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Re: Spreadnecks: COVIDIOTS, Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 1:12 pm
by Slim Cognito
The Darwin Awards are going to be a bitch to sort out this year.

Re: Spreadnecks: COVIDIOTS, Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 2:05 pm
by RVInit
Czech Antivaxxers had been placing classified ads for covid-positive people to infect them.
A thought crossed my mind when I read this.

Re: Spreadnecks: COVIDIOTS, Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 2:13 pm
by LM K
keith wrote: Sun Jan 16, 2022 11:26 pm :snippity:
When Mr Djokovic landed in Melbourne on January 5th he was detained for eight hours before officials cancelled his visa on the grounds that he is unvaccinated, and sent him to the Park Hotel to await deportation.
Actually, the Visa was withdrawn because Djokovic was not vaccinated and could not produce a VALID medical exemption according to Australian Immigration law. The rules are well described on Government websites. Djokovic and his team have been coming to Australia (and all over the world) for almost 20 years and know how to ensure they are following the rules.

Djokovic knew, before he left Spain, that he hadn't followed proper visa application laws.

Djokovic tried to fuck around and still play. But was this also a choreographed dramatic play for the anti-vax movement? Frankly, I don't know. Djokovic's previous statements and his spreadneck actions certainly make this a possibility.

Tennis Australia should be sued by the players who thought they had a VALID exemption because of the letter they received from TA. But those players should have done their due diligence and confirmed what they were told. Frankly, were players asking if they could enter Australia AND if TA would allow them to play, or were the just asking if TA would let them play? I find it hard to believe that it's not the latter. Seriously, who asks a sports org about visa rules?!

Those praying for a loophole.

Those players (other than Djokovic) who tried to enter Australia based on what Tennis Australia told them all flew home after their visa was withdrawn. Martina Navratilova encouraged Djokovic to do the same.
This event was what the first court hearing was about - not the merits of Djokovic' case, but whether the Border Force treated him properly according to Australian Law. Djokovic won at that hearing and was released.

However, Australian law gives the Minister of Immigration a final say. After deliberations and the public revelation that Djokovic had in fact lied on his immigration entry form, his behaviour violating Covid-19 isolation protocols after a positive test result, and real doubts about whether he actually did conveniently, at just the right time, contract Covid-19 at all - the Minister decided to withdraw the visa again. I cannot say how much those revelations affected the Ministers decision because he did not cite them in his decision (as far as I know anyway). I suspect he didn't want to out and out officially brand him as a liar, but they certainly fed the anger of the man in the street. He rejected the visa on 'character' grounds, but I would think that his well known anti-vax attitude and his behaviour after a positive test (either he was lying or he was purposely trying to infect school children) must have weighed on the 'character' decision.

Djokovic appealed the Minister's decision - arguing that he had not taken everything into account - and lost.

I think the Minister consulted with counsel to find the best legal argument to win the case.

I suspect that a significant part of the Minister's decision was based on protecting Australia's visa exemption regulations. Loopholes must be blocked.

I want to know how Djokovic thought he'd get into Australia without the "I've had covid" exemption? Was he going to quarantine? Or was he hoping to find a different loophole?

Re: Spreadnecks: COVIDIOTS, Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 2:19 pm
by AndyinPA
Darwin Awardee.

Re: Spreadnecks: COVIDIOTS, Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 2:54 pm
by LM K
Novak Djokovic could be barred from playing in the French Open as things stand now after the Sports Ministry said Monday there would be no exemption from France's new vaccine law.

But even as he flew home, doubts arose over whether Djokovic would be allowed to play at Roland Garros.

France's vaccine pass law, approved by parliament on Sunday, will require people to have a certificate of vaccination to enter public places such as sports venues, restaurants, cafes, cinemas and long-distance trains.

"The rule is simple. The vaccine pass will be imposed, as soon as the law is promulgated, in establishments that were already subject to the health pass," the ministry said.

"This will apply to everyone who is a spectator or a professional sportsperson. And this until further notice.

"Now, as far as Roland Garros is concerned, it's in May. The situation may change between now and then and we hope that it will be more favourable. So we'll see, but clearly there's no exemption."


He is also the defending champion at Wimbledon, which begins in late June. But so far, England has allowed exemptions from various coronavirus regulations for visiting athletes, if they remain at their accommodation when not competing or training. The U.S. Tennis Association, which runs the US Open, has said it will follow government rules on vaccination status.

More than 95% of all of the top 100 men and women in their tours' respective rankings are vaccinated. At least two other men -- American Tennys Sandgren and Frenchman Pierre-Hugues Herbert -- skipped the first major tournament of the year -- the Australian Open -- due to the vaccine requirement.

Asked if Djokovic would face any penalties for flouting his isolation while being infected when he returns to Serbia, Serbian officials said he would not because the country is not in a state of emergency.
Recently the French Sports Minister Roxane Maracineanu told Djokovic he'd be welcome at the French Open.

Well, yesterday, in France, vaccine passport rules passed. Djokovic wouldn't be allowed into the sports arena to play in the Open.

What about Wimbledon? Unknown at this time. Djokovic would be subject to strict quarantine rules in England.

What about the US Open? VERY unlikely.

From WaPo:
Djokovic’s unvaccinated status could be problematic when it comes time for the U.S. Open, a tournament he has won three times. Visitors to the United States must be fully vaccinated if not a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, lawful permanent resident or traveling to the United States on an immigrant visa.

There are exceptions to this rule, but most of them would not seem to apply to Djokovic
. He could claim to have a documented medical contraindication to receiving a coronavirus vaccine or could seek a humanitarian or emergency exception from the U.S. government.

People from countries that have limited coronavirus vaccine availability also may seek an exception to the vaccination requirement, but Djokovic’s home nation of Serbia is not on the list of such countries (nearly all of them are in Africa).

Re: Spreadnecks: COVIDIOTS, Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 3:01 pm
by pipistrelle
I would assume “humanitarian” might mean a refugee from political violence or attempted defenestration, not a poor pitiful tennis player.

I might be wrong.

Re: Spreadnecks: COVIDIOTS, Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 3:11 pm
by Foggy
Hanka Horká horked in her hankie.

Re: Spreadnecks: COVIDIOTS, Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 5:00 pm
by Dave from down under
Personal choice, personal responsibility.

He chose to lie down (and lie) on a bed of nails.. perhaps those jabs will prompt him to do what is responsible - else - tough.

Re: Spreadnecks: COVIDIOTS, Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 5:53 pm
by Kendra
I heard some chatter on CNN this morning that it is possible he might lose some of his commercial endorsements. Time will tell.

Re: Spreadnecks: COVIDIOTS, Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 7:05 pm
by Dave from down under ... /100763308

The NSW Health Minister says he has been the victim of a fraudulent COVID test report and says those responsible for the "moronic" act will be punished.

Brad Hazzard said yesterday he received a notification from NSW Health that someone had registered a positive rapid antigen test (RAT) under his name.

The system for self-reporting RATs went live last week and — through the Service NSW app or website — people must register their positive result with details including their mobile number.

Mr Hazzard said whoever had made a fake report with his details was "juvenile" and "extremely irresponsible".

"You are undermining what the public health team is trying to do here to keep the entire community safe," he said.

"It is juvenile, it is moronic."

The Health Minister said police would "come hunting" for anyone who misrepresents information to NSW Health and could issue $5,000 fines.

"If you're caught you will have a $5,000 fine but worse still, when you're telling your friends about that, they will probably tell you how stupid you are."

Mr Hazzard said those putting in malicious fake reports of infections were wasting the time and resources of the health department who must monitor any high-risk cases of COVID.

Re: Spreadnecks: COVIDIOTS, Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 7:36 pm
by Kendra
Kinda OT, but I don't know where else to put it. ... Q_Bj9raT2s
(PROVIDENCE, R.I.)— A Rhode Island man who is believed to have faked his death and fled the U.S. to evade prosecution in Utah and other states has been apprehended in Scotland after being hospitalized with COVID-19, authorities said.

Nicholas Alahverdian was discovered after developing a serious case of the coronavirus and being placed on a ventilator at a hospital in Glasgow, Rhode Island State Police Maj. Robert Creamer told The Providence Journal on Wednesday. Alahverdian, 34, who had been a vocal critic of Rhode Island’s child welfare system in recent years, now faces extradition to the U.S. to face a charge of first-degree rape in Utah.
Covid karma.

Re: Spreadnecks: COVIDIOTS, Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 7:50 pm
by LM K
Kendra wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 5:53 pm I heard some chatter on CNN this morning that it is possible he might lose some of his commercial endorsements. Time will tell.
I'm sure he will. I've listed the countries where Djokovic has competed in the past 10 years.

Why would sponsors keep Djokovic when he can't play in almost all his normal tournaments until he's vaxed? They won't.

He can't play any Grand Slam opens this year (Australia, France, England, and US.) He can't play in most other major events until he's vaxed.

Bold = Your ass better be vaxed. (But, it's complicated.)

✓ = Djokovic has played in the past 10 years

Opens are in:

New Zealand

So, will Djokovic vax or will he lose sponsors and the opportunity to win millions of dollars?

Re: Spreadnecks: COVIDIOTS, Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 8:48 pm
by northland10
Consider the following statements from a news article regarding vaccines.
“I will stab anyone who comes to my house with..."
This dangerous hostility to immunization teams flared last week after religious hardliners in the city spread false rumors, raising a scare on social media that some children were being poisoned and dying from contaminated ...
It may sound like here, now. however, the full article says:
“I will stab anyone who comes to my house with polio drops,” Khan growled, refusing to be filmed or photographed as he shopped in a fly-blown bazaar on the outskirts of Peshawar, a city scarred by years on the frontline of Islamist militancy in Pakistan.

This dangerous hostility to immunization teams flared last week after religious hardliners in the city spread false rumors, raising a scare on social media that some children were being poisoned and dying from contaminated polio vaccines.

The rumors spread like wildfire, triggering mass panic in northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. Mobs burned a village health center, blocked a highway and pelted cars with stones. Medical workers were harassed and threatened.

Mosques made announcements that children were having cramps, vomiting and diarrhea after they were given “poisonous” polio drops. Word went out on social media that some children had died. ... SKCN1S9051
This is a 2019 article from Reuters about the resistance to Polio vaccination in Pakistan and Afghanistan, the final two endemic countries (the new cases are mainly in the border area). Our right-wing sounds just like their right-wing. Mentioning how they are doing the same as the hardline Islamic folks probably will not change their mind, sadly.

On a side note:

Recorded wild poliovirus cases worldwide in 1975 - 49,293
Recorded wild poliovirus cases worldwide in 2021 - 5

Vaccines work. Also, the world population has grown by about 4.7 billion since 1975 which means Gates's Vaxterminate with Polio Vaccines is not working very well. I was vaccinated against Polio, and many other things, in the 70s. I'm not dead yet.

Re: Spreadnecks: COVIDIOTS, Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 10:56 pm
by raison de arizona
Unfortunately, the CIA screwed up vaccinations in those countries. Their right wing actually has valid things to point to, thanks to us.
In the early 2010s, the CIA ran a fake vaccination program in Abbottabad, offering free Hepatitis B vaccines to children in an attempt to collect DNA evidence linking Osama bin Laden to the compound where he was suspected of residing. It is unclear how samples were to be collected or how they would lead to bin Laden, but when news of this scheme broke, it added proof to existing conspiracy theories about vaccinations. As a consequence, many local leaders began urging people not to vaccinate their kids, various districts banned vaccination teams, and the Taliban issued a fatwa against vaccination programs. To this day, local leaders rail against vaccines as Western spying programs. ... ia-program

Re: Spreadnecks: COVIDIOTS, Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 11:09 pm
by LM K
Kendra wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 7:36 pm Kinda OT, but I don't know where else to put it. ... Q_Bj9raT2s
(PROVIDENCE, R.I.)— A Rhode Island man who is believed to have faked his death and fled the U.S. to evade prosecution in Utah and other states has been apprehended in Scotland after being hospitalized with COVID-19, authorities said.

Nicholas Alahverdian was discovered after developing a serious case of the coronavirus and being placed on a ventilator at a hospital in Glasgow, Rhode Island State Police Maj. Robert Creamer told The Providence Journal on Wednesday. Alahverdian, 34, who had been a vocal critic of Rhode Island’s child welfare system in recent years, now faces extradition to the U.S. to face a charge of first-degree rape in Utah.
Covid karma.
This guy :shock:

Re: Spreadnecks: COVIDIOTS, Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 11:22 pm
by pipistrelle
raison de arizona wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 10:56 pm Unfortunately, the CIA screwed up vaccinations in those countries. Their right wing actually has valid things to point to, thanks to us.
In the early 2010s, the CIA ran a fake vaccination program in Abbottabad, offering free Hepatitis B vaccines to children in an attempt to collect DNA evidence linking Osama bin Laden to the compound where he was suspected of residing. It is unclear how samples were to be collected or how they would lead to bin Laden, but when news of this scheme broke, it added proof to existing conspiracy theories about vaccinations. As a consequence, many local leaders began urging people not to vaccinate their kids, various districts banned vaccination teams, and the Taliban issued a fatwa against vaccination programs. To this day, local leaders rail against vaccines as Western spying programs. ... ia-program
A few months old but this article claims the Taliban is now on board with renewing polio immunizations. It also says there'd been only one wild case of polio in 2021 after a couple years of increases, so there's a faint hope of knocking it out in Afghanistan. Faint. You'll also see fears it sterilizes children of Islamic faith--not unlike our own anti-vaxxers' refrain about sterilizations. ... n-says-who

Re: Spreadnecks: COVIDIOTS, Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 11:38 pm
by RTH10260
Dave from down under wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 7:05 pm ... /100763308

The NSW Health Minister says he has been the victim of a fraudulent COVID test report and says those responsible for the "moronic" act will be punished.

Looks like a government software built under time pressure and lacking some security feature.

PS. when one registers a positive outcome (nobdy comes to check the self-test), will that grant immediate paid medical leae from work like in the UK last year?

Re: Spreadnecks: COVIDIOTS, Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 11:45 pm
by scirreeve
Eastern WA pharmacist doing stupid shit and got fired.

Re: Spreadnecks: COVIDIOTS, Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 11:51 pm
by pipistrelle
Pharmacist is not a poorly paid profession from what I recall. Just threw it away.

Re: Spreadnecks: COVIDIOTS, Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 12:05 am
by Lani
Remember this pharmacist? Late in 2020, he spoiled more than 500 doses of COVID-19 vaccine. He was sentenced in June 2021.
Acting United States Attorney Richard G. Frohling of the Eastern District of Wisconsin announced that on June 8, 2021, Steven R. Brandenburg (age: 46) of Grafton, Wisconsin, was sentenced to 36 months’ imprisonment for tampering with COVID vaccine doses at the hospital at which he worked. Brandenburg will also be required to spend three years on supervised release following his prison sentence and was ordered to pay approximately $83,800 in restitution to the hospital.

Brandenburg pleaded guilty on February 9, 2021, to two counts of attempting to tamper with consumer products with reckless disregard for the risk that another person would be placed in danger of death or bodily injury.

According to court documents, Brandenburg purposefully removed a box of COVID-19 vaccine vials manufactured by Moderna—which must be stored at specific cold temperatures to remain viable—from a hospital refrigeration unit during two successive overnight shifts in late December 2020. According to his plea agreement, Brandenburg stated that he was skeptical of vaccines in general and the Moderna vaccine specifically. Court documents indicate that Brandenburg had communicated his beliefs about vaccines to his co-workers for at least the past two years.

Brandenburg acknowledged that after leaving the vaccines out for several hours each night, he returned the vaccines to the refrigerator to be used in the hospital’s vaccine clinic the following day. Before the full extent of Brandenburg’s conduct was discovered, 57 people received doses of the vaccine from these vials. ... 447741001/

Re: Spreadnecks: COVIDIOTS, Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 12:06 am
by Dave from down under
RTH10260 wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 11:38 pm
Dave from down under wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 7:05 pm ... /100763308

The NSW Health Minister says he has been the victim of a fraudulent COVID test report and says those responsible for the "moronic" act will be punished.

Looks like a government software built under time pressure and lacking some security feature.

PS. when one registers a positive outcome (nobdy comes to check the self-test), will that grant immediate paid medical leae from work like in the UK last year?
ps - Not sure.. with my employer you get the normal sick leave provisions (I have about 2 years of accrued sick leave) plus 20 days special leave (which can be used as a carer plus the usual 5 day a year carers leave).. I'll have a look...

from ... irmed.aspx

Testing positive to COVID-19 and managing COVID-19 safely at home
If you test positive with a rapid antigen test, you must:

Register your positive test on the Service NSW website so you can be linked to important health care support and advice based on your COVID-19 risk. If you or someone in your family can’t register online, please call Service NSW on 13 77 88
If you test positive with a PCR or rapid antigen test, you must:

Isolate immediately for 7 days. Your household must also isolate for 7 days. If you have a sore throat, runny nose, cough or shortness of breath after 7 days, please remain in isolation until 24 hours after your symptoms have resolved.
Tell people who you spent time with from the 2 days before you started having symptoms or 2 days before you tested positive (whichever came first) that you have COVID-19. This includes your social contacts, workplace and/or school.
Monitor your symptoms. If you are concerned you should call your GP, the NSW Health COVID-19 Care at Home Support Line on 1800 960 933 or the National Coronavirus Helpline on 1800 020 080. If symptoms become severe call 000.

from: ... rt-payment

If you need to self-isolate and are unable to work while waiting for a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test result, you may be eligible for the COVID-19 Test and Isolate support payment.

NSW workers can apply for the $320 payment if they:

meet the eligibility criteria (including that they are waiting on a PCR test result)
agree to follow NSW Health self-isolation guidelines while waiting for their COVID-19 test result.
You'll need to apply for the payment online within 7 days of having the PCR test.

You cannot apply for this payment

at a Service NSW Centre
if you have applied for the Australian Government's Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment.

from : ... outh-wales
Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment is a lump sum payment to help you during the time you can’t work and earn income because you have to:

self-isolate or quarantine due to COVID-19
you’re caring for someone who has to self-isolate or quarantine due to COVID-19.
You have to self-isolate or quarantine for one of the following reasons:

you have coronavirus (COVID-19), for isolation periods starting before 10 January 2022, you must have been directly informed you have COVID-19 by a health official
you’re informed by a health official that you’re a close contact with a person who has COVID-19
you care for a child, 16 years or under, who has COVID-19
you’re informed by a health official that a child you care for who is 16 years or under, is a close contact with a person who has COVID-19
you’re caring for someone who has COVID-19
you’re caring for someone with disability or a severe medical condition who must self-isolate or quarantine because they’re a close contact of a person with COVID-19.
From Monday 10 January 2022, we’ll accept both Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) results. You’ll need to have either:

advice of a positive test from a testing clinic or health professional
evidence you’ve registered a positive result from a home-administered RAT with your state health authority.
If you need ongoing financial help, check to see what other payments you may be eligible to get by using our Payment and Service Finder.

From: ... text=53117

How much you get depends on the hours of work you lost.

For each 7 day period of self-isolation, quarantine or caring, we’ll pay you:

$450 if you lost at least 8 hours or a full day’s work, and less than 20 hours of work
$750 if you lost 20 hours or more of work.
If you lost less than 8 hours or a full day’s work during the 7 day period of self-isolation, quarantine or caring, you won’t be eligible for this payment. A full day’s work is the hours you were scheduled to work or would usually work on a given day. This includes not being able to attend a full time, part time or casual shift of less than 8 hours.

Re: Spreadnecks: COVIDIOTS, Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 12:07 am
by northland10
raison de arizona wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 10:56 pm Unfortunately, the CIA screwed up vaccinations in those countries. Their right wing actually has valid things to point to, thanks to us.
In the early 2010s, the CIA ran a fake vaccination program in Abbottabad, offering free Hepatitis B vaccines to children in an attempt to collect DNA evidence linking Osama bin Laden to the compound where he was suspected of residing. It is unclear how samples were to be collected or how they would lead to bin Laden, but when news of this scheme broke, it added proof to existing conspiracy theories about vaccinations. As a consequence, many local leaders began urging people not to vaccinate their kids, various districts banned vaccination teams, and the Taliban issued a fatwa against vaccination programs. To this day, local leaders rail against vaccines as Western spying programs. ... ia-program
IIRC, there was already difficulty with their right-wing on immunizations before the CIA found ways to make it worse.
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Re: Spreadnecks: COVIDIOTS, Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 12:07 am
by neonzx
pipistrelle wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 11:51 pm Pharmacist is not a poorly paid profession from what I recall. Just threw it away.
It is a well paid profession. Oh well :whistle:

Re: Spreadnecks: COVIDIOTS, Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 2:47 am
by LM K
scirreeve wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 11:45 pm Eastern WA pharmacist doing stupid shit and got fired.
I found more info. I can't access all of the below info, so I'll share what I can see (paywall).
On Oct. 18, 2021 a Washington state mandate went into effect that required most state employees to be vaccinated against Covid-19 as a condition of employment. Firefighters were included in this group. Some didn’t want to be forced into receiving the vaccine though. So they found ways around the mandate.

Two of these individuals were Douglas County Firefighter Josh Bollinger and Captain Seth Ellis, according to Douglas County Fire Protection District documents. Both men were district employees – until Oct. 27, 2021.

According to a “Notice of Pre-Discipline Hearing” document, Bollinger admitted to the local union president and Battalion Chief Phillips that he “obtained a forged vaccine card from Walgreens in East Wenatchee.”

“Bollinger was complaining to a crew mate that he did not want the second shot in the series. That crew mate told him to speak with Captain Ellis and stated that Ellis might know someone who could help him,” officials wrote.
Both firefighters resigned before being fired. The pharmacist has been fired.

Re: Spreadnecks: COVIDIOTS, Anti-Maskers, Anti-Vaxxers, Etc.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 3:27 am
by Uninformed
Fortunately the ideas of these morons are not as widespread as the virus.

“Anti-vax protests: ‘Sovereign citizens’ fight UK Covid vaccine rollout”:

“ But that has not deterred a newly-formed group calling itself Alpha Men Assemble, which combines anti-vaccine and sovereign citizen beliefs.
It has been holding training sessions in several UK locations where volunteers prepare for "direct action", such as breaking through police lines, marching formations and sparring.”

“Alpha Men Assemble”! :crazy: