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Re: trump (the former guy)

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 12:10 am
by raison de arizona

Re: trump (the former guy)

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 12:34 am
by noblepa
Ron Filipkowski wrote: He’s prepared to release his plan in two weeks.
Along with his health care plan and Infrastructure Week.

Re: trump (the former guy)

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 1:24 am
by Dave from down under
raison de arizona wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 12:10 am
He first must get permission from his master..

But Putin is busy.. so Donnie will just need to wait in line..

Re: trump (the former guy)

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 8:41 am
by Foggy
The only good thing about the invasion of Ukraine is that TRUMP CAN NOT CRITICIZE PUTIN.

He's stuck.

Every other right-wing piehole in this great land of ours can pivot and turn against Russia and Putin, even if it's tough to find a way to have it make sense considering their previous statements. That's what's happening at CPAC.

The whole world is uniting against Putin. Singing songs, sending food.

But not Trump. He can't criticize Putin NO MATTER WHAT.

One trajectory this could take is, the Ukraine keeps standing, Putin keeps attacking with more and more lives lost, and America unites against Putin the way we united against bin Laden after 9/11. The whole country, enraged at the madman in Moscow.

But not Trump. Trump has to keep saying nice things about Putin and Russia. No matter if he's the only voice in America on Putin's side, he is ABSOLUTELY UNABLE TO CRITICIZE PUTIN, because of whatever Putin has on him.

So that's nice. 8-)

Re: trump (the former guy)

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 3:50 pm
by Gregg
The pee tape is either real, or they have something that's even worse.

Re: trump (the former guy)

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 4:01 pm
by Foggy
At this point I think it has to be worse.

If it's a pee tape, he'd survive it. He survived "grab 'em by the pussy". He'd survive the pee tape. Would be fun, though.

Whatever it really is, it's increasingly obvious that Trump doesn't think he can survive it.

Which puts him in a hell of a hellhole.

And Putin obviously still thinks he's useful because he hasn't released it.

At this point, I think it's probably something like ironclad proof that Trump knew he was laundering tens of millions of dollars for the Russians. Or maybe it's just the ability to call in a lot of loans that Trump can't possibly pay, forcing him into instant bankruptcy.

But the important thing is, whatever it is, Trump thinks it will destroy him. Which is the best kind of blackmail you can have.

So naturally, I'd like to find out what it is later this afternoon, what about y'all? :batting:

Re: trump (the former guy)

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 4:30 pm
by Frater I*I
Foggy wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 4:01 pm :snippity:
At this point, I think it's probably something like ironclad proof that Trump knew he was laundering tens of millions of dollars for the Russians. Or maybe it's just the ability to call in a lot of loans that Trump can't possibly pay, forcing him into instant bankruptcy.

D: All of the above....

Re: trump (the former guy)

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 4:33 pm
by bob
The bird site keep repeating that the Russians laundered millions by "renting" his properties (that then remained vacant).

But a small minority insist the Russians also were using his condo for birth tourism, i.e., a rich Russian woman would give birth in one of his condos for the birthright U.S. citizenship for the child (presumably to then initiate chain migration).

The laundering I've heard before; the birth-tourism allegations (as they apply specifically to him and his properties) is new to me.

Re: trump (the former guy)

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 4:54 pm
by Foggy
Yeah, but birth tourism smacks me as being totally deniable. They paid me to rent the place, do you know everything your renters are doing in the apartments you rent? But who knows, maybe there are tapes. I think he can just claim tapes are capable of being faked, which is true. I don't know that even tapes are enough proof to get the evangelicals not to vote for him.

Having read a lot of spy novels, here's a possible scenario. Trump is in Moscow for the Miss America or whatever it was that he bought, one year it was actually in Moscow. A Russian businessman who speaks perfect English and claims to be a friend of Putin makes his acquaintance. He starts talking about the girls Trump can hire in Moscow. Any kind of girls, anything you want. You want to beat up a girl for once? They don't let you beat up girls in America, you could go to jail, but I can set you up with a girl who LIKES being beat up. 'Course, it's going to cost you a little extra, and you can't break any bones, but ...

I know this is sick and degrading, but what else has Trump ever been in his life but sick and degrading toward women? Ever hear his shows with Howard Stern, back in the day? In spycraft, this is called a honey trap. It works better if they charge a ton for the girl, makes the mark think it's really a valuable deal. If he pays $10,000 he's getting a lot more for his money than if he pays only $5,000 but doesn't get to do any violence. And he isn't allowed to actually injure the girl. They just need video of him hitting a naked woman over and over. Do you think THAT might destroy him, if it was ever released to the American public? I think that really might do it. That or something similar, I have a good terrifying imagination.

Honestly, I think it's our patriotic duty to speculate without any evidence whatsoever. It's Trump, after all.

Re: trump (the former guy)

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 4:56 pm
by noblepa
Foggy wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 4:01 pm At this point I think it has to be worse.

If it's a pee tape, he'd survive it. He survived "grab 'em by the pussy". He'd survive the pee tape. Would be fun, though.

Whatever it really is, it's increasingly obvious that Trump doesn't think he can survive it.

Which puts him in a hell of a hellhole.

And Putin obviously still thinks he's useful because he hasn't released it.

At this point, I think it's probably something like ironclad proof that Trump knew he was laundering tens of millions of dollars for the Russians. Or maybe it's just the ability to call in a lot of loans that Trump can't possibly pay, forcing him into instant bankruptcy.

But the important thing is, whatever it is, Trump thinks it will destroy him. Which is the best kind of blackmail you can have.

So naturally, I'd like to find out what it is later this afternoon, what about y'all? :batting:
Its got to be more than something that is simply embarrassing. He and his cult followers have no shame. Any moral indiscretion can be explained away or simply ignored.

No, I think it is something that would land him in jail. Perhaps money laundering. Perhaps something even more serious, but I prefer not to speculate too much.

Re: trump (the former guy)

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 5:12 pm
by roadscholar
kom·pro·mat | ˌkämprəˈmät |


Compromising information collected for use in blackmailing, discrediting, or manipulating someone, typically for political purposes.

Re: trump (the former guy)

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 6:21 pm
by Dave from down under
Putin will also have the Helsinki tapes…

What the bet that there is enough on them to have Donnie arrested anywhere other than in Russia.

Re: trump (the former guy)

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 6:42 pm
by neeneko
I really do not think trump needs putin to have anything on him. I think trump simply admires putin and does not have much of a filter.

Re: trump (the former guy)

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 6:45 pm
by Foggy
Well neeneko, I certainly hope to someday find out which of us is right. But I think the pressure might really mount on Trump to say something negative about Putin in the very near future, and if the pressure really ratchets up, that will tell us something right there.

Re: trump (the former guy)

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 6:46 pm
by Dave from down under
neeneko wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 6:42 pm I really do not think trump needs putin to have anything on him. I think trump simply admires putin and does not have much of a filter.
There is that…

Re: trump (the former guy)

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 7:18 pm
by Uninformed
I think Putin has a photo of the DFO getting up in the morning before his hair wranglers spray glue the remnants of the dead ferret on his head.

Re: trump (the former guy)

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 7:56 pm
by Kriselda Gray
bob wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 4:33 pm The bird site keep repeating that the Russians laundered millions by "renting" his properties (that then remained vacant).

But a small minority insist the Russians also were using his condo for birth tourism, i.e., a rich Russian woman would give birth in one of his condos for the birthright U.S. citizenship for the child (presumably to then initiate chain migration).

The laundering I've heard before; the birth-tourism allegations (as they apply specifically to him and his properties) is new to me.
The birth-tourism allegation has been around at least a couple of years. I remember reading an article about it quite a while ago, while trump was still in office.

Re: trump (the former guy)

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 9:31 pm
by noblepa
Foggy wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 6:45 pm Well neeneko, I certainly hope to someday find out which of us is right. But I think the pressure might really mount on Trump to say something negative about Putin in the very near future, and if the pressure really ratchets up, that will tell us something right there.
As far as I can tell, and please correct me if I'm wrong, but Putin is the only person in the world, with the possible exception of Ivanka, about whom TFG has never said an unkind or critical word.

He has insulted or created a demeaning knickname for every Democratic politician, every world leader (except Vlad), virtually every Republican politician and just about every newscaster and news organization.

Re: trump (the former guy)

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 9:41 pm
by Suranis
I don't think he has said bad things about China's Xi or North Korea's Kim either.

Trump sucks up and punches down. He will try and be the best buddy of people he perceives as higher up on the Alpha Male chain as he thinks that makes him an alpha male. When he went to Moscow for the Miss Universe Pagent he was telling everyone Putin was his friend and would be turning up for the Pagent. Putin never bothered but even back then he was desperate for Putin's approval.

Mind you he was lathering saliva on and sucking the ass of any Russia strongman oligarch within view as well. He was painfully desperate to be part if their club.

This 2017 guardian article on all the shenanigans around that pageant is an interesting read. ... se-in-2013

Re: trump (the former guy)

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 9:49 pm
by raison de arizona
Kim was "rocket man" when tfg was perturbed. Trying to remember something for Xi though.

Oh, hey. So this is a thing: List of nicknames used by Donald Trump

Re: trump (the former guy)

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 10:07 pm
by Suranis
Ok I forgot about Rocket man, but ya ne never insulted Xi personally. Instead he boasted about their amazing rapore rapport and how they shared a beautiful piece of chocklate cake.

And here's 15 times Trump praised China and Xi while Covid was spreading. ... rus-188736

Re: trump (the former guy)

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2022 5:48 am
by RVInit
neeneko wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 6:42 pm I really do not think trump needs putin to have anything on him. I think trump simply admires putin and does not have much of a filter.
I think the same thing. The OSG has an insatiable need for approval. This is what makes anyone like Trump so completely unfit and what made him so dangerous as POTUS. Compliments are cheap and Putin had to do nothing else but feed Trump's endless need for praise. Every photo of the two of them together betrays Putin's delight that the USA actually had a POTUS that could be lead around by the nose with no effort whatsoever, just toss a compliment on the floor for the pooch to lap up every now and then.

Re: trump (the former guy)

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2022 7:55 am
by neonzx

Re: trump (the former guy)

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2022 2:26 pm
by Gregg
Foggy wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 4:01 pm At this point I think it has to be worse.

If it's a pee tape, he'd survive it. He survived "grab 'em by the pussy". He'd survive the pee tape. Would be fun, though.

Whatever it really is, it's increasingly obvious that Trump doesn't think he can survive it.

Which puts him in a hell of a hellhole.

And Putin obviously still thinks he's useful because he hasn't released it.

At this point, I think it's probably something like ironclad proof that Trump knew he was laundering tens of millions of dollars for the Russians. Or maybe it's just the ability to call in a lot of loans that Trump can't possibly pay, forcing him into instant bankruptcy.

But the important thing is, whatever it is, Trump thinks it will destroy him. Which is the best kind of blackmail you can have.

So naturally, I'd like to find out what it is later this afternoon, what about y'all? :batting:


I'm free tonight.

Re: trump (the former guy)

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2022 5:18 pm
by Volkonski