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Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 10:45 am
by Grumpy Git
orlylicious wrote: Thu Aug 17, 2023 10:23 am Rats. getting a lot of time out errors again. Found a fix for Typio Form Recovery... later will post in the problem topic. It's a lifesaver.
If I'm submitting a new post and get a time out, I just hit refresh and a 'confirm resubmission' button comes up. Press that and my post goes through, not had to rewrite a thing so far. :biggrin:

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 11:01 am
by Grumpy Git
I know Trump's got his hands full right now, but if he's such a great buddy of Mike's, as Lindell claims, how come I haven't seen Dickless Don mention this event, let alone support it?

You can guarantee Lindell will have shown Dumpty the plan, so if it's so great, where's the endorsement? Where's the Truth Social messages telling his cult to tune in?

Typical of the MAGA King, when he wants Puppy Mike to mention his events, Lindell comes running, but it's not reciprocal. And when Mike finally crashes and burns, Diaper Don will claim not to have known him very well.

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 11:10 am
by somerset
Grumpy Git wrote: Thu Aug 17, 2023 5:16 am
orlylicious wrote: Wed Aug 16, 2023 10:57 pm
Mike says we won't have to wait -- on FRIDAY The Plan will be Operational and will solve all our election problems THAT DAY. It only won't work if EVERYBODY DOESN'T WATCH.

In thinking about it and watching Sweet Lou and some of the event, here's my guess: Tomorrow at 1pm, Mike will reveal that The Plan is for all Republicans to get their guns out and shoot to kill every Democrat and Independent, even if they're just suspected. By eliminating all opposition, the GOP will sweep the elections and win big.

So my hunch is still the same prediction, it's going to be an app, some kind of voter verification identification, it certainly won't require much brain power.

Whatever it turns out to be, I'm looking forward to the collective - Is That It? - that's going to sweep the social media grapevine from 1pm central, followed by much mocking and derision for days and weeks.
Facial recognition

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 11:45 am
by Grumpy Git
somerset wrote: Thu Aug 17, 2023 11:10 am Facial recognition
Kari Lake's screwed then. :lol:

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 11:47 am
by johnpcapitalist
Grumpy Git wrote: Thu Aug 17, 2023 5:53 am A segment of Mike's opening speech

I love this picture. He's got teleprompters. As if his thoughts are so well ordered and brilliant that he needs help ensuring that he articulates them exactly and precisely according to plan...

Too, also, wasn't one of Sarah Palin's main attacks on Obama during the 2008 campaign that he used teleprompters and that meant he was stupid? (This, of course, from a woman who couldn't string together words to form a grammatically correct sentence in response to even a simple question.)

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 12:10 pm
by Luke
Right, JPC, she did. He was proud of his teleprompter because he always goes off track and goes lunatic.

Hoarse Mike is absolutely RAVING and SCREAMING. He's ranting about more DDOS attacks at MyPillow (but they caught him)... all races work at MyPillow... his train is totally off the tracks. He's sweating, the mic keeps failing, the camera shakes... now they put Mike on a timer lol. He had brought Jeff O'Donnell out and he just sat there while Mike was a lunatic and never said anything. Jeff is one of the Tina Peters criminals.

It's hilarious but also sad, he really seems mentally ill or on drugs or something. He's mispricing words... "Jimmy Kimbel", "defLamation".

He's raving about Tina Peters. It's just all the same stuff these people have heard a hundred times. He brings up his phone being taken at Hardees... "I wanted them to arrest me". But we have the inside of the machine (which is illegal, he's showing it again)... those charges still haven't come down. He doesn't have his phone back. He s saying, "I want to go to jail... I've been in jail before" (when he was a crack addict).

Now comes another idiot, David Clements. He raves about machine connected to the internet. Then to another stupid argument... they look at election night data from Edison. There are obviously changes as real time data comes in from different counties and precincts. They cherrypick a few examples of votes being removed and insist that's fraud. It's so dumb.

This will be a classic couple hours of TV. It's absolutely delusional Fantasyland stuff.

50 minutes until THE PLAN.

Bonus for girlfriends/boyfriends of Richer -- he liked the tweet :P

Richer.JPG (39.64 KiB) Viewed 1157 times

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 12:48 pm
by Luke
LMAO. 20 minutes before THE PLAN, Mike said to go to commercial to take a break. Instead of MyPillow ads, they just ran the Frank Speech music over and over.

Now it's Kurt Olsen (Mike and Kari's lawyer) and Clay Parikh (testified in Kari's case and helped Maricopa). Olsen is shameless, no ethics at all. IDK if there's bar complaints but there should be. Kurt needs Clay to explain what "firmware" and "log review files" are. :roll: Clay is trying to dance around and confuse people which is not hard considering the crowd. He's spewing BS as fast as he can speak. It's nuts.

Mike & Co could easily have more defamation (or as Mike calls it, "deFlamation") claims from this. Aaron Rupar is covering it and sees it too also.

15 MINUTES TO GO! Where are you, Foggy????

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 1:32 pm
by Luke
ETA: Now it's 2pm EDT, they slipped again. Maybe Mike is giving an extra hour so Foggy can get his hair super clean, shiny and silky, and ready to watch THE PLAN at 2pm.

Mike sounds close to tears before another break, he says "we need help" (we need MONEY). "We cannot do this alone, we need help on that part. Even if it's $5 $10. And it's a C(4) so it's not tax deductible, but it's very private... nobody is going to know that you put money in."

"Get the FrankSocial app, you're going to need this for the next couple of hours."

"We need to pray right now. We need to pray that they don't attack the live stream that we have to the world right now, they've tried by the way. And so far God has protected us and covered this with his glory."

"This plan, this plan, the only way it can fail is if it's not watched by millions right now."

"If you're millionaires and billionaires, this is where you need to put your money right now."

28 minutes! Brannon is on his laptop hawking MyPillow products. "Let's talk about PET BEDS!" :lol: Serious political message. Brannon keeps going. Now he's talking about... THE SLIPPERS! Gosh, they were going to be sold out a few months ago. :lol: So now we know THE PLAN: It's a big informercial, hyped up to get any dead-enders left, and then sell for half an hour. Today, you can use promo code: Plan.

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 2:19 pm
by Luke
Oh boy, it's not AI. It's the "Wireless Monitoring Device" or WMD.

It's WMD Online Detection Viewer!

It's a device that will show if election machines are connected to the internet. A promo video they are showing has a guy with a semi-English accent using BS tech terms. They have a drone outside the building. OMG. :lol: The drone has a network detection box. It's flying in the building and into the room and people are cheering... for a drone. "Special delivery everybody, special delivery" says Mike. Drone lands on the desk. More cheering. "I'm so excited I forget to use the mic". The device just captured everybody's phones and anything connected to the internet. Yikes, it has things like "Sheonnas Galaxy", they quickly removed the cell phones. Nervous laughter as all their PII is revealed. "We were going to have election machines, we have access, but look what happened to Matt DePerno, this is too important to take a chance."

So this is a simple network detection device. He's planning to send these personal data pulling devices all over the country. It's going to show MAC addresses, IP addresses, and the name. He wants to find polling books, tablets, all kinds of things. Bring it into voting centers (good luck with that). He said it can send messages to the devices it finds. "Red Alert Red Alert"

They seem to think they can bring this to VOTERS HOUSES to confirm how many voters are there. And they can use it to POLICE elections. They can use FrankSocial to do the reports. "Share the lies, share the crimes in real time" This is going to be a nightmare for voters, election workers and LE. The false positives and inaccurate reporting is going to be as bad as that GOP AI tapper. These folks are so butthurt about leaving they are finding ways to destroy the whole system.

He hasn't gotten to pricing or distribution yet. So that's it, to prove election computers are on the internet. This is really bizarre and calling WMD is nuts. There you have it.

ETA: Took 5 minutes for basic internet guys to take it down. :lol:

Patrick St-Pierre @patrickallsyms 5m
Mike Lindell's big secret device is the #WMD which is just a WIFI Pineapple -- a device that has existed for 20+ years.

Anyone can do the exact same thing with a $50 USB wifi adapter & some free open source software like WiFite

Luke Johnson 🇺🇸 @Orly_licious 32s
Mike Lindell is the biggest mark in America. First he paid $3.1M to fraudster Dennis Montgomery for non existent data. Now some grifter convinced him to pay $1M for a WiFi Pineapple. Joe Oltmann ripped him off with a lousy FrankSpeech rebuild. Mike gets lied to and ripped off.


Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 2:30 pm
by Sam the Centipede
:thumbsup: Thanks guys for :popcorn: listening to the :boxing: :crazy: :shit: from :rolleye: MikePillow so we don't have to.

Your altruistic sacrifice is noble and merits reward, but :( this :bighug: :clap: is all it will get!

I assume their EvilEye software will identify potential problem voter registrations as being those who voters who are likely to vote D rather than R. Likely to vote R? No nned to check, please proceed!

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 3:34 pm
by neonzx
orlylicious wrote: Thu Aug 17, 2023 2:19 pm Oh boy, it's not AI. It's the "Wireless Monitoring Device" or WMD.

It's WMD Online Detection Viewer!

It's a device that will show if election machines are connected to the internet. :snippity:
Honestly, I am not sure you are serious or what with this. THIS was his big PLAN? :rotflmao:

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 5:13 pm
by Grumpy Git
Can't believe I fell asleep about five hours ago, old fart :lol:

Missed the live launch. Bloody glad I did. Just skimmed through the WMD blah blah blah, that must have been excruciating pain to sit through Mike's lengthy over-excited bumbling in real time.

Thought it might be some device/app combo. From what I caught of his audience Q&A, he's now begging for money to make enough of these devices to give out to key people in each county, in each state?

How does he think people are going to use/process this info when an election's happening in real time? Are the polling staff, election clerks, now going to be harassed by Lindell loons screaming " my phone's beeping, my Frankspeech app says you gotta do something about this!" :roll: :lol:

Off to Twitter to see the reaction. :rotflmao:

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 5:25 pm
by Sam the Centipede
Wow! So it's a device that just scans for wifi, pretty much like anyone's smartphone can. And MikePillow says God sent it (not the Wifi Pineapple people)? Either God needs to up his game, or MikePillow needs to find a better God. Or … [you can fill in the blanks].

So, a small but significant number of young Democrat voters will go to the polls or hang around nearby with their phones set up as wifi hotspots with SSIDs such as "VoteManager", "CancelRepublicans", "SorosElectoralServices" and things like that, and the poor local hospitals will have to deal with loads of elderly Republicans frothing at the mouth and having apoplectic fits.

I don't know how Lindell thinks this has worldwide significance: I bet it's a minority of countries that use voting machines.

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 5:26 pm
by Foggy
Oh man, I have some bad news. :blackeyebig:

Today in the car with ol' Wifehorn and Numbah Two Son, I suddenly remembered that today was the day for the BIG REVEAL, and the only way it could fail is if normal people didn't hear about it. She reads all the noosepapers, even rags like the Guardian and Politico.

Me: "By the way, have you heard anything about Mike Lindell lately? Do you know what he's doing today?"

Ol' Wifehorn: "No, I haven't seen anything about that guy for months. What's he been doing?"

Mikey, the plan is DOOMED, DOOMED I TELLS YA!!!

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 5:44 pm
by Grumpy Git
The fun has begun! :lol:

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 5:51 pm
by Grumpy Git
This part of the Meidas Touch article cracks me up

Lindell says the WMD can be attached to a drone and flown over polling places, then it will send a signal and data back to his 'Election Crimes Bureau Master Alert System.'

Have you seen Mike Lindell on air struggling to operate his own phone, let alone run any kind of 'master alert system"? :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 5:58 pm
by Foggy
Yeah the Wireless Monitoring Device. We never found the WMD in Iraq, but this time for sure.

I can't wait to get my hands on a WMD so I can hack the software and stuff catch some illegal voters casting illegal votes!

So how does it work? I sit in my car outside the polling place, and I point the WMD at the front door, and what information does it give me?

Does it tell me who is an illegal immigrant and who isn't? I can think of a LOT of places that could come in handy. Does it tell me which people already cast a vote by mail in another state? That would be some really impressive AI, as long as it was a lot more accurate than what the election workers can do.

This is gonna be a winner, but needs more cowbell so far. :smoking:

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 6:07 pm
by bob
If Lindell's WNDumb just detects wireless networks near polling areas, how does it determine the function of each network?

E.g., if I went to my polling place and scanned for wireless networks, I'd probably find dozens. From my neighbors, local businesses, those tourists in the coffee shop hotspotting off their cell phones, etc.

Or does Lindell believe the supersneaks will forget to rename their networks? "DEEP STATE'S ELECTION CORRUPTER, MACHINE NO. 666"?

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 6:12 pm
by Foggy
Hay wait a minnit.

Why does he need donations to build the WMD?

Isn't this the dood who was gonna melt down the election machines and turn them into prison bars?

Well he can just melt down some election machines and turn them into WMD, amirite?

Simple solution, no thanks are necessary, I do it for the children. :thumbsup:

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 6:22 pm
by Grumpy Git
If you want to catch the last few hours of Lindell's circus, you'll find live stream links here.

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 6:26 pm
by pipistrelle
With my computer I can see:
Jedi Quarters

What does this tell me?

(Although I did like the guy whose network name was something like FBIWatchingYou.)

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 7:02 pm
by Grumpy Git
The Daily Beast chips in with their thoughts on Mike's great plan.

Mike Lindell’s Wacky New Way to Fight Vote Fraud Might Get You Arrested ... ting-sites?

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 7:25 pm
by Grumpy Git
One of Mike's groupies is blaming everybody else for picture issues, I just had to set her straight. :lol:

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 7:35 pm
by Ben-Prime
Sam the Centipede wrote: Thu Aug 17, 2023 5:25 pm So, a small but significant number of young Democrat voters will go to the polls or hang around nearby with their phones set up as wifi hotspots with SSIDs such as "VoteManager", "CancelRepublicans", "SorosElectoralServices" and things like that, and the poor local hospitals will have to deal with loads of elderly Republicans frothing at the mouth and having apoplectic fits.
Hell, the old standby joke SSID "FBISurveillanceVan", for that matter.

Mike Lindell's Election Shenanigans, FrankSpeech and #MyPillow #FAILS - 6/28/61 Cancer / Ox

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 7:47 pm
by Tiredretiredlawyer
We have an FBI Surveillance Van in our neighborhood wifi sites. My favorite is Routers of Rohan.