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Re: January 6 Select Committee

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 2:31 pm
by Slim Cognito
Raffensperger said GA's election went "remarkably smooth." ..."successful election..."

Raffensperger says Biden carried the state of GA by approx 12K votes

Machine count, 100% hand recount, and another machine count all confirmed Biden won. Three counts all remarkably consistent.

Re: January 6 Select Committee

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 2:35 pm
by Slim Cognito
Spox (I missed is name) but he's on video chewing trump out for inciting violence in GA, "....some people are going to get hurt, some are going to get shot, some are going to get killed."

(I really like his hearing impaired interpreter but I digress)

A young contractor receiving threats bc of a tweet/video posted by Qanon.

He went to twitter and saw the tweet, the contractor's name and a noose.
That prompted him to make that public statement.

Re: January 6 Select Committee

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 2:40 pm
by Slim Cognito
trump released video of false claims of voter fraud in GA

now talking about the bs that poll watchers were kicked out and brought in suitcases of ballots.

Giuliani played video falsely claiming above.

Of course, we all know those were just ballot crates and that's how ballots are handled.

trump kept pushing the claim and now people's lives are being threatened.

GA reviewed 48 hours of video from the counting, which showed the county workers engaging in normal counting procedures. If you watch the full video, you could see election workers thought they were going home for the day, packed everything up, then were told they had to keep counting so they had to pull it all back out.

Re: January 6 Select Committee

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 2:41 pm
by Slim Cognito
sometimes ballots "mis-scan" and they have to delete that batch and send the ballots back through. This is why some appeared to be scanned twice.

the 100% of ballots hand count confirmed nothing was double-scanned.

Re: January 6 Select Committee

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 2:42 pm
by Kendra

Wait, Ron Johnson wasn’t on the up and up with Jan 6?

Re: January 6 Select Committee

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 2:45 pm
by Slim Cognito
what about this?
it's not true.
Ok, what about this?
it's not true.
Ok, what about THIS?
it's not true.
Ok but I know "in my heart" they cheated.

Re: January 6 Select Committee

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 2:47 pm
by raison de arizona
Slim Cognito wrote: Tue Jun 21, 2022 2:45 pm what about this?
it's not true.
Ok, what about this?
it's not true.
Ok, what about THIS?
it's not true.
Ok but I know "in my heart" they cheated.
tfg, Aug. 24, during his Republican National Convention acceptance speech:
“The only way they can take this election away from us is if this is a rigged election,” Trump said.

I win or you cheated.

Re: January 6 Select Committee

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 2:50 pm
by Slim Cognito
trump, in phone call to Francis Watson tells her "will be praised." if they find enough votes to give GA to trump. "whatever you can do."

28,000 GA voters skipped the presidential race, but voted down-ballot, which was enough to give the state to Biden.

Re: January 6 Select Committee

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 2:51 pm
by Slim Cognito
something about MAGA hats. did anyone catch it? Were they trying to bribe people to switch the vote count?

Re: January 6 Select Committee

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 2:56 pm
by Kendra
Schiff is doing well here IMHO. Going methodically through the evidence, interviews, etc.

And thanks Slim for the updates :bighug:

Re: January 6 Select Committee

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 2:56 pm
by raison de arizona
The testimony today is devastating. Just devastating.

Re: January 6 Select Committee

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 2:58 pm
by Dr. Ken

Re: January 6 Select Committee

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 2:59 pm
by Slim Cognito
listening to trump's call to Raffensperger who says every claim was false. He's detailing numbers, but "every allegation..we made sure our numbers were accurate." "The numbers were the numbers and we could not recalculate bc we made sure we checked......(crap, typing too slow but you get the gist.)"

trump yelling at Raffensperger after R told him he could send him a link to show GA's election was valid. trump did not like that at all.

Re: January 6 Select Committee

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 3:01 pm
by Slim Cognito
trump retweeting bs about election fraud, shows Kemp and Raff wearing face masks of the Chinese flag(?) and saying both will soon go to jail for not flipping GA.

call of trump angrily arguing the ballots are being shredded "ballots are corrupt" "it's more illegal for you than it is for them bc you know what they did and you're not reporting it. That's a criminal offense. You can't let that happen. That's a big risk foryou and your lawyer. That's a big risk." I would say trump is yelling.

trump's "most explicit ask" "All I want to do is this, I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have, bc we won the state."

Re: January 6 Select Committee

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 3:06 pm
by Slim Cognito
Schiff is done with the witnesses. I think they're wrapping up.

Oops, I forgot about the GA election worker witness.

Re: January 6 Select Committee

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 3:07 pm
by raison de arizona
Slim Cognito wrote: Tue Jun 21, 2022 2:13 pm Bowers and his family received multiple threats. In excess of 20,000 emails, tens of thousands of voice mails and texts, "which saturated our offices and we were unable to work or communicate."

"But at home, up until even recently, it is the new pattern to worry what will happen on Saturdays various groups come by and they have had video trucks claiming he's a ...."pedophile, pervert, blaring loud speakers in my neighborhood, giving flyers to my neighbors. Wearing guns, threatening neighbors...."

"A daughter who was gravely ill, who was upset by what was happening outside and my wife, who is a valiant person, very strong, quiet woman, it was disturbing."

five minute recess. WTF did I turn on NBC? Now I'm listening to Chuck Todd.
FWIW I'm not sure NBC is watching the same hearing we are, they seemingly discounted Bower's testimony.

Re: January 6 Select Committee

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 3:08 pm
by Slim Cognito
Well, it IS Chuck Todd. Fuck him.

Re: January 6 Select Committee

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 3:09 pm
by Kendra
Slim Cognito wrote: Tue Jun 21, 2022 3:08 pm Well, it IS Chuck Todd. Fuck him.

Re: January 6 Select Committee

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 3:09 pm
by Slim Cognito
Ms Moss is the witness. Her mother, who was working with her, iirc, is sitting directly behind her.

Re: January 6 Select Committee

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 3:11 pm
by Slim Cognito
She's been an election worker for 10 years.

She's never been threatened before. She's having microphone problems. Someone just helped her.

Schiff is back to question her.

Re: January 6 Select Committee

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 3:12 pm
by Slim Cognito
gotta do some dr stuff. be back asap

Re: January 6 Select Committee

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 3:19 pm
by Slim Cognito
She's practically in tears remembering the threats, jail, death, lynching. The flash drive Giuliani accuses her mother of passing to her was a "ginger mint."

Re: January 6 Select Committee

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 3:24 pm
by Slim Cognito
Her testimony is heartbreaking. Her life, and her mother's, has been completely destroyed. They're afraid to go into public. They're afraid to even give their name out for orders.

I think I'm going to cry.

Re: January 6 Select Committee

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 3:27 pm
by Kendra

Re: January 6 Select Committee

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 3:28 pm
by Slim Cognito
trump's vigilantes forced (or tried to force) their way into her grandmother's home to make a citizen's arrest of Ms Moss and her mother.

Large orders of pizza were sent to her grandmother's house, to be paid COD.