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Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:03 am
by Suranis
When you have a small group of people who will vote for every election including dogcatcher, and a larger group of people who have to be beaten into the voting booth with a claw hammer, the smaller group will win, every time.

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:14 am
by Uninformed
Probably a case of teaching one’s grandmother to suck eggs but a “fun” read about voting: ... ction.html

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:37 am
by raison de arizona
From the other side of the equation...
Mayoral loss in Hispanic-heavy Texas city sets off Dems’ alarms

A Republican has won a mayoral race in a South Texas Hispanic Democratic bastion, sparking celebration from the GOP nationwide and alarm from some Democrats.

Why it matters: Javier Villalobos' victory Saturday in Mexican American-majority McAllen, Texas, comes as some Latino Democrats say their party has been ignoring Mexican Americans in Texas, New Mexico and California as the Republican Party makes dents in areas once solidly blue.
:snippity: ... 06960.html

RWNJs have been crowing about this. The article goes on to say:
What they're saying: New Mexico Democratic political consultant Sisto Abeyta said Democrats in recent years have not engaged or invested in some Hispanic areas with low voter turnout that historically have voted blue.
  • "Democrats need to change the narrative and start talking about jobs," Abeyta said. "They need to invest and engage and not take these districts for granted. These voters are up from grabs now."
  • Texas Democratic operative Sawyer Hackett said the McAllen race should "wake up a lot of Democrats" ahead of the 2022 congressional midterms.
  • "The RGV (Rio Grande Valley) went solidly for Bernie (Sanders) during the (2020) Democratic primary, so voters there respond to messages about the economy. They just aren't being engaged."
So really, the biggest factor in this particular election was turnout, or rather the lack of it on the Dem side. So :shrug: Although I suppose one could argue that turnout was down due to lack of the above items. I really don't think these voters are as up for grabs as I'm reading though, I just don't see them voting for the party of Trump en masse. To be clear, I believe Abeyta is somewhat incorrect, I don't think these DEM VOTERS are up for grabs, I think these ELECTIONS are up for grabs because these DEM VOTERS may not show up.

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 8:07 pm
by Luke
Story about the disgraced loser's Ohio rally tonight:
The events also mark an opportunity for Trump to try to oust lawmakers from the GOP he views as disloyal and try to craft the party in his image. More than a half-dozen Republicans interviewed by The Hill said it came as no surprise that his first rally is intended to benefit a primary challenger to a pro-impeachment House member.

Trump has forecasted that he will spend part of the 2022 cycle campaigning against Republican incumbents who supported efforts to oust him earlier this year. Besides Miller, Trump has also endorsed the top primary challenger to Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), with more endorsements expected in the coming weeks and months.

“It will be absolutely devastating to some,” GOP donor Dan Eberhart said, referring to Republican lawmakers who may be targeted by Trump. “We have not seen in modern times somebody with a bully pulpit the size of Trump's, with the popularity he has in either major party, plus the financial resources he has to bring to bear, come down on someone.”

It is precisely those kinds of intraparty feuds that have some Republicans worried about the upcoming rallies. Republicans are close to flipping both chambers of Congress given Democrats’ razor-thin majorities there. However, GOP operatives say a messaging campaign that gets hijacked by Trump’s feuding with incumbents could derail those efforts, particularly given the former president’s outsized sway over the party.

“This will be a continuation of Donald Trump's traveling grievance tour. And there's certainly a receptive audience to that. But it will further stymie Republicans who want to focus on the Biden administration and train their sights there because they're going to have to deal with Donald Trump not allowing them to move forward,” said GOP strategist and former House leadership aide Doug Heye. ... ohio-rally

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 11:40 am
by Tiredretiredlawyer
“This will be a continuation of Donald Trump's traveling grievance tour. And there's certainly a receptive audience to that. But it will further stymie Republicans who want to focus on the Biden administration and train their sights there because they're going to have to deal with Donald Trump not allowing them to move forward,” said GOP strategist and former House leadership aide Doug Heye. ... ohio-rally


Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 5:15 pm
by Luke
This is why Democrats are going to win again next year. We need to support this. Doing my little patriotic part with the only Gateway House of Boys story I've ever tweeted :P

RNC Backs 2020 Election Fraud and Steal Then Thinks Americans Will Support Them in Future – Not A Chance
By Joe Hoft Published July 2, 2021 at 9:00am

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

The RNC held the greatest convention in history in 2020. For anyone who heard the moving speeches, they could not help but be moved from some of the stories. Who could listen to the parents of Kayla Mueller and not cry and know that President Trump was doing all he could for Americans everywhere? It was clear from their story that the Obama/Biden Administration refused to help them. They never heard from Biden at all. Obama/Biden cared more about the terrorists in Guantanamo Bay than their daughter.

Americans heard the Mueller’s story and knew they finally had a President who cared for them.

Americans showed up at Trump rallies in the thousands. By Election Day President Trump had 1.1 million attendees at his rallies to a little less than 2,000 for Biden.

Americans were behind President Trump and it showed. The President held rally after rally like a machine and Americans turned up in droves. Biden and Harris did the opposite. In Arizona, only a few weeks before the election no one showed at their event. The local newscaster was shocked.

Then came the election and the nightmare production at FOX News. They assigned Never Trump mouthpieces to lead the discourse of the evening, bashing Trump hour after hour. A case study could be produced for how to lose half of your audience, because that what FOX did. Millions of Americans vowed never to watch that channel again and haven’t.

The results came in and states like Arizona reported the impossible. After having no one at their event in Phoenix only weeks earlier, Joe Biden became the first Democrat to win Maricopa County since Harry Truman. This garbage Americans were forced to believe.

The problem, however, after unreal abuse, crimes, fraud, and lies, was the Republican Party joined FOX News and the Democrats in blessing the fraudulent 2020 Election lie.

Biden was sworn in and Republicans, including President Trump’s Vice President, the Republican Head of the Senate, and the Republican Head of the House, confirmed Biden’s win and never saw Republican President Trump off. No one else showed up to Biden’s Inauguration but Americans were told to believe Biden not only beat President Trump’s 75 million + votes but set a record with 81 million votes. No Presidential candidate had ever surpassed 70 million before but somehow Biden, with no crowds anywhere, broke 80 million? If you’re going to steal an election, steal big.

But the RNC’s efforts to confirm Biden’s election win were maybe what hurt Americans the most. With President Trump gone, no one was there to protect Americans. The Republicans showed it.

In Georgia, the corrupt Republican Secretary of State who gave the election to Biden, lied about a call with President Trump, initiated an investigation because of it, and hid the tape from the call which showed the Sec of State lied, and yet the Republican led Georgia Legislature says let’s move on, nothing to see here, Biden won. The state has more than 300,000 ballots that were counted in the election that do not include legally required chain of custody documentation and they give the election to Biden by a little over 10,000 votes.

Michigan, the state with the most corrupt Democrat leaders, backed by George Soros, had a Republican Senate release a report looking like it was written by the Democrats saying their election was fine – no fraud silly ones – Biden won.

Only in Arizona after the people DEMANDED a FORENSIC audit looking at all the ballots and verifying their legitimacy and looking at all machines, did the Republican Senate led by Karen Fan, finally, stand up.

In state after state the RNC caved but because it happened so much Americans are led to believe two things:

1) The RNC was in on the Election steal and they validate it by accepting the results, and

2) The RNC doesn’t care about you.

The RNC now is sending out letters asking for donations, wondering where ‘their’ base has gone: (image in story of an RNC mailer)

The RNC claims they will protect you: (also with image in story)

The RNC continues to back the Democrat’s 2020 Election steal and wants money to do so. Who is leading this party, Democrats? The RNC certifies the election by their actions. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. ... ot-chance/

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 5:21 pm
by Slim Cognito
Please proceed.

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 5:33 pm
by Luke
And... quoting Breitbart to the little snowflake :P

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 6:10 pm
by Luke
How nice. This is becoming a trend story for the Trumpers to think about over the 4th of July. The Conservative Treehouse republished and MAGAts are tweeting it. It's really something going back and reading the post-election RW coverage. And instead to taking the L and regrouping, the T**** wing is still believing he'll be back. When that invariably fails, it will be fascinating to see where the T**** wing of the "GOP" goes. :popcorn:
GOP Beware: The Republican Party Did Not Carry 71,000,000+ Votes, President Trump Did…
November 7, 2020 | Sundance | 1,695 Comments

As the republican establishment contemplates positioning themselves amid President Trump’s resolute intent to highlight a 2020 election filled with with demonstrable fraud, they would be prudent to check their political ego. President Trump has created a movement and collected the largest factual constituency of voters in the nation. This is the hill we stand upon, there is no other fallback position. As of this writing the indefatigable leader of the MAGA movement gathered 71 million votes for his re-election, and still climbing. Subtract the fraudulent and manipulated ‘mail-in’ ballots from the Biden operation and you have a reality of 71 million MAGA army members staring toward an opposition front containing battalions of cardboard cutouts. No amount of media spin is going to change the reality of that political landscape.

Regardless of whether Donald Trump’s legal arsenal is able to overcome the entrenched media operations drum-beating a deafening noise to distract from the 2020 fraud, that MAGA army is solidly behind our leader…. so consider this:

If President Trump takes that army into a new political party of his choosing, that new party is structurally set to lay waste to any candidate within both wings of the Democrat and Republican assembly. A Trump inspired new political party can wipe out the illusion of the Democrat/Republican two-party system; specifically because much of the Trump movement consists of former democrats and brand new voters. The MAGA coalition is the most diverse, widest and deepest part of the entire American electorate. President Trump’s army consists of every creed, color, race, gender, ethnicity and orientation. It is a truly color-blind coalition of middle America patriots and middle-class voters that cuts through the political special interest groups. Quite simply Trump’s MAGA army is the ultimate political splitter party.

No Republican will ever hold office in the next decade without the blessing of President Trump; and there is absolutely no current confidence that President Trump will not lay waste to the system if the GOP acquiesces to the transparent fraud that exists behind the Biden-Harris sham. Beyond the politics… this 71 million vote assembly are consumers of products, goods and services generated by the same elites that hold them in contempt. If President Trump transfers and directs that energy, entities and even entire industries can be wiped out. There is no precedent here. Seventy-one million angry Americans resolved to a common objective is not something to be trifled with.

We do not yet know where this current political crisis and ongoing battle is going to end; but we do know that 71,000,000 Americans will not accept the outcome of a political process transparently filled with fraud and manipulation. That makes President Trump a very dangerous entity to the DC system, regardless of whether they admit what surrounds them. There is no reference point for 71 million Americans being disenfranchised by Wall Street, bribery, corporations, media and big tech. That 71 million person army is fuel for a stunning and cataclysmic shift in the American landscape. ... trump-did/

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2021 7:26 am
by Foggy
Obama is going to be reinstated in August. :thumbsup:

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2021 5:20 am
by Uninformed
“Where Biden's big theme faces fierce test”:

“Joe Biden campaigned on bringing a new spirit of unity to Washington, DC. Thousands of miles away, the state of Alaska has a rich history of exactly that kind of political co-operation. Is it working?”…
“In November last year, voters narrowly approved a possible solution - a plan that radically restructures how the state votes, and one of the most sweeping overhauls of a state-level electoral process in modern US history.
Instead of ticking one box on a ballot in a general election, Alaskans will rank the four candidates according to preference.
And rather than holding closed primaries where only registered members of the party can vote, candidates from across the political spectrum will compete in an open vote, with the top four advancing to the general election. These changes will come into effect for the election next year.”

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2021 7:04 am
by Suranis
Proportional representation is how we in Ireland chose our Presidents of the United States.

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2021 12:44 pm
by Luke
Just for fun on 4th of July, this Addams Family episode is about a political campaign. It starts with candidates Addams have backed, Thomas E. Dewey, Alf Landon, Alfred E. Smith, Wendell L. Wilke Stephen Douglas, etc... :lol:

Gomez, The Politician (Full Episode) | MGM
587,580 viewsOct 18, 2019
Election fever grips the Addams household, as Gomez supports the council candidate whose campaign promise is to drain the town's disgusting bogs. Morticia, who likes "the lovely bogs," labels the candidate an extremist. But Gomez assures her that all politicians
do the opposite of their campaign promises.

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 1:22 pm
by Luke

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 5:01 am
by Luke
All going to plan. :P
Trump Wins CPAC 2024 Straw Poll By 49 Points, DeSantis Second At 21%, Mike Pence Gets 0%
Mike Pence and Greg Abbott got 0% of the vote.
By TOM PAPPERT July 11, 2021

45th President Donald Trump easily won the CPAC straw poll asking attendees who they would prefer to win the 2024 Republican nomination for President with 70% of the vote. The only other potential candidate coming close to being competitive is Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, with 21% of the vote. The overwhelming number of potential 2024 opponents received 0% of the vote.

Voters were asked “Thinking ahead, if the 2024 Republican Primary for President in your state were held today among the following candidates, for whom would you vote,” and were given a total of 19 choices including “Other.” President Trump won with 70% of the vote. DeSantis came in a distant second with a mere 21% of the vote. Six more candidates tied at 1%, including Sen. Rand Paul, anti-Trump former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, Sen. Ted Cruz, Fox News host Tucker Carlson, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, and Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. It may be noteworthy that Cruz received only 1% in his home state.

Trump wins the CPAC straw poll by a whopping 49 points with 70% of the vote. DeSantis a distant second at 21%.
Pence and Abbott got 0%. Texans are smart people!
— Tom Pappert (@realTomPappert) July 11, 2021

Every other candidate – all 10 of them, plus “Other” – received 0% of the vote. It is particularly noteworthy that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who has repeatedly come under fire from conservatives in his own state for failing to secure the southern border and failing to protect children from chemical castration and gender modification surgeries, received 0% of the vote. Another noteworthy 0% potential candidate is Mike Pence, who has been branded a traitor to America First following his decision not to contest the Electoral College tallies from states with credible reports of widespread voter fraud on January 6 of this year. Since then, Pence has postured strongly for a 2024 run for President. This is down from the still-embarrassing 1% Pence garnered at the CPAC held earlier this year in Florida.

As National File reported at the time, in that poll President Trump received 55% of the vote, with DeSantis – perhaps boasting a home state advantage – received 21%. Cruz fared better in Florida than Texas, receiving 2% of the vote. Abbott also received 0% of the vote in the earlier poll. Also among the 0% candidates are Ben Carson, Sens. Josh Hawley, Marco Rubio, Tom Cotton, Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker, former Ohio Gov. John Kasich, Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, and anti-Trump Sen. Mitt Romney. ... ce-gets-0/

They are fuc*ed.

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 8:03 am
by Gregg
If they happen to get roasted in the midterms, Trump will be like the coffee boy.

"Who? Oh, he just made coffee and rage tweeted, he was never important"

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 8:07 am
by Gregg
Even more true, if they do get roasted in the midterms, it'll be all the sane ones who lose, the ones left are gonna be EmTeeGee, Chester the Molester and Louie "spaceman" Goemert and their ilk who have very safe red districts so they can run on the all Freak Conspiracy Theory ticket.

Any voice of reason in anything approaching a swing district is gonna get beat in a primary or just lose. All the grownup are gone for the GQP.

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 9:55 pm
by Luke
:P Relentlessly optimistic about this, the GOP is making every error they possibly could. It's our patriotic duty to help them!


✅ #KevinMcCarthy, @GOPLeader, illustrates Reason #467 of why #Republicans are going to blow it (again) 🥳 & lose the #House & #Senate (again) to #Democrats (again) in the 2022 #MidTerm Elections. #GOPDeathWish #ElectionLARPing #Election2022 #AZAudit #BlueWave 🇺🇸 @DevinCow 🐮

3) It's so easy to rile up idiot John Cardillo and his idiot followers. Have started using the hashtag #FireRonna


IDK why they get so mad when simply asking to be reminded. :lol:

KevinA13KF @A13KF2 2h
Arizona is about to publish results.

Pennsylvania on deck.

Georgia has the receipts.


What a time to be alive.

Remind me of this tweet @RemindMe_OfThis 39m
Replying to @Orly_licious
Noted. Memo Your reminder will be on Monday, 23 August 2021 at 12:00 GMT+0000.
Quote Tweet OrlyLicious Flag of United States @Orly_licious· 39m
Replying to @A13KF2 @RemindMe_OfThis 40 days

BTW, @RemindMe_OfThis is great, just reply to a tweet with @RemindMe_OfThis 30 days (or 2 weeks, or whatever).


(She didn't really call out DL2XIT on it.)

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2021 4:35 pm
by Luke
Yup, this from Adam Kinzinger:
Arizona Political Gem stone Retweeted Democratic Coalition @TheDemCoalition Jul 12

"My party has been hijacked. And for some people, it's a fun ride, right? We can put out this outrageous stuff on Twitter. 'Yeah! I'm getting all these retweets and everybody knows me. I'm famous.' But this plane is going to crash into the ground."

GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger said his party has been hijacked by 'outrage politics' that is 'going to...
Kinzinger was reacting to Ted Cruz and Marjorie Taylor Greene's response to President Joe Biden offering the COVID-19 vaccines door-to-door.

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2021 4:39 pm
by AndyinPA
Not soon enough.

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2021 2:33 pm
by zekeb
Republican voter literacy exam.

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2021 6:47 pm
by Uninformed
Could go in the “Maricopa Audit” thread.

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 6:22 pm
by Luke

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 7:42 pm
by Frater I*I
That's what happens when you're not loyal enough to Zee Furher....

Re: Election 2022: Democrats Are Going To Win Again

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 6:34 am
by Luke
Damn Right! Trumpers can try to spin it any way they want, the GOP is going to lose. We're with Nancy.

Pelosi Womack.JPG
Pelosi Womack.JPG (40.95 KiB) Viewed 2468 times

Indys are fed up with GOP games, audits, ridiculous cultural issues and obstruction. No cheating will be needed, for regular Americans good things are happening compared with the terrorism of the disgraced loser's years.

And if that's not enough, they are just ripping each other to shreds. If Trumpers do turn out (a big if), that hardcore 20% is going to neutralize the GOP voters. Clear sailing, it's like they are putting an independent in the race. Fabulous. Let's keep supporting that.

Crenshaw.JPG (131.93 KiB) Viewed 2459 times

I'm getting to like this guy. :P