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Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2024 11:01 am
by Suranis
Vlad Putin is on a charm offensive net to an important trading partner... North Korea? And
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VIDEO: Putin and Kim Jong-Un on who enters the car first.
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The Korean forced the Russians to leave the room because according to the rules Kim must enter first
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Putin regretting his life decisions 😂

Sorry not sorry. You are stuck with your crappy dictatorship allies now. The only way you are going to Europe again is in handcuffs to the Hague Mr Putin.
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Putin and Kim Jong Un couldn't stop waving to each other as Putin was leaving for Vietnam.
This is, frankly, pathetic. Therefore we all know who is calling this a show of strength and how masterful and strong Putin is.


Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2024 5:49 pm
by johnpcapitalist
Suranis wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 11:01 am Vlad Putin is on a charm offensive net to an important trading partner... North Korea? And
► Show Spoiler
VIDEO: Putin and Kim Jong-Un on who enters the car first.
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The Korean forced the Russians to leave the room because according to the rules Kim must enter first
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Putin regretting his life decisions 😂

Sorry not sorry. You are stuck with your crappy dictatorship allies now. The only way you are going to Europe again is in handcuffs to the Hague Mr Putin.
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Putin and Kim Jong Un couldn't stop waving to each other as Putin was leaving for Vietnam.
This is, frankly, pathetic. Therefore we all know who is calling this a show of strength and how masterful and strong Putin is.
Russia, with a GDP of $1.6 trillion, is sucking up to a shithole country with a GDP of around $50 billion. Lame... Though to be fair, the GDP is probably understated because it doesn't include narcotrafficking and other criminal enterprises. And defense technology could amount to a decent sized chunk of the overall economy.

Back in the height of the cold war, in the 1970s, Defense Intelligence Agency estimates were that Russia was spending ~15% of nominal GDP on defense versus about 4% to 5% for the US. That's a big tax burden for the taxpayer to finance (and they couldn't engage in deficit financing before communism collapse because they didn't participate in the international financial system).

North Korea is likely spending more to try to keep pace with the South Koreans, who spend about 2.7% of their $1.7 trillion GDP on defense, an amount approximately equal to the entire GDP of North Korea.

If we assume that NK has a $20 billion defense industry, that's an opportunity to buy a lot of capacity for Russia, whose defense budget before invading Ukraine was ~$50 billion, of which one third to one half might be stolen, and much of the rest is soaked up by the air force and nuclear sub force.

Similarly, DPRK doesn't have much air force capability or large navy to dilute spending on producing massive amounts of ground attack weapons -- mortars, rockets, etc. So they have enough capacity to make a significant number of bullets for Putin despite their small overall size. And bullets are a lot easier to make than stealth fighters, so even a small, focused country like North Korea can do a better job there than the corrupt, comically inept Russians.


Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2024 10:17 am
by Suranis
Russian Spy Plot To Sow 'Panic and Terror' in US Leaked in Bombshell Report
Published Jul 05, 2024 at 11:17 AM EDT

A Russian spy plot that sought to sow "panic and terror" in the West has been revealed in a joint-investigation.

Leaked emails from Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) obtained by independent Russian site The Insider and the German newspaper Der Spiegel reveal an elaborate plan masterminded in 2022, dubbed "Project Kylo."

Just months into Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, in May 2022, a group of SVR employees unveiled the operation at a private roundtable discussion in the Russian Senate. Leaked communications showed that Moscow sought to sow disinformation campaigns in the West about Ukraine, "stoke existential fears and create animosity to [Ukrainian] refugees fleeing the war."

Russian President Vladimir Putin is pictured in Astana, Kazakhstan, on July 4, 2024. A Russian spy plot which sought to sow “panic and terror” in the West has been revealed in a joint investigation. SERGEI GUNEYEV/POOL/AFP/Getty Images

The proposal, first put forward by Mikhail Kolesov, a 45-year-old SVR officer, was designed to "inject a new scheme into the Kremlin's propaganda approach" that was "systematic, targeted and active, offensive in nature," according to the investigation.

The SVR officer suggested that instead of pushing typical pro-Russian arguments about the conflict, the operation should "deepen internal contradictions between the ruling elites" in the West, including in the U.S., which is known among the special services as Russia's "main adversary."

This involved SVR recruits creating fake advertisements disguised as news headlines, fake NGOs and websites, publishing manipulative content on social media platforms including YouTube, and hiring individuals to take part in protests in the West with the aim of filming them and disseminating the content online.

At a time when some Western politicians were suggesting that Ukrainian refugees who fled the war were becoming burdens on state resources, SVR recruits attempted to exploit the situation by creating fake news websites and running articles with headlines such as: "How Ukrainians are robbing Germany of economic prosperity."
Christo Grozev (@christogrozev)
Project Kylo: how SVR, FSB and GRU plotted to terrorize the West, stoke existential fears and create animosity to Ukraine refugees. How they conspired to make this "utterly tracelessly". Until we got their emails.


Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2024 10:39 am
by Suranis
Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski)
A former FL police officer now living in Moscow is creating fake stories using AI while posing as local US newspapers. His fake story that Zelensky’s wife bought a $4 million Bugatti was spread by millions of pro-Russia US social media accounts.