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The dregs of birther remainders.

Posted: Fri May 10, 2024 11:12 am
by bob
Sam the Centipede wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 5:08 am
"Shrouding" implies a deliberate act of not engaging with someone trying to promote an argument.
But Dr. Laity, Esq., has murdered forests with his letters informing "them" that ignoring Laity is misprision of treason and punishable by death. :smoking:

Birthers (Kerchner, especially) are convinced there's a vast conspiracy to suppress them. When, really, nobody cares.

The dregs of birther remainders.

Posted: Fri May 10, 2024 3:25 pm
by bob
bob wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 11:12 am But Dr. Laity, Esq., has murdered forests with his letters informing "them" that ignoring Laity is misprision of treason and punishable by death.
I lurve birthers' predictability:
Laity wrote:It WILL come up. The FACT that Rubio is NOT an Article II Natural Born Citizen. I have URGED Trump through correspondence with “The Office of Donald J. Trump, Sr.” NOT to choose a person who is not an NBC. While Rubio was born in the US his parents were not US Citizens at the time of his birth. NEITHER of Rubio’s parents were naturalized until 1975., four years AFTER he was born.
And who can ignore an URGE from Laity? :smoking:

But there's trouble brewing:
Dennis Becker wrote: In any court action,, Rubio will be declared a natural born citizen just like he was in 2016 by the Illinois Election Board. The hearing officer called the reliance on the dicta in Minor v Happersett to be “misplaced”. Rubio’s case begins on page 89 of the boards report on objections (objections to Ted Cruz’s candidacy open the report). ... Agenda.pdf
Birthers don't like to be reminded about their past failures. They prefer to call the courts corrupt while wishcasting for a different result.

The dregs of birther remainders.

Posted: Fri May 10, 2024 4:03 pm
by Reality Check
Rondeau had enough of open discussion. :rotflmao:

The dregs of birther remainders.

Posted: Fri May 10, 2024 5:06 pm
by bob
Reality Check wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 4:03 pm Rondeau had enough of open discussion. :rotflmao:
It would appear (mostly) so, as some jerk* isn't passing moderation. :crying:

But there's this:
Dennis Becker wrote:Rubio was also found to be eligible by the Indiana Election Commission. In that case Rubio’s attorney pointed out that the Indians Appeals Court ruling in Ankeny v Governor of Indiana is binding precedent on the Commission. ... Part_1.pdf

Birthers lurve to handwave Ankeny away: "iT iSN't BiiiiiiiNDinG!!!!1!" It is in Indiana! :towel:

* :whistle:

The dregs of birther remainders.

Posted: Fri May 10, 2024 5:40 pm
by RTH10260
The Indians Appeal Court, might force you to be a Native American to qualify ;)

The dregs of birther remainders.

Posted: Fri May 10, 2024 5:41 pm
by realist
bob wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 5:06 pm
Reality Check wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 4:03 pm Rondeau had enough of open discussion. :rotflmao:
It would appear (mostly) so, as some jerk* isn't passing moderation. :crying:

But there's this:
Dennis Becker wrote:Rubio was also found to be eligible by the Indiana Election Commission. In that case Rubio’s attorney pointed out that the Indians Appeals Court ruling in Ankeny v Governor of Indiana is binding precedent on the Commission. ... Part_1.pdf

Birthers lurve to handwave Ankeny away: "iT iSN't BiiiiiiiNDinG!!!!1!" It is in Indiana! :towel:

* :whistle:
And was the best chance they had to go to a higher court for a definitive ruling but they blew that. Probably didn’t want to know. :lol:

The dregs of birther remainders.

Posted: Tue May 14, 2024 2:32 pm
by bob
P&E: VP Poll: How Many are Constitutionally Eligible?:
During live coverage Tuesday of the ongoing trial in New York of former president and leading 2024 Republican presidential candidate Donald J. Trump, “The Benny Show” host Benny Johnson posted a poll he took of listeners’ preferences for Trump’s vice president should he be re-elected on November 5.

* * *

As of 11:45 a.m., Johnson posted the top four contenders in the poll as generated by observers’ votes consisting of Ramaswamy, [Byron] Donalds [(FL-19), former Democrat Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, and Ohio Sen. JD Vance.
The answer, of course, is "all of them," but I can't be bothered to make a new fake account. :yawn:

The dregs of birther remainders.

Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 12:42 pm
by Reality Check
Chancery requested someone post copies of the two orders by Judge Clay Land in Orly's case in Georgia: (Rhodes v MacDonald)

$10,000 on the first order
ORDER denying 15 Motion for Stay of Deployment filed by Connie Rhodes. Ordered by Judge Clay D. Land on 09/18/2009. (CGC) (Entered: 09/18/2009)

Then he doubled it after Bowling Ball's wonderful Motion for Recusal

ORDER denying 24 Motion for Recusal; denying 25 Motion for Extension of Time. Ordered by Judge Clay D. Land on 10/13/2009. (lra) (Entered: 10/13/2009)

The dregs of birther remainders.

Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 12:49 pm
by noblepa
Reality Check wrote: Wed May 15, 2024 12:42 pm Chancery requested someone post copies of the two orders by Judge Clay Land in Orly's case in Georgia: (Rhodes v MacDonald)

$10,000 on the first order
ORDER denying 15 Motion for Stay of Deployment filed by Connie Rhodes. Ordered by Judge Clay D. Land on 09/18/2009. (CGC) (Entered: 09/18/2009)

Then he doubled it after Bowling Ball's wonderful Motion for Recusal

ORDER denying 24 Motion for Recusal; denying 25 Motion for Extension of Time. Ordered by Judge Clay D. Land on 10/13/2009. (lra) (Entered: 10/13/2009)
IIRC, she publicly stated that she had no intention of paying the fine, until the court began procedings to put a lien on her house. At that point, it was speculated that her husband stepped in and told her that he would put up with her hobby of filing frivolous lawsuits and such, but he drew the line when it came to risking their home.

The dregs of birther remainders.

Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 1:57 pm
by northland10
Reality Check wrote: Wed May 15, 2024 12:42 pm Chancery requested someone post copies of the two orders by Judge Clay Land in Orly's case in Georgia: (Rhodes v MacDonald)

$10,000 on the first order
ORDER denying 15 Motion for Stay of Deployment filed by Connie Rhodes. Ordered by Judge Clay D. Land on 09/18/2009. (CGC) (Entered: 09/18/2009)

Then he doubled it after Bowling Ball's wonderful Motion for Recusal

ORDER denying 24 Motion for Recusal; denying 25 Motion for Extension of Time. Ordered by Judge Clay D. Land on 10/13/2009. (lra) (Entered: 10/13/2009)
If she had done the response and not CEL3, she would likely have had only the 10K to worry about. CEL3's nastygram of a filing accusing the judge of all sorts of stuff did not go over well.

This was on top of the fact that he had already bent over backward to accommodate her client's expedited schedule needs (along with patiently attempting to teach a lawyer about the law).

The dregs of birther remainders.

Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 2:05 pm
by chancery

As I wrote at the time:
More importantly, CEL III, who obviously wrote the papers, tried his best to elicit sanctions, for reasons known best to him. He employed his fine legal and academic education, every skill he had acquired from half a decade or so of practice with a good firm, and a natural talent for offensiveness. The result was what you might call the eidos of sanctionable papers, a finalist in a Bulwer-Lytton-type contest for the most blatantly sanctionable papers you could possibly imagine. It's not surprising that CEL’s efforts to get under the judge’s skin succeeded. ... nd#p773700

It might have been a poison pill farewell to Taitz, following the breakup of their apparent weird relationship.

The dregs of birther remainders.

Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 2:39 pm
by realist
chancery wrote: Wed May 15, 2024 2:05 pm :yeahthat:

As I wrote at the time:
More importantly, CEL III, who obviously wrote the papers, tried his best to elicit sanctions, for reasons known best to him. He employed his fine legal and academic education, every skill he had acquired from half a decade or so of practice with a good firm, and a natural talent for offensiveness. The result was what you might call the eidos of sanctionable papers, a finalist in a Bulwer-Lytton-type contest for the most blatantly sanctionable papers you could possibly imagine. It's not surprising that CEL’s efforts to get under the judge’s skin succeeded. ... nd#p773700

It might have been a poison pill farewell to Taitz, following the breakup of their apparent weird relationship.
All the document for this particular fiasco are on OldBow. ... mit=Search

The dregs of birther remainders.

Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 2:58 pm
by bob
P&E: “And Ye Shall Know the Truth”:
Tom Arnold wrote:I want to emphasize, to any of you who might read this, the tremendous significance of THE TRUTH. In the purest sense, telling the truth is something that always is the right thing to do.

* * *

In a related matter, would George H.W. Bush have been constitutionally ineligible under Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 to be a U.S. President? I have read reports saying Prescott S. Bush was born in Germany,[] and there are indications that George H.W. Bush also was German-born.

Because someone is no fun:
Derek wrote:There is no substantial evidence to support the claim that George H.W. Bush was German-born, which would have potentially made him ineligible to be President under the natural-born citizen requirement. George H.W. Bush was born in Milton, Massachusetts, in 1924, and there’s no credible information suggesting otherwise. Prescott Sheldon Bush was born in Columbus, Ohio, on 15th May, 1895.

The dregs of birther remainders.

Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 7:00 pm
by Reality Check
F-ing morons. Even the simplest research is beyond their capability.


OMG! No seal and no doctors signature. Calling Mike Zullo ;)

The dregs of birther remainders.

Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 7:06 pm
by Reality Check
Prescott Bush was born in Franklin County, OH. The name is incorrectly listed as Sheldon P. Bush. (4th from the bottom)


1900 Census shows Prescott Bush born in Ohio


The dregs of birther remainders.

Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 7:58 pm
by Reality Check
Did I say f--king morons?

The dregs of birther remainders.

Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 9:14 pm
by Dr. Ken
I'm engaged in the dumbest of all threads on the bird platform.

This guy keeps quote tweeting instead of replying. He's quoting phil berg. His argument is that if one doesn't directly refute every dumb unproven claim in a losing lawsuit then that's an admission that what they're saying is true. He keeps saying that Obama's grandmother, sister and brother all day Obama was born in Kenya because that's what berg put in his lawsuit. He says Obama was born in 3 hospitals because that's what berg put in his lawsuit. It's just a circle jerk of nonsense

The dregs of birther remainders.

Posted: Thu May 16, 2024 12:12 am
by chancery
Reality Check wrote: Wed May 15, 2024 12:42 pm Chancery requested someone post copies of the two orders by Judge Clay Land in Orly's case in Georgia: (Rhodes v MacDonald)
realist wrote: Wed May 15, 2024 12:48 pm The documents are on OldBow. ... mit=Search
Reality Check, thanks for posting those two orders. Realist, thanks for posting that search link; it's a helpful gateway to the large number of Rhodes v. MacDonald posts on Oldbow. And thanks also to all the other members who have contributed recollections and observations since this discussion started up yesterday.

One thing I didn't find after searching Oldbow was a link to the transcript of the Rhodes v. MacDonald TRO hearing. I recall having read it, and maybe it's still available on Tesibria's page or at Doc Conspiracy's blog, but here's a link to the copy on the CourtListener docket: ... 5.23.0.pdf

It's a splendid example of high-test Orlyisms, including the hair-trigger way she segues in mid-sentence from her fractured attempts at legal argument to belligerent cloud-cuckoo-land nonsense. I'd forgotten how fond she was of the word "garbage." Alas, it's not quite as amusing to read as it was before the rise of MAGAtry.

I hadn't realized that the CourtListener project goes so back so far in time. Just think how much easier our antibirther activism would have been if CourtListener had been up and running back then.

It's melancholy work going through the pages of the old forum: links are dead, most of the BBCode that distinguished quotes from replies is gone, other formatting rot has set it. But what's saddest is seeing all the once familiar names of so many wonderful contributors we haven't heard from in many years. :brokenheart: It made me feel a bit weepy.

The dregs of birther remainders.

Posted: Thu May 16, 2024 2:46 am
by chancery
Not able to sleep, so I dug up another priceless moment in Orly Taitz's legal career.
BrockHausen v. Andrade, No. 08-10010-C368, (368th Judicial Dist, Williams Co, Tex, Jan. 22, 2009)
[Transcript of Hearing On Plea to Jurisdiction]

MS. TAITZ: Your Honor, first of all Ms. Kane brought forward on that case - all of their case, that federal case where quite often the plaintiffs were not found to have jurisdiction. This is a state case. Ms. Brockhausen has brought a case in the State court which is different and therefore Ms. Kane's argument as to Holenburg case (phonetic) would not be valid.

THE COURT: I'm still listening.

MS. TAITZ: Additionally, the circumstances of the case have changed due to the fact that the hearing was scheduled after the election. We have now a different set of circumstances. Now, her case is not against the person that's on the ballot, now her issue is the fact that the president in the White House is not there legitimately that will have [a usurper] in the White House. And there was never a case of such magnitude. There was never a case showing that there is no jurisdiction for a citizen of this country in questioning eligibility of one that is in the White House.

So because the case has been moved until after the election she actually got standing. She actually brought jurisdiction.

THE COURT: Okay. Is that it?


THE COURT: The plea to the jurisdiction is granted.

Do you have an order for me, ma'am?

MS. KANE: Yes, Your Honor.

THE COURT: Thank you. All right. Thank you ladies. I have signed the proposed order.

MS. KANE: Can we be excused, Your Honor?

THE COURT: Yes, ma'am. That's all.

MS. BROCKHAUSEN: May I say something?

THE COURT: No, ma'am. You have a lawyer. That's why you have a lawyer here --

MS. BROCKHAUSEN: That's nice. I worked very hard on this.

THE COURT: Leave, ma'am ... sen#p51003

The dregs of birther remainders.

Posted: Thu May 16, 2024 9:49 am
by Reality Check
Wasn't there another Taitz case filed in a federal court in Texas that was dismissed the same evening it was filed? Or am I think of Brockhausen v Andrade?

The dregs of birther remainders.

Posted: Thu May 16, 2024 10:07 am
by jemcanada2
Now I want to watch the videos Epict(can’t remember how to spell it) made of Orly’s trials! :lol: :lol:

The dregs of birther remainders.

Posted: Thu May 16, 2024 11:42 am
by wavey davey
We should create a new topic: Fogbow 1.0 Greatest Hits

The dregs of birther remainders.

Posted: Thu May 16, 2024 11:50 am
by jemcanada2
wavey davey wrote: Thu May 16, 2024 11:42 am We should create a new topic: Fogbow 1.0 Greatest Hits

The dregs of birther remainders.

Posted: Thu May 16, 2024 11:51 am
by realist
chancery wrote: Thu May 16, 2024 2:46 am Not able to sleep, so I dug up another priceless moment in Orly Taitz's legal career.
BrockHausen v. Andrade, No. 08-10010-C368, (368th Judicial Dist, Williams Co, Tex, Jan. 22, 2009)
[Transcript of Hearing On Plea to Jurisdiction]

MS. TAITZ: Your Honor, first of all Ms. Kane brought forward on that case - all of their case, that federal case where quite often the plaintiffs were not found to have jurisdiction. This is a state case. Ms. Brockhausen has brought a case in the State court which is different and therefore Ms. Kane's argument as to Holenburg case (phonetic) would not be valid.

THE COURT: I'm still listening.

MS. TAITZ: Additionally, the circumstances of the case have changed due to the fact that the hearing was scheduled after the election. We have now a different set of circumstances. Now, her case is not against the person that's on the ballot, now her issue is the fact that the president in the White House is not there legitimately that will have [a usurper] in the White House. And there was never a case of such magnitude. There was never a case showing that there is no jurisdiction for a citizen of this country in questioning eligibility of one that is in the White House.

So because the case has been moved until after the election she actually got standing. She actually brought jurisdiction.

THE COURT: Okay. Is that it?


THE COURT: The plea to the jurisdiction is granted.

Do you have an order for me, ma'am?

MS. KANE: Yes, Your Honor.

THE COURT: Thank you. All right. Thank you ladies. I have signed the proposed order.

MS. KANE: Can we be excused, Your Honor?

THE COURT: Yes, ma'am. That's all.

MS. BROCKHAUSEN: May I say something?

THE COURT: No, ma'am. You have a lawyer. That's why you have a lawyer here --

MS. BROCKHAUSEN: That's nice. I worked very hard on this.

THE COURT: Leave, ma'am ... sen#p51003
I ordered that transcript the day of the "hearing." I then held on to it, and waited until just the right time to release it. It was a lot of fun. On OldBow I believe I titled the thread ORLY GOES TO COURT. :lol:

The dregs of birther remainders.

Posted: Thu May 16, 2024 11:54 am
by RTH10260
jemcanada2 wrote: Thu May 16, 2024 10:07 am Now I want to watch the videos Epict(can’t remember how to spell it) made of Orly’s trials! :lol: :lol:

I think his video clips were only hosted on the creation webservice and that did go out of service shortly after.

and Estiveo had the Orly-Toons thread - on Oldbow --> ... php?t=1299

cause Photobucket does no longer allow free image hosting, the OrlyToons do not show up, but Estiveo still has the account and one can view with a direct link. As Photobucket also has limited the number for free images, not the whole archive may be accessible.

But follow ... yToon1.jpg for the initial 'toon.

Edit: Above about crossposting of images does not to seem to be entirely true.
Go to Oldbow and put the terms "i820 orly-toons" into the search box top right and one ought to get at least a selection of them Orly Toons.

Not to forget Verbalobe with his cartoon stories "The Birfer Wet Dreams"
On Oldbow use search ... =verbalobe
Looks like he has a Twitter Acct @BirferInDaHouse and hastag #BirferInDaHouse to follow ... htag_click