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Re: "Freedom Convoy" Canadian Trucker Protest against COVID Vaccine Mandates and Other Grievances

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2022 6:00 pm
by bob
Sam the Centipede wrote: Wed Feb 16, 2022 5:43 pmI think it would be the Governor General (Liz's representative) who invoked the dissolution. I think that happened in Australia a few decades ago and there was a big fuss. I'm too lazy to look it up, but maybe some drongo from Straya will remember the circs.
Yes, it is the Governor General who has the immediate authority. And it happened in Australia in 1975. Usually it is just a formality, to allow for a change of leadership, call for elections, etc.

Re: "Freedom Convoy" Canadian Trucker Protest against COVID Vaccine Mandates and Other Grievances

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2022 6:01 pm
by raison de arizona

Re: "Freedom Convoy" Canadian Trucker Protest against COVID Vaccine Mandates and Other Grievances

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2022 6:05 pm
by Mr brolin
The Governor-General, as the Queens representative has the devolved authority and power to dissolve Parliament, this is done in request, consultation and (in general) with the acquiescence of the Prime Minister. It happens every time Parliament us dissolved and new elections are called.

The GG has the power to unilaterally dissolve Parliament in case of a constitutional crisis such as the incumbent losing a vote of confidence and still refusing to step down.

The GG unilaterally dissolving Parliament for any other reason COULD happen but would generally be seen as a one off, poisoning and extraordinary act that would almost inevitably lead to a move to a Republic.

Re: "Freedom Convoy" Canadian Trucker Protest against COVID Vaccine Mandates and Other Grievances

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2022 6:22 pm
by Volkonski
Tensions mount in Ottawa as police warn truckers to leave ... ce=Twitter
A showdown appeared to be shaping up in Ottawa’s nearly three-week siege by truckers protesting the country’s COVID-19 restrictions as police in the capital warned drivers Wednesday to leave immediately or risk arrest.

The big rigs parked outside Parliament represented the movement’s last stronghold after demonstrators abandoned their sole remaining truck blockade along the U.S. border.

With that, all border crossings were open for the first time in more than two weeks of unrest, centering attention on the capital, where drivers defiantly ripped up warnings telling them to go home.

Authorities in yellow “police liaison” vests went from rig to rig, knocking on the doors and handing truckers leaflets informing them they could be prosecuted, lose their licenses and see their vehicles seized under Canada’s Emergencies Act. Police also began ticketing vehicles.

Re: "Freedom Convoy" Canadian Trucker Protest against COVID Vaccine Mandates and Other Grievances

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2022 6:34 pm
by Suranis
Slarti raised an interesting point in the Fogbow Zoom meetup last night. He said that the original Trucker protesters were from Indigenous Tribes, protesting some other issues. He couldn't remember what those issues were. If true, it might explain the reluctance to come down hard on the protests, as it comes on the heels of the report on the mismanagement and abuses in the Boarding Schools. They probably didn't want to start slamming handcuffs onto them after that.

Of course once it became clear that this was being taken over by the People of the Lie, they should have dropped the velvet gloves.

Oh, and I'm sure those guys in the hot tub know how the Jews felt in WW2. :mad:

Re: "Freedom Convoy" Canadian Trucker Protest against COVID Vaccine Mandates and Other Grievances

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2022 6:37 pm
by Volkonski
Organizers call for protests to become too large for police to break up. ... o-break-up
As the authorities threaten to arrest people blocking the streets of the capital, protest organizers on Wednesday appealed to supporters to pour into Ottawa and make their gatherings too large for the police to disperse.

Changing tactics, the organizers held a fairly standard and controlled news conference at a Sheraton hotel, trying to make their case to the journalists covering them and to ordinary Canadians. In the past, they have spoken primarily to supportive right-wing media, or at news conferences packed with supporters who heckled and intimidated reporters who asked questions.

“We are concerned that the government will order the police to use violence against the peaceful protesters,” said Vincent Gircys, who identified himself as a former police officer.

“Having more Canadians here,” he added, “will prevent the police from carrying out their government orders.”

Re: "Freedom Convoy" Canadian Trucker Protest against COVID Vaccine Mandates and Other Grievances

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2022 6:53 pm
by Dave from down under
Mr brolin wrote: Wed Feb 16, 2022 6:05 pm The Governor-General, as the Queens representative has the devolved authority and power to dissolve Parliament, this is done in request, consultation and (in general) with the acquiescence of the Prime Minister. It happens every time Parliament us dissolved and new elections are called.

The GG has the power to unilaterally dissolve Parliament in case of a constitutional crisis such as the incumbent losing a vote of confidence and still refusing to step down.

The GG unilaterally dissolving Parliament for any other reason COULD happen but would generally be seen as a one off, poisoning and extraordinary act that would almost inevitably lead to a move to a Republic.
"Well may we say "God save the Queen", because nothing will save the Governor-General! The Proclamation which you have just heard read by the Governor-General's Official Secretary was countersigned "Malcolm Fraser," who will undoubtedly go down in Australian history from Remembrance Day 1975 as Kerr's cur."

Re: "Freedom Convoy" Canadian Trucker Protest against COVID Vaccine Mandates and Other Grievances

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2022 7:19 pm
by Gregg
Suranis wrote: Wed Feb 16, 2022 6:34 pm Slarti raised an interesting point in the Fogbow Zoom meetup last night. H said that the original Trucker protesters were from Indigenous Tribes, protesting some other issues. He couldn't remember what those issues were. If true, it might explain the reluctance to come down hoard on the protests, as it cones on the heels of the report on the mismanagement and abuses in the Boarding schools. They probably didn't want to start slamming handcuffs onto them after that.

Of course once it became clear that this was being taken over by the People of the Lie, they should have dropped the velvet gloves.

Oh, and I'm sure those guys in the hot tub know how the Jews felt in WW2. :mad:
I think in WWII they used showers. :toxic-waste:

As for the guy who let Trump borrow his jet in 2020, is that right? I'm positive he had one he was allowed to use whenever he wanted back then that even got preferential treatment in Air Traffic Control. Surely he didn't need to slum in a G5.

Re: "Freedom Convoy" Canadian Trucker Protest against COVID Vaccine Mandates and Other Grievances

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2022 9:47 pm
by Luke
Canada is not kidding around. These jokers tweeting and taking credit for being part of this are going to have a rude awakening.
Banks are moving to freeze accounts linked to convoy protests. Here's what you need to know
Emergencies Act directs financial institutions to cut ties with some people
John Paul Tasker · CBC News · Posted: Feb 16, 2022 3:50 PM ET | Last Updated: 4 hours ago

The order says that banks and other financial entities (like credit unions, co-ops, loan companies, trusts and cryptocurrency platforms) must stop "providing any financial or related services" to people associated with the protests — a move that will result in frozen accounts, stranded money and cancelled credit cards. The government is also ordering insurance companies to suspend policies on vehicles that are part of an unlawful "public assembly."

These financial institutions can't handle cash, issue a loan, extend a mortgage or more generally facilitate "any transaction" of a "designated person" while the Emergencies Act is in place. The regulations define a "designated person" who can be cut off from financial services as someone who is "directly or indirectly" participating in a "public assembly that may reasonably be expected to lead to a breach of the peace," or a person engaging in "serious interference with trade" or "critical infrastructure."
"For the most part, financial institutions can decide who they do business with and they may decide to cease offering financial services," the official said. Mark Blumberg is a lawyer at Blumberg Segal LLP who specializes in non-profit and charity law. In an interview, he said that while the Emergencies Act gives banks time-limited powers, these institutions "may just decide to shut the person's account down" because there could be "huge risks" for banks servicing these customers in the future.
Over the longer term, Davis said, it may be hard for some of the truckers participating to ever find work again because they could lack the necessary insurance to operate a big rig. "Paying bills, paying rent and any kind of day-to-day financial transaction can be stopped for people who are part of the protest movement," she said.
Lots lots more: ... 3Dsharebar

Re: "Freedom Convoy" Canadian Trucker Protest against COVID Vaccine Mandates and Other Grievances

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 3:56 am
by Luke
OK, this is wild. On Telegram, they're going nuts about "the hacker" who took down GiveSendGo. The video was so nuts thought it was a joke or something.

FC.JPG (76.54 KiB) Viewed 1233 times

This is the guy (Malaysian outrage artist Ian always chimes in). You'll see what I mean by nuts in this video.

The guy in the video is Canadian "cyberterrorist" Aubrey_Cottle. Here's his Wikipedia:

Aubrey Cottle (born 1986 or 1987),[1] also known as Kirtaner, is a Canadian hacker, computer security researcher, software engineer and a founder of the hacktivist group Anonymous.[2] Cottle was involved with Anonymous in the mid- to late-2000s, but retired later. In 2020, he returned to activity with the group, saying he was motivated by a desire to stop the far-right QAnon conspiracy theory.[3] Cottle identified himself as a founding member of Anonymous in August 2020.[1]

Well, maybe it's true. Washington Examiner:
Famous 'cyberterrorist' goes on TikTok to take credit for GiveSendGo hack
by Ryan King, Breaking News Reporter | February 16, 2022 05:10 PM

A self-described "cyberterrorist" who rose to infamy as a member of the hacktivist group Anonymous is taking credit for the recent breach of GiveSendGo that released the names of donors to the Canadian trucker convoy. In a video posted to his TikTok account, Aubrey Cottle claimed he hacked the fundraising website that the "Freedom Convoy" truckers used to raise money for their protests. "Yes, I tossed the trucker. I hacked GiveSendGo, and I'd do it again. I'd do it a hundred times. I did it. I did it. Come at me. What are you going to do to me?" Cottle, also known as "Kirtaner," said in the video. "I'm literally a famous f***ing cyberterrorist, and you think that you can scare me?"

Cottle previously posted a TikTok video on Feb. 7 saying, "It would be a real shame if something were to happen to GiveSendGo." On Sunday, GiveSendGo was hacked, and over 92,000 names of donors on the platform were leaked online. The hack also redirected the visitors to a new webpage featuring an essay criticizing the platform posted over a video of Disney's Frozen. "The Canadian government has informed you that the money you a-holes raise to fund an insurrection is frozen,” the essay said. "You are committed to funding anything that keeps the raging fire of misinformation going until it burns the world’s collective democracies down."
Cottle did not elaborate on whether he acted alone in the hack. He said he also hacked Gab, Parler, Truth Social, and Epic Hosting, web services run by conservatives often founded due to concerns with anti-conservative content moderation policies on other social media platforms. He did not elaborate on his motivations. Last week, he posted one video expressing his joy that an Ontario court froze donations to the "Freedom Convoy" from GiveSendGo. ... endgo-hack

Here's his TikTok page with tons of videos:

Check out the comments on this video:

Missing from all of this? Proof that it was him.

But the Outrage Machine doesn't care. And yet, if it was true, why would TikTok keep him up?

Apparently, the latest leak is of all donors to all campaigns (like Rittenhouse). Vice's story is at ... acker-leak. Here are their top-grossing campaigns:

Re: "Freedom Convoy" Canadian Trucker Protest against COVID Vaccine Mandates and Other Grievances

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 6:32 am
by dan1100
And now for the newest "Canadian Heritage Minute".

Re: "Freedom Convoy" Canadian Trucker Protest against COVID Vaccine Mandates and Other Grievances

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 7:55 am
by bill_g
The Fruckers are feelin the love in the neighborhood I see.

Re: "Freedom Convoy" Canadian Trucker Protest against COVID Vaccine Mandates and Other Grievances

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:17 am
by RTH10260
raison de arizona wrote: Wed Feb 16, 2022 6:01 pm https://
Paul McLeod @pdmcleod
Feb 16, 2022
The hot tub party is back on Wellington St.
Ensconced in Velvet. @EsqBernie
And they'll stay there drinking beer, soaking in a tub and relaxing on the capital's main street UNTIL ALL OF THEIR FREEDOMS ARE RESTORED!!!
11:51 PM · Feb 16, 2022
Including their freedom to wear steel bracelets and get escorted to prison. :biggrin:

Re: "Freedom Convoy" Canadian Trucker Protest against COVID Vaccine Mandates and Other Grievances

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 10:19 am
by northland10
I'm always amazed at how the right's entitlement and privilege mentality seeps into their protests and insurrections. Most times, those involved in civil disobedience and insurrection know there are consequences waiting for them if they fail, and even if they succeed they know they will have to suffer the slings of arrows before the eventual victory. In some cases, they welcome that persecution as it proves their point.

The protesters from the current right (not including abortion clinic ones) are entitled whiners.

Re: "Freedom Convoy" Canadian Trucker Protest against COVID Vaccine Mandates and Other Grievances

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 10:37 am
by raison de arizona
The Trucker 🚛🇺🇸Mr. Geno Riley @RiggsGeno wrote: Reporter:Are you prepared to lose your truck?

Trucker: yeah, it’s just a material possession. Freedom is much more.

#FreedomConvoy2022 #CanadaTruckers #TrudeauHasGotToGo

Re: "Freedom Convoy" Canadian Trucker Protest against COVID Vaccine Mandates and Other Grievances

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 10:46 am
by W. Kevin Vicklund
Freedom? More like:

Re: "Freedom Convoy" Canadian Trucker Protest against COVID Vaccine Mandates and Other Grievances

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 12:15 pm
by Volkonski
Reuters@Reuters·29mPolice buses seen moving into central Ottawa after promise of crackdown

Re: "Freedom Convoy" Canadian Trucker Protest against COVID Vaccine Mandates and Other Grievances

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 3:34 pm
by MN-Skeptic
I love it! :lol:

Re: "Freedom Convoy" Canadian Trucker Protest against COVID Vaccine Mandates and Other Grievances

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 4:27 pm
by Gregg
raison de arizona wrote: Thu Feb 17, 2022 10:37 am
The Trucker 🚛🇺🇸Mr. Geno Riley @RiggsGeno wrote: Reporter:Are you prepared to lose your truck?

Trucker: yeah, it’s just a material possession. Freedom is much more.

#FreedomConvoy2022 #CanadaTruckers #TrudeauHasGotToGo
Well then, take your free ass down to see if Tim Horton's is still hiring. :thumbsup: :rotflmao:

Re: "Freedom Convoy" Canadian Trucker Protest against COVID Vaccine Mandates and Other Grievances

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 4:39 pm
by Volkonski
ABC News Live
“The action is imminent...We want to end this unlawful protest peacefully and safely," interim Ottawa police chief Steve Bell says, adding police have “lawful techniques to remove the unlawful protesters from our streets.”

Re: "Freedom Convoy" Canadian Trucker Protest against COVID Vaccine Mandates and Other Grievances

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 5:21 pm
by Suranis
Looks like they are going to be bringing out the Peppa Pig Album, and the Bagpipe CD.

Re: "Freedom Convoy" Canadian Trucker Protest against COVID Vaccine Mandates and Other Grievances

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 5:30 pm
by raison de arizona
What do we want? FREEDOM! When do we want it? I DUNNO, 180 YEARS FROM NOW I GUESS.
D710FC6B-B685-4CA6-B9E7-EBBBC54B90E8.jpeg (182.47 KiB) Viewed 927 times
Protest organizer Chris Barber taken into police custody on Albert Street, in the last hour.
:clap: :thumbsup:

Here’s a look at the secure area OPS are setting up. 100 checkpoints through according to police.

Bronson to the canal, Queensway to Parliament
#Ottawa #OttNews

Re: "Freedom Convoy" Canadian Trucker Protest against COVID Vaccine Mandates and Other Grievances

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2022 12:16 am
by RTH10260
The police arrest a key convoy organizer, Tamara Lich.

The police have begun moving in to make some arrests in downtown Ottawa, hoping to end weeks of gridlock in Canada’s capital from demonstrations sparked by vaccination requirements and other grievances.

Among those arrested Thursday night was Tamara Lich, 47, one of the protests’ main organizers, according to Dagny Pawlak, a spokeswoman for the protest.

Ms. Pawlak called the arrest “absolutely baseless and a disgrace to any liberal democracy, although not a surprise.”

Ms. Lich has emerged as the public face and the most visible leader of the trucker convoy against pandemic restrictions. She is a former fitness instructor, who has worked in the energy sector and sung and played guitar in a band called “Blind Monday” in Medicine Hat, Alberta. She was also a senior member of a splinter party that advocated for Canada’s Western provinces to secede from the country.

Throughout the protests, Ms. Lich, who speaks publicly in measured tones, has become adept at deploying social media — and her Twitter feed — to amplify the protesters’ grievances.

The police also arrested another organizer, Chris Barber, on Thursday afternoon, a spokesman for the protest confirmed.

Officials had been signaling for days that what had been criticized as a sluggish law enforcement response would soon be ending, and on Thursday, city, provincial and national police mobilized around Ottawa in preparation for a clampdown. Officers were seen gathering at a convention center near the airport and at major hotels on the city’s perimeter. ... tests-news

Re: "Freedom Convoy" Canadian Trucker Protest against COVID Vaccine Mandates and Other Grievances

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2022 12:10 pm
by Luke
SnickerPie is back to convoy coverage on Odysee:

YT has a lot because it's a big day. Live feeds: ... %253D%253D

This live ArrestCam is getting heated (I mean, as heated as Canadians get, they still are mostly wonderful people)


The Ottawa police are done with messing around, it's arrest day. The little darlings are screaming "Hold The Line!!" as they are being arrested.

Surprisingly, Parliament was called out of session because of the potential unrest. Surprising because they have to vote on the EMA by Monday, they just agreed to be in session all weekend from 7am to midnight... now they're losing a day.

Things did seem to calm down a bit when all of a sudden there was *the distant whop whop whop of helicopters, the faint puff of tiny parachutes opening and the ferocious welps of highly trained Assault Dachshunds as they descended upon some truckers. Word was it was the final things they saw and heard*. Many left immediately, they only got as far as "Hold...The....". . Seems like after the 699th stopped Lindell, they helicoptered up to Ottawa.

Re: "Freedom Convoy" Canadian Trucker Protest against COVID Vaccine Mandates and Other Grievances

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2022 12:49 pm
by raison de arizona