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Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 2:23 pm
by johnpcapitalist
KickahaOta wrote: Wed Aug 18, 2021 1:39 pm Every once in a while you see a story that just stands up and screams "This will definitely not end well, and you should immediately post this to Fogbow."

Benjamin Glynn, a British national, decided to try a classic 'I am a sovereign citizen, you have no jurisdiction' defense in criminal court.

In Singapore.

Come for the shenanigans, stay for the links to similar sovcit Singaporean silliness.
Given Singapore's reputation for ruthless paternalism and nothing remotely resembling a governmental sense of humor (c.f.: "Disneyland with the Death Penalty"), I'm surprised he only got six weeks. I would have figured 6 weeks for the mask violation and ten years for the SovCit nonsense.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 2:47 pm
by Cyrus Breckenridge
bill_g wrote: Wed Aug 18, 2021 8:58 am Wonderful. Special Ed's greatest hits compiled into one convenient video. Better to not watch it by.

I honestly can only take a few moments ... moments, not minutes ... of people like this before I have to turn it off. How anyone can go through twenty minutes of this asshole is beyond me.
He sounds in really, really bad shape. Appeared to get breathless just talking.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 5:48 pm
by Dave from down under
I hope both of his fellow crazies also get charged.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 5:51 pm
by Suranis
Dave from down under wrote: Wed Aug 18, 2021 5:48 pm I hope both of his fellow crazies also get charged.
Oh they did. I've read the husband is currently inside a jail for exercising his freedoms and going the wrong way down a road, killing a man with a head on collision.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 8:04 pm
by keith
Cyrus Breckenridge wrote: Wed Aug 18, 2021 2:47 pm
bill_g wrote: Wed Aug 18, 2021 8:58 am Wonderful. Special Ed's greatest hits compiled into one convenient video. Better to not watch it by.

I honestly can only take a few moments ... moments, not minutes ... of people like this before I have to turn it off. How anyone can go through twenty minutes of this asshole is beyond me.
He sounds in really, really bad shape. Appeared to get breathless just talking.
I was sorta fantasizing that the judge would interrupt him and tell him that he had to move on to the next case, so he'd have to finish his statement tommorrow. The guard will show you to your accommodation and I'll schedule another 30 minutes for you. And we'll keep going like that till you haved finished. "Bang" Next case.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 10:30 pm
by scirreeve
Thanks Kicka. This caught my attention.
Glynn's hearings have been peppered by drama on the sidelines - first, a man claiming to be his lawyer was initially turned away at his charging for inappropriate attire.

The same man later said he did not have a licence to practise but was an "ambassador at large and advocate of Kingdom Filipina Hacienda".
I had never heard of these nutters from The Philippines before - there are sovcits everywhere.
Here is their FB.

They have a Queen too. Her name is Queen Salvacion Legaspi.
Capture.JPG (57.34 KiB) Viewed 1773 times
Their website is here,

I wonder if the Pretend Queen of The Philippines and the Pretend Queen of Canada know each other.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2021 4:23 am
by Dave from down under ... lynn-trial

SINGAPORE - A woman was detained after shouting in court during the trial of Benjamin Glynn on Wednesday morning (Aug 18).

The judge had told the woman, whose mask had broken, to leave the court.

But she refused to comply and started shouting "kangaroo court" several times.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2021 4:26 am
by Dave from down under ... 021-08-18/

SINGAPORE, Aug 19 (Reuters) - A British man jailed in Singapore for breaking coronavirus protocols by refusing to wear a face mask was released on Thursday and will be deported, the country's prison department said.

Benjamin Glynn, 40, was convicted on Wednesday and sentenced to six weeks in jail but was released due to time served while remanded in detention, which included two weeks in a mental health institution, the Singapore Prison Service (SPS) said.

Glynn was found guilty on four charges over his failure to wear a mask on a train in May and at a subsequent court appearance in July, as well as causing a public nuisance and using threatening words towards public servants.

In a statement seen by Reuters, SPS said Glynn was being processed by Singapore's immigration authority, which would make arrangements for his deportation.

The judge had sent Glynn for psychiatric assessment due to his conduct and remarks made in court.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2021 4:29 am
by Dave from down under
I wish we could deport all our sovcits…

But that wouldn’t be fair on whoever we dumped them on..

We will just have to spend more on mental health care and all the other costs of our own nutz

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2021 4:50 am
by RTH10260
That guy in Singapore will never know how easy he got away, they still use caning as punishment there. :twisted:

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2021 8:20 am
by Foggy
I support the Singapore Solution!

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 4:09 pm
by Luke
Hooray for Scir! In addition to the Fogbow Socialist Hero of Labor medal, nominate Scir to have the tagline "Keeping America Safe From and Entertained By Poots™". :P

Scir's pal Bow Wow posted a clip of some guy and his family who wouldn't wear masks for his court appearance, and was recording which was against the rules. Of course, the guy turned into a major production. Thanks to Scir, now bookmarked and wrote the pretty cute yet crazy Bryan's name down to keep an eye on his posts. He has a Rumble channel too. (By the way, if you want to save a Rumble video, this site works great, you just paste in the URL:

Bryan Bowermaster
13 hrs
This is really sad that these public servants at the Ada County Courthouse still disobey the Lord and violate WE THE PEOPLE! We pray for you and your families. We pray you repent, for the Lord's hand is mighty and justice and vengeance are the Lord's and come in good time.
They violated Robert's rights to have a fair court appearance and they also attempted to take his personal property, blatantly violating his rights and willingly choosing to be in dereliction of their duties to serve WE THE PEOPLE.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 8:38 pm
by scirreeve
Thanks OL. Bryan is a total sovcit nutter but mixes in a LOT of Jesus with his sovcit nuttery. The guy in that video is named Robert Jones. He got arrested at one of Ammon's courthouse steps shenanigans. Don't remember the charges but likely obstructing an officer and/or trespassing. I tried to look it up but without the case number I failed. The name search thing is not efficient for the name Robert Jones.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 9:49 pm
by Dave from down under
How to teach your children to be a spoilt brat and a loser.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 1:04 pm
by KickahaOta
scirreeve wrote: Sat Aug 21, 2021 8:38 pm Thanks OL. Bryan is a total sovcit nutter but mixes in a LOT of Jesus with his sovcit nuttery. The guy in that video is named Robert Jones. He got arrested at one of Ammon's courthouse steps shenanigans. Don't remember the charges but likely obstructing an officer and/or trespassing. I tried to look it up but without the case number I failed. The name search thing is not efficient for the name Robert Jones.
When I chose a new legal name, one of my prime criteria was "Name must be highly unlikely to get me arrested on someone else's warrant."

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 5:16 pm
by Gregg
Is this they guy from Bob Jones University? :rotflmao:

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 1:09 am
by scirreeve
Evidently Robert has more than 1 case going on. He seims to be a regular at Ada County Court. I know I saw him get arrested at an Ammo thingy but sounds like he might have another case going on too. Anyway, he wants poots to bring gunz but leave them holstered at his next court thingy on Aug. 25. Don't know what that is about or which case it is. I'll spoiler the stupid video cuz no one (including me) cares.
► Show Spoiler

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 1:53 am
by Ben-Prime
Uninformed wrote: Tue Aug 17, 2021 4:52 pm “Citing Magna Carta” :bored:

“Anti-lockdown protesters 'seize' Edinburgh castle citing Magna Carta”: ... gna-carta/
I had missed this a few days ago, and then yesterday, taking advantage of the damp but otherwise mild weather to sit on my new London apartment's balcony and eat Sunday breakfast with my pot o'joe and my Sunday newspaper (the Sunday Times), I read a follow-up piece on it and almost spewed coffee over the railing onto any potential passersby. I live on a main road, and am the first balcony over a market (as in my balcony literally overhangs their handicapped access ramp), so I am sure that even though it was only 9:30am, I'd have hit *someone*.

But, seriously, that's how funny the editorial was. I'm about to head into the Embassy now for my day's labors, but if I can find an digital version of it, I will try to post from my phone on a break or something.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 2:03 am
by Dave from down under
This one? ... -73sglfd8z

No, lockdown sceptics, Magna Carta won’t save you
Protesters citing the much-misunderstood charter stormed Edinburgh Castle last week. They need to brush up on their history

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 4:30 pm
by Ben-Prime
Dave from down under wrote: Mon Aug 23, 2021 2:03 am This one? ... -73sglfd8z

No, lockdown sceptics, Magna Carta won’t save you
Protesters citing the much-misunderstood charter stormed Edinburgh Castle last week. They need to brush up on their history
That's the one, yes. I can't tell you exactly why I found it not just amusing but crossing the line into downright funny. I just did.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 5:12 pm
by Dave from down under
Some days you have to laugh rather than cry at the stupidity of humans.., sorry living souls… :shrug:

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 7:16 pm
by pipistrelle
Coincidentally I ordered this today. Eat your heart out, Ammo.
798C599F-EA98-424C-8BAD-2488A1C53D22.jpeg (75.67 KiB) Viewed 1318 times

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 8:18 pm
by roadscholar
SovCits latching onto the Magna Carta, the Articles of Confederation, the Uniform Commercial Code, the Bible (or, rather, a lousy interpretation thereof) and so on is an excellent illustration of the visceral appeal of one of the major Informal Fallacies: Ad Verecundiam (appeal to authority).

They desperately want to find some invincible, omnipotent authority to support their theories and trump everyone else's (sane) version of the established order... a foolproof shibboleth with which to bash the cops, banks, judges, property owners, and other unbelievers.

Heh. Good luck with that, kids. Say hi to Don Quixote for me. :roll:

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 1:49 am
by Ben-Prime
Dave from down under wrote: Mon Aug 23, 2021 5:12 pm Some days you have to laugh rather than cry at the stupidity of humans.., sorry living souls… :shrug:
I think I've figured out why it doesn't catch on *more*, actually.

I mean, who wants to come into a room at work saying "Greetings, fellow freeborn living souls on the land" every day? It simply does not roll trippingly off the tongue.

Whereas "Greetings, fellow humans" (or, when I'm a real kicky mood, "humanoid surface dwellers") has pep and zing. :)

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 2:05 am
by Dave from down under