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Re: Coronavirus and the Schools

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2021 1:53 pm
by Slim Cognito
Our school district voted last night for a mask mandate with no opt-out form, but a medical excuse will do. Mind you, this county voted to rescind Common Core after a bunch of wackjobs told him (without evidence, natch) that Commie Core was teaching kindergarten kids to masterbate (they came back the next night and voted to rescind their recension after it was explained to them that high school seniors would not be able to graduate without the program in place soooooo, not the sharpest crayons in the box). It starts tomorrow and will last 30 days.

Anyhoo, from the images I saw on the tv, it went as expected. Lots of screaming and threats. Sounds like there may be another meeting tonight but I'm not sure I got the full gist of the news blip since I was reading subtitles from across the room.

That makes us school district #12 to tell DeSantis fuck you no thanks. ... -out-form/
Physical fights were seen being broken up outside of the district’s headquarters after the mask mandate was announced.

Lee County is the 12th school district in Florida to require masks in schools.

A total of 1,616,869 students throughout Florida are now under a mask mandate, which means over 50 percent of students enrolled in public school this year are required to wear masks.

Re: Coronavirus and the Schools

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2021 2:06 pm
by LM K
scirreeve wrote: Tue Aug 31, 2021 12:11 pm Eastern Oregon school superintendent fired for saying the district would adhere to the state wide school mask mandate.
Adrian School Board fires superintendent for obeying state's mask mandate
The decision to fire Kevin Purnell as superintendent of the Adrian School Board came after a closed-door session on Monday, Aug. 30. The board chair said the termination came because Purnell didn't follow board directives and was requiring local schools to comply with Gov. Kate Brown's mask mandate. ... al-meeting
Should Purnell choose to sue, he will win buckets of money.
The Adrian School Board, convening in a special meeting, voted 4-1 to terminate Purnell Monday night after meeting in executive, or closed door, session for less than half an hour to consider the matter.

Kincade and board members Bobby Davis, Ryan Martin, and Quinten Shenk voted for the motion to terminate Purnell while Eric White opposed it. They took the vote without comment.

The conflicts Kincade and Purnell alluded to emerged amid rising Covid cases in Malheur County and continued opposition to government-mandated mask-wearing in Adrian. Purnell has said he is not in favor of Gov. Kate Brown’s mandates, but he was described in comments by Adrian residents as a “rule follower” who would enforce them anyway.

Purnell has been an educator for 37 years, and an administrator for 19 of those.

Last September, the Adrian School Board sued the Oregon Department of Education and Oregon Health Authority, alleging that the state’s system for determining which schools could open for in-person instruction was both arbitrary and capricious, and that their students should be allowed to go back to school.

Kincade said that the Adrian School Board is now considering joining a class action lawsuit against the vaccine mandate for school staff and volunteers. :roll:

Even before the latest tension around masking, the Adrian School Board decided earlier this year not to renew Purnell’s contract, due to expire in June 2022.
Based on the article, it's unlikely that Purnell will sue. The district will be pay and provide benefits Purnell for 6 months.

Re: Coronavirus and the Schools

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2021 3:46 pm
by RTH10260
In my country medical certificates are not necessarily accepted blindly. Public and private entities have a trusted doctor at hand. If some medical excuse seems questionable s/he will review the certificate, if necessary question the person and consult with the signing doctor. He advises if a certificate is to be accepted or rejected.

Re: Coronavirus and the Schools

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2021 4:37 pm
by Lani
LM K wrote: Tue Aug 31, 2021 1:42 pm
RTH10260 wrote: Tue Aug 31, 2021 10:52 am IMHO a weekly test is truly unsufficient to detect and clamp down on the fast moving Delta variant in time to prevent further spreading. One easy to implement precaution would be a temperature check at the entrance for everyone. Such reading stations are already in use at many places.

Biweekly testing is necessary. Asymptomatic spread is too frequent with delta.

At my college, everyone is supposed to submit an online symptom check form before coming to campus. It's better than nothing.

I would love it if the college provided a thermometer to every student. I might contact my union about this idea.
I agree with testing unvaccinated people 2xweek. I told the team that 2xweek is necessary, and vaccinated employees should be tested at least randomly, if not more often. Didn't go over well.... TBH, it was difficult to create and get the system in place in about 14 days. It's likely that there will be changes after we get the current system running smoothly.

As for our public schools on my island, things have calmed down. Student covid is rare. So far, only 1 or 2 students per school, in different classes, no spread, no clusters. (Yet.)

It helps that it's easy to be tested. Every medical office offers free tests, roving testing vans across the island, all neighborhood centers test once a week, and 5 days/week at the convention hall.

Re: Coronavirus and the Schools

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2021 7:55 pm
by Sunrise
scirreeve wrote: Tue Aug 31, 2021 12:11 pm Eastern Oregon school superintendent fired for saying the district would adhere to the state wide school mask mandate.
Adrian School Board fires superintendent for obeying state's mask mandate
The decision to fire Kevin Purnell as superintendent of the Adrian School Board came after a closed-door session on Monday, Aug. 30. The board chair said the termination came because Purnell didn't follow board directives and was requiring local schools to comply with Gov. Kate Brown's mask mandate. ... al-meeting
Wouldn’t the state mandate legally override the district? This seems to be the reverse of the Florida cases, where DeSantis has been losing because the judge ruled against him, based on the health and safety of the children.

Re: Coronavirus and the Schools

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2021 8:42 pm
by RTH10260
I see some muti-million $ litigation in the air :cantlook:

Re: Coronavirus and the Schools

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2021 9:13 am
by Volkonski

Re: Coronavirus and the Schools

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2021 4:35 pm
by Volkonski

Re: Coronavirus and the Schools

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2021 4:50 pm
by tek
one of the comments:
Why doesn't @GovRonDeSantis want to protect the children of Florida? Seriously, why wouldn't he do everything within his power to protect them?
Because they can't vote, duh..

Remember when he rolled vaccine clinics into the oldster communities in red counties? And then the Regeneron clinics?

Re: Coronavirus and the Schools

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2021 4:56 pm
by p0rtia
Vote, schmote. Votes are soooo yesterday.

Today's Neo Fascist RepubliQan party will throw whatever elections it pleases to whomever they please.

The point is only to appeal to the maddened base with as much anti-science and CT as possible. If kids die? Just say FaQe Nooooooos.

(I am so incredibly angry).

Re: Coronavirus and the Schools

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2021 5:38 pm
by LM K
Sunrise wrote: Tue Aug 31, 2021 7:55 pm
Wouldn’t the state mandate legally override the district? This seems to be the reverse of the Florida cases, where DeSantis has been losing because the judge ruled against him, based on the health and safety of the children.
Yep. The issue is whether or not Gov Brown takes this to court.

Oregon's mask mandate ended in Jun and was restarted in mid-late Aug. Initially, as infections started to spike, she wanted local governments to decide if they wanted to mandate masks. Her position changed very quickly once we saw how badly we would be ravaged we will be by delta.

Imo, Brown must go after school districts that defy her mask mandate. She will win. DeSantis keeps losing because his executive order significantly harms the public. Brown's mandate increases public safety.

I know that Oregon's constitution and Florida's constitution differ in some subtle ways.

Delta might take care of the issue. Schools that don't require masks keep closing. Oregon is more devastated than most western states. We're sending patients to CA and UT.

One school closing is inconvenient. But how many employers want employees taking time off at short notice because parents need to take care of their quarantined children? And ... parents of children in quarantine might be forced to fully quarantine without notice. Even if children stay ok, teachers will not. We don't have enough substitutes to keep schools open.

Until parents are significantly inconvenienced by school closures and illness, they won't take masking seriously.

Re: Coronavirus and the Schools

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2021 6:18 pm
by Volkonski

Re: Coronavirus and the Schools

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2021 7:05 pm
by Volkonski

Re: Coronavirus and the Schools

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2021 9:44 pm
by scirreeve
Some serious crazy in this thread - Arizona.

Re: Coronavirus and the Schools

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2021 10:03 pm
by raison de arizona
Tourists, that's all. They are the ones with the zip ties, everyone knows that.

Re: Coronavirus and the Schools

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2021 10:05 pm
by RTH10260
Better send kids home with a different moniker - you have da meeeseelllsss :twisted:

Re: Coronavirus and the Schools

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2021 10:12 pm
by raison de arizona
Here's the full video, get it while it's hot, doubt it will be up for long. That poor kid looks miserable. His dad sucks.

Lots of angry covidiot videos on that channel.

Re: Coronavirus and the Schools

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2021 10:12 pm
by LM K
Regarding the Adrian School District. Adrian, OR is right on the ID/OR border.

The district has two schools, a k-8 and a 9-12. They employ 8 teachers. The district has 301 students.

This tiny district is in the middle of nowhere. It's possible that covid might spare their children.

Or not. The county is a hot spot.

The district is in Malheur County. Malheur is geographically the 2nd largest county in OR. But it's population is tiny (30,571). It's the 2nd least vaxed county in OR (35.14%).

It's all ranch land, so people are spread apart. If Malheur was doing even the most basic covid prevention methods, they wouldn't be a hot spot.

Re: Coronavirus and the Schools

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2021 10:53 pm
by Slim Cognito
Volkonski wrote: Thu Sep 02, 2021 4:35 pm
600,000 dead persons could see that coming.

Re: Coronavirus and the Schools

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2021 11:31 pm
by LM K
My union has invited me to speak before the Board of Education this month. I have lots to say. They're glad I have lots to say.

One specific issue my union has asked me to discuss is the "personal/philosophical" vaccine exemption. I have lots to say about that, too.

Re: Coronavirus and the Schools

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2021 6:49 am
by tek
LM K wrote: Thu Sep 02, 2021 11:31 pm My union has invited me to speak before the Board of Education this month. I have lots to say. They're glad I have lots to say.

One specific issue my union has asked me to discuss is the "personal/philosophical" vaccine exemption. I have lots to say about that, too.


Re: Coronavirus and the Schools

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2021 11:00 am
by ZinWhit
Was Kaber thinking of PRN?

"On Thursday, Klamath County Sheriff Chris Kaber told the crowd that there will be designated zones at every school where those who wish to peacefully protest may do so without interrupting school operations. If someone is seeking to interrupt school operations then "we're going to have some issues which I hope to avoid," Kaber said." ... d9db3.html

Re: Coronavirus and the Schools

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2021 11:03 am
by ZinWhit
LM K wrote: Thu Sep 02, 2021 11:31 pm My union has invited me to speak before the Board of Education this month. I have lots to say. They're glad I have lots to say.

One specific issue my union has asked me to discuss is the "personal/philosophical" vaccine exemption. I have lots to say about that, too.
Nice. Good luck!

Re: Coronavirus and the Schools

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2021 2:53 pm
by Foggy

Re: Coronavirus and the Schools

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2021 7:16 pm
by Volkonski