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Re: New York State Investigations of Trump and Related

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 11:16 am
by Kendra
MN-Skeptic wrote: Thu Feb 17, 2022 11:13 am Adam Klasfeld is live time tweeting also -
Thank you :bighug:

Re: New York State Investigations of Trump and Related

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 11:17 am
by p0rtia
Judge: What the free speech issue here?

Habba: It's the illigitimate motive.

Judge: What is her motive other than his financial issues?

Habba: It's his free speech.


Re: New York State Investigations of Trump and Related

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 11:18 am
by p0rtia
Aside: Habba throws in an aside at the AG rep, when he smiles when she brings in HILLARY SPIED ON TRUMP: "And I'd smile too if I had to work for her."

That's what I meant by sounding like a NewsMax employee.

Makes her look like a fool.

Re: New York State Investigations of Trump and Related

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 11:20 am
by p0rtia
Furefas back to "personal animus" thread for James has a conflict/is acting unconstitutionally.

Re: New York State Investigations of Trump and Related

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 11:20 am
by p0rtia
Judge: We all went to law school and read the cases about protective classes.

...And my feed freezes....

Re: New York State Investigations of Trump and Related

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 11:22 am
by Slim Cognito
thanks everyone for the play by play. I tried watching but it's over my head.

Re: New York State Investigations of Trump and Related

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 11:24 am
by p0rtia
Slim Cognito wrote: Thu Feb 17, 2022 11:22 am thanks everyone for the play by play. I tried watching but it's over my head.
Hard to remember that this is the hearing on the motion to compel Junior, Ivanka, and TFG to give depositions. There's nothing going on but James trashing -- and the brief "Okay, we know you're going to rule against us but please let us string it out as long as we can by giving us lots of time to appeal" by Faschetti.

Re: New York State Investigations of Trump and Related

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 11:27 am
by p0rtia
Got in for two seconds, in time to hear Habba bashing Michael Cohen as someone whom the courts had found to be a liar and guilty of undermining the institutions of democracy.

Okay.... And who was Cohen working for?

AG office dude says: A man is not immune from prosecution just because the prosecutor doesn't like him (paraphrase).

Re: New York State Investigations of Trump and Related

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 11:32 am
by p0rtia
AG dude is Kevin Wallis.

Looking very government-official-like. An interesting contrast to the mob-lawyer look sported by...the mob lawyer...and the Judge Jeanine look of Habba.
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Screen Shot 2022-02-17 at 11.30.50 AM.png (298.48 KiB) Viewed 8050 times

Re: New York State Investigations of Trump and Related

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 11:33 am
by p0rtia
Wallis effs up by stating that James in conducting a civil suit. This is after an hour of talking about how James is conducting both a civil and a criminal suit.

Not great. He had the judge on his side and now appears to be fudging. Sounds so defensive.

Re: New York State Investigations of Trump and Related

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 11:37 am
by p0rtia
Wallis calls for documents by March 4

Calls for Ivanka and Djr ordered to testify/be deposed by... March 15?

Calls for TFG to testify/be deposed by... March something?

Judge tests Wallis by asking why AG office is not addressing question of whether or not the investigation is political.

Wallis fumbles his answer and is defensive. No clue what his problem is.

Re: New York State Investigations of Trump and Related

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 11:42 am
by raison de arizona
Clerk to Habba:

"Counselor, when the judge speaks, you need to stop speaking."
Thanks for the great blow-by-blow p0rtia and filly!

Re: New York State Investigations of Trump and Related

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 11:44 am
by p0rtia
Judge calls on Habba to respond to Wallis' points. This should be good....

Alas IANAL, so I don't have an opinion on the legal weight of anyone's points, but....

...Habba is back on James is conducting selective prosecution and is unconstitutional. "The evidence is irrelevant if you are improperly investigated, which is prosecutorial misconduct."

BTW, the woman who is sitting next to the judge is a lawyer who seems also to be in charge of running the zoom. She has come down on Habba half a dozen times for talking too fast; breaking up; and interrupting the judge.

Re: New York State Investigations of Trump and Related

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 11:48 am
by p0rtia
Judge asks both side if Trump's prior court loses give James the right to talk about going after Trump in her campaigns. Lobs a soft ball to Wallis.

Wallis catches the lob and says words that amount to, "Yup, judge, you're right, that's the context

Judge, rightly unsatisfied with Wallis' pallid words: "Let me see if I can sum up what you're saying (!): This was not James waking up one morning and saying 'I don't like this guy', this is James following a well-trodden footpath, is that right?"

Wallis: Yes.

Judge turns to Habba.

Habba: It's political. The case is tainted. More of the same James-bashing; tainted, unconstitutional.

And I lose my feed again....

Re: New York State Investigations of Trump and Related

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 11:50 am
by filly
The guy for the AG's office is weak. A lawyer that repeatedly says "you know" to the court is not a good oral advocate.

When the Judge refers to the James Circus the proper response is that wherever Trump goes it's a circus.

Alena is also very unprofessional. Talking over the Judge, talking so the court reporter can't follow her, addressing opposing counsel directly.

Re: New York State Investigations of Trump and Related

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 11:54 am
by Chilidog
Thanks all.

I'm waiting for Trump to blow up and accuse James of racism against him (Again)

Re: New York State Investigations of Trump and Related

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 11:57 am
by bob
Habba is the parking-garage attorney who was plucked from relative obscurity.

It would appear her client likes her "moxie," and she may well be auditioning for a Newsmax gig.

But she is not serving her client's interests, even if the client initially will be pleased by her performance.

Re: New York State Investigations of Trump and Related

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 11:59 am
by p0rtia
Fachetti (with outrage) "TFG can't take the fifth because it would be all over everywhere!"

Judge: So what?

Fashcetti: He's not getting constitutional protection!

Judge: The constitutional protection is that he can choose not to answer 500 times, like his son did.

Faschetti: That's not my client!!! ... And then he goes into a rant obviously meant to cover the fact that he has no point, JUST OUTRAGE!!!!!

Judge: What is the constitutional right being denied.

Facshetti: His right to not answer!

Judge jumps out of his chair. "He can take the fifth!"

Faschetti: He can't! He needs immunity! WITH OUTRAGE

Judge has had it. Will listen to Furefas, then end hearing. (woman at his side had to put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

Re: New York State Investigations of Trump and Related

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 12:01 pm
by p0rtia
Judge: What did James say that assumes guilt of TFG. Give it your best shot.

Habba: I think I stated it. It's that same comment. "I have unfinished business." She's going to sue him and she's going to indict him before she has any facts.

Judge: That's not assuming he's guilty.

Habba: James said: "I believe that the president of the united states can be indicted." (her shot went wide).

Re: New York State Investigations of Trump and Related

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 12:03 pm
by p0rtia
Judge says he will rule at 3 PM.

Re: New York State Investigations of Trump and Related

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 12:03 pm
by filly
Woman at Judge's side is his law clerk, who he allowed to question the attorneys. She is very familiar with all the cases cited and and one point admonished Habba for interrupting her! :clap:

Re: New York State Investigations of Trump and Related

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 12:04 pm
by Chilidog
Portia, I stole that


Re: New York State Investigations of Trump and Related

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 12:08 pm
by Suranis
Datsoso's inability to keep his lips zipped is not the Court's or the law's problem. And there is no reason that the court has to make a special accommodation just because his client is a flaming Narcissist with a justification complex so wide that he will tell everyone what he has done and demand the court rule its perfectly fine.

Re: New York State Investigations of Trump and Related

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 12:11 pm
by Reality Check
p0rtia wrote: Thu Feb 17, 2022 12:01 pm Judge: What did James say that assumes guilt of TFG. Give it your best shot.

Habba: I think I stated it. It's that same comment. "I have unfinished business." She's going to sue him and she's going to indict him before she has any facts.

Judge: That's not assuming he's guilty.

Habba: James said: "I believe that the president of the united states can be indicted." (her shot went wide).
Habba could not even find the quote she had read just minutes before about money laundering. Of course it was not an answer to the judge's question anyway. Yes, her best shot was a dud.

Re: New York State Investigations of Trump and Related

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 12:31 pm
by p0rtia
bob wrote: Thu Feb 17, 2022 11:57 am Habba is the parking-garage attorney who was plucked from relative obscurity.

It would appear her client likes her "moxie," and she may well be auditioning for a Newsmax gig.

But she is not serving her client's interests, even if the client initially will be pleased by her performance.
The google shows that she is a frequent guest talking head on NewsMax.

Someone on the Twitter said that she worked for NewsMax, but that's (currently) a no.

She sure has the style down. The trip down HILLARYSPIEDONTRUMP was...not her best moment in today's venue. Made you doubt everything else she said. And rightly so.
