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Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, and other TV purveyors of fake news

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2024 7:55 pm
by Uninformed
“Chairman Loudermilk Publishes Never-Before Released Anthony Ornato Transcribed Interview”: ... -interview

Transcript of interview: ... ato-ti.pdf

On brief reading it appears the 10,000 National Guard was related to the rally not the Capitol - although I’m sure that will be argued.

Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, and other TV purveyors of fake news

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2024 8:10 pm
by Dave from down under
Page 77-78
23 Q Yeah. And, you know, on that point, we also understand that the
24 President, in that January 4th dining room meeting, said -- or asked whether 10,000
25 National Guard troops could be deployed on January 6th. Were you aware of that?
And so we make sure we were on the same page. And I said I'm not speaking
A I was not aware of that.
Q Well, then, going back to the traveling to the Capitol, between the 4th and the 6th, so the time that you said you discussed it with Max Miller the morning of the 4th, did it come up again as a topic of discussion for you prior to the 6th? So later on the 4th or at any point on the 5th?
A No, it never came -- I never heard about it again.
Q When it comes to the National Guard statement about having 10,000 troops or any other number of troops, do you recall any discussion prior to the 6th about whether and how many National Guard troops to deploy on January 6th?
A I do recall a conversation, I believe, it was with Mr. Meadows and the mayor, Mayor Bowser. I remember he had -- he was on the phone with her, and we -- I had walked in for something, and I was there, and he was on the phone with her and wanted to make sure she had everything that she needed. Because I think it was the concern of anti and pro groups clashing is what I recall. And not anywhere near the Capitol, this was just out on the mall area or at the event; and wanted to know if she need any more guardsmen. And I remember the number 10,000 coming up of, you know, the President wants to make sure that you have enough. You know, he is willing to ask for 10,000. I remember that number. Now that you said it, it reminded me of it. And that she was all set. She had, I think it was like 350 or so for intersection control and those types of thing not in the law enforcement capacity at the time. And then that's the only thing I recall with that number 10,000 National Guard guardsmen.
Q And I imagine my -- others will have questions maybe to follow up on that.

Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, and other TV purveyors of fake news

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2024 8:14 pm
by Dave from down under
So not 10,000 guardsmen to protect the Capitol from Donnie’s cultist and insurrectionists..

“ Because I think it was the concern of anti and pro groups clashing is what I recall. And not anywhere near the Capitol, this was just out on the mall area or at the event; and wanted to know if she need any more guardsmen”

Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, and other TV purveyors of fake news

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2024 9:45 pm
by p0rtia
This is not new. And last I heard, Oranato was not in the chain of command.

Plus, according to multiple witnesses, he lied like a sieve to protect fuckhead. If pretending you don't remember is lying like a sieve.

Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, and other TV purveyors of fake news

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2024 8:46 am
by tek
And overhearing one side of a conversation that he happened to walk in on.
"Now that you said it"
Ironclad proof, right there!

Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, and other TV purveyors of fake news

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2024 9:59 am
by keith
Leading questions anyone?

Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, and other TV purveyors of fake news

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2024 7:14 pm
by Dr. Ken

Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, and other TV purveyors of fake news

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2024 7:18 pm
by raison de arizona
Well, she'll have to retract that once she learns to read.

Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, and other TV purveyors of fake news

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2024 10:44 pm
by Ben-Prime
Naw. Love [of TFG] means never having to say you're sorry. Or something like that.

Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, and other TV purveyors of fake news

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2024 3:26 pm
by Rolodex
Fox getting hit with a wrongful death suit.

Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, and other TV purveyors of fake news

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2024 3:35 pm
by raison de arizona
Lies? On FoxNews? That's unpossible.

Aaron Rupar @atrupar wrote: "That is an out and out lie" -- Rand Paul and Brian Kilmeade get into a heated exchange about TikTok, with Paul going as far as to accuse Kilmeade of "defaming" TikTok. Kilmeade is visibly taken aback by the allegation.

Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, and other TV purveyors of fake news

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 8:05 pm
by raison de arizona
Acyn @Acyn wrote: Ingraham: Now a note about a graphic we showed at the top of the show. It was supposed to be Fani Willis and Nathan Wade but accidentally we broadcast Terrence Bradley. That was obviously not intentional. We made a mistake and we are sorry for that.

Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, and other TV purveyors of fake news

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 8:07 pm
by Suranis
I blame Obama Bin Ladin.

Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, and other TV purveyors of fake news

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2024 7:12 pm
by Kendra
Looks like Howie Kurtz of Media Buzz got an interview with tfg. I'm assuming (not sure) it was air on his show tomorrow morning, but who knows :shrug: At least maybe (maybe) he'll push back a bit on his BS more than other Fox hosts, but we'll have to wait.

If someone on Twitter can find Bartiromo's feed to post link here, but I did see some promo that Comer is going to give her an advance look (more like lies) on this week's hearing).

Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, and other TV purveyors of fake news

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2024 9:51 pm
by raison de arizona
OMG, chef's kiss.
Acyn @Acyn wrote: Guest complains about liberal elites lecturing Americans while jetting around in their private planes

Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, and other TV purveyors of fake news

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2024 3:04 pm
by raison de arizona
Benny Johnson @bennyjohnson wrote: CHILLS: Slain NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller's Family guests share how room reacted when Trump arrived to pay his respects ❤️

"They gave him a rousing ovation. They clapped their hands and showed their gratitude for President Trump's kindness and for his compassion. It is a moment I will NEVER forget. It was very comforting for the family."

Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, and other TV purveyors of fake news

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2024 3:31 pm
by Slim Cognito

Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, and other TV purveyors of fake news

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2024 5:43 pm
by RTH10260
:confuzzled: :confuzzled: :confuzzled: I thought the senior citizen from FL has only disdain for New York :blackeye:

How many funeral has he attended while residing in his golden tower? :think:

Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, and other TV purveyors of fake news

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2024 5:48 pm
by Dave from down under
Slim Cognito wrote: Fri Mar 29, 2024 3:31 pmWTAF????
It is a cult

Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, and other TV purveyors of fake news

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2024 7:30 pm
by Kendra
Apparently Officer Sicknick's family did not see it quite the same, and per Deadline WH, they scorched it to the media. I believe now former Officer Gonell had similar statements.

Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, and other TV purveyors of fake news

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2024 10:28 am
by Kendra
Pete Hegseth was on F&F today talking about a book he's got coming out later this year, War on Warriors I think it's called. :cantlook: At the photo of him on the back cover. Anyway, he says he writes about his time in the military when the unit he was in labelled him as an extremist and wouldn't allow him on a mission and that's when he quit. Paraphrasing here, I was only half awake. Did a brief dive on Google, but no results on those facts according to Hegseth. Anyone doing X, maybe see if Aaron Rupar or others clipped that segment, please post here.

Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, and other TV purveyors of fake news

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2024 12:09 pm
by pipistrelle
  • The latter, a conservative advocacy group funded by the Koch brothers, advocates greater privatization of the Department of Veterans Affairs.
  • He reportedly persuaded Trump to pardon three American soldiers accused or convicted of war crimes related to the shooting of non-combatants in Iraq.
  • Hegseth, who was a platoon leader at Guantanamo Bay during his military service, defended the treatment of inmates detained there.
Seems like a nice extremist.

Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, and other TV purveyors of fake news

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2024 2:49 pm
by raison de arizona
Hmm. Wonder why that is? ;)

Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, and other TV purveyors of fake news

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2024 9:19 am
by Dr. Ken

Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, and other TV purveyors of fake news

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2024 9:23 am
by Slim Cognito
That was embarrassing, just not for Biden.