L. Lin Wood - Lucian Lincoln "Lin" Wood Jr. - Oct 19, 1952 Libra / Dragon - "I might actually be Christ coming back..."

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L. Lin Wood - Lucian Lincoln "Lin" Wood Jr. - Oct 19, 1952 Libra / Dragon - "I might actually be Christ coming back..."


Post by Luke »

New on Telegram: https://t.me/linwoodspeakstruth
Lin Wood, [22.02.21 16:08]
I know many have been waiting on me to comment about the actions (or inaction) by the U.S. Supreme Court today in the 2020 election cases.

I will not mince words, We The People who seek honest elections conducted under the rule of law lost. The enemy won.

Having spoken that truth, the Dissenting Opinion of Justice Clarence Thomas validates and confirms that the lawsuits pursued by Sidney Powell and me were based on legitimate issues of law. All accusations and proceedings seeking to penalize or “discipline” Sidney and me should be terminated as we raised important issues in those case recognized by Justice Thomas. I agree with his Dissent. His rationale in the Pennsylvania is directly on point with my Georgia case and Sidney’s cases in Michigan and Wisconsin.

But this legal battle is not about Sidney and me. It is about you and your right to rely on the rule of law, especially on the bedrock principle that we must have honest and legal elections.

I remain very concerned about the breakdown of the rule of law in our country.

I will not quit. As I have done in the past, so I will continue to do in the future. I will continued to exercise my right of free speech and my right to take lawful actions in courts and/or administrative proceedings to recognize and re-establish the rule of law in America.

Thank you for your support. Stay strong. Keep hope alive.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

https://assets.documentcloud.org/docume ... issent.pdf
Lin Wood, [22.02.21 16:22]
I had some productive meetings this weekend with Patriot and my sister in Christ, Monica Matthews. We are traveling in uncharted waters and recognize the need for unity among our fellow citizens who seek to maintain religious freedom, restore honest elections, and maintain our Constitution. We must protect and preserve ALL of our righty, especially our First Amendment rights.

I give Monica a special shout out of thanks as she has worked tirelessly in recent weeks and months, including her willingness to open her Telegram channel for your replies to my messages. The enemy attacks my reply channel so thanks to Monica, I am able to hear from you.

Please keep providing me the benefit of your replies and email messages of support and sending me relevant information. Along with my staff, we are trying to review ALL of your messages and I pray that at some point in the future, I will have a chance to reply to ALL. Thanks for your support, understanding, and patience.

My email is lwood@fightback.law.

God bless you.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Bonus: Like any good lawyer, he talks endlessly about his upcoming hearings. :lol:
Lin Wood, [21.02.21 15:16]
Don’t worry that I might get in more trouble with the State Bar of Georgia by making fun of Joey “Bribes” Biden and Pelosi with my deep fake video and body double comments. Any false and silly charges the Bar might make arising out of those lawful expressions of my right of free speech would be more substantive than the nonsensical mud the Bar is presently throwing at me.

In fact, on closer review of the agenda-driven “grievance” complaint filed against me, I am thinking that the committee members of the State Bar have been spending too much time at the Local Bar in recent days!

Maybe the committee members should undergo mental health examinations for addiction to alcohol and/or power.

Suggestions courtesy of a friend . . .

Lin Wood, [21.02.21 15:40]
The State Bar of Georgia is accusing me of violating the Rules of Professional Conduct based on unproven allegations in a pending civil lawsuit over a fee dispute with lawyers who formerly shared office space with me - Nicole J. Wade, Jonathan D. Grunberg, & G. Taylor Wilson presently members of the Atlanta law from of Wade, Grunberg, & Wilson, LLC.

Wow! Can you imagine ALL of the grievance complaints the GA State Bar will have to file and pursue if they do a search of the pleadings in the thousands of divorce cases filed by or against lawyers in Georgia?

And here I was previously reading the Bar rules which state they only apply to conduct of a lawyer in connection with representing a client in proceedings of a tribunal (query: are Twitter and Parler “tribunals?”

Silly me.

I must have missed the latest revision of the rules written to falsely manufacture grievances against me! Can anyone locate and send me the November 3, 2020 update?

Live and learn . . .

Lin Wood, [21.02.21 15:48]
I remember well when my friend Bruce Harvey, an aggressive, skilled and hugely successful high-profile criminal defense lawyer jumped on counsel table during a jury trial and performed a strip-tease dance! It was during the Gold Club trial.

Now that was conduct in representing a client in a proceeding of a tribunal!!!

I need to check with Paula J. Frederick and Christian Joseph Steinmetz III of the State Bar of Georgia to see how my buddy Bruce did on the mental health exam ordered by the GA State Bar.

Wait! No such exam was demanded of Bruce!

What does that tell you?

Asking for a friend.

Lin Wood, [21.02.21 16:42]
One of the State Bar of Georgia’s grievances against me arises out of the filing of a lawsuit against the GA Secretary of State contending that his consent agreement with the Democrat party violated the GA state election statute and the changes were not approved of adopted by the GA legislature. That case presently pends before the U.S. Supreme Court.

The Bar (just like the agenda-driven judge in Delaware) is saying I violated disciplinary rules for filing the complaint because it was dismissed for failure to state a claim. Actually, it was dismissed by the trial court in an erroneous ruling that a voter did not have standing to sue for a violation of the one man-one vote rule or for a violation of the voter’s right to equal protection of law.

Figure that one out! A right to vote that a voter cannot enforce???

But wait there is more!

I was the PLAINTIFF in that lawsuit and Atlanta lawyer Ray Smith represented me! Has the State Bar filed a grievance against my lawyer who represented me in the proceedings of a tribunal??? Any guesses? Maybe someone can ask the GA State Bar for the answer!

Wow. Man oh man. The GA State Bar is going to be sooooo busy investigating every lawyer in GA who has been a party to any lawsuit! That will be way up there in the thousands!

I just bet the GA State Bar is going to have to impose a major increase in Bar dues to cover the massive costs of the grievance investigations and hearings (my hearing could take 2-3 weeks as I expect to have a large number of witnesses!). I wonder how the lawyers in GA are going to like that financial hit, especially the lawyers who voted for and still support President Trump?

Lin Wood, [21.02.21 17:05]
Okay. You know me and my propensity for speaking truth. Here comes some more truth about me.

In August of 1976 (I think that is the correct date), I was about to enter my 3rd year of law school.

I attended the American Bar Association annual meeting in Atlanta. I attended a number of ABA functions on the last day and partook of the booze the ABA was serving for free. Too many ABA functions and too much ABA free booze!

Driving back to my home in Macon, GA that night, I got pulled and was charged with DUI. I was guilty but a deal was struck at the Bulldog Booster Club meeting and the DUI charge was dismissed by the prosecutor. I apparently had more “pull” as a law student than I have now after 43 years of being a lawyer!

But I did have to spend the night in jail waiting to get bonded out. Not a fun learning experience.

I have never been charged with DUI since that incident and I have not touched a drop of alcohol of any kind in the last 8 years. I thank God that he took away the desire and taste. I made up my mind to quit drinking and I did so without any counseling. Again, thank you, God.

My point in telling this truth is how many practicing lawyers in the State of Georgia have pled guilty or been convicted of DUI one or more times?

The Bar rule about mental health examinations covers “addiction.” How many of the guilty DUI lawyers in GA has the State Bar demanded submit to a mental health examination? Another good question for Paula Frederick at the State Bar.

I think a lawyer driving drunk poses a more serious threat to the public than a lawyer posting messages on social media in the evenings after work from the confines of his or her private home?

Do you agree or is it just me?

It is pretty clear why the GA State Bar is trying to crucify me, isn’t it? It is spelled K-E-M-P, C-O-X, M-E-R-C-E-R, and T-R-U-M-P.

I rest my case. That is until i show up in Atlanta and rip the State Bar of Georgia to shreds in a courtroom.

Check my record.
Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5jDHZd0JAg
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Re: L. Lin Wood - Lucian Lincoln "Lin" Wood Jr. - "I might actually be Christ coming back..."


Post by Reality Check »

Thomas's and the other dissents were not in Wood's case but in the PA cases. There were different issues from state to state. Wood is pretending these dissents applied to him.
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Re: L. Lin Wood - Lucian Lincoln "Lin" Wood Jr. - "I might actually be Christ coming back..."


Post by sterngard friegen »

The cases with the dissents involved state supreme courts "expanding" voting rights which Thomas and his nutwing colleagues say was a violation of the constitution which reserves the ability to modify election laws to state legislatures. Lin Wood's cases involved other issues and specious fraud claims.
Neither disbarred nor disciplined after representing President Barack Obama. :oldman:
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Re: L. Lin Wood - Lucian Lincoln "Lin" Wood Jr. - "I might actually be Christ coming back..."


Post by mimi »

Monica Matthews was posting all of Lin Woods’ telegram messages because he didn’t allow replies to avoid moderation.

Apparently that’s not happening anymore.

And she won’t be a part of his foundation.
Hi everyone! Just an FYI. I am no longer maintaining comments for Lin on my channel. He will have something in place soon for you to continue to engage.

He really enjoys hearing from you all.. so, make sure you keep those emails headed in his direction!

Also, while honored to have been asked to serve on the Board Of Directors for Fightback Foundation, I have prayed about it and believe my energies will be best served on other kingdom fronts. Thank you all for your encouragement and for helping Lin with the continuous fight to speak truth to lies!

Methinks there’s more to this story.


Adding some stuff she’s posted yesterday:

I’ve suffered two losses today. My nation’s allegiance to law and order and that of a dear person I have loved & served with all my heart. Not perfectly, but with integrity and honor. Ya’ll pray for me, ok? And pray for our nation. ❤️🙏🏻

And earlier today...
I hope we’ve all gotten a real dose of the importance of not idolizing man. I know I have.

I’m wiped. With every passing mile marker of a potential shift in the current lie Satan is perpetuating & God is allowing, 2 things occur:

1. I lose more faith in my country, what I thought we were and the systems I thought sustain our civility and liberty
2. I am pressed to be more concerned with and a practitioner of, Kingdom precepts and eternal life in the now.

There are a few things I will not bow to saying lest I perpetuate a lie: “President” Biden or Kamala & Justice anyone. You don’t get to steal the crown or desecrate the robe and command me to agree with your ‘authority’. Even Saul was appointed by God. Which David knew and was why he didn’t dare touch him. God did.

As we approach yet another mile marker in this absolute sh*t show from hell called a coup, I am not allowing my heart to believe our military, Sidney, Lin, Flynn or POTUS will fly in to save the day. My heart is done with that.

No. My heart and eyes are fixed on my Father in heaven who sees all and knows all and will never honor a lie. From that place of Truth I will carry on about my day and do what I can do to ease burdens, speak Truth, forgive and prepare for His return. That’s my power. That’s yours too.

I know many speak of pending war. My first battle is in the spirit and believe me, I’m at war. The longest battlefield is between our two ears.

While I understand better than most what it is to be sick and tired of evil’s apparent victory, I’m going to have to find some rest. I’m pointing you to our Father because He’s the ONLY person, being, entity, who can save us at this point.

Our systems have failed us. Man has too. Been a very rough lesson for me to learn in recent days, but my resolve is greater. I will trust in the ONE who can save. The ONE who sets up and brings down. The ONE who destroys his enemies.

Sounds like a breakup!
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Re: L. Lin Wood - Lucian Lincoln "Lin" Wood Jr. - "I might actually be Christ coming back..."


Post by Domenico »

mimi wrote: Tue Feb 23, 2021 12:34 pm
Sounds like a breakup!
Sounds like a breakdown!
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Re: L. Lin Wood - Lucian Lincoln "Lin" Wood Jr. - "I might actually be Christ coming back..."


Post by Luke »

Love you Mimi!

Lin is really nutz. Telegram:
Lin Wood, [25.02.21 19:42]
Have you had the conversation below where you asked these questions to a work colleague or friend lately?

Q. Did you take the Covid vaccine?
A: Yes.

Q. Do you know that you can still get Covid?
A. Yes.

Q. Do you know that you can still spread Covid to others?
A. Yes.

Q. So you know that you still have to wear a mask (or two!) and social distance?
A. Yes.

Q. Then why did you take the vaccine?
A. [Silence]

Q. Did you take the vaccine because you knowingly wanted to modify your DNA?
A. I did not know that. I did not read up on the vaccine before I took it. Does it really do that???

Moral of the Story: When you are given the right to choose, educate yourself so that you can choose wisely.

ALL choices have consequences.

Lin Wood, [25.02.21 20:01]
The enemy convinced many that CCP virus required people to wear and hide behind useless masks. The enemy used CCP virus to physically separate many from their fellow citizens. Then the enemy convinced many that CCP virus danger requires two masks. And now per the article below and others recently published, the enemy wants you to bend over and submit to an anal CCP virus test.

The enemy is laughing at us.

Whose instructions are you following?

Lin Wood, [25.02.21 20:24]
https://americanmilitarynews.com/2021/0 ... vid-tests/

Lin Wood, [26.02.21 01:05]
Ever wonder why I named my channel “LinWoodSpeaksTruth?” [Note: That's NOT the name of his channel, it's just Lin Wood.]

Simple answer: Because I love truth.

For my entire career as a lawyer, I have pursued truth to achieve justice.

Candidly, it is difficult in these extraordinary times to find honesty in many people. We certainly have not found it in Georgia officials or in government officials throughout the nation. The November 3, 2020 election was dishonest. So very many people know it, yet too many still deny it.

Outside of America, foreign countries are certain of the U.S. election fraud. Yet, a percentage of our population deny the truth. They do so either because they do not think for themselves and have been brainwashed by the propaganda media OR they do so because the dishonest election fits their personal or political agenda. They accept the lie so they can move on with their lives or their agendas.

How does a life or an agenda based on a lie hope to find success? It cannot.

Now you know why I refuse to accept the November 3, 2020 dishonest election result. Our country cannot succeed if our leadership is based on a lie. I want our country to succeed and success can only be a achieved if we face and accept the TRUTH. Trump won. Bigly. We need to face it, embrace it, and live it.

A few personal reflections to follow.

Lin Wood, [26.02.21 01:22]
When I surrendered my life to God 2 1/2 years ago, I did so after I seriously posed to myself for the first time this question, “Is God real?”

I reflected on my life and life on Earth in general and concluded that the only thing that made perfect sense to explain everything from start to finish was the conclusion that God is real. A conclusion that turned seeming chaos into a plan. A perfect plan.

God is TRUTH. God is RIGHTEOUS. God is LOVE.

So the longer answer to why I named my channel, “LinWoodSpeaksTruth” is that I love to pursue truth because I love justice and justice is found in trying your best to honestly reach the right result.

I am still learning. I have much more to learn. Don’t we ALL?

Sorry if I am rambling. I will call it a night, not with the words of an imperfect man, but rather the words of the only perfect man to walk on the face of the Earth:

“Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.”
- John 17:17

I love TRUTH. I love ALL of you. I love GOD.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸


Lin Wood, [26.02.21 15:54]
I have long advocated that the practice of law is nonpartisan. There is no room for politics in a court of law. Lady Justice wears a blindfold. Every person is equal in the eyes of the law.

When politics infects the administration of justice, bad things happen. The worst being an injustice is inflicted on a party. An injustice on one is an injustice to ALL in a system based on the rule of law.

Look back earlier this week and this year to the failure of the U.S. Supreme Court to accept 2020 election cases for review and decision.

In my opinion, the Court had a duty to accept the cases and issue a ruling on the competing legal issues. The ultimate ruling should have been a legal ruling based on the law regardless of which side prevailed. The law is the law.

In my opinion, the problem with SCOTUS’ action (or inaction) is that the failure to review the cases in the first instance was a political decision.

While politics obviously plays a role in the selection and confirmation of Supreme Court justices, political considerations must END when a Justice takes the sworn oath to interpret and apply the law pursuant to the Constitution. Being faithful to that sworn oath is the ONLY safeguard to insure that we have EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW.

Now let’s next examine the problem on a personal level.

Lin Wood, [26.02.21 16:16]
The personal issue is the actions being taken by the State Bar of Georgia against me. Look at the Bar’s unjustified demand that I submit to a mental health examination without telling me the basis for the demand and without even identifying the examiner. Talk about a total absence of due process!

The State Bar also threatens my Bar license based on my personal expressions of free speech and my involvement in lawsuits which challenge the validity of the 2020 election. Talk about an effort to exceed the lawful scope of its duties to regulate the practice of law!

Why is the State Bar of Georgia engaging in an unjustified and unlawful witch hunt against a member of the Bar with an unblemished 43-year record?


The reality is that the GA State Bar for the past many years does not represent the interests of We The Lawyers who make up the Bar of Georgia. The GA State Bar only represents and advocates the interests of the political officials who hold the key to power in the organization. In short, the State Bar of Georgia is a political organization. Not good for the practicing lawyers who should have the power to regulate themselves as members of the Bar.

Sounds kinda like what has happened to our country, doesn’t it? The government “officials” have forgotten about We The People.

It is time for We The People to clean up government and return the power to the People where it rightfully resides in the first instance.

It is time for We The Lawyers in Georgia to clean up the State Bar of Georgia and return the power to the practicing lawyers where it rightfully resides in the first instance.

The practicing lawyers in Georgia are intimidated and fearful of speaking up against the State Bar of Georgia about its clear mistreatment of me. These lawyers need to reach deep inside themselves and find the courage to fight back for me. While the GA State Bar is now coming after me, sooner as opposed to later the State Bar will be coming after them based on politics.

It is time for lawyers around the country to wake up and put aside preferences and stand for principles. It is time for ALL lawyers to take politics out of the practice of law and fight honestly for what is right.

The practice of law is nonpartisan.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5jDHZd0JAg
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Re: L. Lin Wood - Lucian Lincoln "Lin" Wood Jr. - "I might actually be Christ coming back..."


Post by Lani »

The mental health exam can't come fast enough.
Image You can't wait until life isn't hard anymore before you decide to be happy.
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Re: L. Lin Wood - Lucian Lincoln "Lin" Wood Jr. - "I might actually be Christ coming back..."


Post by neonzx »

orlylicious wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 4:46 pm Love you Mimi!

Lin is really nutz. Telegram:
Lin Wood, [25.02.21 19:42]
Have you had the conversation below where you asked these questions to a work colleague or friend lately?

Q. Did you take the vaccine because you knowingly wanted to modify your DNA?
A. I did not know that. I did not read up on the vaccine before I took it. Does it really do that???
Can I get the Hugh Jackman DNA rewrite vaccine? :P
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Re: L. Lin Wood - Lucian Lincoln "Lin" Wood Jr. - "I might actually be Christ coming back..."


Post by raicha »

Wood is clearly cuckoo for cocoa puffs, but I find the GA bar thing kind of alarming. Haven't read through the entire 1600 pages, but the word "overreach" springs to mind.

Too bad his family can't get through to him.
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Re: L. Lin Wood - Lucian Lincoln "Lin" Wood Jr. - "I might actually be Christ coming back..."


Post by slq »

raicha wrote: Sat Feb 27, 2021 2:38 pm Wood is clearly cuckoo for cocoa puffs, but I find the GA bar thing kind of alarming. Haven't read through the entire 1600 pages, but the word "overreach" springs to mind.

Too bad his family can't get through to him.
There's actually only 10 pages of actual grievance. The rest is copies of his pleadings and texts. It focuses on Wood's death threats to Pence and his claims about Chief Justice Roberts' adopted kids, as well as his actions toward his former partners and other elected officials and incitement of insurrection. Well worth looking into, I think. I don't think it's overreach. What Wood has put out there is so far beyond the pale that it's the opposite of pale.
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Re: L. Lin Wood - Lucian Lincoln "Lin" Wood Jr. - "I might actually be Christ coming back..."


Post by slq »

The whole 1677 page file is a beast. I've excerpted and attached pages 1-11 of the 1677 page document Wood uploaded to dropbox. As you can see, on page 10 the grievance ends rather abruptly. I'm guessing Wood deleted some of it. But those 10 pages are pretty damning.

I've included page 11 so you can see that the file then goes directly to what appears to be page 1 of Exhibit A (lower right corner). That exhibit is the complaint in King v. Whitmer.
(440.04 KiB) Downloaded 217 times
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Re: L. Lin Wood - Lucian Lincoln "Lin" Wood Jr. - "I might actually be Christ coming back..."


Post by Luke »

It's hard to keep track of Lin's madness. Telegram stuff:
Lin Wood, [03.03.21 13:32]
Oh no! What will I do?!? I just received notice that the Lawyers Club of Atlanta has expelled me from the Club!!! I will lose the right to attend the annual “Holiday” Party where members get to consume large quantities of extravagant foods and booze. I did not know the Club was a political club. While I do not drink alcohol, I have to admit that I did enjoy the opportunity to visit with my fellow members of the Atlanta Bar (and enjoy some good food) even though I only attended the party once or twice in the last 5 years.

What will I do?

I will appeal.

Not because I care about this largely irrelevant social club but because I will not go quietly in the night. I have done nothing wrong. My actions were ALL allowed by law and protected by the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Take a look at my appeal “rights” set forth in the Club’s notice of expulsion and learn how the Club desperately seeks to hide the appeal and its wrongful actions in darkness and from public view. It is apparently set for April 21.

Do you agree with my decision to appeal?

I have been told the Club has millions of dollars in its bank accounts, accumulated over many years. I guess the members want their money spent by the Club to establish the blueprint for the State Bar of Georgia to follow? Really?

Maybe the Club could have used its wealth to help the less fortunate in need of legal services? Just sayin’.

Lin Wood, [03.03.21 13:32]
https://www.dropbox.com/s/cao68q7rlqlxm ... 1.pdf?dl=0
And then, he's posting a transcript with a "whistleblower" he says proves his assertions, including about Mike Pence. 191 pages. Not sure how to link to it, downloaded from Telegram... if anybody wants it lmk and will try to figure it out. His Telegram is https://t.me/linwoodspeakstruth
Lin Wood, [03.03.21 13:38]
Thanks, Garrett, for re-posting the whistleblower’s truth. I follow your posts daily because you speak truth. You are wise beyond your years. Keep fighting back!!! - Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Lin Wood, [03.03.21 13:38]
[Forwarded from Garrett M. Ziegler]
[ File : FULL Transcript of Whistleblower Interview.pdf ]
It would be worth your time to grab a coffee or tea either over lunch or tonight and read this.

Lin Wood, [03.03.21 13:42]
More truth from Garrett. Think about it. Officials in “our” government want to kill the whistleblower. We cannot tolerate this level of criminality in our country for another minute. It is time for every lie to be revealed and for justice to be done. Lock them ALL up.

Lin Wood, [03.03.21 13:42]
[Forwarded from Garrett M. Ziegler]
I have met this whistleblower on multiple occasions and have found him to be kind, sharp, and extremely credible. He has seen the underbelly of the American regime. I wish I could introduce you all to him, but so many people want him dead.
It’s a travesty.

Lin Wood, [03.03.21 13:53]
All I have tried my imperfect best to do is to speak truth. I will continue to do so. I am fearless as God did not create us to have the spirit of fear. We must be fearless in facing the TRUTH.

https://populist.press/bombshell-lin-wo ... -vp-pence/

Lin Wood, [03.03.21 14:12]
Many of my “friends,” and my professional “colleagues,” have joined the mob of liars in the propaganda mainstream and social media to question my mental health and falsely brand me as “crazy.”

Why do they choose to falsely accuse me and in doing so, ignore the body of my life’s work as a lawyer?

Because they cannot attack or face the truth of the message of the brave whistleblower. So they falsely attack the messenger in hopes of destroying me.

I understand the tactics of the enemy. The enemy has a limited playbook. These tactics date as far back as the crucifixion of Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior.

They killed Jesus of Nazareth but they could not kill the truth of His message. His message has survived over 2,000 years and is growing in strength today.

Jesus Christ the Perfect Son of God spoke TRUTH. Jesus Christ the Perfect Son of God was TRUTH. Jesus Christ the Perfect Son of God was God in the flesh.

God is real. God is truth. The enemy has already been defeated.
Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5jDHZd0JAg
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Re: L. Lin Wood - Lucian Lincoln "Lin" Wood Jr. - "I might actually be Christ coming back..."


Post by Baidn »

I didn't want to have to go through and delete are the irrelevant parts of the quote so I copy pasted instead of using the quote function. It's truly incredible that someone can be so clueless as to be absolutely right for the entirely wrong reason. His screed perfectly describes himself and the rest of the Big Lie pushers. It's frankly depressing someone with the benefit of so much education can be so gullible and dumb, though I keep trying to remind myself that it's really just part of the dunning kruger effect and the results of a study on the same: "the vast majority of people rate themselves ABOVE average in their skills and intelligence, despite the fact that this is a statistical impossibility."

"a percentage of our population deny the truth. They do so either because they do not think for themselves and have been brainwashed by the propaganda media OR they do so because the dishonest election fits their personal or political agenda."
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Re: L. Lin Wood - Lucian Lincoln "Lin" Wood Jr. - "I might actually be Christ coming back..."


Post by Luke »

Lucian needs counsel to tell him to shut up. But if he wants to keep digging, rock on Lucian.
Lin Wood, [05.03.21 12:16]
The DELAWARE judge who wrongfully revoked my pro hac vice in Dr. Page’s case was Craig A. Karsmitz.

Below is the order Judge Karsmitz entered against me. I had forgotten that he also suggested I was responsible for the January 6 “insurrection” in Washington, D.C.! Are you kidding me? I had NO involvement whatsoever in that event.

Lin Wood, [05.03.21 12:16]
https://www.dropbox.com/s/4d9td6bsrfomx ... 0.pdf?dl=0

Lin Wood, [05.03.21 12:31]
Just to complete the circle on the order of Judge Karsmitz:

1. Karsmitz asked for a conference with just local counsel in the Page case.
2. He informed counsel that he had received “death threats” because of his sua sponte order questioning my pro hac vice status.
3. He said he wanted to quietly resolve the issue.
4. Dr. Page had asked me to withdraw my appearance to avoid delay in his libel case which had a pending motion to dismiss. I agreed as I always put the interests of my client ahead of my interests.
5. Dr. Page’s local counsel informed the Court that I would file my legal defenses to his sua sponte order and then I would withdraw voluntarily from the case which would render the issue MOOT. No ruling would be necessary. Judge Karsmitz AGREED to that process.

That should have been the end of the story but WAIT, after that agreement was reached, Judge Karsmitz went ahead and issued his scathing public order revoking my pro hac vice license.

One could surmise that I was politically set up to be wrongfully smeared and have my professional reputation wrongfully damaged with the public.

I guess the dissent of Justice Thomas and the quote of Pence should be called to the Court’s attention. Do you agree?

I am appealing the Karsmitz order to the Supreme Court of Delaware. Will that court correct this egregious error? We shall see.

I will not go quietly in the night.

If they can do this to me, every lawyer is at risk based on the political winds and political agendas.

The practice of law, the rule of law, and the administration of justice are nonpartisan and MUST remain so. Otherwise, we are ALL at risk.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸


Lin Wood, [05.03.21 12:44]
As a great American, Paul Harvey, used to say, here is the rest of the Judge Karsmitz story.

I had reviewed the motion to dismiss filed against Dr. Page. Based on my 26 years work in the area of defamation law, the motion should have been quickly denied. The complaint undisputedly set forth a valid cause of action under the well pleaded facts (which the Court must accept as true for purposes of ruling on a motion to dismiss).

After my license was revoked, Dr. Page retained Todd McMurtry to replace me. You know Todd. He worked with me as co-counsel on the Nicholas Sandmann cases before Nicholas terminated me as his counsel (but not before I successfully negotiated settlements foe Nicholas with CNN and the Washington Post).

Not surprisingly, I was told Todd did an excellent job on short notice at the Page motion to dismiss hearing.

Judge Karsmitz thereafter granted the motion to dismiss and threw Dr. Page’s libel case out of court.

I was not surprised. Are you?

Lin Wood, [05.03.21 13:01]
The enemy wants to make an example out of me and destroy me. So the enemy is pulling out ALL stops:

Judge Karsmitz

NY counsel for Joy Reid

Mercer University

Mercer Law School

Mercer Dean Cathy Cox

Lawyers Club of Atlanta

State Bar of Georgia

State Bar of Arizona

City of Detroit

Fake investigation into my voting status by GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (a/k/a as Jordy Fuchs)

The multitude of propagandist mainstream and social media false and defamatory articles.

Plus many more attacks to follow which I will discuss as they occur.

I am not important but shining light on these dark communistic smear tactics being deployed against me is critically important to the survival of our republic and our freedom.

They want to make an example out of me. I will turn their attacks back against them and make an example out of them.

I fight back. I will never quit. The enemy is already defeated.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸


Lin Wood, [05.03.21 13:07]
I totally forgot the District Court of Colorado Bar. I need a program to keep up with ALL the players as my memory is imperfect!
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Re: L. Lin Wood - Lucian Lincoln "Lin" Wood Jr. - "I might actually be Christ coming back..."


Post by Uninformed »

“The high court separately turned away an appeal by Lin Wood, a pro-Trump attorney who sought to block the Jan. 5 Georgia U.S. Senate runoff elections, eventually won by two Democrats.”

https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles ... -challenge
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Post by Luke »

Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5jDHZd0JAg
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Re: L. Lin Wood - Lucian Lincoln "Lin" Wood Jr. - "I might actually be Christ coming back..."


Post by bob »

Ob. WND: Bar association sued for forcing lawyers to fund political agendas:
9th Circuit moves controversial case to trial

* * *

The complaint was filed by lawyers who object to "being forced to join the [Oregon] association and fund its political oriented publications."

A lower court judge dismissed the case, contending the Supreme Court allows mandatory memberships.

"But the Court of Appeals … reversed that decision, holding that the question of whether the government can force lawyers to join bar associations that engage in political and ideological speech that isn’t related to regulating the practice of law—is 'an issue that neither the Supreme Court nor we have ever addressed,'" the the Goldwater Institute said.
The 9th's ruling. The heart of that matter was the Oregon bar's newsletter spoke out against white nationalism and the normalization of violence.

None of which is relevant to Wood's fights with the Georgia bar.
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Re: L. Lin Wood - Lucian Lincoln "Lin" Wood Jr. - "I might actually be Christ coming back..."


Post by realist »

bob wrote:The 9th's ruling. The heart of that matter was the Oregon bar's newsletter spoke out against white nationalism and the normalization of violence.

None of which is relevant to Wood's fights with the Georgia bar.

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Re: L. Lin Wood - Lucian Lincoln "Lin" Wood Jr. - "I might actually be Christ coming back..."


Post by RVInit »

realist wrote: Tue Mar 09, 2021 11:35 am
bob wrote:The 9th's ruling. The heart of that matter was the Oregon bar's newsletter spoke out against white nationalism and the normalization of violence.

None of which is relevant to Wood's fights with the Georgia bar.

Yeah that! Hi, bob!
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Re: L. Lin Wood - Lucian Lincoln "Lin" Wood Jr. - "I might actually be Christ coming back..."


Post by northland10 »

realist wrote: Tue Mar 09, 2021 11:35 am
bob wrote:The 9th's ruling. The heart of that matter was the Oregon bar's newsletter spoke out against white nationalism and the normalization of violence.

None of which is relevant to Wood's fights with the Georgia bar.


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Re: L. Lin Wood - Lucian Lincoln "Lin" Wood Jr. - "I might actually be Christ coming back..."


Post by Tiredretiredlawyer »

bob!!!!!!!! :bar: :cheer2: :cheer1:
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Re: L. Lin Wood - Lucian Lincoln "Lin" Wood Jr. - "I might actually be Christ coming back..."


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:cheer2: :cheer1: :banana: Bob!! :banana: :cheer1: :cheer2:
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Re: L. Lin Wood - Lucian Lincoln "Lin" Wood Jr. - "I might actually be Christ coming back..."


Post by Luke »

Count me in... awesome seeing your posts, Bob!

Lucian on Telegram:

Lin Wood, [13.03.21 12:35]
I got out of the stock market early last year. Candidly, I was tired of watching my life savings fluctuate wildly based on national and international events over which I had NO control. I reached my own personal conclusion that the stock market is manipulated by the powers who own and manage it and who profit when it goes up and when it goes down. Plus, in the final analysis, all I had was paper and someone else had my money.

I have a curious mind. So I have watched the stock market since last March and WOW, nothing seems to impact it in terms of national and world events. It just keeps going up and up to new records despite events which would normally shake it and create significant fluctuations. The market did not even suffer its cyclical 20% correction! Amazing!

Historically, the market likes certainty and dislikes uncertainty. Do you think we are living in times of certainty or uncertainty?

I am NOT a financial advisor. I have no training or experience in that arena. I am just a person who tries to stay informed and think for myself.

The stock market records and consistently upward trend in the past year makes no sense to me.

Does it make sense to you?

Just sayin.’

Lin Wood, [15.03.21 17:40]
When the stay ends in the lawsuit filed against me by Atlanta lawyers Nicole J. Wade, Jonathan D. Grunberg, and G. Taylor Wilson of the law firm of Wade, Grunberg, & Wilson, LLC, discovery will be undertaken to complete a full factual record for review by the Court (and the public).

Sworn testimony in depositions taken upon cross-examination!!!

When that time comes, I will post the deposition transcripts online so that light can shine and truth can be revealed! I have nothing to hide. I love TRUTH.

Not specific to Wade, Grunberg, & Wilson, let me just generally admit to ALL that I can be hot-blooded (even a little profane) at times, especially when someone interferes with my relationship with my children and/or my efforts for Richard Jewell.

I know my weaknesses. I also know my strengths. I know how to slice and dice a witness on cross-examination. I know how to reveal lies in a thorough and sifting cross-examination of a witness.

Check my record.

Note that I only speak of my skills as a trial lawyer. I am NOT referring to Wade, Grunberg, & Wilson. I would never disparage them except as court pleadings or court records (like deposition transcripts) may reveal witnesses who end up disparaging themselves when confronted with TRUTH.

Just sayin.’

Lin Wood, [15.03.21 17:48]
The State Bar of Georgia demands that I submit to a mental health examination but refuses to provide me with any facts forming the alleged basis for their demand to intrude on my privacy by participating in what we ALL know now will be a rigged examination then.

There is not a single fact relating to my conduct as a lawyer over 43 years that justifies the demand. The demand is one part of a political witch-hunt designed to smear me and take a skilled opponent out of the arena of the courtroom.

I wonder how many lawyers who attack me have factual information in their law firm’s HR files which reflects conduct as a lawyer which might raise legitimate concerns about the lawyer’s mental health?

Asking for a friend.
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