Gay Marriage / LGBTQ Rights / Equality Act

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Gay Marriage / LGBTQ Rights / Equality Act


Post by Luke »

Here we go... While of course, Democrats have the House and Senate along with President Biden, since the Senate filibuster still requires 60 votes there's uncertainty whether it will go through. When it was first raised, the House passed it but MoscowMitch wouldn't even bring it up. Big business is on board to pass it; here's hoping.
Democrats want businesses to help get LGBT bill across finish line
BY ALEX GANGITANO - 02/23/21 06:00 AM EST
Democrats want businesses to help get LGBT bill across finish line

The House this week is set to pass legislation that would expand LGBT protections, but Democrats are looking for help from the business community to get it through the Senate with GOP support. Major companies and trade associations are largely endorsing the Equality Act and putting their lobbying weight behind the bill in an attempt to get enough Senate Republicans on board. President Biden on Friday urged swift action on the legislation, which would prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity for housing, education, employment, credit, jury service and public accommodations. GOP support is needed to reach the 60-vote threshold in the evenly split Senate.

Some of the biggest names in corporate America are members of the Human Rights Campaign’s Business Coalition pushing for passage of the Equality Act, including American Express, AT&T, Bank of America, Chevron, CVS, General Motors, Marriott and Verizon. The legislation not only aligns with corporate values of fairness and inclusion, it’s also good business sense,” said Human Rights Campaign Director for the Workplace Equality Program Beck Bailey. “Leading employers have long offered nondiscrimination protections for their LGBTQ workers ensuring they are empowered to bring their full selves to work, but understand that employees and their families must have the uniform civil rights protections in other aspects of life.”

The bill, reintroduced Thursday by Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.), passed the House in May 2019, with eight Republicans crossing the aisle, but wasn’t taken up in what was then the GOP-controlled Senate. The measure would need the support of 10 Republican senators to overcome a legislative filibuster and land on the president’s desk. The business community rallied around it in 2019 and is re-upping its commitment this time around. Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) recently touted the business community’s role as Democrats aim to get the Equality Act signed into law within the first 100 days of Biden’s presidency. “Ending discrimination in the workplace and every other aspect of life, not only is good for the LGBTQ community, for our whole society, but also for the businesses that want the very best. They should be hiring without any concern of complaint about the diversity that they are introducing into there. That’s why we think we’ll have strong bipartisan support. We think the business community will help us in the Senate, yeah,” Pelosi told reporters on Jan. 28. Sen. Susan Collins of Maine was the sole Republican co-sponsor of the legislation in the previous Congress. In June, she joined a group of Democrats calling on the Senate to bring it up for a vote. The measure hasn’t been reintroduced in the Senate this year, but Democratic Sens. Jeff Merkley (Ore.), Cory Booker (N.J.) and Tammy Baldwin (Wis.) are expected to do so this week.

Advocacy groups working with the business community haven’t revealed which GOP senators they plan to target. While Collins has signaled support for the bill, other potential swing votes like Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) have indicated opposition. The bill would amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act and the Jury Selection and Services Act by extending existing protections to sexual orientation and gender identity. Another amendment to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 would include prohibiting discrimination in public spaces on the basis of sex and expanding public spaces covered in the law to include retail stores, banks, legal services and transportation services.

The Supreme Court in June ruled in a 6-3 decision that the country’s laws on sex discrimination in the workplace also apply to discrimination against LGBT individuals. The Justice Department in the waning days of the Trump administration issued a last-minute memo to limit the scope of the decision, but Biden’s acting head of the Justice Department’s civil rights division revoked the directive last month. Proponents of the bill are hoping to avoid any chance of a similar reversal during a future administration by getting the Equality Act signed into law. Those supporters include many in Silicon Valley, including Apple, Facebook, Intel and Microsoft, who say winning over Senate Republicans is the final piece to that puzzle. “As we’ve seen, businesses thrive when they are open to everyone, and the LGBTQ community deserves equal rights, protections, and opportunities. That is why we strongly support the House passage of the Equality Act and encourage the Senate to quickly follow suit,” said Peter Chandler, TechNet’s vice president of federal policy and government relations. ... ill-across

Heritage and the right-wing are mobilizing big resources to try and kill it. Hey right-wing, how about protecting the living vs. abortion fantasies:
Equality Act Is Trojan Horse for Abortion Lobby and More
Feb 22nd, 2021 COMMENTARY BY Melanie Israel Research Associate, DeVos Center
Melanie is a research associate in the DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society at The Heritage Foundation.

Should the act ever become law, it would be disastrous for all Americans who care about protecting innocent unborn life.
In practice, it could mean that a health care provider would be discriminating on the basis of sex if they refused to perform an abortion procedure.
Equally disturbing is the Equality Act’s lack of any conscience protections for individuals with moral or religious objections.

If you search the text of the Equality Act for the term “abortion,” you won’t find it. And while that might be by design, should the act ever become law, it would be disastrous for all Americans who care about protecting innocent unborn life. The House of Representatives is set to vote on this dangerous piece of legislation this week. In addition to being a Trojan Horse for abortion promotion, the Equality Act promotes inequality because it would penalize Americans for their beliefs about marriage and biological sex.

The Equality Act would amend federal civil rights law by adding “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” as protected classes. In recent years, Heritage Foundation scholars have sounded the alarm about various groups that would be harmed should the act become law, including employers and employees, medical professionals, parents and children, women, and nonprofits and volunteers. The list doesn’t end there, and pro-life Americans should join the chorus of people rejecting this radical policy.

>>> How Could Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) Laws Affect You?

The Equality Act would have a devastating impact on a host of current pro-life policies and protections. It would lay the groundwork for eliminating prohibitions on taxpayer-funded abortions at the state and federal level; purge existing statutory conscience-protection provisions for pro-life individuals and entities in the context of health care; and nullify hard-fought court battles that upheld religious freedom protections for people and organizations, such as the Little Sisters of the Poor, an order of Catholic nuns that has spent nearly a decade in litigation over Obamacare’s onerous contraception mandate.

How would the Equality Act accomplish these things, all of which have been highlighted as priorities by the abortion lobby?

The Equality Act adds the term “sex” to Title II of the 1964 Civil Rights Act on public accommodations to mean pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions. Both the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals have interpreted “related medical condition” to include abortion. Because of the way the Equality Act is drafted, this new definition of sex discrimination—understood to include a medical condition such as abortion—would be applied to areas of law, such as federally assisted programs, public accommodations, and Obamacare’s nondiscrimination provision. In practice, it could mean that a health care provider would be discriminating on the basis of sex if they refused to perform an abortion procedure; a hospital could be discriminating on the basis of sex if it refused to allow abortions to take place within its facility; and health insurance plans could be discriminating on the basis of sex if they do not include coverage for elective abortions.

The Equality Act specifically states that no claims for relief can be made under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), which is the law that provided a pathway for groups such the Little Sisters of the Poor and businesses such as Hobby Lobby to receive relief at the Supreme Court from Obamacare’s onerous contraception mandate. According to the RFRA, the federal government can substantially burden the exercise of religion without demonstrating a compelling government interest that is accomplished through the least restrictive means possible. The Equality Act is explicitly clear that the legislation nullifies RFRA’s applicability.
More: ... y-and-more

Lots more right-wing media also going nuts. And of course... Marj Q. Green:
Marjorie Taylor Greene wants to replace LGBTQ+ Equality Act
The Georgia congresswoman has a history of anti-trans remarks
Josh Marcus San Francisco Tuesday 23 February 2021 20:39

Marjorie Taylor Greene, the far-right Georgia representative who was was stripped of her committee assignments this month for a history of controversial statements, filed amendments on Tuesday attempting to wholly replace the Equality Act, a proposed civil rights bill that would outlaw LGBTQ+ discrimination. “I’ve introduced these amendments to the so-called ‘Equality’ Act in order to stop this Democrat attack on girls, churches, and believers,” she said in a statement. The proposed changes, which Ms Greene called “America First amendments,” echoing one of former president Trump’s slogans, would entirely replace the bill with one that prevents trans women and girls from participating in women’s sports, exempts churches and other non-profits from the anti-discrimination bill, and, even more broadly, allow people to sue the federal government “if their religious rights are violated.”

Introduced last week, the bicameral Equality Act would prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity in areas like housing, employment, and education, in the same way racial and sex discrimination is already outlawed at the federal level. The proposed bill would update landmark civil rights laws like the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Fair Housing Act to reflect this broader conception. More than half of states don’t explicitly have discrimination protections on the basis of gender identity and sexuality. “Our nation was founded on the promise that all are created equal and are worthy of dignity and respect, regardless of who they are or whom they love,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in a statement at the time. “With the reintroduction of the Equality Act, Congressional Democrats are making a resounding commitment to this truth: that all Americans must be treated equally under the law, not just in the workplace, but in every place.”

Some prominent Republicans like senator Mitt Romney have voice opposition for the bill as it’s currently constituted, arguing it needs stronger protection for people whose faiths are opposed to same-sex marriage and LGBTQ+ rights. Ms Greene is among them, and she has a history of criticizing and casting doubt on the legitimacy and rights of transgender people as a whole. She did not respond to a request for comment fromThe Independent. In her statement announcing the amendment, Ms Greene said the changes were necessary to stop “biological males”—a derogatory way to refer to trans women—from joining in athletic activities. In early February, she co-sponsored legislation, the Old Glory Only Act, that would ban US embassies from flying the LGBTQ Pride Flag, after the Obama and Trump administrations went back and forth over the practice, with Mr Obama allowing it in 2015 and Mr Trump revoking it in 2019. In January, she co-sponsored a similar bill, the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act, seeking to keep trans people out of sports matching their gender identity.

"As a former competitive athlete and a mother to a daughter who is a D1 collegiate athlete, I staunchly oppose biological males in girls/women’s sports, locker rooms, and bathrooms,” Ms Greene said in a statement at the time. “This completely violates women’s rights in every way. Women’s sports should be women’s sports." Prior to being elected, Ms Greene called a drag queen an “abomination,” and essentially declared that all trans people are wrong, once writing on Facebook that, “Trans does not mean gender change, it just means a gender refusal and gender pretending! Truth is truth, it is not a choice!!!”

Under the new administration, LGTBQ+ rights have been a major focus, with president Biden ending the Trump administration’s trans military ban, nominating the first openly transgender official in the history of the federal government to serve in a top health post, and signing an executive order that the federal government should interpret recent Supreme Court precedent to make rules that anti-sex discrimination policies include LGTBQ+ people. ... 06385.html

Of course, it doesn't matter what Marj Q thinks, but getting to 60 votes in the Senate to break the filibuster is going to need business and grassroots support. This is moving pretty quickly; if you have a moment to let your Senators know it would be helpful.
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Re: Gay Marriage / LGBTQ Rights / Equality Act


Post by neonzx »

Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. replaces banned weed, LGBTQ rights flags — with bigger ones :lol: ... ith-bigger
Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, a Democratic Senate candidate, has replaced the pro-weed and LGBTQ rights flags hanging from his office balcony with bigger ones after lawmakers moved to ban the display.

"Since they passed a law that said I can’t fly my old [LGBT] + weed flags from my office balcony, I figured new, bigger better ones would be legal," Fetterman said on Twitter along with a photo of the new flags.

Fetterman was referring to a measure that the GOP-controlled Pennsylvania state legislature included in its budget legislation in November that banned the display of any flag other than the American flag, Pennsylvania’s state flag or flag honoring missing American soldiers at the state Capitol or its grounds.

The legislation passed last month, and Fetterman has since been vocal about his intentions to defy the order until state lawmakers legalize marijuana for recreational use or make it illegal for employers to discriminate against someone based on sexual identity and gender orientation.

“Spoiler: Passing laws would indeed make my flags go away. Just not that one,” he said in a follow-up tweet.
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Re: Gay Marriage / LGBTQ Rights / Equality Act


Post by AndyinPA »

He's definitely a smart ass! Love him.
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Re: Gay Marriage / LGBTQ Rights / Equality Act


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Dr Rachel Levine, a pediatrician and health official from Pennsylvania, faces a Senate confirmation hearing on Thursday as Joe Biden’s nominee for assistant health secretary. The process could see her become the first openly transgender federal official to be confirmed by the US Senate.

If confirmed, Levine, 63, would make history and break several glass ceilings. In a country which still only has a handful of openly trans public officials, she would be the most high-profile, occupying a senior position in the Biden administration with major responsibilities in the pandemic response.

Announcing her nomination last month, Biden said Levine would bring “steady leadership and essential expertise we need to get through this pandemic … She is a historic and deeply qualified choice to help lead our administration’s health efforts.”

Levine is practiced in the art of negotiating confirmation hearings. She had to be confirmed by the Pennsylvania senate in 2015 for her first public role as physician general of the state.

The following year she told the Washington Post that she succeeded in securing a unanimous confirmation vote after she sat down one-on-one with the state senators. “With very few exceptions my being transgender is not an issue,” she told the newspaper.
She did an excellent job here in the state. Actually, since she left, things have gone downhill a little, but I think that would have happened, no matter what. Most states are having problems with the vaccine rollout.
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Re: Gay Marriage / LGBTQ Rights / Equality Act


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Re: Gay Marriage / LGBTQ Rights / Equality Act


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Re: Gay Marriage / LGBTQ Rights / Equality Act


Post by Volkonski »

Justin Baragona
Jesus Christ.

Here's Rand Paul likening transition surgery to "genital mutilation" while questioning Dr. Rachel Levine, a trans woman, at her confirmation hearing.
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Re: Gay Marriage / LGBTQ Rights / Equality Act


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he sure likes to say those words a LOT

ps he is almost as big of an asshole as Cancuncruz
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Re: Gay Marriage / LGBTQ Rights / Equality Act


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I'll have to see if I can find her reply. She doesn't suffer fools lightly. I hope she handed him his head on a platter. But she would do it politely.

What a piece of human garbage.

Having a trans niece, I take that personally.
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Re: Gay Marriage / LGBTQ Rights / Equality Act


Post by neonzx »

Volkonski wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 2:55 pm Justin Baragona
Jesus Christ.

Here's Rand Paul likening transition surgery to "genital mutilation" while questioning Dr. Rachel Levine, a trans woman, at her confirmation hearing.
He uses this fake group as an authority on the subject:
The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) is a socially conservative advocacy group of pediatricians and other healthcare professionals in the United States.[1] The group was founded in 2002. In 2005, it reportedly had between 150 and 200 members and one employee; in 2016 it reportedly had 500 physician members.[2][3] The group's primary focus is advocating against abortion and the adoption of children by gay or lesbian people. It also advocates conversion therapy.[4][5]
Rand Paul can go f-himself!

Here is the full exchange.
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Re: Gay Marriage / LGBTQ Rights / Equality Act


Post by Volkonski »

BREAKING: The House has passed the Equality Act, which would expand federal protections for LGBTQ people by prohibiting discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation.

Democrats believe there is a chance to pass the act into law this year.

Democratic leaders believe there is a chance to pass the act into law this year with a 50-50 split in the Senate, but it is uncertain whether enough Republicans will support the bill for it to move forward.
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Re: Gay Marriage / LGBTQ Rights / Equality Act


Post by AndyinPA »

Thanks. I was looking for that myself. Jerk.
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Re: Gay Marriage / LGBTQ Rights / Equality Act


Post by Volkonski »

WOW: Rep. Al Green (D-TX)amazing response to GOP Rep Greg Steube who said God opposes transgender rights: "You used God to enslave my foreparents. You used God to segregate me in schools. You used God to put me in the back of the bus. Have you no shame?"
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Re: Gay Marriage / LGBTQ Rights / Equality Act


Post by AndyinPA »

No. They have no shame.
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Re: Gay Marriage / LGBTQ Rights / Equality Act


Post by jadedmonk »

Personally, I miss the days when people got Married without Uncle Sammy being involved. It went hand and hand with everyone minding their own damn business.
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Re: Gay Marriage / LGBTQ Rights / Equality Act


Post by neonzx »

jadedmonk wrote: Thu Mar 04, 2021 3:54 am Personally, I miss the days when people got Married without Uncle Sammy being involved. It went hand and hand with everyone minding their own damn business.
Uncle Sammy has to be involved because of the rights and responsibilities that go along in a 'marriage'. The legal, financial, and other issues.
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Re: Gay Marriage / LGBTQ Rights / Equality Act


Post by AndyinPA » ... 51a52.html
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — South Korea's first known transgender soldier, who protested the military's decision last year to discharge her for undergoing gender reassignment surgery, was found dead at her home on Wednesday.

Shin Jeong-hwan, a fire department official in the central city of Cheongju, said rescue workers visited the home of Byun Hui-su after local mental health counselors reported that she had been out of contact for days.
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Re: Gay Marriage / LGBTQ Rights / Equality Act


Post by Luke »

:roll: The GOP has too much time on its tiny hands. #Superstraight is trending on Twitter. ... cal=trends

sstr8.JPG (44.76 KiB) Viewed 23735 times
str8.JPG (60.79 KiB) Viewed 23735 times
str82.JPG (69.94 KiB) Viewed 23735 times
Super Straight

People who only date women who were born women
Other guy:Hey man would u date a Trans-Women
Other guy:why thats a female?your transphobic

Me:It’s not a real woman to me,i only date women who were born women,im super straight
by Smelly_ball_tingle February 28, 2021 ... 20Straight
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Re: Gay Marriage / LGBTQ Rights / Equality Act


Post by neeneko »

jadedmonk wrote: Thu Mar 04, 2021 3:54 am Personally, I miss the days when people got Married without Uncle Sammy being involved. It went hand and hand with everyone minding their own damn business.
For that you would need to go back to around the 15th century or perhaps earlier... though much earlier than that and you did not really see 'marriage' among non royalty anyway. So yeah... there never really was a time where marriage was simply one's own business... states and churches have been fighting each other for a long time over who gets to set those rules.
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Re: Gay Marriage / LGBTQ Rights / Equality Act


Post by neonzx »

So 'Super Straight' is what on the revised Kinsey scale? A negative "5" or something?
How ridiculous.
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Re: Gay Marriage / LGBTQ Rights / Equality Act


Post by pipistrelle »

For the “super straight,” love and affection are nothing, just the body parts and chemicals at birth. Got it.
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Re: Gay Marriage / LGBTQ Rights / Equality Act


Post by jadedmonk »

neeneko wrote: Sat Mar 06, 2021 9:35 am
jadedmonk wrote: Thu Mar 04, 2021 3:54 am Personally, I miss the days when people got Married without Uncle Sammy being involved. It went hand and hand with everyone minding their own damn business.
For that you would need to go back to around the 15th century or perhaps earlier... though much earlier than that and you did not really see 'marriage' among non royalty anyway. So yeah... there never really was a time where marriage was simply one's own business... states and churches have been fighting each other for a long time over who gets to set those rules.
Marriage Licensing in the US is a relatively new concept, and marriage originally had nothing to do with the law, (in the US). That's a ways before the 16th Century. It's just another issue used to divide Americans and get them to hate each other.
- your friendly local "extreme moderate", political science extrordinaire, and master of the simulacrum.
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Re: Gay Marriage / LGBTQ Rights / Equality Act


Post by neonzx »

jadedmonk wrote: Sun Mar 07, 2021 6:22 pm
Marriage Licensing in the US is a relatively new concept, and marriage originally had nothing to do with the law, (in the US). That's a ways before the 16th Century. It's just another issue used to divide Americans and get them to hate each other.
No. That average ~$50 marriage certificate locks-in so many legal things. I don't know who you are, but you aren't educated on this, and I'm a bit upset.

(and when Jimbot gets upset, that's not so good)

Who is this person? I need their pronouns.
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Re: Gay Marriage / LGBTQ Rights / Equality Act


Post by neeneko »

jadedmonk wrote: Sun Mar 07, 2021 6:22 pm Marriage Licensing in the US is a relatively new concept, and marriage originally had nothing to do with the law, (in the US). That's a ways before the 16th Century. It's just another issue used to divide Americans and get them to hate each other.
Well, over the years the power went back and forth between the church and state, but do not assume that just because the church was assendent during a particular period that it had any less to do with 'the law'.
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Re: Gay Marriage / LGBTQ Rights / Equality Act


Post by Luke »

neonzx wrote: Sun Mar 07, 2021 6:34 pm
jadedmonk wrote: Sun Mar 07, 2021 6:22 pm
Marriage Licensing in the US is a relatively new concept, and marriage originally had nothing to do with the law, (in the US). That's a ways before the 16th Century. It's just another issue used to divide Americans and get them to hate each other.
No. That average ~$50 marriage certificate locks-in so many legal things. I don't know who you are, but you aren't educated on this, and I'm a bit upset.

(and when Jimbot gets upset, that's not so good)

Who is this person? I need their pronouns.
Well yeah, look what happened to Lucky.

Legal recognition is vital for rights and protection; the number of references to marriage in the federal and state codes are overwhelming.

On gay rights, young Africans share the intolerance of their elders
Gay Africans demanding equality face a violent backlash
Middle East & Africa Mar 4th 2021

When gay Nigerians took to the streets to join massive protests against police brutality last year, it was not just the police who attacked them. Fellow protesters also hurled insults at them, ripped up their rainbow flags and tore placards from their hands. “I felt like a lot of people just wanted me dead,” says Matthew Blaise, a 21-year-old student. In many parts of the world the young are far more tolerant than their elders of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (lgbt) people. But with a few exceptions, such as in Botswana, which decriminalised homosexuality in 2019, young Africans seem to be almost as homophobic as their grandparents. A survey released last year by Afrobarometer, a pollster, found that only 21% of Africans aged 18-25 would not mind having a gay neighbour, compared with 17% of those aged 66 or older. That makes Africa different from places like Japan, where 92% of those aged 18-29 think homosexuality should be accepted by society, compared with just 56% of those above the age of 50. The homophobia of young Africans is especially worrying, given how numerous they are: half the continent’s population is under the age of 20. And it contrasts starkly with their tolerance in other areas.

In an African Youth Survey last year, conducted in 14 countries and funded by a South African foundation, 83% of young Africans said that more should be done to protect the rights of ethnic minorities, while 64% agreed that “sexual harassment is a problem in my country”. Yet 69% disagreed with the statement: “My country should do more to protect the rights of lgbtq people.” (The q stands for “queer or questioning”.) This is not because robust protections for gay rights are already in place. On the contrary, at least 32 African countries still criminalise gay sex, and openly gay people are often abused, beaten up or worse. Only one country, South Africa, has genuinely gay-friendly laws (eg, it allows same-sex marriage). Even there, outside urban liberal enclaves gay people are at serious risk of being attacked or even murdered.

Savn Daniel, a Nigerian human-rights activist, wrote on Twitter that people trying to support gay rights as part of a broader struggle against police brutality “should be arrested and prosecuted”. “We’re not wasting lives for such unlawful nonsense!” he wrote. Human rights, he argues, are not universal but “context-specific” and should not be used to upend Africa’s conservative moral values. “They look progressive but they are very, very homophobic,” says Mr Blaise of many of the Nigerians who protest against police brutality. “I see them as oppressors.” Across the continent in Sudan a gay artist, Ahmed Umar, who took part in the revolution that toppled President Omar al-Bashir in 2019, has faced death threats because of his sexuality. “What has this young generation learned from this experience of being under a dictatorship?” he asks. “How can they not see that what they are practising is exactly what they had practised on them?”

Much homophobia is religiously inspired. After the Middle East, sub-Saharan Africa has the highest proportion of religious people in the world. It is the only region where the young are just as religious as their parents, according to the Pew Research Centre, a pollster. Conservative strains of Christianity and Islam predominate, whose adherents deem homosexual acts sinful, notes Ayo Sogunro of the Centre for Human Rights in South Africa. Studies suggest that religion in Africa exerts more sway over how people view same-sex relationships than their level of education, whether they live in cities or the countryside, or whether they are on the internet.

Opportunistic politicians often denounce homosexuality as un-African—a depraved Western import. In Uganda’s recent election President Yoweri Museveni tried to smear his opponent, Bobi Wine, by saying “he gets quite a lot of encouragement from foreigners and homosexuals.” Yet during the campaign gay Ugandans were abused not only by Mr Museveni’s supporters but by Mr Wine’s as well. Despite the risks, young gay Africans are gaining the courage to stand up for themselves. “Queer folk are being assertive right now,” says Basiru Alumbugu of the African Queer Youth Initiative, a network of activists across the continent. The backlash is a sign that gay Africans are more visible than before. A generation ago, they could not organise online, and hardly any would have dared to take to the streets. “We could never have protested 20 years ago,” says Vincent Desmond, a gay Nigerian journalist. In other regions, as more gay people came out, their neighbours eventually learned to see them as normal. Activists hope that will happen in Africa, too. But it takes courage to lead the way. ... eir-elders
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