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Re: #AZAudit Maricopa Arizona Election Audit - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Hutton Pulitzer / Karen Fann / Birther Ken Bennett

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2021 7:20 pm
by woodworker
"Officially finish" -- means we didn't find jack shit and now we need time to fake something so that our heads don't end up on pitchforks outside our homes.

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa Arizona Election Audit - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Hutton Pulitzer / Karen Fann / Birther Ken Bennett

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2021 7:30 pm
by Phoenix520
We just couldn't find it, because they hid it all in the servers routers!
FIFY Gregg.

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa Arizona Election Audit - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Hutton Pulitzer / Karen Fann / Birther Ken Bennett

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2021 7:41 pm
by raison de arizona
They need to get onboard with Lindell. It's all in the P-Caps! No more messing with messy ballots.

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa Arizona Election Audit - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Hutton Pulitzer / Karen Fann / Birther Ken Bennett

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2021 7:46 pm
by Gregg
They all need to get onboard with some Thorazine.

For when reality just doesn't work for you!

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa Arizona Election Audit - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Hutton Pulitzer / Karen Fann / Birther Ken Bennett

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 12:48 pm
by Slim Cognito ... -NLETTER02

Because of course they are.

Maricopa County ballots move to swamp-cooled building at fairgrounds as election audit continues
The Arizona Senate's lease at Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix ended Wednesday, but their contractors have not yet completed their unconventional review of the election as planned.

On Thursday, the contractors are set to move the county's 2.1 million ballots and vote counting machines out of the coliseum to another building at the state fairgrounds, where they will complete their work.

The Wesley Bolin Building, at the south end of the fairgrounds west of the cattle barns, does not have air conditioning and is not recommended for use from May through September due to the summer heat, according to the fair's website. The building uses a swamp cooler, or an evaporative cooler that uses moisture to cool the air. The average high temperature is forecasted to stay in the triple-digits for at least the next week.
The first time the contractors moved the ballots and vote counting machines to the Bolin building, audit spokesperson Randy Pullen said there were concerns about the security and heat in the building. He said the contractors checked the humidity in the building to ensure it was OK to keep ballots there.

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa Arizona Election Audit - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Hutton Pulitzer / Karen Fann / Birther Ken Bennett

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 6:16 pm
by Frater I*I
Slim Cognito wrote: Thu Jul 01, 2021 12:48 pm :snippity:
The Arizona Senate's lease at Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix ended Wednesday, but their contractors have not yet completed their unconventional review of the election as planned.

An interesting way to spell "farce"....

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa Arizona Election Audit - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Hutton Pulitzer / Karen Fann / Birther Ken Bennett

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 11:19 pm
by raison de arizona

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa Arizona Election Audit - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Hutton Pulitzer / Karen Fann / Birther Ken Bennett

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 12:07 am
by keith
Does anybody know exactly what the stolen information was that was moved out of state?

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa Arizona Election Audit - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Hutton Pulitzer / Karen Fann / Birther Ken Bennett

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 7:57 am
by raison de arizona
Looks like OANN is getting weary of streaming...
Screen Shot 2021-07-02 at 7.51.11 AM.jpg
Screen Shot 2021-07-02 at 7.51.11 AM.jpg (478.43 KiB) Viewed 2634 times
This will, of course, take forever, but will eventually be very interesting.

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa Arizona Election Audit - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Hutton Pulitzer / Karen Fann / Birther Ken Bennett

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 4:11 pm
by raison de arizona
Bring on the subpoenas!

Or not. Bluster bluster.

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa Arizona Election Audit - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Hutton Pulitzer / Karen Fann / Birther Ken Bennett

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 4:26 pm
by Phoenix520
I know we’ve discussed this before but refresh my memory please.

What kind of data would a router have that would help them? Isn’t a router just a traffic manager, more or less?

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa Arizona Election Audit - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Hutton Pulitzer / Karen Fann / Birther Ken Bennett

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 4:48 pm
by Luke
Insane new story about pressure on Maricopa County Supervisors. There's some audio too, of the WH operator (a guy) as well as Roodles & others.

'We need you to stop the counting': Records detail intense efforts by Trump allies to pressure Maricopa County supervisors
Yvonne Wingett Sanchez Arizona Republic
July 2, 2021 12:15pm MT


'POTUS will probably be calling you,' Clint Hickman learns

On Nov. 13, hours after a late-evening ballot update from Maricopa County clinched Biden’s victory in Arizona, [Kelli] Ward delivered a missive to Hickman: “POTUS will probably be calling you.” It was the same day GOP officials had tried and failed to have more county ballots reinspected by hand. Hickman, who is not close to Ward, sought to avoid a call from the president. He texted back that it looked as if the board would be in a private executive session and he would be unavailable. “I cannot talk about litigation,” he wrote. The president didn’t want to talk about the ongoing lawsuits, Ward responded. “Just a check in from the President of the United States,” she wrote. “...So I guess that means you could/should take the call.”

The call didn’t come immediately. Hickman’s phone rang weeks later, about 8:30 p.m. on New Year’s Eve, while he was on a date with his wife and friends in north-central Phoenix. He didn’t recognize the number carrying Washington, D.C.’s, area code and let it go to voicemail. Hickman quickly listened to the message. The White House switchboard wanted him to call back so he could talk to the president, he recalled in an interview with The Arizona Republic. Hickman did not return the call and later deleted that voicemail, he said. Three days later, news broke of Trump’s Jan. 2 phone call with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, in which Trump encouraged him to “find” enough votes to reverse Trump’s narrow loss there. Hickman recalled listening to the leaked audio of that hour-long phone call on Jan. 3, after the Washington Post and other media outlets published the recording. “I was horrified,” Hickman said.

That same night, at 9:22 p.m. — approaching midnight in Washington — his phone buzzed again. It was the same area code again. He let it go to voicemail again. “Hello, sir. This is the White House operator I was calling to let you know that the president's available to take your call if you're free,” the voicemail said. “If you could please give us a call back, sir, that’d be great. You have a good evening.” Hickman said he presumed Trump would try to pressure him to change the election results or outline election conspiracies, just as he had done to Georgia officials, so he never returned that call, either. “I didn’t want to walk into that space,” Hickman said. The calls came amid ongoing election-related litigation and he wanted to avoid anything that could be deemed as improper communication, he said. “I’m not going to tape a president, so I’m not going to talk to a president … I didn’t want to have a very rough call to my home on a Sunday night.”
Subscriber story, it's only $1 for 6 months: ... 813304002/

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa Arizona Election Audit - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Hutton Pulitzer / Karen Fann / Birther Ken Bennett

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 4:51 pm
by tek
If you were lucky, maybe you'd find a VPN tunnel set up to route traffic from the tally servers or disabled wireless cards in the voting machines to some server in Germany. But you won't, because it doesn't exist.

I don't think there will be any sort of traffic logs of any value, enterprise routers won't be set up to capture that other than for specific traffic, because there just isn't enough space.

There might be DHCP (host address assignment) records, but - unlike the router in your laundry room - enterprise routers probably aren't doing that.

All they want to do is inject noise into the discussion.

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa Arizona Election Audit - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Hutton Pulitzer / Karen Fann / Birther Ken Bennett

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 5:04 pm
by LM K
A judge already told Cyber Ninjas that they have to get the requested passwords from Dominion. To my knowledge, Dominion hasn't been subpoenaed.

I wonder why? :think:

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa Arizona Election Audit - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Hutton Pulitzer / Karen Fann / Birther Ken Bennett

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 8:48 pm
by RTH10260
Kate520 wrote: Fri Jul 02, 2021 4:26 pm I know we’ve discussed this before but refresh my memory please.

What kind of data would a router have that would help them? Isn’t a router just a traffic manager, more or less?
Data: none whatsoever. But more important the routers are active devices, the don't go into storage just cause elections are over. As active devices the may undergo software upgrades (sporadic if ever), but more important the network definition can be very volatile, getting reconfigured as needed with the physical network. The will likely not represent any longer the configuration during the election weeks.

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa Arizona Election Audit - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Hutton Pulitzer / Karen Fann / Birther Ken Bennett

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 9:20 pm
by SlimSloSlider
Kate520 wrote: Fri Jul 02, 2021 4:26 pm I know we’ve discussed this before but refresh my memory please.

What kind of data would a router have that would help them? Isn’t a router just a traffic manager, more or less?
That is precisely what a router is.
It routes traffic based on IP addresses.
The router logs will, depending on configuration, note routes to and from where.
Given that any Dominion machines were not Internet-connected, this is a scarlet-herring.

My septic tank has less fecal material than these eejits.

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa Arizona Election Audit - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Hutton Pulitzer / Karen Fann / Birther Ken Bennett

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 9:24 pm
by Gregg
Asking for the impossible so they can cite it as the reason they failed to find anything wrong, it was hidden on those pesky routers we never got to see.
:yankyank: :tinfoil: :rolleye:

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa Arizona Election Audit - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Hutton Pulitzer / Karen Fann / Birther Ken Bennett

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2021 9:54 am
by raison de arizona
It was a hurricane! An earthquake! A terrible flood! It's not our fault!

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa Arizona Election Audit - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Hutton Pulitzer / Karen Fann / Birther Ken Bennett

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2021 10:52 am
by RTH10260
Obstructed the "audit" and refused to cooperate? Since when does a government body need to accept an investigation not defined in the laws? Formally the "audit" is a AZ Senate hearing on potential election issues. Only the clown circus makes it into a recount and a hunt on Chinese bamboo.

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa Arizona Election Audit - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Hutton Pulitzer / Karen Fann / Birther Ken Bennett

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2021 2:38 pm
by LM K
Somehow paper ballot counting took 2.5 months because repubs on the county board were big meanies! But wait ... the big meanies gave us possession of all of the ballots 2.5 months ago. How do we spin this???

(Don't tell anyone that we still have the paper ballots because we're not done.)

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa Arizona Election Audit - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Hutton Pulitzer / Karen Fann / Birther Ken Bennett

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2021 2:41 pm
by Frater I*I
covfefe wrote: Sat Jul 03, 2021 9:54 am It was a hurricane! An earthquake! A terrible flood! It's not our fault!

:panic: :panic: :panic:

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa Arizona Election Audit - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Hutton Pulitzer / Karen Fann / Birther Ken Bennett

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2021 8:15 pm
by noblepa
Kate520 wrote: Fri Jul 02, 2021 4:26 pm I know we’ve discussed this before but refresh my memory please.

What kind of data would a router have that would help them? Isn’t a router just a traffic manager, more or less?
Yes. And a router has no long-term storage. Once it is turned off, data such as incoming and outgoing IP addresses is lost. In reality, such addresses are stored only as long as a "conversation" is going on between a computer inside the county's network and one outside. Once the conversation ends, there is no need to store such information. Indeed, memory space is at a premium, so the router will purge such data as soon as possible in order to make room for current traffic.

Routers CAN log traffic, if that option is configured. However, the log data is sent to a server somewhere for long term storage. And, logging is optional, so we don't know if it was enabled on the Maricopa County routers. If enabled, a router originates log data but it doesn't store it. Its called SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol).

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa Arizona Election Audit - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Hutton Pulitzer / Karen Fann / Birther Ken Bennett

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2021 7:03 am
by Foggy
Frater I*I wrote: Sat Jul 03, 2021 2:41 pm
covfefe wrote: Sat Jul 03, 2021 9:54 am It was a hurricane! An earthquake! A terrible flood! It's not our fault!

:panic: :panic: :panic:
All the really cool plagues have frogs. :daydreaming:

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa Arizona Election Audit - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Hutton Pulitzer / Karen Fann / Birther Ken Bennett

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2021 7:14 am
by Suranis
Plus any such records would be unreadable. It would typically be a mess of "Received Packet from X. Sent packet to Y" There's not really much that you would learn from it without knowing the network structure on the day - which of course would be the next thing subpoenaed. And the internet logs from the internet service providers. And probably their servers...

Re: #AZAudit Maricopa Arizona Election Audit - #CyberNinjas / Jovan Hutton Pulitzer / Karen Fann / Birther Ken Bennett

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2021 8:50 am
by neeneko
Suranis wrote: Sun Jul 04, 2021 7:14 am Plus any such records would be unreadable. It would typically be a mess of "Received Packet from X. Sent packet to Y" There's not really much that you would learn from it without knowing the network structure on the day - which of course would be the next thing subpoenaed. And the internet logs from the internet service providers. And probably their servers...
It has been ages since I have had to look at such logs, but don't they also generally include MAC address? That would be something that could be tied back to specific machines.