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Biden's misplaced classified docs, special prosector assigned

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 4:36 pm
by raison de arizona
Another cache found.
Biden aides find second batch of classified documents at new location ... -rcna65371
The calls for a special prosecutor from the Rs are increasing...

Biden's misplaced classified docs

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 5:13 pm
by raison de arizona ... 3641831429
Elise Stefanik @EliseStefanik wrote: Biden’s decision as VP to illegally keep classified materials at his unsecured think tank - funded by Communist China - raises serious national security questions.

Accountability is coming.
Here's Why Elise Stefanik Is Demanding Accountability for the 'Biden Crime Family'
"Where is the FBI raid on the Joe Biden crime family after the revelations that he stole classified materials while serving as Vice President and stored these documents at Biden's 'think tank' that has received over $50 million in Chinese gifts?" Stefanik asked rhetorically while sharing her reaction to the news exclusively with Townhall.
:snippity: ... j-n2618104

Biden's misplaced classified docs

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 5:15 pm
by raison de arizona
Hawley pressures Garland to appoint special counsel in Biden classified docs probe
'The double standard here is astounding,' Hawley wrote
:snippity: ... docs-probe

Biden's misplaced classified docs

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 5:49 pm
by humblescribe
Biden should call their bluff.

He ought to invite all the usual Congressional suspects and selected employees of Faux News to a meeting that is being videotaped.

He then offers them a deal. You form your committee of equal Rs and Ds to investigate me but before you do, that same committee must investigate tfg for all his classified document peccadilloes. Televise the entire proceeding. Demand that tfg and his lackeys testify under oath--no exceptions. Issue your final report. Then I will be happy to answer these same questions that were asked of tfg. And I will resign if my actions were equal to or worse than tfg.

Any questions? No? Good. You have 72 hours to assemble this committee and get to work. Otherwise, I release this entire videotaped meeting to all news outlets across the country.

I kid, but I really would like to see someone like Biden call them out and see what they do when they have painted themselves into the corner.

Biden's misplaced classified docs

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 6:35 pm
by Shizzle Popped
The thing I find most disturbing about all of this is that nobody seemed to realize the documents had been missing all this time. There has to be something seriously wrong with the tracking of the nation's classified documents.

Biden's misplaced classified docs

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 8:03 pm
by RTH10260
Shizzle Popped wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 6:35 pm The thing I find most disturbing about all of this is that nobody seemed to realize the documents had been missing all this time. There has to be something seriously wrong with the tracking of the nation's classified documents.
It's at this time unknown what kind of documents have been retrieved from Biden. To date nothing about highly classified stuff has been mentioned. All could have been regular daily work results "for WH use only" that ought to have ended up in the Obama stuff of WH documents.

It looks to me that the transitioning from one to a new administration has procedural holes. But when the former guy took office his transition team was full of political appointees who knew nothing about government, put in place after Chris Christie was ousted for preparing a competent team. They would not have known what to ask for. And when leaving office the former guy was on burn earth spree leaving behind nothing but a bare WH even without janitor.

Biden's misplaced classified docs

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 8:18 pm
by Slim Cognito
I agree that this Biden thing, though embarrassing and sloppy, was not intentional whereas the OSG deliberately stole whatever he could get his grubby little fingers on.

That said, there's a definite problem with documenting documents. We'll probably never know what all trump scurried off with.

Biden's misplaced classified docs

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 6:36 am
by tek
The media (not just the RWNJ media) seems to be running with all manner of detailed information about these documents that, as far as I can tell, has no basis in official fact.

Biden's misplaced classified docs

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 7:28 am
by Foggy
Of course, that's what living in the Disinformation Age is all about.

And we're Fogbow - part of our genetic makeup holds that it would be irresponsible not to speculate.

Personally, I suspect Trump planted the new Biden documents. Nobody has been able to track his whereabouts for days at a time. He has a lot of anger toward Biden for kicking his ass in 2020. The corrupt Secret Service agents who trail around behind Trump probably helped him sneak into Biden’s old offices. He probably went through the documents he stole himself, and picked only the stuff from the Obama administration. Then they snuck in and put the stuff where it would surely be found.

You want me to add more? I can add more. 8-)

Alert the media! Trump planted the Biden documents! :eek:

Biden's misplaced classified docs

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 7:55 am
by pipistrelle
Shizzle Popped wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 6:35 pm The thing I find most disturbing about all of this is that nobody seemed to realize the documents had been missing all this time. There has to be something seriously wrong with the tracking of the nation's classified documents.

Biden's misplaced classified docs

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 7:55 am
by bill_g
If Joe was running things like Don did, claiming the former President V and/or The Deep Republican State planted the docs would be the natural course of action.

Biden's misplaced classified docs

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 8:03 am
by jemcanada2
It also bothers me that one of the new talking points is that tfg could declassify documents (with his mind :brickwallsmall: ) because he was president, but Biden couldn’t because he was vice president at the time. They’ve been throwing up this smokescreen about whether or not the documents were classified since the search at Mar-a-Lago when that has nothing to do with the crime (theft, obstruction). :mad: :mad:

Biden's misplaced classified docs

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 8:09 am
by pipistrelle
One of my favorites is that tfg has the Secret Service guarding what he stole, whereas Biden didn't. Either the Secret Service didn't know about them (and therefore weren't guarding them) or they did and therefore are complicit in the theft (of government documents, whether classified or not).

Biden's misplaced classified docs

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 9:03 am
by bill_g
Biden found his, notified the proper people, and voluntarily surrendered them.

Trump was notified docs were missing, and spent months actively preventing their return.

Having seen the fiasco TFG created for himself over "misplaced documents", there is no way Biden would have surrendered his missing documents if his moral character was as flawed and corrupt as Trump's.

Biden's misplaced classified docs

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 9:57 am
by noblepa
pipistrelle wrote: Thu Jan 12, 2023 8:09 am One of my favorites is that tfg has the Secret Service guarding what he stole, whereas Biden didn't. Either the Secret Service didn't know about them (and therefore weren't guarding them) or they did and therefore are complicit in the theft (of government documents, whether classified or not).
I don't think that the Secret Service is tasked with protecting TFG's documents or any other property. AFAIK, their job is solely to protect the life of the former President.

They don't even screen visitors to Mar-a-Lago. Witness TFG's recent dinner with Ye and Fuentes. They only protect the property in so far as preventing an intruder from breaking into the building and threatening physical harm to TFG.

Even when he was President, I don't think that the SS had the brief to protect classified documents in the WH.

Biden's misplaced classified docs

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 10:19 am
by bob
jemcanada2 wrote: Thu Jan 12, 2023 8:03 am It also bothers me that one of the new talking points is that tfg could declassify documents (with his mind :brickwallsmall: ) because he was president, but Biden couldn’t because he was vice president at the time.
Fortunately for Biden, then-President Obama did mind declassify them. :banana:

Too also: President Biden mind declassified them and mind pardoned himself. :banana: :banana:

Biden's misplaced classified docs

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 10:20 am
by pipistrelle
Exactly. They weren’t guarding them.

Biden's misplaced classified docs

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 11:03 am
by AndyinPA
I heard one talking head this morning wanting to know why we had to wait two months to hear about this. How long were things going on behind the scenes in Florida?

Biden's misplaced classified docs

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 11:09 am
by RTH10260
AndyinPA wrote: Thu Jan 12, 2023 11:03 am I heard one talking head this morning wanting to know why we had to wait two months to hear about this. How long were things going on behind the scenes in Florida?
In FL things would have been kept quiet for the defendant had not he himself pointed out that the FBI was performing the house search with a judge approved warrant. Not that I think the FBI presence at MaL could have been kept hidden for long, too many guests and visitors moving on the location.

Biden's misplaced classified docs

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 11:15 am
by AndyinPA
RTH10260 wrote: Thu Jan 12, 2023 11:09 am
AndyinPA wrote: Thu Jan 12, 2023 11:03 am I heard one talking head this morning wanting to know why we had to wait two months to hear about this. How long were things going on behind the scenes in Florida?
In FL things would have been kept quiet for the defendant had not he himself pointed out that the FBI was performing the house search with a judge approved warrant. Not that I think the FBI presence at MaL could have been kept hidden for long, too many guests and visitors moving on the location.
That's true. I was thinking earlier this morning that this has probably happened before on a minor basis with other presidents. I'm not saying this is okay, just that considering the amount of paperwork involved that maybe an occasional slip happens. We would likely never hear of it because it would be easily handled. The drama around DFO's theft has just made it attractive to the media.

Biden's misplaced classified docs

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 12:02 pm
by bob

His cheese is so far gone.

Biden's misplaced classified docs

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 12:12 pm
by raison de arizona
They were talking about on Kilmeade's radio program this morning, I fergit which Congresscritter he had on. But the thrust was that the MSM is trying to make it an apples-to-oranges comparison, when it really is an apples-to-apples comparison, just one of the apples is Granny Smith, and one Fuji or whatever. That was their take. And of course they brought up the whole tfg declassified the docs (*with his mind*) thing, so even that is giving more weight to the tfg issue than it deserves, when the real crime and scandal is what Biden did.

Le sigh.

Biden's misplaced classified docs

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 12:47 pm
by raison de arizona
361CBE85-BF49-44BC-AD0E-2E91C0CFC099.png (166.94 KiB) Viewed 1323 times

Biden's misplaced classified docs

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 12:56 pm
by noblepa
bob wrote: Thu Jan 12, 2023 12:02 pm
His cheese is so far gone.
The Biden team didn't try to cover up the documents.

When they discovered the documents, they immediately notified the proper authorities, NARA. I read that NARA took physical custody of the documents the next day.

They just didn't issue a press release. That's not a cover up. A cover up is taking active steps to conceal something.

I've said it before. You don't negotiate with NARA in a case like this. The documents belong to NARA. Attempting to "negotiate" is another word for ransom. What did TFG expect in return for the return of property that rightfully belonged to NARA?

Edited to add: It took a year and a half to retrieve the documents Trump took. It took a day and half to retrieve the documents in Biden's possession. It just took a month and half for the discovery to become public.

Biden's misplaced classified docs

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 12:58 pm
by Suranis
That's Chinese whispering from this Breitbart article, which, despite saying in the headline that Biden admits classified documents," if you read it does not mention classified documents at all. There's a video in there and I cant copy over the link. Its a minute and a half of Biden at a press conference. I didnt look at it ... -corvette/
Watch: Joe Biden Admits Classified Documents Found in His Garage Next to Corvette
The White House / YouTube
Charlie Spiering12 Jan 20232,661

President Joe Biden confirmed Thursday classified documents were discovered in his garage at his Delaware home, but did not explain why.

“By the way, the Corvette is in a locked garage. OK? It’s not like they’re sitting out in the street,” he said when asked by reporters about the revelation of a second group of classified documents found at his home in Wilmington, Delaware.

Biden’s prized Corvette has been used by the White House to promote the president’s agenda.

The president repeated he would continue to cooperate with the Justice Department to recover classified documents from his belongings.

Biden did not answer any additional questions about why he had the documents in his possession, noting that the investigation was ongoing.

“We’re going to see all this unfold,” he said.

As reporters shouted more questions, he pointed out to the audience and shouted, “Hey how you doing?” before returning to the podium to answer a question about his wife’s recent surgery.

Richard Sauber, a special counsel for Biden, confirmed in a statement earlier Thursday “a small number” of records with classified markings from his time as vice president was found.

“All but one of these documents were found in storage space in the President’s Wilmington residence garage,” he said. “One document consisting of one page was discovered among stored materials in an adjacent room.”

Sauber said there were no documents found at the president’s vacation house in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.

The new details only add to questions about the vice president’s handling of classified documents, after it was first revealed on Tuesday classified information was found in a private office he used in Washington, DC, as part of his position at a University of Pennsylvania think tank.

Biden responded to the news Tuesday by saying he was “surprised” to learn about records that were in his office.

He also claimed ignorance about the details of the documents found in his private office in Washington, DC.

“I don’t know what’s in the documents,” he continued. “My lawyers have not suggested I not ask what documents they were.”