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Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 10:04 am
by johnpcapitalist
qbawl wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 9:41 am Pardon my ignorance, but can anyone explain what would a 'forensic audit' as differentiated from a recount (total / hand) in the eyes of a sentient human being as opposed to one of these wackadoodles, consist of?
In the real world, a forensic audit is a type of audit used to uncover wrongdoing. Regular financial audits typically only check a statistical sample of transactions for validity. A forensic audit will go much deeper, checking a much higher percentage of transactions (sometimes, 100%), but because they're expensive, they're only done when there's a reason to do one.

Poots think that demanding a "full forensic audit" is a thing they can do. In particular, you may remember a poot scheme to tap the seekrit "Treasury Direct" accounts a few years back that spread wildly by Facebook. They basically used a US Treasury routing number and used their Social Security number as the bank account number to submit electronic check payments. A number of merchants would accept these as provisional payments, pending final clearing, including Amazon, car dealers and others. Unfortunately, so did utilities and mortgage companies.

Most notably, this is the scheme that Randy Bean and Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf used to pirate a Ford pickup and a $500,000 motor home using the proceeds from Beane's purchase of $30 million in treasury bonds using this trick. Of course, as soon as the payments were rejected, the feds came after them in a big way, with the inevitable result we remember.

One thing the poots did to try to forestall collection actions was to demand a "full forensic audit" of their account, on the theory that this was a super-power magic phrase that would somehow show that they were in fact entitled to the imaginary cash. Companies quickly learned to reply to anything demanding a forensic audit with a nastygram pointing out that the all-encompassing Customer Agreement did not give them the right to demand any such thing. Unfortunately for the suckers caught up in this delusion, that often delayed the resolution of the collection claims for another month, and in quite a few cases, triggered foreclosures, car reposessions or closures of credit card accounts, wreaking misery on the fools who demanded "forensic audits" without knowing what they were.

Of course, since "forensic audits" are only relevant to accounting records, which are audited using very different procedures from election materials, the request is a no-op. It goes without saying that they're just trying to start an Arizona-like farce in Michigan.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 10:17 am
by northland10
qbawl wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 9:41 am Pardon my ignorance, but can anyone explain what would a 'forensic audit' as differentiated from a recount (total / hand) in the eyes of a sentient human being as opposed to one of these wackadoodles, consist of?
Forensic Audit


Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 10:23 am
by qbawl
Thanks! I now appreciate the 'wisdom' of these requests.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 10:31 am
by TheNewSaint
I also think these amateur audits violate a lot of basic principles, like ensuring provenance. Really, the ballots from Arizona were taken to a cabin in Montana? Why? And by a bunch of less-than-objective observers? This process doesn't follow the most basic protections for data integrity. But that's the whole point, isn't it?

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 10:34 am
by RTH10260
qbawl wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 9:41 am Pardon my ignorance, but can anyone explain what would a 'forensic audit' as differentiated from a recount (total / hand) in the eyes of a sentient human being as opposed to one of these wackadoodles, consist of?
the search for bamboo in ballots ;)

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 10:37 am
by bill_g
qbawl wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 9:41 am Pardon my ignorance, but can anyone explain what would a 'forensic audit' as differentiated from a recount (total / hand) in the eyes of a sentient human being as opposed to one of these wackadoodles, consist of?
A forensic audit is tries to establish intent.

ETA: IRL. Who can actually say what poots mean. They tend to toss out establish definitions for their own.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 6:51 pm
by Gregg
qbawl wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 9:41 am Pardon my ignorance, but can anyone explain what would a 'forensic audit' as differentiated from a recount (total / hand) in the eyes of a sentient human being as opposed to one of these wackadoodles, consist of?
Better yet, can someone show a law, or code or statute or Article of a Constitution that defines 'Forensic Audit"? Fact is, they heard the word forensic on Law and Order SVU and applied it to elections.

There is a highly specialized branch of Accounting called forensic Accounting and if you're not gonna use qualified election professionals to do your audit, I'd suggest a Forensic Accountant with Lawyers on the team are the most qualified people to do it.

But people like that have standards, and that makes it hard to assure your audit fits your storyline.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 9:00 pm
by John Thomas8
As a tangent, first amendment frauditors have struck Schrodinger's Cat's YouTube channel for DCMA violations 5 times in the past week. They're intensely bogus strikes, but YouTube is as effective as rudy guilani when it comes to detecting false claims.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 10:07 pm
by johnpcapitalist
I think I found a new SovCit nut trying to run a scam with his own pretend government and pretend court system. We apparently haven't written anything on Fogbow 2.0 about him.

Meet Scott Workman, a guy from Utah who plans to file a $500 trillion lawsuit against the US and all the usual conspiracy targets (Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, big pharma, a ton of other big companies). The 44-page complaint is a mishmash of pretend government crunchiness and health conspiracist thinking.

One article, with a link to the "complaint" is here:

There's also a YouTube video here:

The novel bit of this scam is that he is taking donations and promising to pay 100x the amount that people donate to fund his lawsuit from what he collects after he wins. Of course, he's going to win because he's the judge and prosecutor in his pretend court. No worries about that.

The YouTube video gives a little more detail on the cunning plan:
You may be wondering “how are we going to pay people 100 times the amount of their donation?” Answer: After we receive enough US Citizen’s signatures on the “Declaration of Restoration,” we will hold a Constitutional Convention & Court, and this is where We the People will eliminate the Federal Reserve Bank (a private bank) and all of its assets, along with the assets of all of the Defendants found guilty in our Lawsuit ($500 Trillion+) will be transferred to a Citizen owned Central Bank! Upon our successful completion and the ratification of all that we accomplish at the CC&C, our new Citizen owned Central Bank will pay the people the amount listed above.
To show just how rich everyone is going to get, he walks through the math: if he can get 200 million people to donate $1,000 apiece, he'll pay back $100,000 plus 20% for money transfer fees, or $24 trillion. But if he pulls in a judgment of $500 trillion that's the amount in the suit, where does the other $476 trillion go? I wonder...

He is certainly going big, way bigger than pretend judge Anna, who was invoved in writing a relatively penurious $297 trillion lien against the ABA and a few other institutions, one that was not apparently filed anywhere. Pretend judge Anna does always seem to do a relatively good job of not taking any action that could actually end up with her in jail. Wonder what happens to this guy when people realize that his pretend court can't actually collect a nickel.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 10:52 pm
by Gregg
Cults are so boring and predictable now days. We need to find one doing weird sex death rituals and buying whole towns to take over and make their pretend courts real courts (glorified mayor's Courts but real). I want Adventure, excitement, human sacrifice and a weekly ritual where no matter what, people get laid and people die.

Suing for eleventy gazongazillion dollars they'll never collect and cosplaying Lawyers just doesn't inspire me to hand over all my worldly possessions to bring on the great awakening cleanse.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 5:14 am
by scirreeve
Bow wow gets the Van Balion treatment. Van might have got a heads up from some idiot.
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Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 12:55 pm
by Foggy
Gregg wrote: Thu Aug 12, 2021 10:52 pm Cults are so boring and predictable now days. We need to find one doing weird sex death rituals and buying whole towns to take over and make their pretend courts real courts (glorified mayor's Courts but real). I want Adventure, excitement, human sacrifice and a weekly ritual where no matter what, people get laid and people die.
Don't ferget fiber optic cable. :batting:

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 1:10 pm
by TheNewSaint
johnpcapitalist wrote: Thu Aug 12, 2021 10:07 pm

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 1:13 pm
by TheNewSaint
Gregg wrote: Thu Aug 12, 2021 10:52 pm Cults are so boring and predictable now days. We need to find one doing weird sex death rituals and buying whole towns to take over and make their pretend courts real courts (glorified mayor's Courts but real). I want Adventure, excitement, human sacrifice and a weekly ritual where no matter what, people get laid and people die.
You know America has fallen a long way when Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh is now "the good old days."

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 1:51 pm
by Gregg
TheNewSaint wrote: Fri Aug 13, 2021 1:13 pm
Gregg wrote: Thu Aug 12, 2021 10:52 pm Cults are so boring and predictable now days. We need to find one doing weird sex death rituals and buying whole towns to take over and make their pretend courts real courts (glorified mayor's Courts but real). I want Adventure, excitement, human sacrifice and a weekly ritual where no matter what, people get laid and people die.
You know America has fallen a long way when Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh is now "the good old days."
That's EXACTLY what I'm talking about!

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2021 11:44 pm
by scirreeve
This website seims cool. Bowermaster has been promoting it but according to him he is not a sovcit (they all say that).
Capture.JPG (54.41 KiB) Viewed 1794 times

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 4:52 pm
by Uninformed
“Citing Magna Carta” :bored:

“Anti-lockdown protesters 'seize' Edinburgh castle citing Magna Carta”: ... gna-carta/

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 8:48 pm
by keith
Foggy wrote: Fri Aug 13, 2021 12:55 pm
Gregg wrote: Thu Aug 12, 2021 10:52 pm Cults are so boring and predictable now days. We need to find one doing weird sex death rituals and buying whole towns to take over and make their pretend courts real courts (glorified mayor's Courts but real). I want Adventure, excitement, human sacrifice and a weekly ritual where no matter what, people get laid and people die.
Don't ferget fiber optic cable. :batting:
That is worthy of a gag for Saturday Night Live. Send it in.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 11:01 pm
by scirreeve
Trent reports that the prosecution dropped his felony charges. Big win for Trent according to Trent. Still faces a misdemeanor charge though. Trent is looking forward to schooling the Court about that. Trent wore fancy clothes (by Trent standards) and put his hair in a pony tail for his court appearance yesterday.
Capture.JPG (42.57 KiB) Viewed 1651 times

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 8:39 am
by Foggy
I'm feeling a little bit pressured to make fun of Trent before he croaks on us. The ponytail is a minimal improvement, but that is the very epitome, the very prototype, of the ancient geezer who doesn't take care of himself. He won't be around for long, so I will point and laugh.


Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 8:48 am
by Suranis
If you are a fan of Sovshits that don't take care of themselves, you will love this video on "Ed." He knows the law as well as he can wear a shirt.

He was also the Guru of two 2 "travelers" that we were fans off a while back, one of which films the first part of this. And it ends with live recording of Ed owning the court with his sovlegde. The ladies might need to take a cold shower before watching this.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 8:58 am
by bill_g
Wonderful. Special Ed's greatest hits compiled into one convenient video. Better to not watch it by.

I honestly can only take a few moments ... moments, not minutes ... of people like this before I have to turn it off. How anyone can go through twenty minutes of this asshole is beyond me.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 1:39 pm
by KickahaOta
Every once in a while you see a story that just stands up and screams "This will definitely not end well, and you should immediately post this to Fogbow."

Benjamin Glynn, a British national, decided to try a classic 'I am a sovereign citizen, you have no jurisdiction' defense in criminal court.

In Singapore.

Come for the shenanigans, stay for the links to similar sovcit Singaporean silliness.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 1:42 pm
by Suranis
A Brit? In Singapore?

*Hears the choirs of Angels*

I'll be in my bunk...

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 2:12 pm
by KickahaOta
I think this is worth mentioning here as a sample of Glynn's... defense:
Glynn made several remarks loudly after the judge left the court to deliberate on his verdict. First, Glynn exclaimed "The captain has abandoned the ship". He later told a guard: "In England, if the judge leaves, I'm free to go, because he's abandoned the ship. Not in Singapore. Singapore has its own rules, as I've found out."