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Kamala Harris for President - 2024

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2024 2:14 pm
by zekeb
AndyinPA wrote: Wed Aug 14, 2024 2:02 pm What I get, for living in a must-win state, is a barrage of advertising three months ahead of the election. It's nauseating. I hit the mute button or change the channel all the time. I already hate them and will mute even the Democratic ones, although not as necessary.
You should have lived in Iowa before the Republican caucuses. It went on for two months. All the right-wing wannabees, each wanting an advantage out of the starting gate. The worst part of the ads being that no attacks were made on each other. The majority were directed against Biden. Not a single candidate attacked Trump. None pointed out why he/she was a better choice than the other. The DeSantis ads made me want to puke.

Kamala Harris for President - 2024

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2024 3:52 pm
by neonzx
:blissy: :fiesta:

Tim Walz here. Do you want to meet me and Kamala? Now's your chance! Donate $20 and you'll be entered to win:
This is so exciting as I have dreamed of this my entire life.
Thank you Jebus.

Oh wait. They are going to IRS 1099 me.
One winner and a guest will receive the following prize package: Travel to and one (1) night hotel stay at a location to be determined solely by Sponsor and an opportunity to meet and snap a photo with Kamala Harris and Tim Walz (approx. retail value $3,000).


Odds; Taxes; Etc. Odds of winning the Prize depend on the number of eligible entries received. ALL FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL TAXES ASSOCIATED WITH THE RECEIPT OR USE OF ANY PRIZE ARE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF WINNER. Sponsor will report any individual winnings over $600 (in cash or fair market value of goods or services) in a one-year period to the Internal Revenue Service. Winner will receive a Form 1099 from Sponsor if Sponsor reports any winnings to the Internal Revenue Service. All prizes will be awarded.

Kamala Harris for President - 2024

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2024 4:52 pm
by poplove
Kamala Harris is taking power back from the press corps
She learned from Biden’s fatal error. ... ess-corps/

Kamala Harris for President - 2024

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2024 7:43 pm
by AndyinPA Gifted
Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. sought a meeting last week with Democratic nominee Kamala Harris to discuss the possibility of serving in her administration, perhaps as a Cabinet secretary, if he throws his support behind her campaign and she wins, according to Kennedy campaign officials.

Harris and her advisers have not responded with an offer to meet or shown interest in the proposal, say people familiar with the conversations.

The Kennedy outreach, made through intermediaries, follows a meeting in Milwaukee last month between Kennedy and Republican nominee Donald Trump to discuss a similar policy role and endorsement that resulted in no agreement. In those discussions, Kennedy spoke about advising Trump in a second term on health and medical issues.

Kamala Harris for President - 2024

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2024 7:45 pm
by neonzx
Hold my Beer..

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Kamala Harris for President - 2024

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2024 8:24 pm
by Ben-Prime
"Sure, you can be Postmaster General after DeJoy is shown the door." :lol:

Kamala Harris for President - 2024

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2024 8:41 pm
by p0rtia
No political or executive skills, no experience in government, a mountain of lies and arrogant behavior. Looking for the short-cut to power by selling the Kennedy name to the highest bidder.

Folks, we have spotted the bottom of the barrel.


Kamala Harris for President - 2024

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2024 8:44 pm
by pipistrelle
p0rtia wrote: Wed Aug 14, 2024 8:41 pm No political or executive skills, no experience in government, a mountain of lies and arrogant behavior. Looking for the short-cut to power by selling the Kennedy name to the highest bidder.

Folks, we have spotted the bottom of the barrel.

The rest of the Kennedys seem to be on to him.

Kamala Harris for President - 2024

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2024 9:08 pm
by Kendra
Ben-Prime wrote: Wed Aug 14, 2024 8:24 pm "Sure, you can be Postmaster General after DeJoy is shown the door." :lol:

Every day at work, so much oxygen is sucked out of the room dealing with missing mail (bills and checks) because USPS sucks so bad. :mad:

Kamala Harris for President - 2024

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2024 9:21 pm
by sugar magnolia
p0rtia wrote: Wed Aug 14, 2024 8:41 pm
Folks, we have spotted the bottom of the barrel.

Kamala Harris for President - 2024

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2024 9:38 pm
by Dr. Ken
Kennedy is the lowest common denominator. Tried sucking up to Trump and that didn't work so now he's trying to suck up to harris. Show his ass the door

Kamala Harris for President - 2024

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2024 10:22 pm
by Suranis
He has no vote leverage, and Harris does not need him. If he was sucking votes away from her, then maybe. But I'm not sure he is. He does not have Bernie Sanders' Charisma.

Kamala Harris for President - 2024

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2024 10:28 pm
by sad-cafe
AndyinPA wrote: Wed Aug 14, 2024 2:02 pm What I get, for living in a must-win state, is a barrage of advertising three months ahead of the election. It's nauseating. I hit the mute button or change the channel all the time. I already hate them and will mute even the Democratic ones, although not as necessary.
I have a cousin in Iowa-she hates ads

Kamala Harris for President - 2024

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2024 10:35 pm
by neonzx
Iowa is tough during caucus season. I have canvased there on many door knocks we did and we were hated. Not because they were not Dems, but they were tired of being assaulted.

Kamala Harris for President - 2024

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2024 4:32 am
by p0rtia

Tim Walz at Boston fundraiser tonight, per pool:

“I feel like one of my roles in this now is to be the anti-Tommy Tuberville, to show that football coaches are not the dumbest people.”

Kamala Harris for President - 2024

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2024 8:06 am
by northland10
The advantage to being in Illinois is I miss a bunch of the ads they get in battleground states. That leaves more time to see 🎶Kars for Kids🎶 ads.

Enjoy the earworm.

Same to you.

Kamala Harris for President - 2024

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2024 11:31 am
by Rolodex
p0rtia wrote: Thu Aug 15, 2024 4:32 am

Tim Walz at Boston fundraiser tonight, per pool:

“I feel like one of my roles in this now is to be the anti-Tommy Tuberville, to show that football coaches are not the dumbest people.”
As an Alabaman, I approve this message (even though tubs lives in the FL panhandle and has no property in AL at all afaik). With Walz as VP and tubs a mere senator, he'll move to assistant coach while Walz will be Head Coach.

Same in Alabama re ads: we barely see any now that the primary is over (which is just which R can hold the most guns, bible and trump signs). There was an occasional Harris ad during the Olympics; it wasn't very jazzy and didn't run often (maybe once per prime time). I barely see ads anyway since I watch 99% stuff streaming, so the Olympics is my only real exposure to what may be airing (I also listen to podcasts or NPR when driving so nothing there either).

Kamala Harris for President - 2024

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2024 2:32 pm
by Dr. Ken
Seriously Doug Jones for AG

Kamala Harris for President - 2024

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2024 6:19 pm
by MN-Skeptic
Tim Walz is speaking in a suburb of Omaha, Nebraska today. I checked out the venue, and according to their website, their indoor theater holds 2,400 people. This person tweeted photos from the rally today and it sure looks pretty full.

Kamala Harris for President - 2024

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2024 6:46 pm
by pipistrelle
That woman looks like what Trump wishes his crowds looked like (all-American and normal).

Kamala Harris for President - 2024

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2024 8:17 pm
by bob

I don't believe Brown actually will sue.

Too also: That person next to Brown looks like as if Brent Spiner ("Star Trek"'s Data) played Larry Klayman in the Lifetime biopic.

Kamala Harris for President - 2024

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2024 8:23 pm
by p0rtia
I watched the entire Walz rally today. I find these events healing. He was spot on. Forthright, knowledgeable, connecting via the small stuff of everyday life. The contrast with fuckhead and futon is astounding.

So nice to have a (sane) major party nominee who is not a lawyer. No offense. I believe it makes a a huge difference in speech and experience.

Kamala Harris for President - 2024

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2024 11:26 pm
by New Turtle
marc.e.elias 4 hours ago
My team and I are honored to join this excellent group of lawyers to defend democracy and elect Kamala Harris as the next President of the United States...

Kamala Harris for President - 2024

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2024 3:29 am
by poplove
@harrisonjaime Hello Mr Harrison. Some of my Twitter friends and I are wondering if @KamalaHarris would be interested in using my song, These Boots are Made for Walking, during the campaign. I would be honored and thrilled if she would. It would be a slam dunk for her and the DNC

Kamala Harris for President - 2024

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2024 4:55 am
by Lansdowne
poplove wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2024 3:29 am
@harrisonjaime Hello Mr Harrison. Some of my Twitter friends and I are wondering if @KamalaHarris would be interested in using my song, These Boots are Made for Walking, during the campaign. I would be honored and thrilled if she would. It would be a slam dunk for her and the DNC
Yeah there are so many lines in that song that fit so well.

I can just imagine Kamala 47 shouting out


And a cartoon video where she points at the loser and says

You've been a-messing where you shouldn'a been messing
What he don't know he ain't got time to learn!