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Re: GIL: Klayman

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 9:00 am
by Suranis
bob wrote: Mon May 10, 2021 1:49 pm Klayman's New Common Sense:
There's more, but it is just the usual rhetoric and begging for cash.

That picture, tho.
With that picture, he is slowly degenerating more and more into his original archtype - Fred Garvin, Male Prostitute.

Fred_Garvin.jpg (45.79 KiB) Viewed 3534 times

Re: GIL: Klayman

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 2:58 pm
by bob
FW wrote:In the indictment of Dr. Anthony Fauci, Prosecutor Larry Klayman presents the Citizen's Grand Jury with testimony from expert witness Dr. Judy Mikovits and her co-author Kent Heckenlively.

Re: GIL: Klayman

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 3:25 pm
by realist
Dr. Judy Mikovits and her co-author Kent Heckenlively.
I don't know Heckenlively, but I think we all know Mikovits... nut on parade.

So where and who is Klayman's "jury"? I'm guessing nowhere and no one. Just a WAG. :biggrin:

Re: GIL: Klayman

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 3:42 pm
by Estiveo
realist wrote: Thu May 20, 2021 3:25 pmSo where and who is Klayman's "jury"?
Found ' em!

Re: GIL: Klayman

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 4:00 pm
by woodworker
On the chat now with some of his acolytes and having so much fun.

Re: GIL: Klayman

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 4:17 pm
by woodworker
All of 12 people watching, and at least two of them (I am one) are laughing at him.

Re: GIL: Klayman

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 4:23 pm
by woodworker
I am going to have to put all of his live stream bull shit events on my calendar. It is so much fun to join in on the chat.

Re: GIL: Klayman

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 4:34 pm
by johnpcapitalist
woodworker wrote: Thu May 20, 2021 4:17 pm All of 12 people watching, and at least two of them (I am one) are laughing at him.
Wonder what would happen if a wide-eyed innocent were to ask him whether citizen's grand juries can only be used by conservaties? What if liberals decided to try having citizen's grand juries and indict Klayman for being mean to President Obama? Would he have to go to real jail like he's promising his suckers will happen to Biden?

Re: GIL: Klayman

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 4:42 pm
by bob
realist wrote: Thu May 20, 2021 3:25 pmSo where and who is Klayman's "jury"? I'm guessing nowhere and no one. Just a WAG.
The very first was one was a Zoom call video-conferencing event, occasionally some rando would interrupt their flow with a stupid comment or hot mic.

Those randos have since disappeared. Klayman periodically assures the viewer that the grand jurors are watching (or will review) the "session." :roll:

When Klayman and Goodman aren't broadcasting, do they really have randos voting? Can't say, but it doesn't matter.

Re: GIL: Klayman

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 5:07 pm
by woodworker
I just posted the following as a comment on his YouTube of today's Grand Jury. Please feel free to delete / modify if you feel I strayed over the line.

What a farce. Grossly Inappropriate Larry Klayman puts on another play acting "Citizen's Grand Jury," which is nothing of the sort. His "Grand Jury" has no legal effect or authority and any "indictment" it issues, along with $10, will buy you a large cup of coffee at Starbucks. It will result in no arrests, no trials, no convictions --- it will result in NOTHING. Just like all of his previous "Grand Juries." No indictments by real grand juries, no subpoenas, no investigations, no arrests, no trials, no convictions. His "Grand Juries" have no authority to subpoena anyone, to conduct any investigations, and these "Grand Juries," just as with Grossly Inappropriate Larry Klayman, are jokes.

What are the criteria to be chosen as one of his "Grand Jurors?" Do you have to agree with him politically or if you don't you are automatically excluded? Is his "Grand Jury" a cross-selection of the population or just a group of like-minded cultists that he selects? And how do we know that Grossly Inappropriate Larry Klayman actually gets people to participate and that he is not just making this all up?

Now, you may ask, why do I call him "Grossly Inappropriate Larry Klayman?" That is because it is how an actual judge, in an actual trial, in the judge's written opinion, described Larry's behavior with his then minor children, as "grossly inappropriate."

And while Grossly Inappropriate Larry Klayman complains about Dr. Fauci's, and other's, professional behavior, let us ask Grossly Inappropriate Larry Klayman how many times he has been sanctioned by state bars, state courts and federal courts for, among other things, failing to comply with his professional obligations.

And Grossly Inappropriate Larry Klayman likes to brag about how he served in the Department of Justice and was involved in very important anti-trust cases. Let us ask him how many times he appeared in Court, whether at trial or for a hearing while working at the DOJ -- I suspect the number is less than 1. Or how many times his name appeared as a signing attorney on a court filing while he was so important at the DOJ or how many depositions he took or defended while at the DOJ. Again, I suspect the numbers are very very very small, maybe even less than 1.

Oh, and by the way, how much do you owe in unpaid judgements in cases where you were personally sued and lost? Just asking.

Lastly, I just convened and held an "Extraordinary Citizens' Grand Jury," which, much to my surprise and astonishment, indicted Grossly Inappropriate Larry Klayman on the following charges:

First Charge: Conspiring to invent, craft, distribute, spread and aid and abet the invention, crafting, distribution and spread of conspiracies with the goal of harming those who disagree, and/or would disagree, with Grossly Inappropriate Larry Klayman;

Second Charge: Conspiring and aiding and abetting others to willfully spread false and malicious rumors about prominent political figures with the goal of harming such figures reputations and ability to achieve their own goals;

Third Charge: Bringing shame and disrepute upon the legal profession;

Fourth Charge: Deliberately allowing himself to be photographed / photoshopped in silly and asinine outfits;

Fifth Charge: Pretending to have a conscience;

Sixth Charge: Pretending that his "Grand Juries" are anything other than an attempt to grift the rubes, to fleece the sheep and to take money from the gullible; and

Seventh Charge: Just Because.


Re: GIL: Klayman

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 5:43 pm
by W. Kevin Vicklund
realist wrote: Thu May 20, 2021 3:25 pm
Dr. Judy Mikovits and her co-author Kent Heckenlively.
I don't know Heckenlively, but I think we all know Mikovits... nut on parade.

So where and who is Klayman's "jury"? I'm guessing nowhere and no one. Just a WAG. :biggrin:
Anti-vaxxer and alt-med purveyor extraordinaire. Mikovitz's mentor in batshit crazy.

Re: GIL: Klayman

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 5:47 pm
by Luke
:rotflmao: That is HILARIOUS! And it's there on the YouTube page. You are on a roll today, love it! Brilliant and all true. Had to share it (with credit)

Re: GIL: Klayman

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 5:58 pm
by Frater I*I
woodworker wrote: Thu May 20, 2021 5:07 pm :snippity:
Seventh Charge: Just Because.
That one's poetic :thumbsup: :dance: :clap:

Re: GIL: Klayman

Posted: Fri May 21, 2021 7:47 am
by realist
orlylicious wrote: Thu May 20, 2021 5:47 pm :rotflmao: That is HILARIOUS! And it's there on the YouTube page. You are on a roll today, love it! Brilliant and all true. Had to share it (with credit)

Klayman sues Fogbow and woodworker in 3...2...1

Re: GIL: Klayman

Posted: Fri May 21, 2021 7:53 am
by fierceredpanda
realist wrote: Fri May 21, 2021 7:47 am Klayman sues Fogbow and woodworker in 3...2...1
If he were better connected (like, say, Devin Nunes), he could get AUSA Michael Friedman to issue a grand jury subpoena and unmask all of us for the crime of hurting his fee fees.

Re: GIL: Klayman

Posted: Fri May 21, 2021 11:32 pm
by bob

Re: GIL: Klayman

Posted: Sat May 22, 2021 12:14 am
by chancery
woodworker wrote: Thu May 20, 2021 5:07 pm And Grossly Inappropriate Larry Klayman likes to brag about how he served in the Department of Justice and was involved in very important anti-trust cases. Let us ask him how many times he appeared in Court, whether at trial or for a hearing while working at the DOJ -- I suspect the number is less than 1. Or how many times his name appeared as a signing attorney on a court filing while he was so important at the DOJ or how many depositions he took or defended while at the DOJ. Again, I suspect the numbers are very very very small, maybe even less than 1.
I once read a narrative of GIL's career that gave the actual dates for his time at the Justice Department. It might have been in a pro hac vice affidavit somewhere. In any event, it stated that he worked on the United States v. AT&T antitrust action that led to the consent decree breaking up the Bell System. His time at Justice was not long; I don't recall the exact length [if anyone remembers, I would be interested in being reminded], but I'm pretty sure it was no longer than 4 years. Although government lawyers generally get frontline experience early in their career, a massive antitrust case like AT&T would have had a big team, with lots of grunt work for the junior lawyers. There would also have been interesting work for promising young talent, but if GIL had done anything of note, he would still be bragging about it.
woodworker wrote: Thu May 20, 2021 5:07 pmLastly, I just convened and held an "Extraordinary Citizens' Grand Jury," which, much to my surprise and astonishment, indicted Grossly Inappropriate Larry Klayman on the following charges:
:snippity: Seventh Charge: Just Because.


Re: GIL: Klayman

Posted: Mon May 24, 2021 2:37 pm
by northland10
From the DC Court of Appeals docket in his current discipline case.
05/20/2021 Filed Amended/Corrected Brief (Petitioner Bar Counsel)
05/21/2021 Filed Briefing Completed
05/21/2021 Filed ACTION - Ready for Calendaring - Regular
He probably needs to sue the Bar Counsel in federal court, again, for filing an amended/corrected brief.

Re: GIL: Klayman

Posted: Tue May 25, 2021 4:47 pm
by bob
So Klayman and Corsi sued Stone and Alex Jones in Texas (among other venues). The magistrate recommends a full dismissal. (The magistrate punts on sanctions, essentially saying that's for the judge to decide.)

This sampling is an apt summary of the case:
W.D. Tex. wrote:Defendants allege that Jones’ statement that “when I was in DC about six months ago with dr. [sic] Corsi he seemed to mentally be extremely degraded to the point of what I would call dementia,” is a statement of Alex Jones’ opinion, and is thus not actionable as defamation. ... The Court agrees.
Even Jones is allowed to say mean things about Corsi.

This was really a rooting-for-injuries case. Oh: Stone and Jones were represented by Mark Randazza; Klayman's local counsel is Sanjay Biswas, who seems here only to vouch for Klayman.

Re: GIL: Klayman

Posted: Tue May 25, 2021 5:20 pm
by Notaperson
bob wrote: Fri May 21, 2021 11:32 pm Klayman's Invitation for the Third Contential Congress.
That is hilarious! I especially loved how he provided a list (with pictures!) of TEN "approachable hotels" for attendees. Larry must be expecting a large number of attendees.

Re: GIL: Klayman

Posted: Tue May 25, 2021 5:28 pm
by zekeb
Notaperson wrote: Tue May 25, 2021 5:20 pm
bob wrote: Fri May 21, 2021 11:32 pm Klayman's Invitation for the Third Contential Congress.
That is hilarious! I especially loved how he provided a list (with pictures!) of TEN "approachable hotels" for attendees. Larry must be expecting a large number of attendees.
Will a video be made? Will they stiff the video company? Stay tuned.

Deja vu happening all over again.

Re: GIL: Klayman

Posted: Wed May 26, 2021 9:01 pm
by bob
Klayman's linkedin profile says he's in Beverly Hills. :think:

* * *

If you read this headline and guessed it was about Klayman, you'd be ... wrong. :faint: (KLAYMAN HAS COMPETITION.)

Re: GIL: Klayman

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 12:23 pm
by Uninformed

Re: GIL: Klayman

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 12:38 pm
by Luke
Only 360 pages? He's slipping.

Re: GIL: Klayman

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 1:13 pm
by bob

"Single worst lawyer in America" being Stone's (non-)defamatory observation that's part of this lawsuit.

Volokh's article is pretty lazy; some easy filler.