MS Flight Simulator for my dad

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MS Flight Simulator for my dad


Post by tek »

My 90+ year old dad is getting less and less mobile.
He's flown radio-control model airplanes since before I was born.
He'd like to have a flight simulator setup to amuse him.
He obviously does not need a high-end, dogfight with people around the world setup; I think he'd be happy puttering around in a Piper Cub.

I'm thinking flight sim on an xbox with a yoke and pedals, because that means less of him farting around with computers.. though could set up one of my many spare computers for him.

Anybody here have any direct experience with all this? I know nothing.

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John Thomas8
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MS Flight Simulator for my dad


Post by John Thomas8 »

MS FlightSim on Steam runs Ok on my 5 year old Dell desktop.
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