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Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 10:29 pm
by Danraft
Big picture, I feel like this is an application of “if one bans people from one side of the political spectrum, then one must ban an equal number from the other side of the political spectrum”.

It can appear unfair if only one side of the spectrum is getting labeled as “inaccurate” or whatever, but is it?

Short answer … NO.

Look at Trump’s post (after the Trading Card fiasco) where he sets his Free Speech Priorities. Each one is expressing a hope and desire that lying should never have consequence. Lying about vaccine efficacy. Lying about whatever.

This is the Free Speech Absolutism view and it is horseshit. It isn’t what will make for functioning societies. That said, it is a damn difficult set of priorities to consider, much less implement in a manner still attempting to encourage dialogue.

Democracy is built on the concept of an informed electorate. What does that mean when the primary source of “news” is platforms built on making money based on engagement?

The other day I had attempted to make a reference to Salma Hayak in the movie “From Dusk to Dawn” and couldn’t remember her name (so sad). Then I did, and I was on TikTok so I did a search for Salma Hayak content.
Good news? She still looks great at 54.
Bad news, there were 10 or so videos (in Spanish) that were almost the same script and all accusing her of pedophilia because her husband has tenuous ties to Balengias (spelling) and… well… it is a concerted fake news effort to push a false narrative.
It seems that the Twitter response was to not amplify those type of stories, or even label them as “not supported by facts” or something.

It is a new set of problems.


Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 10:32 pm
by raison de arizona
On the behalf of all those who own planes, I can say that I am so relieved that this publicly accessible data is now blocked remains publicly accessible.
4F42C763-21A2-4944-BF9D-24D665578225.jpeg (49.69 KiB) Viewed 592 times


Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 10:39 pm
by Danraft
Giving where one’s private jet is does not give real time assassination info. It is the jet. It’s publicly available (because FAA is open to see).

You can also see this info for private yachts. BFD…


Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 10:44 pm
by AndyinPA
raison de arizona wrote: Thu Dec 15, 2022 10:32 pm On the behalf of all those who own planes, I can say that I am so relieved that this publicly accessible data is now blocked remains publicly accessible.

So, a paranoid psychopath. Or, aren't they all?


Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 10:45 pm
by pipistrelle
Again, is this not the man who sicced his fanbois on a former executive so that he had to flee his house and is still in danger?


Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 10:46 pm
by pipistrelle
Oooooh, he's using scare quotes! Full-on tfg!


Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 10:49 pm
by jemcanada2
pipistrelle wrote: Thu Dec 15, 2022 10:45 pm Again, is this not the man who sicced his fanbois on a former executive so that he had to flee his house and is still in danger?


Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 12:01 am
by Phoenix520
Oh, hey, I see the fascist takeover has begun. Cool cool. Silence the journalists, check; protect the oligarchs, check.

What’s next, fans?


Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 12:30 am
by Danraft
Control what we see (arguably done by Twitter based on user preferences — direct and indirect (indirect by a perceived preference for non-hate-speech etc).

But it looks like he is going full “fascist”. This will not play well in Europe (larger than the US market I think, by users) with their EU standards of privacy and anti-fascism endpoints.


Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 1:24 am
by RTH10260
Foggy wrote: Thu Dec 15, 2022 8:23 pm Double posting.

{mod=Foggy}Look at the post above this one, and the one before that [in the other thread]. (Thank you, New Turtle and Kendra.)
We're gonna follow Mastodon.


Whatever else we need to do. If'n we have to compartmentalize, that's a five syllable word, so obviously we'll have to have at least five compartments in the ... uh, in the group. Yeah.

Moving forward into the 21st century is what we do here.

I don't anticipate any problems. :smoking: {/mod}
When the dust of this earthquake settles we will find the voices again elsewhere.

The big tragedy of the internet is that when a website disappears, or like here, accounts of value disappear, a history is lost.


Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 1:30 am
by Suranis
One of the reasons the Dark Ages is called that is that we don't have any documentation about what happened during it. I've often mused that what could have happened is that people invented computers, and suddenly everything was written in computers, and then suddenly the computers vanished, so there was no paper records.

We are in the middle of a Dark Age. Even if computers survive, we might not have the ability to read what is on modern hard drives in a decade or two. Paper or parchment can still be read centuries from now.


Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 1:30 am
by RTH10260
much ado wrote: Thu Dec 15, 2022 9:59 pm
raison de arizona wrote: Thu Dec 15, 2022 9:43 pm Musk is claiming (on Twitter) that all the permanently suspended journalists doxxed him. FWIW.
How can Elon Musk be doxxed? What does that mean?
Here it meant that critics of His Lowness were following his movements by tracking his private jet with publically available information. His home address is well known.


Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 1:35 am
by raison de arizona
4EE86B68-4C49-49C4-A20A-0754DCC35B71.png (67.54 KiB) Viewed 510 times


Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 1:36 am
by RTH10260
Suranis wrote: Fri Dec 16, 2022 1:30 am One of the reasons the Dark Ages is called that is that we don't have any documentation about what happened during it. I've often mused that what could have happened is that people invented computers, and suddenly everything was written in computers, and then suddenly the computers vanished, so there was no paper records.

We are in the middle of a Dark Age. Even if computers survive, we might not have the ability to read what is on modern hard drives in a decade or two. Paper or parchment can still be read centuries from now.
A subset of the web has been preserved in the Wayback Machine (

Think of the tragedy were this organization to decide to go offline and jinx their servers :cantlook:


Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 1:37 am
by Suranis
In News of worldshaking importance that every one of you will care about, my account is still suspended. :guntootin:


Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 1:37 am
by raison de arizona


Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 1:38 am
by RTH10260
Suranis wrote: Fri Dec 16, 2022 1:37 am In News of worldshaking importance that every one of you will care about, my account is still suspended. :guntootin:
Elon must have terminated your personal moderator ;)


Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 1:41 am
by raison de arizona
Twitter is blocking links to Mastodon both in Tweets and DMs.

Somebunny is running scared.


Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 2:35 am
by RTH10260
raison de arizona wrote: Fri Dec 16, 2022 1:41 am Twitter is blocking links to Mastodon both in Tweets and DMs.

Somebunny is running scared.
He will be very busy to find all instances to block :lol:

(ps. there will be a file somewhere that lists Mastadon instances for crossreferenceing as far as the local owner choses to allow, Twitter can just link into that list as a black list)


Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 7:28 am
by Foggy
Taking screenshots and posting them as attachments only increases the size of our database.

We now have 7,310 attachments already, and they take up more than a gigabyte in our database.

So I don't think that's a really great solution either. Remember, we had a lot of problems when our database got too big.


Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 7:31 am
by pipistrelle
I'm guessing all these journalists, including Rupar, did was tweet about the jet account getting suspended. I doubt they were retweeting all its tweets about the jet's location.
Edit: Someone on instagram said they reported on the jet account getting suspended.


Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 9:11 am
by Suranis
Foggy wrote: Fri Dec 16, 2022 7:28 am Taking screenshots and posting them as attachments only increases the size of our database.

We now have 7,310 attachments already, and they take up more than a gigabyte in our database.

So I don't think that's a really great solution either. Remember, we had a lot of problems when our database got too big.
So should we just link to images?


Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 9:27 am
by neonzx
Suranis wrote: Fri Dec 16, 2022 9:11 am
Foggy wrote: Fri Dec 16, 2022 7:28 am Taking screenshots and posting them as attachments only increases the size of our database.

We now have 7,310 attachments already, and they take up more than a gigabyte in our database.

So I don't think that's a really great solution either. Remember, we had a lot of problems when our database got too big.
So should we just link to images?
I try to do that. Not link, but use the img tag for an offsite resource. Back in the day (internet lifetime ago) there was a site I used for hosting images to post on other websites. Sadly, it shut down an eon ago and I have not found a good free replacement.


On topic. I am totally excited waiting to see if I get banned from Twitter where I will join a club of distinguished journalists.


Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 9:31 am
by Suranis
Cool, will do that in future.

<--- was banned BEFORE it was cool.


Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 9:44 am
by Kriselda Gray
Phoenix520 wrote: Wed Dec 14, 2022 11:21 am :shrug: I’ve come to believe his mission is to burn it to the ground. He’s making good progress so far.
Yeah, I think he's just really pissed he was forced to buy Twitter even after he'd changed his mind about doing so. I can't see Musk liking being put in the position of having to do something he doesn't want to, so now, rather than trying to capitalize on his $44B investment, he's throwing it away in a petty temper tantrum.