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Ron DeSantis

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2024 10:24 am
by RVInit
Rick Scott tried the same thing when he was governor. Exactly the same plan, to the tee, pun intended.

Environmentalists were outraged and the plan was tabled until now. This is a wet dream for all the developers and wannabe oligarchs who dream of a MAGA heaven in which they own everything and all they have to do is pretend bow to the King while laughing at him all the way to the bank.

Ron DeSantis

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2024 11:47 am
by Slim Cognito
Yeah, like Florida isn't already a major environmental disaster. Let's make it even worse.

Oh wait, silly me. I forgot All environmental concerns stop at the Florida state line.

Ron DeSantis

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2024 1:42 am
by RTH10260
as above
DeSantis calls state park 'abandoned military facility'

WPTV News - FL Palm Beaches and Treasure Coast
30 Aug 2024

The state's controversial Great Outdoors Initiative may be scrapped, but as the outcry over it continues, WPTV is sorting through fact versus fiction following comments from Gov. Ron DeSantis regarding the project.

Ron DeSantis

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2024 8:15 am
by tek
A golf course is NEVER an improvement IMHO.

Ron DeSantis

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2024 8:19 am
by northland10
It was abandoned as a military base in 1944, and it was only used for a couple of years by the Signal Corps anyway. It has nearly 80 years as state park land.

Ron DeSantis

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2024 4:02 pm
by RTH10260
Florida DEP worker fired for allegedly leaking controversial state park plans

ABC Action News
4 Sept 2024

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection has fired the worker they said leaked the information about a controversial state park plan.

Ron DeSantis

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2024 4:31 pm
by Slim Cognito
And he'd have paved over all those parks if it hadn't been for those meddling kids.

They paved paradise and put up a luxury hotel with an 18 hole golf course.

(It's not like there's any water shortage emergencies going on in Florida.).

Full disclosure, I live about a half a mile from a big golf course. Here we are, in the desert, people screaming about conserving water, and there's a big fucking golf course, several of them actually.

Ron DeSantis

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2024 5:16 pm
by northland10
There is a golf course and hotel developer that does not live far from there.

Ron DeSantis

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2024 8:04 am
by Foggy
My version of Hell involves living in a house by a golf course. My dad-in-law had one; he had to build a huge contraption of 2x4s and chicken wire behind the house to protect the windows after many ... many! of them were broken. He was standing in his own driveway when he got bopped on the headbone by a golf ball, and knocked completely unconscious, lights out. And I don't even like golf. :nope:

Nothankyouverymuch. :talktothehand:

Ron DeSantis

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2024 7:28 pm
by neonzx
Florida Goes Full Police State Over Abortion Ballot Initiative ... 37202.html
Florida is reportedly sending police officers to the homes of people who signed a petition supporting an abortion rights ballot initiative.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s administration has begun investigating thousands of verified signatures that helped to put a state constitutional amendment protecting the right to abortion on the ballot in November. The amendment would overturn Florida’s current six-week abortion ban.

Petition organizers collected about 100,000 more signatures than they needed, surpassing the 900,000 that are required by the state and ensuring that their policy would be on the ballot. Now the Department of State’s spokesperson Ryan Ash claims that his agency has “uncovered evidence of illegal conduct with fraudulent petitions.”

Supervisors in Hillsborough, Orange, Palm Beach, Osceola, Alachua, and Broward counties have been requested to gather around 36,000 signatures for state review, according to the Tampa Bay Times. One supervisor with 16 years of experience told the Times that the state’s request was entirely unprecedented. Not only had the state requested signatures that had already been verified, but they did so for a validated petition, not a rejected petition, which are typically the basis of fraud investigations.

Multiple residents in Lee County have reported being visited by law enforcement following up on their petition signatures.

Fort Myers resident Isaac Menasche shared in a Facebook post Wednesday that a “detective investigating petition fraud” had come to his home.

“I had indeed signed a petition seeking to have the right to an abortion placed on the ballot in Florida. I remembered doing so and the circumstances surrounding it,” wrote Menasche, noting that he doesn’t usually sign petitions.

“The experience left me shaken. What troubled me was he had a folder on me containing my personal information—about 10 pages. I saw a copy of my drivers license and copy of the petition I signed. It was obvious to me that a significant effort was exerted to determine if indeed I had signed the petition.” :snippity: :snippity:

Ron DeSantis

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2024 2:12 am
by Slim Cognito
Fuck those motherfuckers.

I guess their internal polling shows it passing by overwhelming numbers.

And get your asses out of Florida. Pretty soon DeSantis will arrest you for having a D behind your name.

Ron DeSantis

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2024 9:10 am
by bill_g