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Laura Elizabeth Loomer - 2X Loser #FL11 #FL21

Posted: Tue May 02, 2023 6:14 pm
by SuzieC
"Litigation Disaster Turducken" made me LMAO.

Laura Elizabeth Loomer - 2X Loser #FL11 #FL21

Posted: Tue May 02, 2023 6:58 pm
by bob
orlylicious wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 6:06 pmTotal loser Ron Coleman, when moving to Harmeet Dillon's law firm, blew a deadline and a default judgment was entered against Loomer IIRC.
Not quite.

"For completeness," Loomer sued CAIR cuz she was baned from the social medias. (CAIR actually had nothing to do with the baning; CAIR's alleged involvement was just a prank.) IIRC, Loomer at this point was represented by Coleman. CAIR moved to dismiss, which was granted.

Loomer appealed, and, IIRC, was represented by Klayman on appeal. The 11th affirmed the dismissal and ordered Loomer to pay CAIR's attorney's fees; the 11th sent the case back to the district court to handle that.

Once back in the district court, Coleman represented Loomer. CAIR moved for its fees, and Coleman blew that off. (There was a second, ill-advised trip to the 11th around here.) So the district court ordered Loomer to pay CAIR's requested fees.

The 11th Cir. then affirmed the attorney's fees; again, IIRC, Klayman represented Loomer on this appeal as well.

So now CAIR is in the district court, trying to collect.

The district court isn't going to bite on Klayman's games. Klayman's attempt to interplead Coleman will be laughed out of court. And it shouldn't meaningfully delay CAIR from its collection efforts.

Once this interpleader effort fails, I would be surprised if Loomer actually files a separate malpractice suit against Coleman. In light of the 11th's latest affirming the attorney's fees awarded, it is unlikely Loomer will be able to convince anyone that she would owe CAIR less if Coleman hadn't blown her off.

To recap: Because of someone else's joke, Loomer sued CAIR, and the case has been to the 11th three times.

Laura Elizabeth Loomer - 2X Loser #FL11 #FL21

Posted: Tue May 02, 2023 7:07 pm
by Foggy
So if'n I am following along (always a weak spot for me), it looks like Klayman was responsible for Loomer being ordered to pay attorney's fees - for the first appeal - and Coleman was maybe responsible for increasing the amount of attorney's fees she was ordered to pay, because he didn't object to the amount requested by CAIR in time.

But if Klayman is angry that she was ordered to pay attorney's fees in the first place, he needs to look in the mirror. Again.

Is that right? :confuzzled:

Jeazess H. Kreist, if I was GIL Klayman, I'd be sick to death of lookin' in the mirror.

Is Loomer rich? Can she actually pay the attorney's fees? :confuzzled:

Laura Elizabeth Loomer - 2X Loser #FL11 #FL21

Posted: Tue May 02, 2023 7:43 pm
by bob
Foggy wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 7:07 pm So if'n I am following along (always a weak spot for me), it looks like Klayman was responsible for Loomer being ordered to pay attorney's fees - for the first appeal - and Coleman was maybe responsible for increasing the amount of attorney's fees she was ordered to pay, because he didn't object to the amount requested by CAIR in time.
A fair point: Loomer wouldn't be in this position if she (1) had never sued CAIR, or (2) never appealed her dismissal. (Gentle readers may recall CAIR had offered to settle the case for $1, but Loomer refused.)

But I doubt Coleman will go for an Inception-level of malpractice.

Is Loomer rich? Can she actually pay the attorney's fees?
Is Loomer rich? Doubtful. Does she control committees, PACs, etc., with money to burn? Shirley.

And good luck piercing that corporate veil.

Laura Elizabeth Loomer - 2X Loser #FL11 #FL21

Posted: Tue May 02, 2023 8:30 pm
by Luke
Thank you thank you Bob, I noted your post in a Twitter reply. It was a long, tortured path on this one. Pay up, Laura Elizabeth.

Laura Elizabeth Loomer - 2X Loser #FL11 #FL21

Posted: Tue May 02, 2023 9:31 pm
by northland10
For completeness, or for those who don' want to scroll back and find if someone posted this previously.

The opinion on appeal #3 ... 5.82.0.pdf

One thing I noticed was that, even though they did not respond in the 14 days, the 11th felt that the Magistrate Judge gave it a full review even though they could have defaulted. In short, the district court did make the lack of a response a default, and the 11th Circuit agreed with the district's fee decisions. It sure makes it sound like the lack of a response did not really impact the final decision.

The magistrate may have tried to be helpful since the previous local attorney (who filed everything) withdrew shortly after the 11th tossed appeal number one. This left no local counsel to file an objection until a new one made an appearance after the 14-day window. I am having trouble seeing how the PHV attorney, whether reputable or not is really responsible for her getting whacked with fees. (though if he chose to represent Loomer PHV, I would suspect he is not all that reputable). His lack of response does not appear to have made a difference.

I had forgotten that this was the case where Klayman filed an appeal to the magistrate's recommendation, before any final order, causing the 11th to kick it back.

Here be the docket. ... orida-inc/

For ease of finding, here is the most recent motion by Klayman/Loomer ... 5.89.0.pdf
Plaintiffs are not trying to flout any court process
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Laura Elizabeth Loomer - 2X Loser #FL11 #FL21

Posted: Mon May 08, 2023 3:53 pm
by bob
Daily Beast: Laura Loomer Sics Current Lawyer on Former Lawyer:

The far-right activist lost her lawsuit against a Muslim civil rights group. She wants her former lawyer to pay up.

Far-right activist Laura Loomer owes a pair of Muslim advocacy organizations nearly $125,000 in legal fees. But rather than pay up herself, she’s accusing her former lawyer of malpractice and demanding that he pay instead.

* * *

Coleman, who previously represented Loomer in the lawsuit, attributed the filing to Klayman’s penchant for making headlines.

“Laura filed a lawsuit that she very much wanted to file,” Coleman told The Daily Beast. “I think it was a difficult claim, and I think it was, frankly, wrongly decided. She had a meritorious claim. But she’s not happy with how it worked out....”

Loomer did not return The Daily Beast’s request for comment. (She announced Tuesday on Telegram that she wouldn’t speak to media this week, because she hasn’t been feeling well lately.) Reached for comment, Klayman declined to comment on the filing.

“I’m not commenting on that and I’m just putting you on notice that your disgusting, leftist hack paper will be sued if you defame [Loomer] or me,” Klayman told The Daily Beast. “You can quote me on that, goodbye, and you will be sued personally.”
Given Klayman's track record with defamation lawsuits, shirley the bullets are sweating.

The judge in the case appears unconvinced by Loomer’s efforts to delay the case while she accuses Coleman of malpractice. In a Wednesday order, the judge stated that Loomer’s “malpractice allegations against their counsel are irrelevant” to her legal obligations to CAIR.

If Loomer’s team continues to drag its feet past May 15, they will need to explain why the judge shouldn’t impose a civil contempt charge, the judge continued.

Coleman said he blames Klayman, not Loomer, for the filing.

“I think he’s using [this case] as a vehicle to stay relevant and give the appearance of someone who is still entrusted with legal work as part of the conservative movement,” Coleman said. “But I certainly hope it doesn’t reach the point where she authorizes him to file what would most certainly be a meritless claim against me or anyone I work with.”

Laura Elizabeth Loomer - 2X Loser #FL11 #FL21

Posted: Tue May 09, 2023 7:48 pm
by raison de arizona
Oh hey, look who follows Loomer. Well, I mean, besides me. But that's Different.
Laura Loomer @LauraLoomer wrote: I am in Washington DC reporting on the secret election summit hosted by CEIR, which is funded by Mark Zuckerberg!

I just confronted Election Officials from Maricopa County, Arizona and Georgia and asked them why they are attending this HYPER PARTISAN, Soros tied and Zuckerberg…
Laura Loomer @LauraLoomer wrote: NEW VIDEO:

National Elections Officials Gathering For Secret Zuckerberg Funded, Soros Tied US Election Summit At 'International Spy Museum'
Elon Musk @elonmusk wrote: Strange that election officials from pivotal regions attended a far left conference when they’re supposed to be impartial
It doesn't look like it shows it on Fogbow, but on Twitter between Loomer and Musk is a community note :lol:
Readers added context they thought people might want to know
This meeting is being broadcast on CSPAN and this is not a “secret election summit”.…

Laura Elizabeth Loomer - 2X Loser #FL11 #FL21

Posted: Thu May 25, 2023 8:05 pm
by bob
The latest in Loomer v. CAIR:

The judge ordered Loomer, etc., to cough up some information about their financials, so CAIR can decide what to seize and garnish. (The judge DGAF about Loomer's desire to sue Coleman for malpractice.)

Loomer, etc., predictably, didn't. So the court ordered compliance.

Klayman then filed a notice of compliance.

Unsurprisingly, CAIR filed an objection, noting Loomer's continued yanking everyone's chain.

So, Klayman being Klayman, files an interim response, which, among things, threatens to seek sanctions against CAIR.


Laura Elizabeth Loomer - 2X Loser #FL11 #FL21

Posted: Thu May 25, 2023 8:19 pm
by Sequoia32
Thanks so much Bob.

Laura Elizabeth Loomer - 2X Loser #FL11 #FL21

Posted: Fri May 26, 2023 12:57 am
by northland10
bob wrote: Thu May 25, 2023 8:05 pm So, Klayman being Klayman, files an interim response, which, among things, threatens to seek sanctions against CAIR.

In the morning, Klayman gets up, shits, showers, shaves, and files for sanctions. When he is feeling especially peppy, he moves for a recusal, and on few rare occasions, against a judge not named Colleen Kollar-Kotelly.

Laura Elizabeth Loomer - 2X Loser #FL11 #FL21

Posted: Fri May 26, 2023 11:16 pm
by Luke
Pedro L. Gonzalez @emeriticus 51m
One day after Laura Loomer said she drove 10 hours in the service of Trump, Trump decided he wouldn’t endorse her if she decides to challenge Daniel Webster (again). This is actually illustrative of what loyalty to Trump gets you: constant disappoint.

Loomer Ron.jpg
Loomer Ron.jpg (119.04 KiB) Viewed 842 times

Loomer Ron 2.JPG
Loomer Ron 2.JPG (54.9 KiB) Viewed 842 times

Laura Elizabeth Loomer - 2X Loser #FL11 #FL21

Posted: Sat May 27, 2023 3:22 pm
by pipistrelle
Mindless loyalty isn't the virtue she thinks it is.

Laura Elizabeth Loomer - 2X Loser #FL11 #FL21

Posted: Sun May 28, 2023 11:19 am
by bob

Methinks Loomer might not run for an office in 2024 (as a Republican).

Laura Elizabeth Loomer - 2X Loser #FL11 #FL21

Posted: Sun May 28, 2023 12:20 pm
by pipistrelle
Well, good to know only a non-working ignoramus fascist knows what’s good and true.

Laura Elizabeth Loomer - 2X Loser #FL11 #FL21

Posted: Sun May 28, 2023 12:34 pm
by northland10
I am trying to figure the difference between McCarthy/McConnell and Loomer. Oh yeah, they were able to get elected, multiple times.

The whining bully caucus is mad because parts of the GOP sometimes remember they still have to govern.

Laura Elizabeth Loomer - 2X Loser #FL11 #FL21

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 8:08 pm
by bob


Laura Elizabeth Loomer - 2X Loser #FL11 #FL21

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 8:14 pm
by Frater I*I
bob wrote: Wed May 31, 2023 8:08 pm
Who does Zee Furher endorse in this edition of Thunderdome....? :think:

Laura Elizabeth Loomer - 2X Loser #FL11 #FL21

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 8:28 pm
by Dave from down under
Do it Looner, MTG and you deserve each other.

Laura Elizabeth Loomer - 2X Loser #FL11 #FL21

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 10:07 pm
by sad-cafe
oh that would be fun

Laura Elizabeth Loomer - 2X Loser #FL11 #FL21

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 10:13 pm
by RVInit
Put them into the Thunderdome NOW! I have popcorn in the pantry.

Laura Elizabeth Loomer - 2X Loser #FL11 #FL21

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 10:19 pm
by Frater I*I
RVInit wrote: Wed May 31, 2023 10:13 pm Put them into the Thunderdome NOW! I have popcorn in the pantry.



Laura Elizabeth Loomer - 2X Loser #FL11 #FL21

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 10:21 pm
by RVInit
Frater I*I wrote: Wed May 31, 2023 10:19 pm
RVInit wrote: Wed May 31, 2023 10:13 pm Put them into the Thunderdome NOW! I have popcorn in the pantry.


I like the way you think.

Laura Elizabeth Loomer - 2X Loser #FL11 #FL21

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 10:47 pm
by Luke
Do it Laura Elizabeth, do it. Unless you're chicken.

Posted in the WAR topic but cross-posting the link: Laura Elizabeth is in this Rolling Stone story about the Babylon Bee WAR between T**** & DeSantis supporters. The WAR topic has the background in real time that night (it was hilarious).
Inside Trump and DeSantis’ Ugly Feud Over The Babylon Bee
The former president has an extremely online army, but sources tell Rolling Stone that Team DeSantis has tried to peel off influencers, offering access and (in one case) a job ... 234745140/

Laura Elizabeth Loomer - 2X Loser #FL11 #FL21

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 11:53 pm
by neonzx
RVInit wrote: Wed May 31, 2023 10:13 pm Put them into the Thunderdome NOW! I have popcorn in the pantry.
Unfortunately, we don't have Tina Turner around to kick their asses.