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Re: Miki Booth - "Birther Princess" Miyuki Booth / The Apocalyptic "Tidal Wave of Truth" Any Day Now! / (and Cinnamon)

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2021 3:21 pm
by Phoenix520
:lol: I agree, bill.

Love the clattering of duck beaks as they eat the watermelon.

Re: Miki Booth - "Birther Princess" Miyuki Booth / The Apocalyptic "Tidal Wave of Truth" Any Day Now! / (and Cinnamon)

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2021 12:06 pm
by Estiveo
Miki and her coterie have finally discovered my reply, and instead of just blocking me, they're in an orgasm of high dudgeon. It's hilarious.

Despite her outrage, Miki, attention whore that she is, complains that she can't find her thread on Fogbow, poor bunny. So being the helpful person I am, I provided her with a link, as well as the topic & subtopic in case she needs to find it again later. (I'm sure she'll appreciate how we have her categorized.)

(Hi, Miki! :wave: hope you & your buddies found your way here ok. Say "hi" to Cinnamon for us!)
Edit: Apparently my helpfulness was a bridge too far, and now I am blocked. :crying: 8-)

Re: Miki Booth - "Birther Princess" Miyuki Booth / The Apocalyptic "Tidal Wave of Truth" Any Day Now! / (and Cinnamon)

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2021 1:51 pm
by Suranis
Maybe she didn't want her friends reading the thread, and would prefer to have you deemed a liar.

Re: "Birther Princess" Miyuki "Miki" Booth (and Cinnamon)

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2021 2:18 pm
by Luke
realist wrote: Sun Jun 27, 2021 9:19 pm:panic:

Re: Miki Booth - "Birther Princess" Miyuki Booth / The Apocalyptic "Tidal Wave of Truth" Any Day Now! / (and Cinnamon)

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2021 2:21 pm
by bob
Suranis wrote: Tue Oct 26, 2021 1:51 pm Maybe she didn't want her friends reading the thread, and would prefer to have you deemed a liar.
And, like every other birther, Booth's freedom lovin' extends only to her freedom, and not the freedom of anyone who might disagree with her.

Birthers and their ilk love their echo chambers, and block disagreeing voices.

Re: Miki Booth - "Birther Princess" Miyuki Booth / The Apocalyptic "Tidal Wave of Truth" Any Day Now! / (and Cinnamon)

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2021 4:07 pm
by Sam the Centipede
So the turkey-fondler might be reading here? Time to roll out and molest a one hit wonder* for one shitty blunder:
𝄞𝅗𝅥𝅘𝅥𝅮 Oh Miki, you're so crass
You're so crass, you blow my ass
Hey Miki, hey Miki
Oh Miki, you're so crass
You're so crass, you blow my ass
Hey Miki, hey Miki

* Surely some of the Ancients Of The Fogbow will treat us to "I worked with Toni Basil" tales?

Re: Miki Booth - "Birther Princess" Miyuki Booth / The Apocalyptic "Tidal Wave of Truth" Any Day Now! / (and Cinnamon)

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 1:50 pm
by Luke
:lol: Sam that's outstanding! Dare a Fogbow member to post that on her Facebook timeline :P

There's almost as much demand for updates about Miki Booth and Cinnamon as there are for the titular Mama June, so here's what's new. No real update on Cinnamon, but if she was making a commotion she made it through another Thanksgiving! Still wish the 699th would swoop in and rescue her.
Miki Booth
Dec 9 11AM
It’s been a bad week for our feathered family members. First Duk Duk disappeared and we found a pile of her feathers outside of our fenced yard indicating an owl or a hawk got her. 2 days later I heard Cinnamon making a commotion and saw a hawk on top of a New Hampshire girl. I ran and chased it off of her and Fred followed up with a shotgun blast as it flew away. Last night Mac kept barking but we scolded her because she normally barks for seemingly no reason. Then I heard Tenny and Dory literally screaming in duck language. I ran outside just in time to see 2 foxes, one on top of Tenney and Dory in the other foxes’ mouth. As I ran to save them the foxes ran away in separate directions. Don’t know how they got into our fenced yard but we will be setting traps and making reinforcements. Dory has a wound under her left wing and is sore this morning but she will be ok. Tenney lost a lot of feathers but no injuries it seems. After the attack Fred and I held them in our arms until their little hearts stopped racing and they were back to normal. ❤️❤️
Never expected something like this to happen. We’ve never seen foxes in 19 years and then Fred saw one a few weeks ago. I’m on the warpath. 😡
Miki Birds.jpg
Miki Birds.jpg (500.82 KiB) Viewed 5836 times

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Miki Birds 2.JPG (81.02 KiB) Viewed 5836 times

This photo goes in spoiler, it's Miki with her gun proudly showing off how she killed an animal so open with that knowledge. Sums up Miki's judgment and humanity.

► Show Spoiler

Miki is making denim aprons. As cute as our Bob would look in one, not gonna get it for him.

Miki Apron.JPG
Miki Apron.JPG (67.09 KiB) Viewed 5836 times

Re: Miki Booth - "Birther Princess" Miyuki Booth / The Apocalyptic "Tidal Wave of Truth" Any Day Now! / (and Cinnamon)

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 2:01 pm
by Phoenix520
Hateful bitch.

Re: Miki Booth - "Birther Princess" Miyuki Booth / The Apocalyptic "Tidal Wave of Truth" Any Day Now! / (and Cinnamon)

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 2:11 pm
by pipistrelle
Phoenix520 wrote: Sat Dec 11, 2021 2:01 pm Hateful bitch.
I knew free-range chicken owners who put them in a big shelter when a fox was spotted in the area. No foxes had to be harmed. Just deprived of an easy meal.

Re: Miki Booth - "Birther Princess" Miyuki Booth / The Apocalyptic "Tidal Wave of Truth" Any Day Now! / (and Cinnamon)

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 2:22 pm
by Phoenix520
Do they not have trees on their farm? My suburban chickens knew instinctively to run under a tree when that ominous shadow rolled over them.
Hawks wont dive through a tree.

Re: Miki Booth - "Birther Princess" Miyuki Booth / The Apocalyptic "Tidal Wave of Truth" Any Day Now! / (and Cinnamon)

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 2:56 pm
by Azastan
Phoenix520 wrote: Sat Dec 11, 2021 2:22 pm
Hawks wont dive through a tree.
Cooper's Hawks and Sharp-shinned Hawks are actually extremely good at passing through trees, and do so routinely.

Re: Miki Booth - "Birther Princess" Miyuki Booth / The Apocalyptic "Tidal Wave of Truth" Any Day Now! / (and Cinnamon)

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 3:34 pm
by RTH10260
Who should scold the critters - it's Christmas time - a bird belongs on the table :twisted:

Re: Miki Booth - "Birther Princess" Miyuki Booth / The Apocalyptic "Tidal Wave of Truth" Any Day Now! / (and Cinnamon)

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 4:22 pm
by Suranis
Cant comment on the hawks, but if a Fox got in her Coop is crap.

And her Dog has probably been barking at Foxes sniffing about.

Re: Miki Booth - "Birther Princess" Miyuki Booth / The Apocalyptic "Tidal Wave of Truth" Any Day Now! / (and Cinnamon)

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 4:29 pm
by Baidn
I'm in the camp of the whole "Lets go Brandon" thing being really pathetic and cowardly. Just say "fuck Joe Biden" if that's what you mean instead of pretending not to like some middle school child who's scared they'll get popped in the mouth. Not to mention the origin story of them just shitting on some racers moment makes it seem like their all just pointlessly assholes. But I guess that sums up the modern right: uncreative, cowardly, assholes

Re: Miki Booth - "Birther Princess" Miyuki Booth / The Apocalyptic "Tidal Wave of Truth" Any Day Now! / (and Cinnamon)

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 4:34 pm
by Suranis
Baidn wrote: Sat Dec 11, 2021 4:29 pm I'm in the camp of the whole "Lets go Brandon" thing being really pathetic and cowardly. Just say "fuck Joe Biden" if that's what you mean instead of pretending not to like some middle school child who's scared they'll get popped in the mouth. Not to mention the origin story of them just shitting on some racers moment makes it seem like their all just pointlessly assholes. But I guess that sums up the modern right: uncreative, cowardly, assholes
Oh ya, It's basically on the level as sneering at Obama saying "47 states" for 8 fucking years. It's only annoying becasue its so fucking dumb, not because anyone is offended by it. Its only "funny" if you hate President Biden and need a way to keep sticking nails in that wound.

Basically, even if you are indifferent to President Biden its on the "ok, enough already" level. Of O see it on facebook I just say "That's President Brandon to you, son," which seems to stop them responding till I see it again.

Re: Miki Booth - "Birther Princess" Miyuki Booth / The Apocalyptic "Tidal Wave of Truth" Any Day Now! / (and Cinnamon)

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2021 3:04 pm
by bob
So Rondeau published this weird screed by Fredrick. It isn't worth summarizing, other than to say he sure owned them libs! :roll:

Miki Booth wrote:The profanity-prone leftist, here unnamed, is no doubt a long aggrieved obamabot that just can’t accept that we knew all along the truth about the Manchurian candidate, barry soetoro. He is obsessed with trolling and hounding you to pay homage to him. Who better to attack than someone who has documented every fraud, exposed every lie and knows barry better than any “birther” of record. This obama operative is so out of touch with reality he cannot see what is so obvious to us – his need for validation. Unfortunately he cannot hear everyone laughing at his pathetic need to brag about his material (or immaterial) possessions. Poor silly fools these obots are but they are entertaining, always good for a laugh.
Oh, the irony.

Re: Miki Booth - "Birther Princess" Miyuki Booth / The Apocalyptic "Tidal Wave of Truth" Any Day Now! / (and Cinnamon)

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 2:25 am
by Luke
Oh nooooooo! How did this happen? We missed Miki Booth's birfday! As Taitz might say, heads are to be rolling. Realist and Foggy, expecting a report on our desks first thing in the morning.

Mik Bday.JPG
Mik Bday.JPG (106.7 KiB) Viewed 5570 times

BONUS: Have you wondered who could be stupid enough to pay $74.99 for the children's book "Our Journey Together"? Look no further! It's not clear if this is the autographed version (which is probably autopen), Miki's just looks like printing on the box. Check the comments, her friends are so excited, green with envy and say it's the best gift ever. Miki says she won't be able to get anything done (because it'll take her days to read the captions? :lol: )

Sadly, Fogbow's GiveSendGo to raise funds to get Foggy this treasure he could pass down for generations came up short. Maybe Miki would lend him her copy after she and Fred have read it? Think she'd be open to that if I asked on Facebook?

Miki Book.JPG
Miki Book.JPG (80.97 KiB) Viewed 5570 times

Miki Books 2.JPG
Miki Books 2.JPG (48.35 KiB) Viewed 5570 times

Miki Book 3.JPG
Miki Book 3.JPG (57.61 KiB) Viewed 5570 times

Re: Miki Booth - "Birther Princess" Miyuki Booth / The Apocalyptic "Tidal Wave of Truth" Any Day Now! / (and Cinnamon)

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 2:28 am
by Luke
In case you were thinking the tiny republic of Birfestan dried up and blew away... absolutely not! Miki says the Arpaio investigation is NOT over. So Obots, keep those GO BAGS ready. it could happen at any moment! While that darn Facebook took down the Arpaio press conference video from 2015 some dead-enders were passing off as new material, the Birfer Princess is still saying Au Contraire.

Miki Joe.JPG
Miki Joe.JPG (80.69 KiB) Viewed 5569 times

Miki Joe 2.JPG
Miki Joe 2.JPG (66.79 KiB) Viewed 5569 times

Miki Joe 3.JPG
Miki Joe 3.JPG (64.44 KiB) Viewed 5569 times

BONUS for Azastan!! :dance: But no, we are NOT getting you the apron although Miki says she has some still in stock, $37.00 + shipping.

Miki Horse.JPG
Miki Horse.JPG (83.67 KiB) Viewed 5569 times

Re: Miki Booth - "Birther Princess" Miyuki Booth / The Apocalyptic "Tidal Wave of Truth" Any Day Now! / (and Cinnamon)

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 4:52 am
by notorial dissent
Not a flattering picture of Miki, shows too much of the true inner her. Sour, bitter, and seriously unhappy.

Re: Miki Booth - "Birther Princess" Miyuki Booth / The Apocalyptic "Tidal Wave of Truth" Any Day Now! / (and Cinnamon)

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 8:24 am
by Suranis
So, whats the point of that? So people wont notice the indent for a while, then they suddenly see it and be "triggered?"

Its must be a sad life if all you have is Imagining you are making other people mad.

Re: Miki Booth - "Birther Princess" Miyuki Booth / The Apocalyptic "Tidal Wave of Truth" Any Day Now! / (and Cinnamon)

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 1:33 pm
by bob
Sheriffs oversee elections? :confuzzled:

But I lurve how, as 2021 is drawing to a close, she refers to the repeached Florida Man as the "president-elect." :towel:

Re: Miki Booth - "Birther Princess" Miyuki Booth / The Apocalyptic "Tidal Wave of Truth" Any Day Now! / (and Cinnamon)

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 2:26 pm
by notorial dissent
What a dreary, unhappy, sour, bitter life she must lead if this is what brings her joy.

Re: Miki Booth - "Birther Princess" Miyuki Booth / The Apocalyptic "Tidal Wave of Truth" Any Day Now! / (and Cinnamon)

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 5:27 pm
by sad-cafe
I received a yahama apartment electronic piano. Much better than an ugly book

Re: Miki Booth - "Birther Princess" Miyuki Booth / The Apocalyptic "Tidal Wave of Truth" Any Day Now! / (and Cinnamon)

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 5:36 pm
by northland10
sad-cafe wrote: Sun Dec 26, 2021 5:27 pm I received a yahama apartment electronic piano. Much better than an ugly book
Now the musician in me has to ask out of curiosity (it's sort of like the phones and tech stuff topic). What model? Feel free not to answer if you don't want to.

Re: Miki Booth - "Birther Princess" Miyuki Booth / The Apocalyptic "Tidal Wave of Truth" Any Day Now! / (and Cinnamon)

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 5:37 pm
by pipistrelle
northland10 wrote: Sun Dec 26, 2021 5:36 pm
sad-cafe wrote: Sun Dec 26, 2021 5:27 pm I received a yahama apartment electronic piano. Much better than an ugly book
Now the musician in me has to ask out of curiosity (it's sort of like the phones and tech stuff topic). What model? Feel free not to answer if you don't want to.
Me too. I’d like to know.