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INDICTED (INDICATED) #3 USA v. Donald Trump, Defendant - #J6 Election Interference, Fake Electors - Jack Smith

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 11:27 am
by Tiredretiredlawyer

INDICTED (INDICATED) #3 USA v. Donald Trump, Defendant - #J6 Election Interference, Fake Electors - Jack Smith

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 11:28 am
by p0rtia
Phew! I was getting nervous.

:bighug: :clap:

INDICTED (INDICATED) #3 USA v. Donald Trump, Defendant - #J6 Election Interference, Fake Electors - Jack Smith

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 11:42 am
by Luke
One day before SUPER TUESDAY! March 4, 2024. T****'s impassioned pleas for a later dated DENNNIED. Judge said she spoke to the NY judge to discuss the dates. That call must have been epic. We're going to need a calendar soon :lol:

CHICAGO: Nowadays...
It's good, isn't it?
Grand, isn't it?
Great, isn't it?
Swell, isn't it?
Fun, isn't it?

There's men, everywhere
Jazz, everywhere
Booze, everywhere
Life, everywhere
Joy, everywhere

You can like the life you're living
You can live the life you like
You can even marry Harry
But mess around with Ike
And that's

Good, isn't it?
Grand, isn't it?
Great, isn't it?
Swell, isn't it?
Fun, isn't it...

Roxie and Velma:
You can like the life you're living
You can live the life you like
You can even marry Harry
But mess around with Ike
And that's
Good, isn't it?
Grand, isn't it?
Great, isn't it?
Swell, isn't it?
Fun, isn't it?
But nothing stays

In fifty years or so
It's gonna change, you know
But, oh, it's heaven

And that's
Good, isn't it?
Grand, isn't it?
Great, isn't it?
Swell, isn't it?
Fun, isn't it?
But nothing stays

In fifty years or so
It's gonna change, you know
But, oh, it's heaven


INDICTED (INDICATED) #3 USA v. Donald Trump, Defendant - #J6 Election Interference, Fake Electors - Jack Smith

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 11:44 am
by p0rtia
@Brandi_Buchman's posts from the hearing on Threadreader. ... 96758.html

INDICTED (INDICATED) #3 USA v. Donald Trump, Defendant - #J6 Election Interference, Fake Electors - Jack Smith

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 11:45 am
by Ben-Prime
orlylicious wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2023 11:42 am One day before SUPER TUESDAY! March 4, 2024. T****'s impassioned pleas for a later dated DENNNIED. Judge said she spoke to the NY judge to discuss the dates. That call must have been epic. We're going to need a calendar soon :lol:
Epic, but not 'perfect'.

INDICTED (INDICATED) #3 USA v. Donald Trump, Defendant - #J6 Election Interference, Fake Electors - Jack Smith

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 11:56 am
by Volkonski
Trump will do everything he can to delay it.

INDICTED (INDICATED) #3 USA v. Donald Trump, Defendant - #J6 Election Interference, Fake Electors - Jack Smith

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 12:03 pm
by Foggy
March 5 is Super Tuesday.

And my dad's 96th birthday.

INDICTED (INDICATED) #3 USA v. Donald Trump, Defendant - #J6 Election Interference, Fake Electors - Jack Smith

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 12:05 pm
by Reality Check
I loved it when the Molly Gaston used Lauro's TV blabbings about the case against him. :lol:

INDICTED (INDICATED) #3 USA v. Donald Trump, Defendant - #J6 Election Interference, Fake Electors - Jack Smith

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 2:16 pm
by northland10
Off Topic
orlylicious wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2023 11:42 am One day before SUPER TUESDAY! March 4, 2024. T****'s impassioned pleas for a later dated DENNNIED. Judge said she spoke to the NY judge to discuss the dates. That call must have been epic. We're going to need a calendar soon :lol:

CHICAGO: Nowadays...
Can't help myself.. Chita and Gwen's version.
► Show Spoiler

INDICTED (INDICATED) #3 USA v. Donald Trump, Defendant - #J6 Election Interference, Fake Electors - Jack Smith

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 2:43 pm
by MN-Skeptic
One Twitter poster suggested that if Trump's lawyers hadn't been so outrageous and asked for a trial date two years in the future, they might have gotten a date other then one six months from now.

INDICTED (INDICATED) #3 USA v. Donald Trump, Defendant - #J6 Election Interference, Fake Electors - Jack Smith

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 2:47 pm
by MN-Skeptic

Edited to add text -

Andrew Weissmann's comment: "Thoroughly unprofessional statement by Lauro" to Lauro's statement: "We will certainly abide by your honor's ruling, as we must. We will not be able to provide adequate representation ... the trial date will deny President Trump the opportunity to have effective assistance of counsel."

INDICTED (INDICATED) #3 USA v. Donald Trump, Defendant - #J6 Election Interference, Fake Electors - Jack Smith

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 2:55 pm
by Slim Cognito
Sounds like the perfect lie errrrr excuse for trump losing in court.

INDICTED (INDICATED) #3 USA v. Donald Trump, Defendant - #J6 Election Interference, Fake Electors - Jack Smith

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 2:57 pm
by New Turtle
Maybe he just sucks at lawyering.

INDICTED (INDICATED) #3 USA v. Donald Trump, Defendant - #J6 Election Interference, Fake Electors - Jack Smith

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 3:03 pm
by Suranis
You have 6 months to hammer your clients mouth shut, Councillor. and beat some sense into his brain. I think you can find way to buy a hammer.

Anyway Axios has a stab at a timeline

dates.jpg (63.08 KiB) Viewed 767 times

INDICTED (INDICATED) #3 USA v. Donald Trump, Defendant - #J6 Election Interference, Fake Electors - Jack Smith

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 3:25 pm
by tek
So this "not enough time" will certainly be an issue on appeal when (not if) he lands some convictions.

Can the AALs fill us in on what the parameters of "not enough time" look like legally?

INDICTED (INDICATED) #3 USA v. Donald Trump, Defendant - #J6 Election Interference, Fake Electors - Jack Smith

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 3:56 pm
by bob
tek wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2023 3:25 pm So this "not enough time" will certainly be an issue on appeal when (not if) he lands some convictions.
Generally speaking, appellate courts will review the amount of pretrial preparation permitted, and the denial of continuances, for an abuse of discretion. Which is a high bar; appellate courts regularly defer to a trial court's discretion.

So if there is an appeal, expect this to be raised (and lose).

Every defendant has the right to effective counsel, and the inability to prepare is a very legitimate ground. But a lawyer who intentionally creates delay (by intentionally not preparing) can be removed from the case, sanctioned, referred for discipline, etc.

And no real lawyer wants a court to rule their representation was ineffective.*

But this is not an ordinary case; maybe one of these chuckleheads can be convinced to torpedo their legal career and go full And-Justice-For-All, just to create enough delay.


Defense counsel is playing to the cheap seats. In a regular case, zealously advocate, sure. But make your record and move on.

* It does happen, though; some true believers will say out loud, "I don't care if I'm found to be incompetent if it spares my client from [the likely sentence]." But you only get to say that if you are (1) very certain you are correct, or (2) very certain you are about to retire and don't care.

INDICTED (INDICATED) #3 USA v. Donald Trump, Defendant - #J6 Election Interference, Fake Electors - Jack Smith

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 4:02 pm
by Tiredretiredlawyer
Slim Cognito wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2023 2:55 pm Sounds like the perfect lie errrrr excuse for trump losing in court.
The trial is rigged!

INDICTED (INDICATED) #3 USA v. Donald Trump, Defendant - #J6 Election Interference, Fake Electors - Jack Smith

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 4:09 pm
by Sam the Centipede
Surely Lauro was laying the ground for a future appeal on the grounds of ineffective counsel and perhaps he is so stoopid that he doesn't understand how being that provider of ineffective counsel will drop on him and the flaming ashes of his reputation.

Well, Lauro is stoopid enough to be Trump's attorney, so I think it's almost impossible for us rational folk to appreciate what happens inside his underpowered misfiring brainbox.

INDICTED (INDICATED) #3 USA v. Donald Trump, Defendant - #J6 Election Interference, Fake Electors - Jack Smith

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 4:14 pm
by MN-Skeptic

Text from the above tweet -
UPDATE: We have the full trial schedule from Chutkan

Oct. 9: Pretrial motions
Dec. 4: 404b evidence
Dec. 11: Disclosure of expert witnesses
Dec. 18: Disclosure of exhibits
Dec. 27: Motions in limine
Jan. 15: Proposed voir dire questions/jury instructions
Marc Elias' comment: "Dec. 4 is going to be a day to watch. 404b is evidence of other crimes, wrongs, or acts."

INDICTED (INDICATED) #3 USA v. Donald Trump, Defendant - #J6 Election Interference, Fake Electors - Jack Smith

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 4:28 pm
by bob

The quadfectee will pull a Brunson and grift off the inevitable appeals.

And unless a stay is granted (hint: that won't happen), the trial remains on the schedule (unless the trial judge changes it).

INDICTED (INDICATED) #3 USA v. Donald Trump, Defendant - #J6 Election Interference, Fake Electors - Jack Smith

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 4:31 pm
by AndyinPA
Is anybody else just sick to death of all this? :notlistening:

INDICTED (INDICATED) #3 USA v. Donald Trump, Defendant - #J6 Election Interference, Fake Electors - Jack Smith

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 4:47 pm
by p0rtia
AndyinPA wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2023 4:31 pm Is anybody else just sick to death of all this? :notlistening:
Beyond the telling of it. :bored:

INDICTED (INDICATED) #3 USA v. Donald Trump, Defendant - #J6 Election Interference, Fake Electors - Jack Smith

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 4:50 pm
by neonzx
AndyinPA wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2023 4:31 pm Is anybody else just sick to death of all this? :notlistening:
Way past expiration. So waiting until all of these threads can be combined into one "Inmate #xxxx"

INDICTED (INDICATED) #3 USA v. Donald Trump, Defendant - #J6 Election Interference, Fake Electors - Jack Smith

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 5:10 pm
by MN-Skeptic
The question, though, becomes, do we start having other threads for each, or some combination thereof, of the fellow indicted co-conspirators?

INDICTED (INDICATED) #3 USA v. Donald Trump, Defendant - #J6 Election Interference, Fake Electors - Jack Smith

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 5:29 pm
by pipistrelle
AndyinPA wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2023 4:31 pm Is anybody else just sick to death of all this? :notlistening:
I was sick to death of it in 2016.