What Happened To The US?

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John Thomas8
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What Happened To The US?


Post by John Thomas8 »

Did we fail at the start, how badly those venerated Founding Fathers utterly failed to address slavery with morality?

Did we fail after the Civil War, when Andrew Johnson completely failed at "Reconstruction" by leaving the slavers in place and didn't conduct a 19th Century Nuremburg Trial and deal with the traitors properly?

Did we fail with "Manifest Destiny" and murdered the people that were here before Europe even knew about North America? (This "officially" started with King Philip's War in 1675, earlier for Mexico/Central America.)

Did we fail when Woodrow "shitstain" Wilson failed to integrate the US Army for World War I? US Black troops were treated FAR better by the British and French than by their own country.

Did we fail when we started killing world leaders for personal gain? From the Monroe Doctrine way back in 1823 to the murder of the Shah in 1953 and whatever stupidity we've done since, where does our moral base stand?

Did we fail when we allowed Prohibition to create a solid, permanent basis for highly funded organized crime?

Did we fail when we allowed "Reefer Maddness"-related stupidity to create idiotic public policy?

Did we fail when Eisenhower warned us about the military/industrial complex that Roosevelt created? Roosevelt took the proper steps to do the best for the US during 1935-1945, but abjectly failed to set up the necessary "kill switch" to shut war production down when it was no longer necessary.

Did we we fail when we used the failed tactic of carpet bombing in Viet Nam? How much damage did the "Domino Theory" do to our moral fabric?

Did we fail when we ignored Goldwater telling us that christofacists were preparing to inject their hate into politics?

Did we fail when the "War On Some Drugs" made criminals out of millions of non-violent, non-criminal citizens?

Did we fail when Ford pardoned Nixon, making it crystal clear that the prezinut is above the law.

Did we fail when nobody of import did anything about trickle down economics?

Did we fail when nobody of import did anything about the loss of the Fairness Doctrine?

Did we fail when Reagan wasn't personally held accountable for Iran/Contra? The buck was on his desk and he didn't stop it.

Did we fail when we elected a known grifter as prezinut? How does a healthy society allow moral bankruptcy that much access?

I'm 62, watched some of these play out in real time, and each new one lowers the bar of how low America voters will allow things to go. There's always been hairballs in congress, there's no real way in our system to cut them out of the process. But holy fuck the sleeze getting in now is obscene.

There's an active cancer at work in this country and nobody seems to want to order or conduct the surgery necessary to cut it out. It's just allowed to mutate and grow and it damn well is going to be our downfall.
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What Happened To The US?


Post by AndyinPA »

Unfortunately, it's all of the above, and then some. :crying:
"Choose your leaders with wisdom and forethought. To be led by a coward is to be controlled by all that the coward fears… To be led by a liar is to ask to be told lies." -Octavia E. Butler
Dave from down under
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What Happened To The US?


Post by Dave from down under »

Just think…

If not for some violent revolutionaries

You could be currently in “Greater Canada” with Charles III as monarch…

Instead of looking to have Donnie I as god-emperor
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