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Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Mon May 24, 2021 1:53 pm
by noblepa
Clearly, it is a dangerous thing to have well-meaning, but under-educated people swear an Oath to "protect and defend" the Constitution of the US and Utah, when they very likely have never read them, let alone understood them. Through our ordeal we have come in contact with, or been affected by, somewhere near 200 government employed "oath-takers". The only thing that We, the Cromar family, has ever needed is ONE "oath keeper" to recognize that we NEVER had a Hearing, let alone a Trial by Jury to face our deceitful lying IRS accusers, and step in between Us and those dangerous, heartless, and often mindless powers of government which have all but ruined our lives, honor, stolen our home and its contents, endangered Us, destroyed our ability to make a living.

Clearly, they don't understand how the system works.

When the IRS audits you and issues a statement of deficiency (I forget the exact term), it is not a criminal proceeding, it is purely civil. You are not entitled to a trial, let alone a jury in such a proceeding. It is an entirely administrative process. If you don't like the outcome, you can either not pay the additional tax and file a case in the Tax Court, or you can pay the tax and then sue in Federal Court to recover the money. In both of those cases, you will then be entitled to due process in court. Perhaps not a jury trial, but at least it will be a court, rather than an IRS conference room. At that point, you can argue the law. With the IRS, you can not really argue a point of law, just the calculations and the categorization of income/deductions.

If the IRS finds that you have engaged in criminal tax evasion, they may bring criminal charges against you. In that case, you will DEFINITELY be afforded a jury trial.

Basically, they haven't progressed to the point of getting a jury trial. Yet.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Wed May 26, 2021 12:27 am
by Gregg
northland10 wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 8:49 am
scirreeve wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 12:49 am Toledo Oregon is a tiny town. Sovcit nutz are everywhere I guess.
The original video is a few years old. I remember these folks from the same occurrence among others. It is our old friends Chris and Laura Walker.

In the where are they now world, Christopher is now in prison for Manslaughter II. While he was exercising his rights to travel freely, he travelled freely to pass a car in a no-passing zone and hit another car head-on. The elderly passenger in the other car died. His release is in 2025.

I am holding back on my language for these people. Selfish f****. ... oint-woman

But his insurance paid for the damages, including some compensation for the victim's family, right?

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Sat May 29, 2021 12:18 am
by scirreeve
Trent wants his shit back - no update on his court case. Trent is dumber than shit.
Capture.JPG (39.78 KiB) Viewed 3550 times

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 11:55 am
by gshevlin2
Here is a member of the "working poor" (with a new F-250 in the garage) who is excited because she just discovered a sure-fire way to not pay any Federal taxes!
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Found a Trump supporter who thinks she can just opt out of paying federal income taxes. <a href=""> ... </p>&mdash; Jean-Michel Connard (@torriangray) <a href=" 29, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 1:44 pm
by AndyinPA

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 10:12 pm
by noblepa
I hope she tries it.

As all Fogbow members know very well, many have tried. Many have failed.

Besides, what she is suggesting is to just pick W-4 settings that result in having no income tax WITHHELD from your paycheck. That's easy. Just say you have 99 deductions. You can do that. Most likely, unless you make a heck of a lot more than I do, you will have nothing withheld. I have heard that, if you claim more that 10 or 12 deductions, your employer is required to make a special report to the IRS, who will investigate.

You will still owe taxes, based on your income, come April 15. It might take a year or two for them to catch up to you, but eventually, you will get a statement of deficiency, which will start the ball rolling on penalties, interest, collections, garnishment, and possibly jail time.

I have heard people propose doing this in order to "defund" the US Government. Their idea is that, if 50 or 100 million people do this, the income tax revenue shortfall would be so enormous that the gov't wouldn't have the money to go after that many people. That's the catch, though. Do you want to be the first, hoping that 99,999,999 more people will follow your lead?

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 2:23 am
by Michael in Houston
Not this W-4 garbage again. Most employers will not accept a 99 dependents W-4 or an false exempt W-4 because they know the consequences. There used to be a Youtube video by a guy that tried that - the video was him crying about losing his job because he kept pestering the payroll department about his "exempt" status. Also, just filing a false W-4 can result in a $500 penalty.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 8:09 am
by wserra
Moreover, if the IRS gets wind of it, the likely result is a so-called "lock-in letter" to the employer. That action requires the employer to withhold at the rate specified (frequently single/0) from the date in the letter, and not to accept any further W-4s from that employee.

All in all, the bogus W-4 is a really futile and stupid gesture, but they're just the people to do it.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 8:20 am
by neeneko
noblepa wrote: Sun May 30, 2021 10:12 pm I have heard people propose doing this in order to "defund" the US Government. Their idea is that, if 50 or 100 million people do this, the income tax revenue shortfall would be so enormous that the gov't wouldn't have the money to go after that many people. That's the catch, though. Do you want to be the first, hoping that 99,999,999 more people will follow your lead?
I have also heard something like this in the bitcoin community. If they all refuse to report crypto earnings then, because there is no bank tattling on them, the government will never be able to catch them all.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 8:48 am
by RTH10260
neeneko wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 8:20 am
noblepa wrote: Sun May 30, 2021 10:12 pm I have heard people propose doing this in order to "defund" the US Government. Their idea is that, if 50 or 100 million people do this, the income tax revenue shortfall would be so enormous that the gov't wouldn't have the money to go after that many people. That's the catch, though. Do you want to be the first, hoping that 99,999,999 more people will follow your lead?
I have also heard something like this in the bitcoin community. If they all refuse to report crypto earnings then, because there is no bank tattling on them, the government will never be able to catch them all.
The tricky part about assets hidden from the tax man is how to turn them into cash without the tax man taking notice. Suddenly parking the Ferrari or Porsche in your driveway may be suspicious when one cannot prove how it was paid for. I had an aquaintance in a former live who fixed and traded in used cars as a side to his regular job. He bought gold bars (legal in Switzerland) and kept them in a safe box. When gold prices started to surge he wanted to cash in on the new fortune. The solution: sell the gold at a bank over the counter (at the time banks did not ask any questions or identity) for cash, then use is to finance a nice long holidays with family overseas. The tax man never asks about holidays and how they get financed. Nowadays, depending where one goes on holidays, one could open a bank account at the destination and convert crypto currencies without the tax man at home being any wiser. And yes, the OECD rules against tax evasion are making things more difficult by banks reporting directly to the home tax man.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 9:11 am
by neeneko
RTH10260 wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 8:48 am The tricky part about assets hidden from the tax man is how to turn them into cash without the tax man taking notice. Suddenly parking the Ferrari or Porsche in your driveway may be suspicious when one cannot prove how it was paid for.
*nod* a couple of the 'silk road redux' people were caught in no small part due to buying expensive things that caught the tax man's attention. Unemployed teenagers with multiple homes and sports cars kinda get noticed.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 9:51 am
by gshevlin2
Not-smart people who suddenly come into large amounts of money always tend to do Stupid Things with the money that scream "Look! I suddenly came into massive money, I have no taste or smarts, and I thought you should all know about it".

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 1:48 pm
by woodworker
Not-smart people with no taste, etc. -- we are talking about the great orange shitgibbon now, aren't we?

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 6:03 pm
by gshevlin2
He is merely one example. Here in Dallas, I am constantly driving past massive houses with all of the paraphernalia of Too Much Money, like turrets, drives with statuary, and even the occasional ditch that looks like an attempt at a moat.
The houses all sit loud and proud on their lots, but...they have absolutely no privacy. It is as if the owners said "I have a lot of money but no taste, I thought I would show that, and I am sure that you are dying to look into my fantastic ground floor spaces with your plebeian telescope."

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 6:21 pm
by northland10
gshevlin2 wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 6:03 pm He is merely one example. Here in Dallas, I am constantly driving past massive houses with all of the paraphernalia of Too Much Money...
Many of them probably don't have as much money as they try to show. Up here near Lake Forest, Illinois we have referred to some of them as Faux Rich. They are desperate to show off whatever ever wealth they have even though they are nowhere in the league of the actual rich (many of them who, while maybe having large estates, often don't show it off tastelessly).

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 7:18 pm
by neeneko
northland10 wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 6:21 pm Many of them probably don't have as much money as they try to show. Up here near Lake Forest, Illinois we have referred to some of them as Faux Rich. They are desperate to show off whatever ever wealth they have even though they are nowhere in the league of the actual rich (many of them who, while maybe having large estates, often don't show it off tastelessly).
Here we call them 'McMansions'. My father was a contractor who worked on them, well, repairing them at least. Every corner cut you could imagine as long as the facade was impressive.. and people using furniture that would make a broke college student blush because they had zero money left over after the mortgage.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 7:55 pm
by AndyinPA
I have a friend in LA whose daughter lives in a small apartment that goes along with one of these McMansions in one of the canyons. It's a stunning house, and we had dinner there one evening (the house, not the separate apartment). Huge with a double staircase in the entrance, lots of rooms. There were easily ten or more rooms, not counting baths. Three of them were furnished. Now, whenever I go past these McMansions here I wonder what's really inside.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 10:01 pm
by gshevlin2
Don't forget Kate Wagner and her excellent website

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 7:36 am
by neeneko
wow, with that website, I can not decide if I should laugh or feel really poor.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 8:16 am
by northland10
gshevlin2 wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 10:01 pm Don't forget Kate Wagner and her excellent website
After looking at the photos of the very disturbing Christmas House, SovCits don't seem all that bad now.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 8:42 pm
by Gregg
gshevlin2 wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 9:51 am Not-smart people who suddenly come into large amounts of money always tend to do Stupid Things with the money that scream "Look! I suddenly came into massive money, I have no taste or smarts, and I thought you should all know about it".
That's the biggest reason they make yellow Aston Martins.


Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 8:47 pm
by Gregg
Another thing, when you do quite a bit of gymnastics to keep the IRS from finding out you have $2 million in Crypto you day traded from a base of $35, they are gonna find out eventually and all those clever things you did to hide for a few years are solid evidence of intent and now its not just unpaid taxes, its felony tax evasion.

So while you MIGHT have reached a reasonable settlement if you say "I didn't know" and pay the taxes, interest and penalty, when you make them figure out all you shell companies and foreign accounts (which themselves now have to be reported) its a good bet you're gonna go to prison.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 8:48 pm
by Gregg
northland10 wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 6:21 pm
gshevlin2 wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 6:03 pm He is merely one example. Here in Dallas, I am constantly driving past massive houses with all of the paraphernalia of Too Much Money...
Many of them probably don't have as much money as they try to show. Up here near Lake Forest, Illinois we have referred to some of them as Faux Rich. They are desperate to show off whatever ever wealth they have even though they are nowhere in the league of the actual rich (many of them who, while maybe having large estates, often don't show it off tastelessly).
If you can see the house from the road, they're peasants.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2021 10:56 am
by TheNewSaint
gshevlin2 wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 10:01 pm Don't forget Kate Wagner and her excellent website
"This is what my pick sees when it falls into my guitar" legitimately made me laugh.

Re: Sovcit nutz

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2021 12:15 pm
by Resume18
TheNewSaint wrote: Wed Jun 02, 2021 10:56 am
gshevlin2 wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 10:01 pm Don't forget Kate Wagner and her excellent website
"This is what my pick sees when it falls into my guitar" legitimately made me laugh.
X 2.