll called "Fred Mugs" has slipped in. Check out his page on FB. No friends (ZERO), a few anti-Trump posts, no info or history... definitely a troll. If he comments on your comment, just delete him, or hide the post.

Loy blocked some jerk* on Twitter. :crying:

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#Brunson v. Adams - MAGAts Version of Birthers Hopium / ReVote2017 SCOTUS Case


Post by realist »

The comments from their "true believers" is unbelievable. They've got a good plan going for a grift. Alread have Plan E planned for when this Plan D fails. Which will be soon.
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#Brunson v. Adams - MAGAts Version of Birthers Hopium / ReVote2017 SCOTUS Case


Post by bob »

realist wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2023 4:58 pmThey've got a good plan going for a grift.
It always has been Plan G (for Grift).
Alread have Plan E planned for when this Plan D fails. Which will be soon.
"For completeness":

Plan A: Raland's failsuit;
Plan B: Raland's failed SCOTUS cert. petition;
Plan C: Raland's rejected attempt to re-rehear;
Plan D: Loy's failsuit (currently pending in the 10th);
Plan E: Raland's suing the Democratic-nominated SCOTUS justices* (currently pending in D. Utah).

There was talk of a Rule 11 SCOTUS application for Loy's suit, but that has yet to be filed.

* I suspect Raland sued only three justices because six justices are required for a quorum at SCOTUS. That is, assuming the three sued justices will recuse themselves, the remaining six can decide the matter. And it'll only take four to achieve a majority (of the remaining six).

But I would not be surprised if every justice recused themselves. In that case, it is an automatic denial (no justices mean no relief possible).

I mean, it is going to fail, regardless. I suspect they are just being too cute.

And, of course: send money.
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#Brunson v. Adams - MAGAts Version of Birthers Hopium / ReVote2017 SCOTUS Case


Post by northland10 »

If they had proceeded In forma pauperis, it probably would die faster since many courts would screen and toss it sua sponte. Granted, they may dismiss it sua sponte for lack of subject-matter jurisdiction, which is the case hear. However, since it was filed in the state court and removed by the defendants, who have already filed a motion to dismiss, it has already moved ahead. I don't remember the calendar deadlines for any response to the MTD, or even the motion to remand.
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#Brunson v. Adams - MAGAts Version of Birthers Hopium / ReVote2017 SCOTUS Case


Post by northland10 »

I don't know if this was posted earlier. At one point in June 2021, Loy was unhappy with the progress of his case in the district court and filed a petition for Writ of Mandamus in the 10th circuit. I could try to describe it, but I will let the 10th do the heavy lifting.
Loy Arlan Brunson has a pending lawsuit in the District of Utah, and he has filed an “Emergency Petition for Writ of Mandamus” seeking (1) the recusal of Chief Judge Robert J. Shelby and Magistrate Judge Cecilia M. Romero, and (2) an order directing that his motion for leave to file a third amended complaint be granted and that service be made on the defendants. He also seeks both an award of $500 for the fee he paid to file his petition and a 2.9 billion dollar damages award against the judges. His petition is denied.
In Re L Brunson 10th July 2021.pdf
(132.42 KiB) Downloaded 43 times
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#Brunson v. Adams - MAGAts Version of Birthers Hopium / ReVote2017 SCOTUS Case


Post by bob »

Raland Brunson wrote:My neighbors and I are now preparing and sending letters to my Judge. I want him to know that this is more than just about me. It's about America. It's about We The People and the protection of our US Constitution.

I want him to give my defendants a chance to explain why it was important that they denied my petition to save America. I want a ton of letters to show up at his office. Boxes of letters. I want him to be thinking about this case before he sleeps, and the first thing he wakes up is how to deal with the thousands and thousands of letters that are piling up in his office. I want to remind him that his job depends on it. That his freedom depends on it. I want him to have the courage to do what he knows is the right thing.

Right now he's getting pressure from my defendants to dismiss this case but we, my brothers and I have given him the legal authority to allow this case to go forward. I want him to feel the pressure that his conscious will bear upon him as a result of our voice.

Join with me. Click on this link and you will see the letter that I want the judge to get from you. Click on the next link and the letter will be automatically sent for and on your behalf. Have the courage to do this. Your voice will echo with my voice into the heart and mind of this judge, this judge of mine who has the power to set this whole thing straight, and clean up America with one simple swipe of his pen. God bless you for your courage.
Just a weeeee bit egotistical and threat-y.

And I guess this legal scholar doesn't know federal judges have lifetime tenure.

From enoughisenough.me:
Which is just Jurisdictionary aka "Dr." Frederick Graves aka the person who sold Laity his degree.
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#Brunson v. Adams - MAGAts Version of Birthers Hopium / ReVote2017 SCOTUS Case


Post by Luke »

He's going too far, invoking his "freedom" is a threat. Tempted to send that to the judge's clerk so they're aware of what this lunatic is doing.

Maybe we should start a bulk letter campaign telling him he's a seething loser and Idiot and to knock it off. Think with enough letters he'll follow his own advice? :lol:
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#Brunson v. Adams - MAGAts Version of Birthers Hopium / ReVote2017 SCOTUS Case


Post by northland10 »

bob wrote: Mon Apr 24, 2023 6:03 pm
Raland Brunson wrote:My neighbors and I are now preparing and sending letters to my Judge. I want him to know that this is more than just about me. It's about America. It's about We The People and the protection of our US Constitution.

I want him to give my defendants a chance to explain why it was important that they denied my petition to save America. I want a ton of letters to show up at his office. Boxes of letters. I want him to be thinking about this case before he sleeps, and the first thing he wakes up is how to deal with the thousands and thousands of letters that are piling up in his office. I want to remind him that his job depends on it. That his freedom depends on it. I want him to have the courage to do what he knows is the right thing.

Right now he's getting pressure from my defendants to dismiss this case but we, my brothers and I have given him the legal authority to allow this case to go forward. I want him to feel the pressure that his conscious will bear upon him as a result of our voice.

Join with me. Click on this link and you will see the letter that I want the judge to get from you. Click on the next link and the letter will be automatically sent for and on your behalf. Have the courage to do this. Your voice will echo with my voice into the heart and mind of this judge, this judge of mine who has the power to set this whole thing straight, and clean up America with one simple swipe of his pen. God bless you for your courage.
Just a weeeee bit egotistical and threat-y.

And I guess this legal scholar doesn't know federal judges have lifetime tenure.
The appear to be using the form letter from that enough is enough site. At least one lady was smart enough to actually copy the text and format it in a normal letter. Some have ended up in a docket entry.

https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap ... 26.8.0.pdf
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#Brunson v. Adams - MAGAts Version of Birthers Hopium / ReVote2017 SCOTUS Case


Post by Luke »

:lol: There are four letters and four envelopes. Most of the handwriting looks very shaky. Wonder if they knew their names and addresses would end up in a docket?
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#Brunson v. Adams - MAGAts Version of Birthers Hopium / ReVote2017 SCOTUS Case


Post by bob »

orlylicious wrote: Tue Apr 25, 2023 9:38 am :lol: There are four letters and four envelopes. Most of the handwriting looks very shaky. Wonder if they knew their names and addresses would end up in a docket?
Interesting move by the court. Usually such letters are bounced.

My WAG is the judge signaling that he's not persuaded by these form letters. And your (alleged) return address will be part of the public docket.
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#Brunson v. Adams - MAGAts Version of Birthers Hopium / ReVote2017 SCOTUS Case


Post by W. Kevin Vicklund »

bob wrote: Tue Apr 25, 2023 11:43 am
orlylicious wrote: Tue Apr 25, 2023 9:38 am :lol: There are four letters and four envelopes. Most of the handwriting looks very shaky. Wonder if they knew their names and addresses would end up in a docket?
Interesting move by the court. Usually such letters are bounced.

My WAG is the judge signaling that he's not persuaded by these form letters. And your (alleged) return address will be part of the public docket.
I was quite shocked to see the return addresses, then looked up the docket and realized that it was the court that failed to redact. :faint:
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#Brunson v. Adams - MAGAts Version of Birthers Hopium / ReVote2017 SCOTUS Case


Post by Foggy »

Wow, so a judge is basically doxxing the letter-writers?

Y'know, that's a little mean, but it's perfectly legal to discriminate against stupid people. :think:
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#Brunson v. Adams - MAGAts Version of Birthers Hopium / ReVote2017 SCOTUS Case


Post by bob »

Court records are presumed to be public.

Redacting the envelopes would have drawn questions.

I suspect future writers will omit their addresses, use a rented box, or just provide a fake address.
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#Brunson v. Adams - MAGAts Version of Birthers Hopium / ReVote2017 SCOTUS Case


Post by northland10 »

W. Kevin Vicklund wrote: Tue Apr 25, 2023 11:59 am
bob wrote: Tue Apr 25, 2023 11:43 am
orlylicious wrote: Tue Apr 25, 2023 9:38 am :lol: There are four letters and four envelopes. Most of the handwriting looks very shaky. Wonder if they knew their names and addresses would end up in a docket?
Interesting move by the court. Usually such letters are bounced.

My WAG is the judge signaling that he's not persuaded by these form letters. And your (alleged) return address will be part of the public docket.
I was quite shocked to see the return addresses, then looked up the docket and realized that it was the court that failed to redact. :faint:
Is it the job of the court to redact info from a sender that includes information about the sender/filer? I would think that the filer/sender should request that. Orly managed to not redact her own credit card number on a docket, multiple times. The court did not see a need to do her work for her.
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#Brunson v. Adams - MAGAts Version of Birthers Hopium / ReVote2017 SCOTUS Case


Post by Luke »

The grifting insanity continues. SCOTUS. This must be the "Rule 11" nonsense. The Petition isn't live yet. Added this to the Protopage.com/birther page.
No. 22-1028
Title: Loy Arlan Brunson, Petitioner
Alma S. Adams, et al.
Docketed: April 24, 2023
Lower Ct: United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit
Case Numbers: (23-4042)

Apr 19 2023 Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due May 24, 2023)

Attorneys for Petitioner
Loy A. Brunson
Counsel of Record 55 North Merchant St.
American Fork, UT 84003

(801) 375-3278
Party name: Loy A. Brunson
Attorneys for Respondents
Elizabeth B. Prelogar
Counsel of Record Solicitor General
United States Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Party name: Alma S. Adams, et al.
https://www.supremecourt.gov/Search.asp ... -1028.html
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#Brunson v. Adams - MAGAts Version of Birthers Hopium / ReVote2017 SCOTUS Case


Post by northland10 »

orlylicious wrote: Tue Apr 25, 2023 1:36 pm The grifting insanity continues. SCOTUS. This must be the "Rule 11" nonsense. The Petition isn't live yet. Added this to the Protopage.com/birther page.
No. 22-1028
Title: Loy Arlan Brunson, Petitioner
Alma S. Adams, et al.
Docketed: April 24, 2023
Lower Ct: United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit
Case Numbers: (23-4042)

Apr 19 2023 Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due May 24, 2023)

Attorneys for Petitioner
Loy A. Brunson
Counsel of Record 55 North Merchant St.
American Fork, UT 84003

(801) 375-3278
Party name: Loy A. Brunson
Attorneys for Respondents
Elizabeth B. Prelogar
Counsel of Record Solicitor General
United States Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Party name: Alma S. Adams, et al.
https://www.supremecourt.gov/Search.asp ... -1028.html
The appeal opening brief has not even been filed yet, nor has he even paid the fee (or filed for IFP).
10th Circuit Docket wrote:04/05/2023 Open Document [10989017] Civil case docketed. Preliminary record filed. DATE RECEIVED: 04/04/2023 Notice of appearance due on 04/19/2023 for all Appellees. Notice of appearance and fee or ifp forms due on 05/05/2023 for Loy Arlan Brunson. [23-4042] [Entered: 04/05/2023 09:48 AM]

04/11/2023 [10990427] Entry of appearance submitted by Anne E. Rice, Nathan H. Jack for Appellees Alma S. Adams, et al. for court review. Certificate of Interested Parties: Yes. Served on 04/11/2023. Manner of Service: US mail. [23-4042]--[Edited 04/11/2023 by AT to remove PDF as pleading was filed on 4/11/2023] --[Edited 04/12/2023 by SLS to condense docket text.] AER [Entered: 04/11/2023 10:03 AM]

04/11/2023 Open Document [10990535] Entry of appearance filed by Nathan Jack and Anne E. Rice for Appellees Alma S. Adams, et al. CERT. OF INTERESTED PARTIES: y (The party listed is or was counsel of record). Served on 04/11/2023. Manner of Service: US mail [23-4042] --[Edited 04/12/2023 by SLS to condense docket text.] [Entered: 04/11/2023 12:15 PM]
There is no doc on the SCOTUS docket for the Writ, and I would have thought an application would have been necessary to jump over the appeals court directly to SCOTUS, but the Brunsons are special.
Edit: Now the docs are on SCOTUS.
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#Brunson v. Adams - MAGAts Version of Birthers Hopium / ReVote2017 SCOTUS Case


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#Brunson v. Adams - MAGAts Version of Birthers Hopium / ReVote2017 SCOTUS Case


Post by bob »

northland10 wrote: Tue Apr 25, 2023 1:35 pm Is it the job of the court to redact info from a sender that includes information about the sender/filer? I would think that the filer/sender should request that.
No; yes.

Courts might sua sponte redact someone else's personal identifying information; like if, for example, you disclosed someone else's Social Security Number. :whistle: (The likelier action, however, would be to just bounce the filing.)

But if you dox yourself, that's on you.

* * *
northland10 wrote: Tue Apr 25, 2023 1:44 pm Here is the, um, petition.
A "Rule 11 cert. petition." :brickwallsmall:

Because he's pro per, SCOTUS might generously construe this filing as a Rule 11 application, and then deny it.
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#Brunson v. Adams - MAGAts Version of Birthers Hopium / ReVote2017 SCOTUS Case


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Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5jDHZd0JAg
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#Brunson v. Adams - MAGAts Version of Birthers Hopium / ReVote2017 SCOTUS Case


Post by bob »

Raland Brunson wrote:Update on Plan D:
Our brother Loy's Petition made it to the US Supreme Court Docket! #22-1028 Yay!
We bypassed the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals using the Rule 11 (national emergency rule) and the US Supreme Court accepted it. We are now waiting for the Solicitor General to respond.
The feds, at most, will (again) waive a response.

"For completeness": The appeal in the 10th Circuit remains pending.
Update on Plan E:
As a result of the Court Order which was issued by my Federal Court Judge to the three Justices (that if they don't respond to my lawsuit against them, they would be removed from office) they lawyered up, complied with the order and filed a motion asking the judge to not let my case go forward on grounds that they are just too important to be sued, that they should be immune to such things, and that (in so many words) are above the Law. Well, this gives us the opportunity to file an opposition to this motion, and oppose it we will! They are submitting to the decision of my judge, which they can appeal all the way up to the US Supreme Court! What do I say about this? Ha ha, bring it on baby!
My dude: It is you who will be appealing all the way to SCOTUS.

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#Brunson v. Adams - MAGAts Version of Birthers Hopium / ReVote2017 SCOTUS Case


Post by northland10 »

bob wrote: Tue Apr 25, 2023 3:45 pm
Update on Plan E:
As a result of the Court Order which was issued by my Federal Court Judge to the three Justices (that if they don't respond to my lawsuit against them, they would be removed from office) they lawyered up, complied with the order and filed a motion asking the judge to not let my case go forward on grounds that they are just too important to be sued, that they should be immune to such things, and that (in so many words) are above the Law. Well, this gives us the opportunity to file an opposition to this motion, and oppose it we will! They are submitting to the decision of my judge, which they can appeal all the way up to the US Supreme Court! What do I say about this? Ha ha, bring it on baby!
My dude: It is you who will be appealing all the way to SCOTUS.

That is a creative way to interpret a boilerplate proposed scheduled order by a magistrate judge. There are no other orders in the federal case.

I really don't know what he is going on about the justices being told to respond by HIS federal judge. It was the defendants who removed a state case to the District of Utah. He has not filed anything yet in the federal court, even a motion to remand.
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#Brunson v. Adams - MAGAts Version of Birthers Hopium / ReVote2017 SCOTUS Case


Post by bob »

northland10 wrote: Tue Apr 25, 2023 9:22 amThe appear to be using the form letter from that enough is enough site. At least one lady was smart enough to actually copy the text and format it in a normal letter. Some have ended up in a docket entry.

https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap ... 26.8.0.pdf
There was another batch filed the same day. And some more on Monday. :yawn:
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