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Re: Bundy Clan 411

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 9:54 am
by Azastan
northland10 wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 9:35 am
I don't know how fast one could ride but wouldn't the timing of his little trip have him crossing the Rockies in February?

Not necessarily. He could follow I 80 and go through Wyoming, not that that is a good choice either.

One of the toughest endurance rides in the world is the Western States Trail Ride, aka The Tevis Cup, is 100 miles in one day. True, it's over the Sierras in some very difficult country, but 100 miles is a lot for a horse not conditioned, and it's exhausting for a rider who is not conditioned. I doubt that either horse or rider is conditioned for 100 miles.

So let's say he can manage 25 miles in a day. It would take about 120 days to get to Florida, but there are stretches where there aren't many people, and yes, he could encounter some bad weather along the way.

I think he's going to Florida to meet up with Kap'n Karl.

Re: Bundy Clan 411

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 10:13 am
by Volkonski
Azastan wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 8:47 am
pipistrelle wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 7:08 am

How much is it to stall yourself? He slept in the next stall. Lucky he wasn’t charged with vagrancy or some such.
I'm actually wondering if that's why he was trespassed. Normally people travelling with horses would find the people in charge of the barns and pay the stall fee, and arrange to sleep in their trailers (if they have a trailer with living quarters) or find a motel close by. I'd really like to know exactly how they found him--was he still asleep, or had he woken up and was stealing hay to feed his horse? Used stall bedding, or just left his horse in an unbedded stall?

It's not something that the general public would know, or care about since it doesn't affect them, but a horse with equine infectious anemia was detected at a private facility in Clackamas County recently, and horses which are travelling would be expected to show a negative Coggins report. For those of you who don't know, equine infectious anemia (EIA) is deadly. There's no cure, no vaccine, and horses which test positive are euthanized rather than take the chance of it spreading. It's spread by insect vectors.

It also sounds as if this fairgrounds offers regular boarding for horses, and so they'd be on the lookout for shady characters, because there are too many people out there who would steal horses, or harm them given a chance (or bring in diseases which could require that the horses there be euthanized).
Arthurwankspittle wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 4:48 am
Etiquette would surely be to ask first before parking your horse. Sounds like Fudd snook in and got caught. Promising to gladly pay next Tuesday doesn't cut it.
Yes, they want to see that health certificate before you just plop yourself down!
Not having had anything to do with horses during my life your first hand knowledge is a revelation to me. Thanks. :biggrin: The older I get the more I learn about things that I didn't know that I didn't know anything about. :lol:

Re: Bundy Clan 411

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 10:21 am
by ZinWhit
These kooks and horse rides.

It's a thing.

Grant Gerber was an LDS thecon Sagebrush Reb who worked with Bert Smith. He made several rides, the last his final.

It's symbolism. ... itol-hill/

Re: Bundy Clan 411

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 10:33 am
by RVInit
Volkonski wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 10:13 am :snippity:

Not having had anything to do with horses during my life your first hand knowledge is a revelation to me. Thanks. :biggrin: The older I get the more I learn about things that I didn't know that I didn't know anything about. :lol:
:yeahthat: It's a really great bonus of being a member of this forum.

Re: Bundy Clan 411

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 11:30 am
by Uninformed
Idiot shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near animals.

Re: Bundy Clan 411

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 12:25 pm
by Foggy
I would also think you'd need to find a number of places along the route that provide such things as feed and ivermectin, in case of worms. :roll:

On a more serious note, I am no horse expert, but if you ride a horse on blacktop, concrete, or other hard surfaces for several thousand miles, I'm guessing you're probably going to need a few horseshoes before you get to Florida.

If you are starving or thirsting to death at some point along the road, you may find that Americans, for the most part, are friendly and generous, and will give you a little something to help you finish your journey. But if you knock on some stranger's door and ask for two pairs of horseshoes, you might get the kind they throw in the backyard.

Don't try installing shoes on a horsie without having been trained, them horsies kick! :o

Re: Bundy Clan 411

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 12:31 pm
by ZinWhit
My favorite image from #oregonstandoff.

Re: Bundy Clan 411

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 2:24 pm
by Azastan
Foggy wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 12:25 pm I would also think you'd need to find a number of places along the route that provide such things as feed and ivermectin, in case of worms. :roll:

On a more serious note, I am no horse expert, but if you ride a horse on blacktop, concrete, or other hard surfaces for several thousand miles, I'm guessing you're probably going to need a few horseshoes before you get to Florida.

If you are starving or thirsting to death at some point along the road, you may find that Americans, for the most part, are friendly and generous, and will give you a little something to help you finish your journey. But if you knock on some stranger's door and ask for two pairs of horseshoes, you might get the kind they throw in the backyard.

Don't try installing shoes on a horsie without having been trained, them horsies kick! :o
You can graze a horse along verges in many places, but it's not always safe, and it's also not usually enough to sustain a horse in hard work.

Yes, a horse travelling that far along roads WILL need shoes, and here at least, a full set of shoes costs $150-$175. Might be cheaper elsewhere, but a horse in hard work would need all four feet to be shod every four weeks or so. Not even Arabians, renowned for their hard feet, would manage to remain sound. In fact, it is a requirement for the Tevis Cup that horses be either shod or wear hoof boots.

For those wondering, by the way, the reason that 'ball and cap' revolver was mentioned specifically is because there is a loophole in the GCA which allows felons to own and possess ANTIQUE firearms, i.e., blackpowder.

HOWEVER, it is also illegal for felons to own or possess these same ANTIQUE firearms if the firearms can be converted to be used as firearms using cartridges, and almost all of these ANTIQUE firearms (or replicas of same) CAN be converted with just a bit of tinkering. Notice that Elmer doesn't give us a manufacturer or model number? Yeah, that's why, because we'd look it up and know he's possessing illegally (it's also illegal for felons to possess the converter kits). Lastly, what he has may be legal under Oregon's STATE laws, but illegal under FEDERAL laws, and vice versa.

I honestly don't think Elmer is planning on riding to Florida. So I am wondering who he is hiding from that he had to take himself and his horse to Gilliam County fairgrounds!

Re: Bundy Clan 411

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 6:52 pm
by scirreeve
Poot Luana Elliott who is a horse owner hates Ehmer because of his horse killing habit. She looked it up and says that horses can stay overnight at Gilliam County Fairgrounds but that reservations are required (which dumbass Fudd didn't have). She says it costs $50/night. I didn't bother checking her info cuz I don't care much.

Re: Bundy Clan 411

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 7:18 pm
by Kendra
scirreeve wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 6:52 pm Poot Luana Elliott who is a horse owner hates Ehmer because of his horse killing habit. She looked it up and says that horses can stay overnight at Gilliam County Fairgrounds but that reservations are required (which dumbass Fudd didn't have). She says it costs $50/night. I didn't bother checking her info cuz I don't care much.
Isn't she the one who smacked her horse on the snout?

Re: Bundy Clan 411

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 7:25 pm
by scirreeve
Kendra wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 7:18 pm
scirreeve wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 6:52 pm Poot Luana Elliott who is a horse owner hates Ehmer because of his horse killing habit. She looked it up and says that horses can stay overnight at Gilliam County Fairgrounds but that reservations are required (which dumbass Fudd didn't have). She says it costs $50/night. I didn't bother checking her info cuz I don't care much.
Isn't she the one who smacked her horse on the snout?
Yep - and after Hellboy died she went to his house to inspect his horsey area - said it was terrible (he was in prison at the time). Thankfully she left Oregon and now lives in Texas.

Re: Bundy Clan 411

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 7:34 pm
by Kendra
Good riddance, TX is welcome to her.

Re: Bundy Clan 411

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 7:41 pm
by pipistrelle
scirreeve wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 7:25 pm
Kendra wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 7:18 pm
scirreeve wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 6:52 pm Poot Luana Elliott who is a horse owner hates Ehmer because of his horse killing habit. She looked it up and says that horses can stay overnight at Gilliam County Fairgrounds but that reservations are required (which dumbass Fudd didn't have). She says it costs $50/night. I didn't bother checking her info cuz I don't care much.
Isn't she the one who smacked her horse on the snout?
Yep - and after Hellboy died she went to his house to inspect his horsey area - said it was terrible (he was in prison at the time). Thankfully she left Oregon and now lives in Texas.
She rode her horse on pavement and smacked it. Both pissed people off. Didn’t she grift her way to TX?

Re: Bundy Clan 411

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 7:46 pm
by northland10
scirreeve wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 6:52 pm Poot Luana Elliott who is a horse owner hates Ehmer because of his horse killing habit. She looked it up and says that horses can stay overnight at Gilliam County Fairgrounds but that reservations are required (which dumbass Fudd didn't have). She says it costs $50/night. I didn't bother checking her info cuz I don't care much.
I did peak at the website and was not sure if the main list applied to just being there for a night on the way by. The fee for boarding a horse was $50 per horse and the stall was $10 per day, per stall.

I am not sure how that all works but there it is.

Re: Bundy Clan 411

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 7:47 pm
by Azastan
scirreeve wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 6:52 pm Poot Luana Elliott who is a horse owner hates Ehmer because of his horse killing habit. She looked it up and says that horses can stay overnight at Gilliam County Fairgrounds but that reservations are required (which dumbass Fudd didn't have). She says it costs $50/night. I didn't bother checking her info cuz I don't care much.
She's correct in one sense, because it's actually $50 per horse for boarding, but there's also a stall charge of $10/day, so if you have 2 horses but only need one stall, you'd be charged $110.

Re: Bundy Clan 411

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 8:00 pm
by scirreeve
When Fudd "rode" Hellboy from Oregon to Lompoc Hellboy was in a trailer most of the time. Fudd would get him out and ride when going through a town or whenever media was around. He didn't really ride the horsey to Lompoc. Don't know if he had the same stoopid plan for ride to Florida. He killed his dog when he was "riding" to Lompoc. Fudd is a serial animal killer.

Re: Bundy Clan 411

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 8:06 pm
by pipistrelle
scirreeve wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 8:00 pm When Fudd "rode" Hellboy from Oregon to Lompoc Hellboy was in a trailer most of the time. Fudd would get him out and ride when going through a town or whenever media was around. He didn't really ride the horsey to Lompoc. Don't know if he had the same stoopid plan for ride to Florida. He killed his dog when he was "riding" to Lompoc. Fudd is a serial animal killer.
That’s what I remember. He did very little riding. I don’t think he or any horse he owned could make that long of a ride.

Re: Bundy Clan 411

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 9:18 pm
by Azastan
scirreeve wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 8:00 pm When Fudd "rode" Hellboy from Oregon to Lompoc Hellboy was in a trailer most of the time. Fudd would get him out and ride when going through a town or whenever media was around. He didn't really ride the horsey to Lompoc. Don't know if he had the same stoopid plan for ride to Florida. He killed his dog when he was "riding" to Lompoc. Fudd is a serial animal killer.
In what city does Fudd live? Latest address seems to be Baker City.

Why would he be traveling to Condon, OR, from Baker City, if he's going to Florida?

Re: Bundy Clan 411

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 9:23 pm
by scirreeve
Azastan wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 9:18 pm
scirreeve wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 8:00 pm When Fudd "rode" Hellboy from Oregon to Lompoc Hellboy was in a trailer most of the time. Fudd would get him out and ride when going through a town or whenever media was around. He didn't really ride the horsey to Lompoc. Don't know if he had the same stoopid plan for ride to Florida. He killed his dog when he was "riding" to Lompoc. Fudd is a serial animal killer.
In what city does Fudd live? Latest address seems to be Baker City.

Why would he be traveling to Condon, OR, from Baker City, if he's going to Florida?
He lives in Irrigon, OR.

Re: Bundy Clan 411

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 9:47 pm
by scirreeve
Estiveo wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 9:14 am Are we doing nothing to mark the anniversary of LaVoy Finicum going to the Great Blue Tarp in the sky? Is the widder holding a memorial fundraiser? Will thousands of poots gather to freshen up his elaborate roadside monument?

I mean, it's a bank holiday so everyone has the day off, right?

Re: Bundy Clan 411

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 9:50 pm
by Azastan
scirreeve wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 9:23 pm
He lives in Irrigon, OR.
So still traveling retrograde if he's supposed to be going to Florida.

Bet he just didn't want to help the Widder celebrate Dead Finicum Day, and was hiding from her.

Re: Bundy Clan 411

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 11:05 pm
by RVInit
Is there anything left of the Finny memorial? I remember the locals kept tearing that eyesore down. But each time the poots would make it even more absurd. I think some of the Bundy cult actually moved to Burns, it would be interesting to know if they kept up the interest in visiting the spot where Finny carried out his suicide by cop.

Re: Bundy Clan 411

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 3:40 am
by Jerry Mander
On this day we commemorate Lavoy’s death.

More importantly: SEND MONEY.

Re: Bundy Clan 411

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 9:47 pm
by scirreeve
Jerry Mander wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 3:40 am On this day we commemorate Lavoy’s death.

More importantly: SEND MONEY.
LOL - I watched that earlier- grifters gotta grift. I also asked a Harney County resident about the status of Lavoid's suicide spot. Here is his response.

Re: Bundy Clan 411

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 9:50 pm
by pipistrelle
Anyone have the coordinates?