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Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 10:40 pm
by Luke
Since the #AZAudit topic is veering off track, will say it again here...

Will take the other side of the bet that Democrats are going to lose 2022. We think these bogus audits will end up being nothing, like we've seen before, the GOP screws up and doesn't win back either house in 2022, the disgraced loser doesn't run again, and demographics keep moving and Democrats win the White House again in 2024.

Democrats won the mid-terms in 2018, and the 2022 Senate map is much worse for the GOP (20 seats vs. 14 for Democrats). Instead of focusing on the future, Republicans are stuck on 2020, the twice impeached loser who still has terrible polling, and tearing each other apart (see Paul Ryan, Liz Cheney).

The GOP is stuck on Dr. Seuss while Democrats are giving people real relief, solving COVID and making the system fairer.

We have to work hard but we've shown we can do this and am confident we will do it again. There's really no contest on the issues, and demographics are marching forward without pause.

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 10:52 pm
by somerset
orlylicious wrote: Sun May 30, 2021 10:40 pm Since the #AZAudit topic is veering off track, will say it again here...

Will take the other side of the bet that Democrats are going to lose 2022. We think these bogus audits will end up being nothing, like we've seen before, the GOP screws up and doesn't win back either house in 2022, the disgraced loser doesn't run again, and demographics keep moving and Democrats win the White House again in 2024.

Democrats won the mid-terms in 2018, and the 2022 Senate map is much worse for the GOP (20 seats vs. 14 for Democrats). Instead of focusing on the future, Republicans are stuck on 2020, the twice impeached loser who still has terrible polling, and tearing each other apart (see Paul Ryan, Liz Cheney).

The GOP is stuck on Dr. Suess while Democrats are giving people real relief, solving COVID and making the system fairer.

We have to work hard but we've shown we can do this and am confident we will do it again. There's really no contest on the issues, and demographics are marching forward without pause.
Agree with you Lish, and I think it's important that folks don't let the occasional setback discourage them completely. Everyone needs to work hard to keep the positive mindset going, and making sure people GET OUT AND VOTE no matter what obstacles are put in front of them.

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 11:58 pm
by SuzieC ... ip-in-2022

9 Senate seats most likely to flip. PA is very likely to flip. Ohio may flip if Rs nominate weasel Josh Mandel or lying Jane Timken vs. strong union guy Tim Ryan, who is like Sherrod Brown.

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 8:10 am
by Foggy
I still shudder to think that 74 million people voted to give the former asshole four more years.

Those people are out there ... oozing ... festering ... putrefying. :cantlook:

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 9:54 am
by Slim Cognito
I wish we could rely on polls. With most people ignoring unknown numbers and, apparently, some intentionally giving wrong answers, they're worthless.

If Republicans only make up 25% of the voting population and only 75% of them believe this stolen election bullshit, that's...scribble, scribble, carry the one, scribble scribble, scratch out, scribble...theoretically not enough people to win an election which is where the voter oppression bills come in.

Are any IAALs willing to go on record with an educated guess how the lawsuits opposing these new suppression laws will go?

PS, don't have the link handy but saw that the TX Dems walked out last night which forced the session to end without passing their oppression laws, but Abbott plans to call a special session.

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 12:35 pm
by much ado
Foggy wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 8:10 am I still shudder to think that 74 million people voted to give the former asshole four more years.

Those people are out there ... oozing ... festering ... putrefying. :cantlook:
... dying of old age ...

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 1:46 pm
by Luke
Yeah the GOP base is dying, that's not conjecture, it's demographic data.

And with garbage like Squidney and Lin Wood and Mike Flynn rooting for military coups, lying and grifting, it's a) turning off the majority of the GOP and b) going to devastate the marks when nothing happens and nothing changes. We saw in Georgia that they didn't come out and vote, they are setting up for a repeat of that (and it's our job to help them know it's hopeless and they shouldn't bother).

Charlotte Observer, Oct 2020
Where does a political party go to die?

Where does an American political party go to die? It’s worth asking in light of decades of precipitous decline for the Republican party. Donald Trump’s election in 2016, underlined by everything that followed, forces even the most strident in the GOP to ponder where and how this self-destructive decline will end. We’re witnessing the final days in a slow, ugly death of one of America’s two dominant political parties. The Republican party began in 1854 as a pro-abolitionist, anti-slavery party. It freed the slaves and almost single handedly passed the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the Constitution. It led our nation through the Civil War, fought the Klan and ushered in Reconstruction. It used federal troops in 1957 to integrate Little Rock High.

As Democrats began to support civil rights, alienating many whites in the South, the GOP’s infamous “Southern Strategy” was born. Republicans aggressively recruited disgruntled Southern whites after the passage of the Civil Rights Act. As Democrats were trying to move away from their racist past, Republicans, perhaps unintentionally, ended up taking their place. It’s now a dominant part of the GOP’s genetic makeup. Stuart Stevens, a former Republican author of “It was All a Lie,” points out, “Of Americans 15 years and under, the majority is non-white,” he said, “and odds are really good that they’re going to turn 18 and still be non-white. What does that mean for the Republican party? It’s a death sentence as currently constructed.” Today’s GOP base is increasingly rural, dominated by evangelicals who are anti-gay and anti-science, and by angry, pro-Confederacy whites who are strangely preoccupied by the Second Amendment and Mexicans. Party leaders have stood silently as Trump placed Hispanic babies in cages, told congresswomen of color to “go back” where they came from, and tear gassed protestors supporting racial equality and justice.

Even the most number-dumb amongst us can figure out that a strategy to squeeze more out of groups that are shrinking at the expense of groups that are growing is doomed to failure. With Republican registration now below unaffiliated, this is a tipping point that portends difficult days ahead for the way our democracy was intended to function. While the Founders created a system they believed would protect the minority from being overwhelmed, they did not intend minority rule, which we’ve had for the past two decades. If Joe Biden wins the national vote, Democrats will have won the most votes in 7 of the last 8 presidential elections. Republicans have received a majority just once since 1992, yet they’ve held the White House for almost half of those 28 years.

Half the U.S. Senate is elected by 18% of the population, most from scantly populated rural states, so it’s easy to see how the Electoral College and the U.S. Senate both artificially magnify and amplify the voices of the Republican coalition. A president who significantly lost the popular vote has just nominated a third person to join the Supreme Court. If confirmed, it will be by a narrow majority of Republican Senators who received 14 million fewer votes than the 47 Senators in the minority. George W. Bush also added two Justices to the court after he too failed to receive a majority of America’s votes. Get the picture? America needs a strong two-party system, where people have the chance to weigh competing ideas. The death of the Republican party will leave one dominant national party, with fewer alternative points of view, and one regional player, representing states with large white populations and made up of a coalition of groups resembling the bar scene in Star Wars. The party of Lincoln, which once stood for the unity of the union, freedom for the enslaved and opportunity for the oppressed now resembles a sick dog, struggling to survive. ... PF2LwkHXGc

2015 POLITICO. Will admit the DL2XIT's nationalism gave a bit of a shot in the arm to the GOP, but they blew it with tax cuts for rich people, not supporting the middle class stimulus and other measures, etc:
The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally.
By DANIEL J. MCGRAW May 17, 2015
Daniel J. McGraw is a political writer living in Lakewood, Ohio.

It turns out that one of the Grand Old Party’s biggest—and least discussed—challenges going into 2016 is lying in plain sight, written right into the party’s own nickname. The Republican Party voter is old—and getting older, and as the adage goes, there are two certainties in life: Death and taxes. Right now, both are enemies of the GOP and they might want to worry more about the former than the latter.

There’s been much written about how millennials are becoming a reliable voting bloc for Democrats, but there’s been much less attention paid to one of the biggest get-out-the-vote challenges for the Republican Party heading into the next presidential election: Hundreds of thousands of their traditional core supporters won’t be able to turn out to vote at all.

The party’s core is dying off by the day.

Since the average Republican is significantly older than the average Democrat, far more Republicans than Democrats have died since the 2012 elections. To make matters worse, the GOP is attracting fewer first-time voters. Unless the party is able to make inroads with new voters, or discover a fountain of youth, the GOP’s slow demographic slide will continue election to election. Actuarial tables make that part clear, but just how much of a problem for the GOP is this?

Since it appears that no political data geek keeps track of voters who die between elections, I took it upon myself to do some basic math. And that quick back-of-the-napkin math shows that the trend could have a real effect in certain states, and make a battleground states like Florida and Ohio even harder for the Republican Party to capture.
Lots more: ... ly-118035/

‘There’s Nothing Left’: Why Thousands of Republicans Are Leaving the Party
Voting registration data indicates a stronger-than-usual flight from the G.O.P. since the Capitol riot, with an intensely fluid period in American politics now underway.
In the days and weeks after the storming of the Capitol by Trump supporters on Jan. 6, thousands of Republicans left the party. In some states, the surge in registration changes was particularly noticeable.
By Nick Corasaniti, Annie Karni and Isabella Grullón Paz
Feb. 10, 2021

In the days after the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, the phone lines and websites of local election officials across the country were jumping: Tens of thousands of Republicans were calling or logging on to switch their party affiliations.

In California, more than 33,000 registered Republicans left the party during the three weeks after the Washington riot. In Pennsylvania, more than 12,000 voters left the G.O.P. in the past month, and more than 10,000 Republicans changed their registration in Arizona.

An analysis of January voting records by The New York Times found that nearly 140,000 Republicans had quit the party in 25 states that had readily available data (19 states do not have registration by party). Voting experts said the data indicated a stronger-than-usual flight from a political party after a presidential election, as well as the potential start of a damaging period for G.O.P. registrations as voters recoil from the Capitol violence and its fallout.
More: ... party.html

Bullsh*t like #AZAudit is just going to speed it up. And suburban GOP voters are already mostly over the lunatics; keeping DL2XIT as the Lord and Savior while ejecting traditional Republicans is a fabulous strategy. For Democrats.

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 1:52 pm
by Slim Cognito
If/when trump, or at least his associates and family, are indicted over tax fraud and campaign finance misuse, a lot more will be disgruntled. The ones who voted for trump despite knowing what a jackass he is, they believed Biden would be worse. When that doesn't happen, they'll confused. As trump ramps up his rhetoric, because we all know trump never ramps down the rhetoric, they'll be more likely to throw up their hands.

As for the radical Q bunch and the die-hard Fucker Tarlson fanboys and girls, it will also make them more dangerous.

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 8:12 pm
by Luke
Here's a thread to participate in :P The replies are totally off the wall. Any day now on steroids. Even NASARA makes an appearance, along with that Trump's riding on AF1, Biden is a clone, and more.
David Niño Rodriguez @ninoboxer
I’m curious.. Please answer honestly. How many of you believe that 2020 will be solved and turned around? How many believe it’s game over and we must endure till 2024?
2:01 AM · May 31, 2021·Twitter for iPhone
271 Retweets 157 Quote Tweets 2,263 Likes

The idiots are buying in :lol:

Flag of United States Kevin Flag of United States liked your reply
You're right, there will be no point in voting again. Lots are saying the same thing here too.

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 8:48 pm
by Slim Cognito
Holy Crap! How do those people function in society?

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 9:54 pm
by SuzieC
Holy shit!! Keep it up our warrior Orlylicious. Any chance they will be on to you?

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 2:22 am
by Luke
:lol: Suzie, they're so dumb they don't look at profiles, they just click like if they see something nasty, rude or that agrees with their fantasies. My profile pic is Joe Biden as a young man, they have to be really stupid to buy it, yet they do.

On this one, feel a block coming on when she wakes up but it was sooo worth it. :lol: Assuming she's getting a terrible night's sleep on a MyPillow.

Lord.JPG (96.78 KiB) Viewed 9437 times

They are flailing about, hoping for something -- anything that will give them hope that reality isn't reality.

This idiot can't even figure out Jeanine's real Twitter account:

Jeanine Fan Account.JPG
Jeanine Fan Account.JPG (74.28 KiB) Viewed 9433 times

And tried to show some concern for this poor "reformed liberal".

Fulton.JPG (95.04 KiB) Viewed 9432 times

There's going to be hell to pay in the morning. :P

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 9:56 am
by raison de arizona
orlylicious wrote: Tue Jun 01, 2021 2:22 am And tried to show some concern for this poor "reformed liberal".


There's going to be hell to pay in the morning. :P
:shrug: 80% of Black men and 91% of Black women voted for Trump BIDEN overall. Five bucks says those percentages are even higher in Fulton county.

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 11:42 am
by sugar magnolia
covfefe wrote: Tue Jun 01, 2021 9:56 am
orlylicious wrote: Tue Jun 01, 2021 2:22 am And tried to show some concern for this poor "reformed liberal".


There's going to be hell to pay in the morning. :P
:shrug: 80% of Black men and 91% of Black women voted for Trump overall. Five bucks says those percentages are even higher in Fulton county.
Where did those statistics come from?

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 12:02 pm
by raison de arizona
sugar magnolia wrote: Tue Jun 01, 2021 11:42 am
covfefe wrote: Tue Jun 01, 2021 9:56 am
orlylicious wrote: Tue Jun 01, 2021 2:22 am And tried to show some concern for this poor "reformed liberal".


There's going to be hell to pay in the morning. :P
:shrug: 80% of Black men and 91% of Black women voted for Trump BIDEN overall. Five bucks says those percentages are even higher in Fulton county.
Where did those statistics come from?
Whoops on the Trump/Biden screw up! Hopefully that was self-evident...
NBC News wrote: Black men shift slightly toward Trump in record numbers, polls show
Most Black men supported Biden, but overall, Democrats have been losing Black male support since 2008, according to NBC exit poll data.

Support for the Democratic presidential candidate reached a new low among Black men this year, according to the NBC News poll of early and Election Day voters.

Eighty percent of Black men supported Joe Biden, down slightly from Hilary Clinton’s 82 percent in 2016 but significantly down from Barack Obama’s level of support among Black men in 2012 and 2008.

In Obama’s first presidential campaign, 95 percent of Black male voters and 96 percent of Black women chose him. Four years later, support from Black women remained at 96 percent for Obama’s 2012 re-election, while the figure for Black men slid to 87 percent.

In 2016, when the nominee was Hillary Clinton, Black men dropped further to 82 percent while Black women’s support for Clinton remained high at 94 percent. Biden came close to matching that this year, garnering the support of 91 percent of Black women.
:snippity: ... w-n1246447

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 12:45 pm
by Slim Cognito
Never underestimate the mind altering effects of testosterone.

(sorry guys, I'll see myself out, but we gals were all thinking it.)

(insert sheepish grin emoji here)

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 12:58 pm
by raison de arizona
Slim Cognito wrote: Tue Jun 01, 2021 12:45 pm Never underestimate the mind altering effects of testosterone.

(sorry guys, I'll see myself out, but we gals were all thinking it.)

(insert sheepish grin emoji here)
Rutgers has some stats on that. We all know the summary, but it is that if you are a white dude, you more likely voted for Trump (51%-60%) than for Biden (36%-42%).

Present company excluded, of course.

So, um, target the white dudes! And the white womenz too! But 'specially the white men.

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 1:00 pm
by Slim Cognito
covfefe wrote: Tue Jun 01, 2021 12:58 pm
Slim Cognito wrote: Tue Jun 01, 2021 12:45 pm Never underestimate the mind altering effects of testosterone.

(sorry guys, I'll see myself out, but we gals were all thinking it.)

(insert sheepish grin emoji here)
Rutgers has some stats on that. We all know the summary, but it is that if you are a white dude, you more likely voted for Trump (51%-60%) than for Biden (36%-42%).

Present company excluded, of course.

So, um, target the white dudes! And the white womenz too! But 'specially the white men.
It's all good. I look at some of my (all white) female neighbors and think WTF?

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 2:25 pm
by Luke
This is continuing :P

Romans 6:20, baby! Two can play the bible game.

Romans.JPG (114.85 KiB) Viewed 9297 times

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 3:07 pm
by Domenico
Orlylicious, to quote legendary British comedian Dick Emery: "Ooh, you are awful ... but I like you!"

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 5:47 pm
by Tiredretiredlawyer
Orlylicious- You are quoting the Bible back at ‘em!!! Way to go!!!!!!

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2021 1:56 am
by Luke
Thank you thank you! Two can play at that Bible game :lol:

And... :dance:

Democrat wins New Mexico special election for U.S. House, overcoming a Republican emphasis on rising crime
By David Weigel June 1, 2021 at 11:38 p.m. EDT

Democrats held on to a suburban House seat in New Mexico on Tuesday, with state Rep. Melanie Stansbury (D) easily winning the Albuquerque-area district filled until this spring by Interior Secretary Deb Haaland.

Stansbury defeated state Sen. Mark Moores, who worked to make the race a referendum on Albuquerque’s rising crime rate. Republicans, hopeful that suburban voters might abandon Democrats over their embrace of police reform, were stymied by a Stansbury campaign that emphasized her own support for law enforcement funding.

Stansbury’s victory, projected by the Associated Press little more than one hour after polls closed, will give Democrats 220 seats in the House to 211 for Republicans, offering a bit more breathing room to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) ahead of an expected summer push on infrastructure spending. Two Republicans will face each other in the runoff for another vacant House seat, in Texas, on July 27. Two open seats in Ohio, split between the parties, will not be filled until November, and a safely Democratic seat in Florida will remain vacant until January 2022.

With nearly 80 percent of the vote counted, Stansbury led by more than 28 points. ... story.html

Boom Boom Boom! (Let's Go Back To My Room) :P

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2021 10:28 am
by Luke
Another exhibit to this topic title, this time from Bill Mitchell, who can't raise 10 large and is down to 2952 Telegram followers and dropping.

BILL MITCHELL'S: YourVoice™ Channel, [02.06.21 02:48]
[Forwarded from BILL MITCHELL'S: YourVoice™ Channel (Bill Mitchell)]

People are so discouraged out there. I just don't get it. We are in a war for the very survival of America. Did people expect this to be easy or for the enemy to fight fair? We need to triple down and fight 3 times as hard as we ever have before, but so many folks are just giving up and checking out. The Democrats didn't give up in 2016 and they came back and won big in 2018. I can't believe they are bigger fighters than we are. We must fight fight fight, work work work. God is on our side but we must show up!

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2021 7:52 pm
by Suranis
In news that isn't just repeating what garbage humans are saying. ... 9198108674
Ronald Klain@Ronaldklain

DC Pundits: Is the Biden agenda TRULY popular? Can Dems generate enthusiasm?

Voters in NM-01 tonight:


Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2021 9:58 pm
by Gregg
Slim Cognito wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 8:48 pm Holy Crap! How do those people function in society?

Drugs. Heart drugs, insulin, blood pressure medicine, Viagra and Propecia.

(and we slip them a little LSD every night before Hannity, just for giggles)