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The 118th Congress with "My Kevin" McCarthy then "Fuc*ing Fuc*wad" Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House /Clowns

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 5:35 pm
by raison de arizona
Might it be possible to have different rules for dressing rooms and prisons? Or does a policy need to be one-size fits all?

The 118th Congress with "My Kevin" McCarthy then "Fuc*ing Fuc*wad" Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House /Clowns

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 5:37 pm
by W. Kevin Vicklund
And I'm sorry, if you are saying you would be happy with a Pre op trans rapist of any gender identity sitting in your prison, you would be goddam lying. :snippity: And if you are saying you would be happy with a pre or post op trans guy sitting in your dressing room, you are lying.
Fixed it for you. And for the record, I have no issue with a trans man in my dressing room, and Dr. Vicklund has no issue with a trans woman in her dressing room. And this is not a hypothetical, there are enough trans fencers in our group that we have shared bathrooms and dressing rooms. So fuck off with your transphobic bullshit, you fucking pervert (yes, I did notice you admitted to being a pervert).

The 118th Congress with "My Kevin" McCarthy then "Fuc*ing Fuc*wad" Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House /Clowns

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 5:53 pm
by sugar magnolia
W. Kevin Vicklund wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 5:37 pm
And I'm sorry, if you are saying you would be happy with a Pre op trans rapist of any gender identity sitting in your prison, you would be goddam lying. :snippity: And if you are saying you would be happy with a pre or post op trans guy sitting in your dressing room, you are lying.
Fixed it for you. And for the record, I have no issue with a trans man in my dressing room, and Dr. Vicklund has no issue with a trans woman in her dressing room. And this is not a hypothetical, there are enough trans fencers in our group that we have shared bathrooms and dressing rooms. So fuck off with your transphobic bullshit, you fucking pervert (yes, I did notice you admitted to being a pervert).

The 118th Congress with "My Kevin" McCarthy then "Fuc*ing Fuc*wad" Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House /Clowns

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 6:01 pm
by Suranis
raison de arizona wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 5:35 pm Might it be possible to have different rules for dressing rooms and prisons? Or does a policy need to be one-size fits all?
I dunno, is there another situation where woman are trapped and vulnerable locked in with a violent rapist just because he says he is a woman that you would like to think about too?
W. Kevin Vicklund wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 5:37 pm
And I'm sorry, if you are saying you would be happy with a Pre op trans rapist of any gender identity sitting in your prison, you would be goddam lying. :snippity: And if you are saying you would be happy with a pre or post op trans guy sitting in your dressing room, you are lying.
Fixed it for you. And for the record, I have no issue with a trans man in my dressing room, and Dr. Vicklund has no issue with a trans woman in her dressing room. And this is not a hypothetical, there are enough trans fencers in our group that we have shared bathrooms and dressing rooms. So fuck off with your transphobic bullshit, you fucking pervert (yes, I did notice you admitted to being a pervert).
Dammit, I delete that as its too easy, and someone falls into the trap anyway.

You see, in my case, I'm supporting rules to prevent me getting access to Women, which makes me a very strange pervert, don't you think?

And shockingly, so are they. What kind of Pervert tries to PREVENT themselves getting pervy access to women? Weird, huh? Why would Perverts do that?
Off Topic
And sorry, there are no such things as "gender identities." People done have massive overwhelming male of fename feelings running through their body. They just ARE.

People can ASSUME gender identities to try and create a feeling of being, but that does not change who they are. They want to fill their internal Emptiness, but that does not change what they actually are. That's why people identify as Gang members, or Alpha males, or somesuch in order to create an identity feeling, but it does not change who they are. Its as ridiculous as Elon Musk posing with that stupid sword in order to assume the identity of an alpha male, when everyone can see he is being a pathetic child.

But I'm not in the business of reordering society and language just because someone wants to insist he has the identity of King Arthur. Your mental illness should not affect me or the world in general. 99.9% of people are either male or female, and those who are not have a medical condition that gives them dual sexual organs.

No matter how much you try and make people say "Birthing Persons" everyone is going to eventually go back to saying "Mothers" and "Women" giving birth. It's as pointless and people trying to institute Politically Correct language for people with disabilities in the in the 90s, or trying to make people say "chairpersons" when women rose to the level of chairs of Boards. People will not ignore what is self evident in front of their eyes and they will use the eaisist language. Already people are making stupid jokes like *talking about dead people* "maybe he self identifies as alive." Because its stupid and you are just doing it becasue youa re afraid of idiots online calling you "phobic"

Remember the attempted backlash against people buying the Computer game "Hogwart's Legacy" because JK Rowling? Instead it topped the charts because people wither disagreed or did not care

You can push on reality like Sisyphus on the rock all you want, but eventually the rock/reality will just roll back down the Hill again. And all you will have achieved is pissing off and turning away people who would otherwise agree with you, and getting more odious people elected who have the trick of pointing out actual reality.
So ya, I'll be here being a pervert trying my best to deny myself opportunities to look at undressing women. I'm such a counterproductive person. Dammit.

The 118th Congress with "My Kevin" McCarthy then "Fuc*ing Fuc*wad" Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House /Clowns

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 6:10 pm
by raison de arizona
Suranis wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 6:01 pm
raison de arizona wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 5:35 pm Might it be possible to have different rules for dressing rooms and prisons? Or does a policy need to be one-size fits all?
I dunno, is there another situation where woman are trapped and vulnerable locked in with a violent rapist just because he says he is a woman that you would like to think about too?
Is it reasonable to answer a post about dressing rooms with tales of violent rapists in prison? I can certainly agree that I don't want a violent rapist currently serving time in my dressing room.
W. Kevin Vicklund wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 5:37 pm
And I'm sorry, if you are saying you would be happy with a Pre op trans rapist of any gender identity sitting in your prison, you would be goddam lying. :snippity: And if you are saying you would be happy with a pre or post op trans guy sitting in your dressing room, you are lying.
Fixed it for you. And for the record, I have no issue with a trans man in my dressing room, and Dr. Vicklund has no issue with a trans woman in her dressing room. And this is not a hypothetical, there are enough trans fencers in our group that we have shared bathrooms and dressing rooms. So fuck off with your transphobic bullshit, you fucking pervert (yes, I did notice you admitted to being a pervert).
Dammit, I delete that as its too easy, and someone falls into the trap anyway.

You see, in my case, I'm supporting rules to prevent me getting access to Women, which makes me a very strange pervert, don't you think?

And shockingly, so are they. What kind of Pervert tries to PREVENT themselves getting pervy access to women? Weird, huh? Why would Perverts do that?
Mike Johnson is the kind of pervert we are talking about. I don't believe he is a violent rapist. Or trans. FWIW.
Off Topic
And sorry, there are no such things as "gender identities." People done have massive overwhelming male of fename feelings running through their body. They just ARE.

People can ASSUME gender identities to try and create a feeling of being, but that does not change who they are. They want to fill their internal Emptiness, but that does not change what they actually are. That's why people identify as Gang members, or Alpha males, or somesuch in order to create an identity feeling, but it does not change who they are. Its as ridiculous as Elon Musk posing with that stupid sword in order to assume the identity of an alpha male, when everyone can see he is being a pathetic child.

But I'm not in the business of reordering society and language just because someone wants to insist he has the identity of King Arthur. Your mental illness should not affect me or the world in general. 99.9% of people are either male or female, and those who are not have a medical condition that gives them dual sexual organs.

No matter how much you try and make people say "Birthing Persons" everyone is going to eventually go back to saying "Mothers" and "Women" giving birth. It's as pointless and people trying to institute Politically Correct language for people with disabilities in the in the 90s, or trying to make people say "chairpersons" when women rose to the level of chairs of Boards. People will not ignore what is self evident in front of their eyes and they will use the eaisist language. Already people are making stupid jokes like *talking about dead people* "maybe he self identifies as alive." Because its stupid and you are just doing it becasue youa re afraid of idiots online calling you "phobic"

Remember the attempted backlash against people buying the Computer game "Hogwart's Legacy" because JK Rowling? Instead it topped the charts because people wither disagreed or did not care

You can push on reality like Sisyphus on the rock all you want, but eventually the rock/reality will just roll back down the Hill again. And all you will have achieved is pissing off and turning away people who would otherwise agree with you, and getting more odious people elected who have the trick of pointing out actual reality.
Well, I doubt Mike Johnson bought Hogwart's Legacy.

The 118th Congress with "My Kevin" McCarthy then "Fuc*ing Fuc*wad" Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House /Clowns

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 7:08 pm
by Resume18
W. Kevin Vicklund wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 5:37 pm
And I'm sorry, if you are saying you would be happy with a Pre op trans rapist of any gender identity sitting in your prison, you would be goddam lying. :snippity: And if you are saying you would be happy with a pre or post op trans guy sitting in your dressing room, you are lying.
Fixed it for you. And for the record, I have no issue with a trans man in my dressing room, and Dr. Vicklund has no issue with a trans woman in her dressing room. And this is not a hypothetical, there are enough trans fencers in our group that we have shared bathrooms and dressing rooms. So fuck off with your transphobic bullshit, you fucking pervert (yes, I did notice you admitted to being a pervert).
Bigots give me a migraine.

The 118th Congress with "My Kevin" McCarthy then "Fuc*ing Fuc*wad" Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House /Clowns

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 3:12 am
by keith
Suranis wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 6:01 pm :snippity:
So ya, I'll be here being a pervert trying my best to deny myself opportunities to look at undressing women. I'm such a counterproductive person. Dammit.
I dont think you know what you are talking about.

But dont worry. You are in good company. I dont know what you are talking about either.

The 118th Congress with "My Kevin" McCarthy then "Fuc*ing Fuc*wad" Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House /Clowns

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 3:36 am
by bill_g
Off Topic
WTF. All this shit is dragging up memories of my high school years in the 60's when people called me a fag for being the last in the gym shower with a friend. We were the last because we were the last. Other people were in there before us. They left. It was our turn. Simple. But some assholes decided it was fair game to turn it into something else. And then I turned it into something else when I tried to rip a guy's dick off.

I'm a fag? Fine. Watch this.


Oh yeah. He went to the doctor after that.

Oh man, the stories were epic. And they grew with every telling.

I didn't care.

Still don't. Get a laugh every time even after sixty years.

I have never given a fuck whether someone was gay, trans, or whatever. I worry about trans people making a decision they can't back out of, but I support them all the way.

The 118th Congress with "My Kevin" McCarthy then "Fuc*ing Fuc*wad" Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House /Clowns

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 10:11 am
by Kriselda Gray
Well, the problem here isn't with the trans men or trans women. Frankly, it's with the people like you and Mike Johnson who would be willing to lie and cross the line to get an eyefull of the goodies. What you're saying is that YOU can't control yourself and would violate the privacy of women in a bathroom to get your own jollies. Trans people shouldn't have to pay the penalty for your lack of decency and self-control.

The 118th Congress with "My Kevin" McCarthy then "Fuc*ing Fuc*wad" Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House /Clowns

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 10:15 am
by Estiveo
Kriselda Gray wrote: Wed Nov 22, 2023 10:11 am Well, the problem here isn't with the trans men or trans women. Frankly, it's with the people like you and Mike Johnson who would be willing to lie and cross the line to get an eyefull of the goodies. What you're saying is that YOU can't control yourself and would violate the privacy of women in a bathroom to get your own jollies. Trans people shouldn't have to pay the penalty for your lack of decency and self-control.

The 118th Congress with "My Kevin" McCarthy then "Fuc*ing Fuc*wad" Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House /Clowns

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 12:28 pm
by sugar magnolia
Kriselda Gray wrote: Wed Nov 22, 2023 10:11 am Well, the problem here isn't with the trans men or trans women. Frankly, it's with the people like you and Mike Johnson who would be willing to lie and cross the line to get an eyefull of the goodies. What you're saying is that YOU can't control yourself and would violate the privacy of women in a bathroom to get your own jollies. Trans people shouldn't have to pay the penalty for your lack of decency and self-control.

The 118th Congress with "My Kevin" McCarthy then "Fuc*ing Fuc*wad" Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House /Clowns

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 12:45 pm
by bob
Too also: It defies credulity to suggest the oft-purported nanny state would somehow also be impotent in the face of obvious lies.

The 118th Congress with "My Kevin" McCarthy then "Fuc*ing Fuc*wad" Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House /Clowns

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 3:25 pm
by Slim Cognito
Maybe I'm stupid but I don't think a kid, let's say a teenage boy, shows up to school one day and announces he's going to change in the girls' locker room because he just had an epiphany regarding his gender and expects to be allowed in. It seems to me that a transgender student probably has a history of medical care leading up to such a situation and, yes, I realize there are privacy laws but a doctor(s) could provide the school with a letter explaining the situation in generalized terms. Yes/no? I don't know how it's handled but I'm pretty sure it's not the way Johnson suggests. That guy just gets creepier and creepier.

The 118th Congress with "My Kevin" McCarthy then "Fuc*ing Fuc*wad" Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House /Clowns

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 5:02 pm
by Estiveo
Slim Cognito wrote: Wed Nov 22, 2023 3:25 pm Maybe I'm stupid but I don't think a kid, let's say a teenage boy, shows up to school one day and announces he's going to change in the girls' locker room because he just had an epiphany regarding his gender and expects to be allowed in. It seems to me that a transgender student probably has a history of medical care leading up to such a situation and, yes, I realize there are privacy laws but a doctor(s) could provide the school with a letter explaining the situation in generalized terms. Yes/no? I don't know how it's handled but I'm pretty sure it's not the way Johnson suggests. That guy just gets creepier and creepier.
Not stupid at all. It's just the invalid argument of frustrated pedophiles and degenerate transphobes who are ashamed of their own sexualities and get off on oppressing those who aspire to what frightens them.

The 118th Congress with "My Kevin" McCarthy then "Fuc*ing Fuc*wad" Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House /Clowns

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 7:22 pm
by Resume18
Bigots gonna bigot and defend their bigotry with whatever nonsense, sophistry and just plain bullshit that they think will stick to the wall and allow themselves to pretend moral superiority. Society has progressed and must continue to progress beyond these retrograde recalcitrants.

The 118th Congress with "My Kevin" McCarthy then "Fuc*ing Fuc*wad" Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House /Clowns

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2023 4:44 pm
by raison de arizona
Our country is run by ignorant dumb shits.
Ron Filipkowski @RonFilipkowski wrote: The district McCarthy represents was conquered and became part of the US after the Mexican-American War in 1848.
Kevin McCarthy @SpeakerMcCarthy wrote: Think for one moment. In every single war that America has fought, we have never asked for land afterward - except for enough to bury the Americans who gave the ultimate sacrifice for freedom.

The 118th Congress with "My Kevin" McCarthy then "Fuc*ing Fuc*wad" Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House /Clowns

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2023 4:59 pm
by Frater I*I
raison de arizona wrote: Mon Nov 27, 2023 4:44 pm Our country is run by ignorant dumb shits.
Think for one moment. In every single war that America has fought, we have never asked for land afterward - except for enough to bury the Americans who gave the ultimate sacrifice for freedom.

Agreed RdA....

Well it is kinda true...we didn't "ask" the Natives per se, we conquered and took it...and we didn't "ask" the Spanish for Guantanamo Bay....and the Philippines....

The 118th Congress with "My Kevin" McCarthy then "Fuc*ing Fuc*wad" Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House /Clowns

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2023 5:04 pm
by RTH10260
Except a list of Pacific island possesions that have become "territories" not states of the US ...

The 118th Congress with "My Kevin" McCarthy then "Fuc*ing Fuc*wad" Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House /Clowns

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2023 6:34 pm
by raison de arizona
Back to 435. ... 02918?s=20
Andrew Solender @AndrewSolender wrote: Utah Rep. Celeste Maloy to be sworn in on Tuesday evening, which will put the House back at 435 members for the first time since May and Republicans back at 222.

Won't last long though – Democrat Brian Higgins and Republican Bill Johnson are both slated to leave in Feb-March.

The 118th Congress with "My Kevin" McCarthy then "Fuc*ing Fuc*wad" Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House /Clowns

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2023 7:33 am
by bill_g
raison de arizona wrote: Mon Nov 27, 2023 4:44 pm Our country is run by ignorant dumb shits.
Ron Filipkowski @RonFilipkowski wrote: The district McCarthy represents was conquered and became part of the US after the Mexican-American War in 1848.
Kevin McCarthy @SpeakerMcCarthy wrote: Think for one moment. In every single war that America has fought, we have never asked for land afterward - except for enough to bury the Americans who gave the ultimate sacrifice for freedom.
Pardon me Mr McCarthy - Think for a moment. In what year was the country formed, and what was here before then? The whole country was formed by blood and theft. That is basic American History 101. From it's inception to today, this nation has had multiple expansions by force including colonization into other countries. Please pick up a book.

PS: Since you're so proud of our dead soldiers, why not help do something about Tubberville? I realize you're in the House, and he's in the Senate, but surely there is something you can do to aid the men and women who are currently serving our nation.

The 118th Congress with "My Kevin" McCarthy then "Fuc*ing Fuc*wad" Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House /Clowns

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2023 5:04 pm
by Volkonski
A Civil Rights Firestorm Erupts Around a Looming Surveillance Power Grab
Dozens of advocacy groups are pressuring the US Congress to abandon plans to ram through the renewal of a controversial surveillance program that they say poses an “alarming threat to civil rights.”
United States lawmakers are receiving a flood of warnings from across civil society not to be bend to the efforts by some members of Congress to derail a highly sought debate over the future of a powerful but polarizing US surveillance program.

House and Senate party leaders are preparing to unveil legislation on Wednesday directing the spending priorities of the US military and its $831 billion budget next year. Rumors, meanwhile, have been circulating on Capitol Hill about plans reportedly hatched by House speaker Mike Johnson to amend the bill in an effort to extend Section 702, a sweeping surveillance program drawing fire from a large contingent of Democratic and Republican lawmakers favoring privacy reforms.

WIRED first reported on the rumors on Monday, citing senior congressional aides familiar with ongoing negotiations over the bill, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), separate versions of which were passed by the House and Senate this summer.

More than 80 civil rights and grassroots organizations—including Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC, Color of Change, Muslims for Just Futures, Stop AAPI Hate, and United We Dream—signed a statement this morning opposing “any efforts” to extend the 702 program using the NDAA. The statement, expected to hit the inboxes of all 535 members of Congress this afternoon, says that failure to reform contentious aspects of the program, such as federal agents’ ability to access Americans’ communications without a warrant, poses an “alarming threat to civil rights,” and that any attempt to use must-pass legislation to extend the program would “sell out the communities that have been most often wrongfully targeted by these agencies and warrantless spying powers generally.”

“As you’re aware, this extremely controversial warrantless surveillance authority is set to expire at the end of the year, but will continue to operate as it does currently until April, as government officials have recognized for many years,” the groups say.

Johnson and Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer did not respond to WIRED’s request for comment. Leadership of the House and Senate armed services committees likewise did not respond.

The 118th Congress with "My Kevin" McCarthy then "Fuc*ing Fuc*wad" Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House /Clowns

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2023 6:13 pm
by AndyinPA
Ironically, Mike Johnson requires close surveillance.

The 118th Congress with "My Kevin" McCarthy then "Fuc*ing Fuc*wad" Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House /Clowns

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2023 6:54 pm
by Kendra ... be98&ei=17
Fox News host Trey Gowdy said some choice words about House Republicans while interviewing political consultant Karl Rove on Sunday.

Republican lawmakers have raised eyebrows ever since the party narrowly flipped the House of Representatives in the 2022 midterm elections. The GOP lawmakers have found little to agree on since they took control of the House, starting their tenures with a tumultuous House Speaker vote that eventually saw Kevin McCarthy's election as speaker and his subsequent downfall nine months later.

Republicans have since elected Rep. Mike Johnson as speaker of the House, and Johnson's influence on rallying the party before next year's elections remains to be seen.

The GOP lawmakers hope to flip the Senate in 2024 while maintaining control of the House, giving them the majority in both congressional chambers, but Gowdy questioned the achievability of this goal on Sunday, when he discussed the state of House Republicans with Rove, a Fox News contributor.
"The House, my old stomping grounds, has been a disaster as of late," said Gowdy, who served as the U.S. representative for South Carolina's fourth congressional district from 2011 to 2019. "They replaced a speaker out of personal spite. They cannot even bring a Republican bill to the floor. Will there be a residue from that come next fall, or will it not matter in a year?"

Rove said the Republican outcome of next year's elections depends entirely on how the party acts in the next 12 months. However, if infighting continues, it might face a tougher challenge.

The 118th Congress with "My Kevin" McCarthy then "Fuc*ing Fuc*wad" Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House /Clowns

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2023 7:00 pm
by pipistrelle
Nah, it's like pro wrasslin'. Some people love that.

The 118th Congress with "My Kevin" McCarthy then "Fuc*ing Fuc*wad" Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House /Clowns

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2023 7:44 pm
by Dave from down under
Pigs in mud…