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trump (the former guy)

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2022 3:38 pm
by Foggy
He doesn't seem like he's having a merry Christmas. :(

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2022 3:39 pm
by Suranis
The real difference is that people paid attention to you back then, you old windbag.

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2022 3:42 pm
by RTH10260
Remember the details please, dear senior, ISIS may have collapsed to part in Iraq, but the Taliban have taken over Afghanistan after you invited their leader to the WH (or Camp David - for them the same), and then you made a traitorous deal with the Taliban behind the back of the Afghan government. The economy is greater still. The "sheenahh" virus was not in retreat, and you left behind 3 million dead Americans.

:blackeye: :blackeye: :blackeye: :brickwallsmall:

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2022 4:13 pm
by pipistrelle
Phoenix520 wrote: Sun Dec 25, 2022 1:51 pm Yeah, a ‘mentally disabled’ Democrat who did more good for America in 1 year than you’ve done in your whole life. Give it a rest, you baby.
Considering the big baby left a lot behind that needs to be fixed the disabled Democrat has accomplished
quite a bit.

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2022 4:46 pm
by Flatpoint High
Foggy wrote: Sun Dec 25, 2022 3:38 pm He doesn't seem like he's having a merry Christmas. :(
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trump (the former guy)

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2022 6:32 pm
by humblescribe

You sorta got the wording in some of your sentences wrong. Maybe you've had a little too much eggnog, or maybe Melanie is off visiting her sick aunt, so let me make some minor corrections.

"Just two years ago we were on the verge of an attempted coup. We had zero inflation because people were dying or becoming very sick. There was no war with Russia and Ukraine (would never have happened because Vlad and I had a deal as long as I was president.) . . . Our border was strong because I implemented policies that were cruel and inhumane and I built THREE MILES of new wall that Mexico did not pay for. The economy was plodding along thanks to my trillions of dollars in borrowed money to keep my friends flush with cash. The Coronavirus was slowly succumbing to our vaccination regimen despite the fact that I did not endorse the vaccinations of all Americans. I was the laughing stock of the world. TODAY, LIKE NEVER BEFORE, I AM AN OLD MAN IN DECLINE, A FAILING REAL ESTATE INVESTOR, THREE-CARD MONTE DEALER, AND THE SUBJECT OF A NUMBER OF CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS!"

Here is some free advice: Take a gander at my signature and then give it some serious consideration.

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2022 6:40 pm
by sad-cafe
god I wish...................................................

nasty little fucker

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2022 8:21 am
by raison de arizona
The broken record has spoken.
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trump (the former guy)

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2022 8:44 am
by Slim Cognito
Kriselda Gray wrote: Sat Dec 24, 2022 7:26 pm His natural death cannot come soon enough. (NADT) No murders or "convenient accidents" or anything else like that - no need to make him freaking martyr - though they'll probably treat him like one anyway.
As much as I would love to see him rot away in prison or freezing under a bridge, I agree that the sooner this guy shuffles off to whatever hell he's destined to shuffle off too, this is the most expedient solution.

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2022 11:39 am
by Frater I*I
Slim Cognito wrote: Mon Dec 26, 2022 8:44 am :snippity:

As much as I would love to see him rot away in prison or freezing under a bridge, I agree that the sooner this guy shuffles off to whatever hell he's destined to shuffle off too, this is the most expedient solution.
I vote for stroked out, unable to move or speak, but able to see and understand everything around him...and he has to watch as law enforcement and his idiot children cause his empire of crime to crumble and fade around him... :daydreaming:

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2022 2:02 pm
by AndyinPA
If this were anyone else, the family would be looking for a good therapist.

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2022 4:48 pm
by Ben-Prime
AndyinPA wrote: Mon Dec 26, 2022 2:02 pm If this were anyone else, the family would be looking for a good therapist.
I mean, at the very least, a bad one. But at least a therapist. Or some similar professional intermediary. Crikey.

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2022 9:03 pm
by MN-Skeptic
Frater I*I wrote: Mon Dec 26, 2022 11:39 am I vote for stroked out, unable to move or speak, but able to see and understand everything around him...and he has to watch as law enforcement and his idiot children cause his empire of crime to crumble and fade around him... :daydreaming:
:yeahthat: x 1000

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 12:00 am
by raison de arizona
You can’t make this up. Well, I mean, I guess tfg can. Anyway.
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trump (the former guy)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 8:05 am
by Foggy
What did Nuzzi write? :think:

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 8:11 am
by Suranis
Foggy wrote: Tue Dec 27, 2022 8:05 am What did Nuzzi write? :think:
New York Magazine
Dec 23
Inside Donald Trump’s sad, lonely, thirsty, broken, basically pretend run for reelection. (Which isn’t to say he can’t win.) @Olivianuzzi

Her Twit handle is

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 9:03 am
by Foggy
Yeah, I follow her on Twitter. I don't use Twitter much anymore.

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 9:04 am
by Suranis
Ok I read it. No wonder Trump is going nuts. It's full of the shit Trump hates - making him seem small. HE WAS DESCRIBED AS D-TIER! F-TIER!

More seriously, its very well written. The woman is a very skilled writer. This is talking about the Announcement of his new Campaign.
Nunberg was not in the ballroom. He had been kicked out of Trumpworld early, fired over old social-media posts in which he used racist slurs. He had taken a much different path after the events of 2016. Amid the investigations, he began to appear often on cable news to needle Trump. He was still drinking then, and he went on an infamous bender during which he gave chaotic interviews to CNN and New York. Then he got sober. He left New York. He now has a girlfriend. So the morning after the announcement, when I reached him by phone, he drew in a sharp breath through his teeth. He hates Trump. In his view, Trump had fired and rehired and fired and betrayed and maligned him. In theory, as the kind of still-a-little-Trumpian character who loves revenge, he should take only pleasure in observing his old boss’s accumulating failures. But this? It was almost too pathetic. “It was sad to watch,” Nunberg said. “It was like watching Elvis at the end.” On second thought, it was worse than that: “It was like watching Elvis at the end if he was completely relegated to just piano bars.” He laughed a sad laugh. “Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.”

“It’s not there. In this business, you can have it and have it so hot and it can go overnight and it’s gone and you can’t get it back. I think we’re just seeing it’s gone. The magic is gone,” an adviser said. “When Seb Gorka and Raheem Kassam and Kash Patel and Devin Nunes are your stars, that’s the D-list. It was D-list MAGA. When Brick Man — that freak, Brick Man — is in the VIP seating, we’ve got a problem.” Brick Man is a man who wears a suit made of fabric with — you guessed it — a brick pattern. The bricks symbolize the wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. He wandered around the ballroom offering interviews to reporters. I have a high tolerance for this kind of shit, obviously, and I could not. “If you’re looking for an indication of how bad things are going,” the adviser added, “it’s Brick Man not just being there but being in the VIP section. Don Jr.’s not there!”
I think this is an important set of Paragraphs so I'll post them. You should really read the whole thing though
It was in that optimistic spirit, 28 days ago, that the former president, impeached and voted out of office and impeached again, amid multiple state and federal investigations, under threat of indictment and arrest, on the verge of a congressional-committee verdict that would recommend four criminal charges to the Feds over his incitement of a mob that attacked the U.S. Capitol and threatened to hang his vice-president in a failed attempt to stop the certification of the 2020 election results, announced his third presidential campaign. Since then, he has barely set foot outside the perimeter of Mar-a-Lago. For 28 days, in fact, he has not left the state of Florida at all.

He is sensitive about this. He does not like what it suggests. So he does not accept the premise. “Sometimes I don’t even stay at Mar-a-Lago,” he told me. What do you mean you don’t stay there, I asked. Where do you stay? “I stay here,” he said, “but I am outside of Mar-a-Lago quite a bit. I’m always largely outside of Mar-a-Lago at meetings and various other things and events. I’m down in Miami. I go to Miami, I go to different places in Florida.”

What he means when he says “Miami” is that his SUV rolls down the driveway, past the pristine lawn set for croquet and through the Secret Service checkpoint at the gate, for the two-hour trip to another piece of Trump real estate, the Trump National in Doral, about eight miles from the airport in Miami-Dade County. There, he meets regularly with an impressive, ideologically diverse range of policy wonks, diplomats, and political theorists for conversations about the global economy and military conflicts and constitutional law and I’m kidding. He goes there to play golf. “He just goes, plays golf, comes back, and fucks off. He has retreated to the golf course and to Mar-a-Lago,” one adviser said. “His world has gotten much smaller. His world is so, so small.”

He is sensitive about smallness. His entire life, he has rejected smallness. Tall buildings, long ties, big head, big mouth, big swings, big league. “When he was in New York in 2016, the whole world was coming to him. Now we’ve got the Villages, and it shows,” the adviser said, referring to the famous Central Florida retirement community.

He had wanted to be in the movie business. It’s important to never forget this about him. He watches Sunset Boulevard, “one of the greatest of all time,” again and again and again. A silent-picture star sidelined by the talkies, driven to madness, in denial over her faded celebrity. When he was a businessman, he showed it to guests aboard his 727. When he was president, he held screenings of it for White House staff at Camp David.

He once showed it to his press secretary Stephanie Grisham, who later described how “the president, who could never sit still for anything without talking on the phone, sending a tweet, or flipping through TV channels, sat enthralled.” And he once showed it to Tim O’Brien, the biographer, who wrote that when Norma Desmond cried, “Those idiot producers. Those imbeciles! Haven’t they got any eyes? Have they forgotten what a star looks like? I’ll show them. I’ll be up there again, so help me!,” Trump leaned over O’Brien’s shoulder and whispered, “Is this an incredible scene or what? Just incredible.”
At the end...
Do you remember how Sunset Boulevard ends? Norma Desmond shoots and kills the writer, a fraudster who has fallen under the spell of her charisma, just as he summons the courage to walk away. Her sycophantic butler flips. There are no enablers left to protect her. A final fantasy, a fake movie set, is staged in the mansion’s entryway. The lights go on, and she is lured before the cameras, where the police are waiting to haul her away. ... -2024.html

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 9:12 am
by Suranis
Out of curiosity I looked for a pic of this "brick man" guy. It was actually rather difficult to find one.


trump (the former guy)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 9:21 am
by Foggy
Whoa, that's a snappy outfit. :shock:

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 9:36 am
by RTH10260
raison de arizona wrote: Tue Dec 27, 2022 12:00 am You can’t make this up. Well, I mean, I guess tfg can. Anyway.
"NUMBER ONE, as president, I have total immunity."

You SIR are no longer president! Number 2 (or is that 2 Corinthians :confuzzled: ) swore an oath to uphold the Constitution, not shred We The People.

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 9:50 am
by jemcanada2
Foggy wrote: Tue Dec 27, 2022 9:21 am Whoa, that's a snappy outfit. :shock:
I hear that Mexico paid for it :liar: :liar: :batting: :batting:

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 9:58 am
by Foggy
:rotflmao: jem!

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 10:31 am
by Kendra ... roperties/
Charles Rettig, the Trump-appointed IRS Commissioner who has refused to release President Trump’s tax returns, has made hundreds of thousands of dollars renting out Trump properties while in office, according to documents obtained by CREW. Last year Rettig said it was his decision whether to turn over Trump’s tax returns to Congress, under the supervision of Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin.

An analysis of Rettig’s personal financial disclosures for the last two years shows Rettig making $100,000 – $200,000 a year from two units at Trump International Waikiki. Trump made a detour to visit the property during a trip to Asia in his first year in office—a priceless promotional appearance for the business he still profits from as president. Rettig bought a 50% stake in the units in 2006, three years before the property opened, likely benefiting the future-president, whose company got 10% of total pre-sales.

Rettig isn’t exactly advertising his Trump-based profits. In fact, there’s no mention of Trump at all in the disclosures. The two properties are referred to only as “Residential Real Estate – Honolulu, Hawaii” and “Residential Real Estate (2) – Honolulu, Hawaii.” This isn’t new. When he was first nominated, he failed to disclose the properties were in a Trump-branded building. At his confirmation hearing, he did not directly answer concerns about the properties, only saying he would serve in an “impartial, unbiased” manner.

trump (the former guy)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 10:57 am
by raison de arizona
I actually have a pic of the wife with brick man from last weekend, she ran into him in a hotel lobby in Phoenix. He was in town for the AMFEST thing I guess.