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trump spawn

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2023 7:07 pm
by Ben-Prime
Rolodex wrote: Mon Dec 04, 2023 1:21 pm I bet they don't have gif or emoji battles by phone. I bet they don't have inside jokes. I bet they never had tickle wars when Barron was 3. I bet they don't have a secret handshake or special nickname for something. I bet they don't laugh about the time they had a flat tire, made a world record on changing it and then the spare went flat or the time mom burned soup.
So, from previous posts some of you know I have a son I didn't raise due to complicated relationship dynamics and the fact that his mother and stepfather and I both prioritized him being in a stable two-parent home.

When he was 19, he came to stay with me for a few months while trying to turn the rest of his life around after a string of disappointments and the man he'd called Dad no longer wanted to deal with him. After six months of futon-on-the-porch-sleeping in a one-bedroom retirement condo with his old man, where any day we could be fined huge by the condo commandos, he realized he couldn't make the relocation to my area work even with what limited financial help I could give him at the time, without a roommate, and he couldn't find one he liked, and none of his friends would step up, so he had to head back to his mom (she and the stepdad had since divorced) in New England. His mainconcern was that I not be disappointed with him. Because he had come to know me, and was still hurting over one Dad's rejection of him. I told him I could never be disappointed, because I saw how hard he tried and what he was up against.

We kept up a running social media correspondence -- like we'd had before he came to live with me but it had more depth and humor and warmth now because we'd spent 6 months sharing meals and staying up late watching movies and running around to my family's gatherings together -- and he came to visit me for a weekend while I was in training in D.C. for the Foreign Service. He had a brief dream of joining this life as well, but met a girl who's a nester and they've been together 4 years and the idea of world travel isn't in her brain so he's nesting and happy. I share pictures and thoughts and whatnot that I don't share with the general public or even my small friends group, because I've learned that part of our relationship is that we both have come to trust each other with the things we don't tell other people.

He's going to be 27 in May. He doesn't talk to his stepdad anymore. In the end, I missed out on SO MUCH of the formative stuff to keep him in a stable two-parent home. And yet just based on everything over the past 8 years of his adulthood, I probably still have a warmer and more loving and more non-transactional relationship with my son than Trump has with any of his kids. And that, more than anything else, more than the criminal acts, more than his ranting and raving, is why i think TFG is not recognizably human in a psychological sense.

trump spawn

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2023 7:45 pm
by Annrc
Love this, Ben.

trump spawn

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2023 9:25 pm
by AndyinPA

trump spawn

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2023 9:31 pm
by June bug
Loving and lovely - thanks for sharing that, Ben.

trump spawn

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2023 10:04 am
by Foggy
Damn I'm glad I read all the way to the end of that one. :mrgreen:

trump spawn

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2023 10:28 am
by Slim Cognito

trump spawn

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2023 11:47 am
by Rolodex
Ben, what an insightful and lovely story. We do our best (hopefully) with the information we have at the time. I'm so glad your son didn't just nope you out of his life and y'all have been able to reconnect in a positive way. Now y'all can have those emoji wars and secret handshakes and build inside jokes!

trump spawn

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 2:07 pm
by raison de arizona
The Intellectualist @highbrow_nobrow wrote: Lara Trump: Biden is running for re-election to avoid going to prison.

trump spawn

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 3:18 pm
by Resume18
raison de arizona wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 2:07 pm
The Intellectualist @highbrow_nobrow wrote: Lara Trump: Biden is running for re-election to avoid going to prison.
Again, every accusation a confession.

trump spawn

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 4:53 pm
by Slim Cognito
I’m amazed she found time to break away from recording her new hit album on the multimillion dollar record contract she received covering that Tom Petty song. Oh wait.

trump spawn

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 5:39 pm
by raison de arizona
I suppose this is the official Trump position on Ukraine. ... 38837?s=20
Donald Trump Jr. @DonaldJTrumpJr wrote: How about Go Fuck Yourself!!! America doesn't need to keep funding an endless war with no path to victory. If NATO is worried about Russia encroaching on NATO maybe they should be funding more of this but as always they let America do all the funding while they get virtually all the benefit. No more big wars no more funding the military industrial complex! For those of you who are idiots Ukraine lost this war quite some time ago we're just keeping them on life-support with never ending money!

trump spawn

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 5:41 pm
by Slim Cognito
Uh, we ARE (in) NATO.

trump spawn

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 6:08 pm
by pipistrelle
I know if I'm a military leader or adviser, a person with an apparent addiction is who I'd get my advice and strategy from.

trump spawn

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 6:23 pm
by Resume18
raison de arizona wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 5:39 pm I suppose this is the official Trump position on Ukraine. ... 38837?s=20
Donald Trump Jr. @DonaldJTrumpJr wrote: How about Go Fuck Yourself!!! America doesn't need to keep funding an endless war with no path to victory. If NATO is worried about Russia encroaching on NATO maybe they should be funding more of this but as always they let America do all the funding while they get virtually all the benefit. No more big wars no more funding the military industrial complex! For those of you who are idiots Ukraine lost this war quite some time ago we're just keeping them on life-support with never ending money!
Do another line Junior, it'll perk you up.

trump spawn

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 9:38 pm
by RTH10260
raison de arizona wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 5:39 pm I suppose this is the official Trump position on Ukraine. ... 38837?s=20
Donald Trump Jr. @DonaldJTrumpJr wrote: How about Go Fuck Yourself!!! America doesn't need to keep funding an endless war with no path to victory. If NATO is worried about Russia encroaching on NATO maybe they should be funding more of this but as always they let America do all the funding while they get virtually all the benefit. No more big wars no more funding the military industrial complex! For those of you who are idiots Ukraine lost this war quite some time ago we're just keeping them on life-support with never ending money!
I am not sure that the US industry agrees on this. Funding war efforts is helping to keep American jobs. :think:

trump spawn

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 10:16 pm
by RTH10260
RTH10260 wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 9:38 pm
raison de arizona wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 5:39 pm I suppose this is the official Trump position on Ukraine. ... 38837?s=20
Donald Trump Jr. @DonaldJTrumpJr wrote: How about Go Fuck Yourself!!! America doesn't need to keep funding an endless war with no path to victory. If NATO is worried about Russia encroaching on NATO maybe they should be funding more of this but as always they let America do all the funding while they get virtually all the benefit. No more big wars no more funding the military industrial complex! For those of you who are idiots Ukraine lost this war quite some time ago we're just keeping them on life-support with never ending money!
I am not sure that the US industry agrees on this. Funding war efforts is helping to keep American jobs. :think:
Also too what Wharton forgot to teach jr in Economics 101: the huge chances for US producers to export when post-war Ukraine gets re-built. Think of all those nice T casinos and T hotels on Crimea and at the other Black Sea resorts. Will be a small plaster for not getting a T tower in Moscow or in Sochi :twisted:

trump spawn

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2023 9:04 pm
by raison de arizona ... 83537?s=20
Donald Trump Jr. @DonaldJTrumpJr wrote: There are no serious people left that believe Ukraine is winning this war or that they even have a chance unless, of course, they are on the military industrial complex payroll. Everyone else understands that it’s over, and all we are doing by continuing this nonsense and funding it indefinitely is perpetuating the death of the poor men sent to the front lines as cannon fodder to keep the money train flowing. Enough is enough!

trump spawn

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2023 12:17 am
by RTH10260
Ohh gosh, is Jr on the Russian payroll and a concern troll for the Russian cannon fodder :?: :twisted:

trump spawn

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2023 11:49 am
by neonzx
raison de arizona wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 9:04 pm ... 83537?s=20
Donald Trump Jr. @DonaldJTrumpJr wrote: There are no serious people left that believe Ukraine is winning this war or that they even have a chance unless, of course, they are on the military industrial complex payroll. Everyone else understands that it’s over, and all we are doing by continuing this nonsense and funding it indefinitely is perpetuating the death of the poor men sent to the front lines as cannon fodder to keep the money train flowing. Enough is enough!
He sounds exactly like his daddy.

trump spawn

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2023 11:07 pm
by raison de arizona
Bradley P. Moss @BradMossEsq wrote: Hey, remember when Ivanka tried to get out of court with the “I have to get my kids to school” line? As if she is the one running around making lunches and getting them on the bus and not her nannies?

Well look who is out partying on a Thursday night in Vegas.

trump spawn

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2023 12:46 pm
by raison de arizona
The Intellectualist @highbrow_nobrow wrote: Jr: “I don’t snort cocaine, it’s not my thing.” @Acyn

trump spawn

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2023 1:06 pm
by jez
Hmmm... rather specific about not snorting. There are many ways to take cocaine other than snorting.

trump spawn

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2023 1:06 pm
by sugar magnolia
raison de arizona wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2023 12:46 pm Ahem.
The Intellectualist @highbrow_nobrow wrote: Jr: “I don’t snort cocaine, it’s not my thing.” @Acyn
He's too refined for that. He sniffs it delicately.

trump spawn

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 4:13 pm
by raison de arizona
Jared and Ivanka made up to $640 million in the White House

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump reported between $172 million and $640 million in outside income while working in the White House, according to an analysis of financial disclosures by CREW. It is impossible to tell the exact amount as the income is sometimes reported in broad ranges and cover four months of income before Ivanka Trump officially joined her father’s administration and nearly one month before Jared Kushner joined.

Both Kushner and Trump announced they would not take a salary while working for the government in an attempt to shut down nepotism concerns. While their supporters marked this as a public sacrifice, the massive amount of money they made on the side undercuts that argument, as government salaries would have been less than 1% of their income.
:snippity: ... ite-house/

trump spawn

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2023 4:07 pm
by raison de arizona
Totally not weird at all.
Don Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle Posed With Animal "Dick Bones" at Their Christmas Party
The baculum, or penis bone, is not usually not found at Christmas parties

At Kimberly Guilfoyle's Christmas party held at Don Jr.'s Florida home, the former Fox News host and the son of the former president posed with animal "dick bones" given to them by friends.

The baculum, or penis bone, is used by some mammals to aid in sexual reproduction.
Example pic:
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