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Sovcit nutz

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2022 9:26 pm
by Suranis
The significance of the letters is that they were supposed to say that she admitted to making stuff up that she said on the stand. He got very upset that he couldn't say that without producing the letters.

He also, twice that I saw, started screaming that "She told me she was 18 when I met her. You know that?" when his conviction was brought up.

I think he is getting more and more pissed that he is not getting his own way.

As an aside I an in love with the judge. What a capable, intelligent woman, and dealing with this crap so well. It cannot be easy.

Sovcit nutz

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2022 10:11 pm
by Dave from down under
Hence the often early lunch..

Her bar bill must be huge! ;)

Sovcit nutz

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2022 10:23 pm
by sad-cafe
I am amazed that he lies so well

that bit about telling Daniel Rider he was homeless and the dude gave him a sandwich and let him use his phone.

Then he told the detective that they sat outside and shot the shit for 20 minutes without even flinching.

this asshole has been an accomplished liar all of his life.

I hope he gets what is coming to him.

Sovcit nutz

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 5:26 am
by Arthurwankspittle
From what I recall in response to the last days posts:
The sex offender discussion, as has been said, wasn't in front of the jury. Brooks went ballistic the moment it was raised. If I am correct he pleaded guilty so I suspect he had representation.
He has had four evaluations.
He won't be in general population in jail because of the sex offense.
There are two witnesses he could call. His mother and himself.

If he calls his mother it will go badly. e.g. Who was driving your car 21st Nov? Would it be fair to say you would lie on oath for your son?(I know you can't ask that) Mum will also say he's not the messiah he's just a very naughty boy who forgot to take his meds. Prosecution will then ask what happens when he's not on his meds. Brooks will then demonstrate because he likely thinks he's OK without them and doesn't need them. Stigma of mental health etc. Brooks will open door to whole his life history and we will find out something like he had fights in kindergarten.

If he takes the stand he will be shown stills of him driving the SUV and be asked if it is him. He can lie and say no or he can go all SovCit an say it was DARRELL BROOKS. Either way the jury will let him as agent for DARRELL BROOKS serve Darrell Brook's jail sentences. He can't claim some sort of mental episode as he's had four evaluations and never done it in court - banging tables and staring out the judge doesn't count.

Legally, his appeal should be challengingly interesting for a lawyer. However, by the time it comes round and he appears, I suspect he will have a few less teeth. I also suspect there is a fair chance he doesn't live long enough to see out all the appeal options.

Sovcit nutz

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 11:56 am
by Uninformed
A reasonably comprehensive timeline of Brooks’ criminal record.

“A history of Waukesha parade suspect Darrell Brooks' interactions with law enforcement”: ... 440943002/

Sovcit nutz

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 8:15 am
by arayder
Antics at Waukesha Parade Murder Trial | Analysis of Darrell Brooks & Sovereign Citizen Ideology by Dr. Todd Grande

Sovcit nutz

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 8:57 am
by bill_g
Based on this analysis, TFG is a sovcit.

Sovcit nutz

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 9:13 am
by Foggy
I suspect this dude knows that when the trial is over, so is his life, effectively. All his future holds is bleak.

If it was me, I'd drag things out as long as possible too also. I'd make the trial last years if'n I could.

Sovcit nutz

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 11:26 am
by Resume18
Foggy wrote: Mon Oct 24, 2022 9:13 am I suspect this dude knows that when the trial is over, so is his life, effectively. All his future holds is bleak.

If it was me, I'd drag things out as long as possible too also. I'd make the trial last years if'n I could.

Right now he's pouting, refusing to answer the judge's questions during this morning's colloquy, pretending to not hear her, though he did ask her about subject matter jurisdiction . . . again.

Sovcit nutz

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 1:29 pm
by Luke
:lol: Sooooo, today the judge wasn't putting up with Brooks. First, he ended up waiving his right to have his Mom testify (if she was even there). Then, he waived his right to testify. He kept yelling and bringing up SovCit stuff. He's in the other courtroom. So the judge closed the evidential phase of the trial, and rested the defense case. The jury was sent home for the day. He picked the wrong day to act out and go nuts. It seems to be dawning on him that he really rucked this up.

Today, watch Law Talk With Mike's stream, it's hilarious. It's everything going on with Darrell's box fort (until the bailiff's take it down) but with running commentary and really funny superchat comments from viewers. Brooks keeps screaming in the other courtroom, muted; the judge says she can hear he's yelling but not what it is. The lawyers on YouTube are laughing, there are 7000 people watching a jury instruction hearing which must be a record. :lol:

Without Brooks, jury instruction is going seemingly quickly. Tomorrow will be closing statements. If today is any indication, Brooks will screw that up and forfeit his right to closing too also. So the case could go to the jury as early as tomorrow. Really a brilliant Sovereign Citizen defense by Darrell Brooks, hope the SovCits all watch it for tips and tricks on how they should handle theirs. :P

Sovcit nutz

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 3:09 pm
by Suranis
I object as we have not dealt with Subject Matter Jurisdiction in this thread...

Sovcit nutz

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 4:38 pm
by raison de arizona
Posobiec is a tool, but this is a great pic! :lol: @JackPosobiec wrote: Waukesha Update: Darrel Brooks has build a box fort to try to hide from the judge while representing himself

This is not a meme

This is the US justice system in 2022

Sovcit nutz

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 8:10 pm
by Suranis
If you want to see him building his box fort, its around 1:55:00 that he starts. That photo is from the latter half of !:56:xx. After that he screams through the wall at the judge for 20 mins from behind the fort.

Sovcit nutz

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 9:58 pm
by raison de arizona
Suranis wrote: Mon Oct 24, 2022 8:10 pm If you want to see him building his box fort, its around 1:55:00 that he starts. That photo is from the latter half of !:56:xx. After that he screams through the wall at the judge for 20 mins from behind the fort.
Thx! Even better in video! He is wasting so much time and resources, he clearly is unable to defend himself. Don’t know what to do with that, though.

Sovcit nutz

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 11:41 pm
by Dave from down under
Suranis wrote: Mon Oct 24, 2022 8:10 pm If you want to see him building his box fort, its around 1:55:00 that he starts. That photo is from the latter half of !:56:xx. After that he screams through the wall at the judge for 20 mins from behind the fort.
He was just building his legal defense.... :boxing: :crazy:

Sovcit nutz

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2022 7:47 am
by Foggy
... and that's what I mean. He won't be able to build a box fort in prison, because the guards will kick his ass. He's having fun while he can.

Sovcit nutz

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2022 8:17 am
by Suranis
For fans of the Boxamo, you can see where the Santana of the judicial system ordered her Bailiffs to tear down the walls of the Box fort at around 2:24:30 or so, and where the rode in on steeds of blackest night and removed the blessed protection from his table, whereupon we can enjoy him going crazy again. REMEMBER THE BOXAMO!!!

PS I'm in love with this judge, what an intelligent, capable woman.

Sovcit nutz

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2022 8:25 am
by Slim Cognito
The second tweet has it in gif. Instant classic.

Sovcit nutz

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2022 8:32 am
by Suranis
2:40:xx... The BOX FORT IS BEING REBUILT FROM THE ASHES!! Come see the rebuilding of the Boxtagon!

Sovcit nutz

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2022 8:38 am
by Suranis
2:44:xx once again the :lovestruck: Judge :lovestruck: sends her Baliffwraiths to attack the Box Bastion of FWEEDUMB!!

Sovcit nutz

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2022 8:43 am
by pipistrelle
raison de arizona wrote: Mon Oct 24, 2022 4:38 pm Posobiec is a tool, but this is a great pic! :lol: @JackPosobiec wrote: Waukesha Update: Darrel Brooks has build a box fort to try to hide from the judge while representing himself

This is not a meme

This is the US justice system in 2022
I don't know what his issues have to do with the justice system. This is lame even for Posobiec.

Sovcit nutz

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2022 8:48 am
by p0rtia
I blame Glen Beck.

For introducing the non sequitur as the ultimate weapon for those of the Empty Quiver.

Sovcit nutz

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 5:26 am
by Arthurwankspittle
Best comment on one of the streams was could someone ask the bailiff to Sharpie a pair of eyes on the top box, looking over the monitor.

Sovcit nutz

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 8:18 am
by bill_g
At what point can a judge declare that a pro se defendant is clearly unable to provide their own defense, hit the pause button, and postpone the charade until the 10th of Never so real IAAL's can take over?

Sovcit nutz

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 11:11 am
by Dave from down under
I believe that he is still capable of representing himself,
He just chooses not to participate in a non disruptive way.

If he chooses to represent himself in this manner, that is his choice and there is likely to be consequences.

Of course
He can always appeal.