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Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 7:58 pm
by northland10
pipistrelle wrote: Thu Aug 17, 2023 6:26 pm With my computer I can see:
Jedi Quarters

What does this tell me?

(Although I did like the guy whose network name was something like FBIWatchingYou.)
Somewhere nearby is a Harry Potter fan as I see ConnectoPatronum. The signal is sort of weak so it may not create a full-bodied patronum which might stop Mkei's WMDs but even a weaker one can help in limited cases and is more useful than using a MyPillow.

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 8:48 pm
by New Turtle
Slightly relevant:

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 9:05 pm
by Luke
They are excited it will show DEVICES. When Mike started to show WND, the map on screen had everybody's cell phones, including that like Sherrona "America's Mom" had a Galaxy. There was a nervousness in the room that all their phones were being doxed. They hurriedly took the cell phones out of the map.

So they think these old MAGAts will be able to watch quickly enough to see that say a machine has gone online (apparently Florida has a bunch that do that to transmit data to central offices. Pretty funny it's Florida). Video in the tweet:

Patrick St-Pierre @patrickallsyms 5h
The best part about this is the device can only detect wireless networks, so the machines could still be connected via ethernet cable and not show up on these.

I believe this:

Pogue Moran @PogueMoran 3h
Replying to @Orly_licious and @patrickallsyms
Who is to say this isn't just Dennis Montgomery grifting him for a wifi pineapple with the added bonus of hours of al jazeera recordings?

:lol: Meanwhile, Leo is doing a Twitter Space. Just noticed and when tuning in, he can't figure out how to have co-hosts on the Space. "INDICTMENT ANTIDOTE: Appoint Electors Now with @lcdlaw"

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 11:07 pm
by noblepa
bob wrote: Thu Aug 17, 2023 6:07 pm If Lindell's WNDumb just detects wireless networks near polling areas, how does it determine the function of each network?

E.g., if I went to my polling place and scanned for wireless networks, I'd probably find dozens. From my neighbors, local businesses, those tourists in the coffee shop hotspotting off their cell phones, etc.

Or does Lindell believe the supersneaks will forget to rename their networks? "DEEP STATE'S ELECTION CORRUPTER, MACHINE NO. 666"?
That was my thought, as well.

I suspect that, if you stand on any downtown street corner with such a device, you will detect at least twenty wifi networks.

Heck, probably at least half the cell phones in use have their wifi hotspots turned on, which would show up as wireless networks.

Even if you stand outside a vote tabulation center in your area and you detect a wifi network named "Something County Board of Elections", that doesn't mean that the voting machines or the machines that tabulate the votes are connected to it. I've worked in my local county Board of Elections during the 2004 Presidential election. Even then, there were lots of computers and other devices that were connected to the county's network, that had nothing directly to do with vote tabulation. Twenty years later, I'm sure that there are even more devices. And I'm sure that the buildings have wifi networks.

It would take quite a bit of detailed analysis to determine if the voting machines were connected to a wifi network, even if you do detect one. Without knowing, in some detail, the topology of the network, even picking up MAC addresses or IP addresses would be of marginal value, at best. Heck, if there's a router in the network, MAC addresses won't be present. They are not passed with the data packets past the router. The MAC address is only visible on the network segment between the device and the switch or router.

Even the IP address is probably not very useful if you're trying to prove that a voting machine is connected to the internet. THey would almost certainly have an private, internal network, with IP addresses beginning with 10.xx.xx.xx or 192.168.xx.xx. Those two address ranges are BY DEFINITION, internal only. For a device with such an address to reach the internet, the address would need to be tranlasted to a public address. I can easily envision a tabulating room with an internal network, maybe even with the tabulating devices connected to that network. But, unless you can show that this internal network is connected to the internet through a firewall or a router, you haven't proven anything.

In short, you would need to have detailed information about the internal networks of every county board of elections in the country (and they're all different) plus a lot more smarts than Mike Lindell has.

This reminds me of a joke I once heard: If you want to freak out your neighbors, name your home wifi network "FBI Mobile Surveillance Unit # 204".

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 11:26 pm
by keith
orlylicious wrote: Wed Aug 16, 2023 10:57 pm You're awesome, Git, thanks for taking this for the team!

With The Plan, haven't seen this much pure excitement since the topic about The Fogbow's Favourite Show™, (the Titular) Mama June: From Not To Hot: Road To Redemption! It's been like Christmas Eve around The Fogbow tonight!!

Checked to make sure Foggy was washing his hair tonight so he can be front and center at his PC tomorrow at 1pm EDT for the huge reveal!

Mike says we won't have to wait -- on FRIDAY The Plan will be Operational and will solve all our election problems THAT DAY. It only won't work if EVERYBODY DOESN'T WATCH.

In thinking about it and watching Sweet Lou and some of the event, here's my guess: Tomorrow at 1pm, Mike will reveal that The Plan is for all Republicans to get their guns out and shoot to kill every Democrat and Independent, even if they're just suspected. By eliminating all opposition, the GOP will sweep the elections and win big.
Montgomery sold him a hypnosis app?

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 11:33 pm
by New Turtle
If they manage to even fly a drone through a polling center without getting arrested, I'm sure they will pick up a lot of benign activity they don't understand and therefore declare it nefarious.

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 12:15 am
by Luke
The Big TIme! Lindell made USA Today!!

The hot button topic of discussion at My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell’s event in Springfield, Missouri was how 2020 election was rigged by corrupt voting machines.
Conspiracy theorists gather at Missouri summit to discuss rigged voting machines, 2020 election

LONG story that doesn't have much new: ... 615033007/

Some tweets :lol:

This may not be the reception Mike was expecting, but right before THE PLAN Brannon Howse did a 30 minute sell of all Mike's products and those on Frank Store or whatever he calls it. The problem probably is that his marks are drained. How many pillows and slippers do people need?

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 1:29 am
by Luke
About 12 minutes in on Steve Bannon's War Room Episode 2962, Live from Election Summit: The Final Plan, Mike says:

"I'm out of money. I had to borrow $5 Million two weeks ago. The Lindell Event cost me a million dollars."

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 4:51 am
by Luke
More pix of it in this tweet :lol:
JoeyMama @TheJoeyMama 14h
With Mike Lindell’s latest scam - a gizmo & drone that interfaces with Frank Social to detect voter fraud at polls or in peoples homes - he’s going to get all his customers arrested for harassment & voter interference.
He’s crazy! He’s trying to sell a gizmo, a drone & his app

JoeyMama @TheJoeyMama 13h
MAGA loves gizmos. In the alt med communities and Flynn’s ReAwaken QAnon show, there’s a vendor alley w/Red Light gizmos, tens units, tuning forks, supplements, etc. I wouldn’t be surprised if Lindell tries to sell these as an MLM scam or “affiliate program” (Trump loves MLM too)

JoeyMama @TheJoeyMama·13h
Here we go. The pyramid is being introduced.

This is Cause of America.

BTW Steve Bannon knows damn well the election wasn’t stolen. Flynn, too.

Sorry Mike were not going back to same day & paper ballots only hand counted. Less ppl will be able to vote.

I keep thinking of his audience trying to fly a drone, read the data from the gizmo, and coordinate the information in the FrankSocial app. What could go wrong?

Wait until authorities hear that it's called WMD. They'll sure think "what a clever name"... after they neutralize the person holding the box-like object shouting, "No no, it's Mike Lindell's WMD!"

WMD.JPG (81.66 KiB) Viewed 958 times

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 4:57 am
by Sam the Centipede
Re voting machines and wifi: do those machines even have wifi? I'm not a computer security expert in any way but I would expect them to have as little connectivity as practical. They don't need automatic updates of data or software, it makes sense to restrict all the machines' interactions to keyboard, mouse and USB, doesn't it?

One could plug a wifi dongle into a USB port but I would expect the machine to have security software that blocks unauthorized dongles generally and perhaps wifi dongles in particular.

Anyway, the nutters are conspiracy theorists so they'll infer that their failure to detect suspicious wifi with their MyPineapple boxes is proof that the dark forces have Hidden the signals really well, the evil people are so cunning!

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 5:15 am
by neonzx
Sam the Centipede wrote: Fri Aug 18, 2023 4:57 am Re voting machines and wifi: do those machines even have wifi? I'm not a computer security expert in any way but I would expect them to have as little connectivity as practical. They don't need automatic updates of data or software, it makes sense to restrict all the machines' interactions to keyboard, mouse and USB, doesn't it?
No, they are not wifi enabled at all, which makes Mike's THE PLAN hilariously silly. (but SEND DONATIONS!!)

No, they are not transmitting vote data to Venezuela nor to servers over in Germany. No votes are getting changed remotely.

But conspiracy theories live on.

OH, and ACT NOW to get UP TO 66% off crapola froM the MyPillow store using promo code "DOUCHE"

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 5:42 am
by Sam the Centipede
neonzx wrote: Fri Aug 18, 2023 5:15 am No, they are not transmitting vote data to Venezuela nor to servers over in Germany. No votes are getting changed remotely.
That's another baffling ass-spect of the Lindellites' idiocy: why would we election riggers need remote control or real time transmission of voting data? If we're doing our rigging job properly the machines will interfere subtly with the votes as they are cast, gently biassing the totals to our candidate. Nothing gross, just a nudge in the right left direction.

It's a continuous theme in this sort of conspiracy theories: the imagined evil-doers (hi George! hi Hillary! hi jews! hi Mexicans! hi atheists!) are clever in constructing their implausible schemes and they hide their tracks really well, fooling almost everybody, including specialists, academics, investigators, journalists, etc. So well that only a bunch of prematurely senile half-wits and chronic marks for grifters can uncover Teh Truht about the evil.

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 7:25 am
by Foggy
JoeyMama wrote:Less ppl will be able to vote.
FEWER :mad:

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 7:33 am
by sugar magnolia
Whew. We're safe here. Our voting machines are just optical scanners for the hand-marked paper ballots we use. Even our previous machines were just touch screen.

My question is if they are sending the info to Frankspeech and not some "official" place, who's to say Frankspeech isn't changing votes or info or whatever the hell data they think they're collecting before turning it over to.......whoever?

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 7:36 am
by Grumpy Git
The morning after the night before, and I'm stilling giggling at Mike's 'amazing plan', it's dumber and funnier than anything I anticipated, with bigger holes in it than moon craters!

It's comedy gold. Imagine his moronic followers standing near polling stations trying to figure out the multiple wi-fi signals they're picking up & then sending the info to...the 'Election Crimes Bureau Master Alert System'.

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 7:57 am
by Grumpy Git
Mike talked some more about the plan on the War Room last night.

I haven't watched it yet, I'm feeling like I'm suffering with Lindell indigestion, so if you want to summarise the 'best bits', go right ahead. :biggrin:

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 8:07 am
by keith
sugar magnolia wrote: Fri Aug 18, 2023 7:33 am Whew. We're safe here. Our voting machines are just optical scanners for the hand-marked paper ballots we use. Even our previous machines were just touch screen.

My question is if they are sending the info to Frankspeech and not some "official" place, who's to say Frankspeech isn't changing votes or info or whatever the hell data they think they're collecting before turning it over to.......whoever?
What a cynical remark! Didn't you get your Trump souvenir gold (coloured) widget this month?

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 8:27 am
by northland10

The local early voting location and also a ballot drop off location is on the second floor of the county's central permit facility. Besides all of the regular folks doing normal business at the 64,000 square foot facility, the drone would have to get through the door , down the hall, up the stairs, and more hall, then a sharp left, all without somebody in the hallway line swatting it down.

On a plus note, it could probably get some lovely outdoor photos of the the glass and green roof facility sitting among prarie grasses in an open are that use to be the poor farm.

My local precinct voting location is in the basement of a church. More stairs.

Well, I think it's still there. I have not voted their in a very long time.

Also, the church is a hundred yards or so from a hospital with a major trauma facility so has regular helicopter traffic. I'm pretty sure there may be some rules about having drones near that.

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 8:53 am
by johnpcapitalist
We all know Lindell's plan is dripping with fail. But here's another dimension. Most hobbyist drones have a battery life of about 10 minutes. Higher end commercial drones might be able to run about 20 minutes.

There were about 120,000 polling places in the 2020 election. Most are open from something like 6am to something like 8pm. So, 14 hours. Assume it takes 3 hours to recharge a drone battery. Also assume that batteries are $25 apiece.

You would need 3 drones at each polling station because one would be getting batteries changed, a second would be in transit to or from the polling place, and the third would be on station. You would go through 20 batteries per hour, so you would need 60 batteries assuming a three hour charge time.

At $500 per cheap drone plus $25 per battery, you're talking $3,000 per polling place. In other words, $3.6 billion in hardware.

Don't forget gas generators to power the chargers, because the polling place is not going to let you plug in 60 chargers there. You'd need two, because portable gas generators are not rated for a 14-hour duty cycle. Assume $1,000 apiece, for a total of another $2.4 billion.

Lindell has to ensure no gaps in coverage because the Deep State conspiring to steal the election is so omnipotent that they will be able to sense even a momentary gap in WMD coverage and in that fleeting moment, they will switch all the votes. So if he doesn't cover it 100.00000% of the time, he fails.

I'm sure that he'll have the $6 billion raised in the next month or so, given the millions hundreds of viewers of his just-concluded lolapalooza.

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 9:11 am
by bill_g
I'm imagining trucks, vans, and cars festooned with antennas like a porcupine driven by amateur radio whackjobs wearing reflective orange safety vests, plastic gold badges in full view, emblazened on the back OFFICIAL POLLING PLACE MONITORS with transfer lettering they got at Hobby Lobby, a Pop Tart in one hand, and the GameBoy remote control for their toy drone in the other.

There to defend your freedom.

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 9:34 am
by Mr brolin
So many flaws..... so little time.....

Primus Voting machines don't use WiFi so the Sooper Dooper Flying Snuffleupagus ain't gonna get magic wireless stealth ninja packets

Secundus The probable RFI ( Radio Frequency Interference) from whichever cheap ass drone he wants to use will mess up any data capture

Tertius Drone usage legal frameworks have become increasingly draconian across the states multiple and various, criminal jeopardy abounds

Quartus Why flying? How obvious do you want to be?

If I was going to do something as asinine as this I would have a MAGA patsy (Patsy A) at the frontish of the line with a walking stick or the like.

Have them ask to sit down and plug a USB mains charger into a socket to charge their phone. " The grandkids do worry about MeMaw you know"

Said charger housing and powering a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W with WiFi monitoring apps running. This means it is a phone charger AND naughty.

Patsy A "forgets" to unplug it and walks out.

Then have a second patsy (Patsy B) wander in at end of day with their mobile phone setup up as a WiFi hotspot, the Pi connects to, downloads the captures then runs a memory resident script to wipe the storage.

If I wanted to be REALLY naughty have the Pi connected into the USB charger ports so it can run Rubber Ducky and inject keystrokes etc into people's mobiles if they decide to use the convenient charger since nice person has left them......

(Size of a Pi Zero, a fully functional Linux computer the size of a piece of gum)


Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 9:36 am
by Grumpy Git
The glorious Twitter piss-taking of Mike's plan continues... :lol:

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 9:47 am
by Mr brolin
Forgot.... costs and time

Pi $20 ea

MicroSD card 8 Gb, cheap as practical $5 ea

Cheap ass screw or clip sealed USB charger $6 ea

Total $ 31 plus about 30 minutes assembly time with a prebuilt operating system image

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 10:05 am
by Sam the Centipede
But how is MikePillow going to attack our successful fraud in the paper ballot states?

Y'know, those special ballot papers that George Soros and Bill Gates gave us. Treated with a pair of chemicals, developed in secret by their team of black jewish atheist communist mexican scientists. In the Republican voting area a simple mild bleach erases any writing after a few minutes (so the voter won't notice before depositing the paper). In the Democrat voting area an invisible ink slowly oxidizes after exposure to air and a fake vote magically appears.

Of course not all ballot papers are treated like that, that would be too suspicious. Just enough to swing the constituency.

:shock: What?! Have I revealed too much? :cantlook:

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 11:08 am
by Grumpy Git
Dennis Montgomery has fleeced Lindell for a second time?