1/22/22 Poll: ⛵️ How Long Will Drunken Capt. Karl P. Koenigs and the Imaginary AMFF Armada Sail The Seas? #SSFatRambo

These people are weird, but we like to find out what weird people are doing and thinking. It's a hobby.
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Will #FatRambo's AMFF Armada Set Sail? For How Long?

#FatRambo Is Never Going and Lying on Telegram (Again)
He Really Means It! 1-2 Years
1-2 Days
3 Days - A Week
No votes
8 Days - A Month
No votes
More Than A Month
No votes
Until the Boat Sinks
Until He's Arrested Again
No votes
Until the Majority of Vaxxed Americans are VAXTERMINATED and the AMFF can Come Back to Control and Steal Everything Left
The Legislators and Governor sponsor and pass an exact facsimile of The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions augmented with AN ARREST PROVISION
Total votes: 20

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1/22/22 Poll: ⛵️ How Long Will Drunken Capt. Karl P. Koenigs and the Imaginary AMFF Armada Sail The Seas? #SSFatRambo


Post by Luke »

Drunken SovCit criminal and abusive spouse/boyfriend Karl Koenigs has announced that For Real This Time, he's going to follow through and launch the American Militia Freedom Forces AMFF Armada! He's been telling folks to HURRY and sign up if they want to be part of this magical journey. He even posted again tonight.

Karl Armada.JPG
Karl Armada.JPG (57.17 KiB) Viewed 2180 times

This is a big, big idea, he's been pumping it all month and he explains it best below. This Poll, like last year's Utah Poll, is to get feedback from Fogbowzers on how seriously we should take this idea. On a bright note, if #FatRambo pulls it off, he'll be gone for 1-2 years and America will be safer and relieved. But after the Utah disaster, can we really count on Karl? Know this is going to be a tough poll, he's always so rock solid when he makes plans and gives his word. But take your time and consider the options.

Yes! That is why our Father, our One and Only God and King, is destroying all those who claim to be on our side, when they are merely Insurrectionist Capital Felony Traitors against Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER. Soon, as they die off monthly by the hundreds of millions, we will have a NEW WORLD free of our Conservative Traitors who barely pay lip service to Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER and by actions stand with our Liberal, Socialist and Communist enemies of our "republican form of government", enemies of our Supremacy clauses 2&3 of Article VI and thereby our God endowed individual unalienable Rights, as We The People, as God's ordained Rulers and Leaders over Republicans, Democrats and Presidents, pursuant to The Preamble of The Constitution and Romans 13:1-5 KJV shall once again take our place as God's ordained Rulers and Leaders, once He has WON our battles for us by using spiritual Warfare to cause all our enemies to take the Vaxtermination of wickedness and evil.

When all are dead, that is when The AMFF sends in our ARMADA to perform mop-up operations when D.C. is devoid of human life.

Let he who has ears hear. He who has eyes see.

- Capt. Karl
OPERATING UNDER Article I Section 8 clause 15 of "The Supreme Law of The Land"
And, first and foremost, UNDER GOD, in whom We Trust

You have merely a couple of weeks to sign up for the AMERICAN MILITIA FREEDOM FORCES ARMADA.

After that you will have to face The Purge, the collapse of the US Dollar which results in nearly everyone raiding, looting, knifing and shooting one another for food, fuel, water, supplies to feed their families and children...

And/OR VAXTERMINATION of nearly all Americans by Forced Mandates, at the hands of "Let's Go Brandon!", The Trilateral Commission, The Council On Foreign Relations, The UN, and Klaus Schwab of The World Economic Forum.

According to The CDC 250 MILLION Americans have taken the fatal Vaxtermination as of last week. Can you imagine the Chaos over the next couple of years while that many Americans die off due to AIDS, Blood Clots, Heart Inflammation/Attacks, Myocarditis, Hydro-gels slicing and dicing Americans arteries, veins, capillaries, and vital organs from the inside?

And, Vaxtermination SHEDDING/Transmission even upon innocent Americans WHO RIGHTFULLY and wisely refused to be Vaxterminated.

You can join the Jeffersonian Constitutionalists and AMFF troops Armada and survive together at Sea in the Atlantic Ocean,
ONLY IF YOU SIGN UP within two weeks.

We SET SAIL sometime between April 15 and May 15. NO ONE WHO DIDN'T SIGN UP in TWO WEEKS FROM TODAY will be authorized to join The ARMADA.

If you choose to join, you will have massive learning and work to prepare for living at Sea for a year, possibly up to two years. While it will not be easy, IF YOU ARE PREPARED, there will be many times it will be fun and enjoyable, many times it will be stressful, many times it will be a lot of work, many times we will be under attack by Pirates, raiders and looters, and Governments. We will have AMFF Troops and Seamen to help and facilitate your preparation, and your vessel prep as well.

YOU DON'T HAVE A Liv-a-board sized Sailboat? How many Sailboats do you need? How many Sailboat owners have been Vaxterminated over the last year? What are the dead going to do with a Sailboat? Who is going to be left alive to buy it?

But remember all Government Officials and Military have been Mandated and ORDERED to get Vaxterminated. As just a few months go by, they will ALL DIE. Raiding parties of survivors will be our biggest concern because many of them did not get Vaxterminated. That is the primary concern where we will have to focus security.

Once most everyone dies off, that is when we can land well armed RECON Teams, and pick up provisions left by the hundreds of Millions dead.

Then we Jeffersonian Constitutionalists and AMFF Seamen and Troops can commence restoration of the whole Constitution, the entire Bill Of Rights, our "republican form of government" and strick Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER upon all replacement Republicans and Democrats with sentence of hanging, if they are convicted by a Jury Of Their Peers, of INSURRECTION and/or Treason against Supremacy clauses 2&3 of ARTICLE VI especially Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER.

To be added to The Constitution by ARTICLE V Amendment. The only Article V Amendment that will be allowed by the only Americans left alive surviving Vaxtermination, who are going to be the remnant consisting of Jeffersonian Constitutionalists and AMERICAN MILITIA FREEDOM FORCES troops of the Second Amendment Law, OPERATING UNDER ARTICLE I Section 8 clause 15 of the current "Supreme Law of The Land".:

"When in the presence of two witnesses to the same overt act, in violation of our republican form of government and/or Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER, or in an open court of law, if you fail to timely move to protect and defend The Constitution of the United States and honor your oath of office to obey Tenth Amendment Law & Order thereof, you are subject to the charge of Capital Felony INSURRECTION and/or Treason, and INSTANTLY upon conviction by a Jury Of Peers, you will be taken by the posse (AMFF) to the nearest busy intersection and at high noon hung by the neck until dead…The body to remain in state till dusk, as an example to anyone who takes his oath of office lightly."

Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5jDHZd0JAg
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Re: 1/22/22 Poll: ⛵️ How Long Will Drunken Capt. Karl P. Koenigs and the Imaginary AMFF Armada Sail The Seas? #SSFatRa


Post by Azastan »

I'm going with 1 to 2 days, until he finds out that he either has to have a passport and be vaccinated to go through Canada, or he finds out that he needs to unstep his mast on the other two options. I'd be curious to find out exactly where he plans on going during his years long extermination event. The Atlantic is a dangerous place during hurricane season.
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Re: 1/22/22 Poll: ⛵️ How Long Will Drunken Capt. Karl P. Koenigs and the Imaginary AMFF Armada Sail The Seas? #SSFatRa


Post by Luke »

So far, not hearing of anybody else joining #FatRambo on the AMFF Armada. Asked Scir if Karl's dearest friend, Brand Thornton, listed as an anti-Semite by the ADL, would be on the Adventure of a Lifetime. Scir gently explained probably not. :P

Scir Reeve @scirreeve
Replying to @Orly_licious @RyanLankford and 3 others
No fucking way shofar dude will go on a boat with #FatRambo. Brand is krazy but not Karl level krazy which is really quite a low bar.

Invited folks to join us here at Fogbow to have thoughtful, reasoned discussions about the serious Karl Koenigs and the AMFF. :P

Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5jDHZd0JAg
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Re: 1/22/22 Poll: ⛵️ How Long Will Drunken Capt. Karl P. Koenigs and the Imaginary AMFF Armada Sail The Seas? #SSFatRa


Post by scirreeve »

LOL - just saw this. Will happen after his blockade of the Utah and SD Capitols (i.e. never). Voted never cuz that is what will happen (or not happen).
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