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Post by bob »

P&E: Obama’s Birth Certificate Returns…But Why Now?:
On December 31, 2023, seemingly out of nowhere, finance author Zach De Gregorio, founder of the subscription website, released a 26-minute video and blog post raising the question, “Whatever happened to Obama’s birth certificate?”

* * *

To The Post & Email’s knowledge, De Gregorio is a newcomer to the subject of Obama’s birth certificate. A self-identified accountant, a brief perusal of his YouTube channel shows he has produced 419 videos over a period of months on political issues garnering between 4,200 and 246,000 views each. As of publication time late Friday afternoon, the “birth certificate” video has 45,000 views.

* * *

On Wednesday, after contacting De Gregorio for comment, The Post & Email spoke with Zullo about De Gregorio’s subject video, beginning with the question of
Rondeau wrote:[W]hether he is acquainted with him, to which Zullo responded
Zullo wrote:No, I don’t know him at all.
* * *
Rondeau wrote:We asked Zullo about De Gregorio’s characterization of a “change” having been made to the image, to which Zullo replied
Zullo wrote:I have no direct knowledge that they changed the file. What I do know is it’s easy to turn the background colors off when you put it into a digital program. That’s not something that’s overly concerning to me. When we put the Obama document in, we were taking the background color and turning it on and off. I don’t think there’s any significance with the short-form; it’s the long form that matters.
* * *

Interestingly, approximately two weeks previous to De Gregorio’s video, another finance entity,, posted on “X”:

The post contains a partial transcript, with some errors, of a ten-minute segment from the final December 15, 2016 press conference during which Zullo released new information from the long-running birth-certificate probe revealing “nine points of forgery” discovered in the image.

“They COULD NOT clear the document. Much more info in this video if you watch it all,” WSA concluded its post.
Rondeau wrote:I remember you told Carl Gallups that some years back,” we said.
Zullo wrote:It has to do with the Deep State actors; just look what’s going on with Trump. If you go back in the birth certificate timeline, that was their first foray into mass gaslighting the entire nation on a scale never seen before: effectively reporting on information, coordinating with once-trusted news outlets and reporters coming out and using declarative words such as ‘debunked’ and pejoratives such as “birther” and “birtherism” when there was no factual evidence they had ‘debunked’ anything of the work product we created. They just pick up a moniker and run with it as if it’s fact, repeatedly stating the claims across the news spectrum as fact.

You can look to the J6 Committee now and realize they’ve done the same thing. Look at how they are lambasting and falsely labeling President Trump, twisting evidence and omitting information. They just say something and expect you to believe it as fact, and a majority of the gullible public will never challenge them. They perfected this using the birth certificate narrative; that was a controlled narrative.

* * *

I’m going to go one step farther. The long-form birth certificate was obviously manufactured. They went painstakingly through the process of not only manufacturing it but running it through “Preview,” which destroyed the metadata of the electronic file, but they didn’t flatten the document. That troubled me, and I was always asking myself, ‘Why would they make such a drastic mistake?’

I’ve always had a theory – it’s not proved, just a theory — that the long-form birth certificate was utilized as a “control” document in the event Obama, who may not have been born in this country and therefore would not be eligible to be president, it is very possible the very people who put him in power retained leverage, had he not done the bidding of those people. They could then have used that document to literally “out” him and remove him. So I always thought this could possibly be some type of blackmail or “control” document to fulfill the goals of the people who got him there.
Rondeau wrote:“That begs the question, ‘Who put him power? Who controls the President of the United States and what he does?” The Post & Email asked.
Zullo wrote:Well, obviously, if you look at what’s transpiring now with the Biden administration and all the issues of money-laundering that’s going on with foreign entities, there has to be an internal group. I don’t know who they are, but it would have to be something along those lines. It would have to be people on the inside. Somebody somewhere is doing something. Just look at the voting; a blind man could see that there’s fraud there.

There was scuttlebutt prior to the Biden election that Michelle Obama was going to run for president, and if I go back to that, all of a sudden the birth certificate issue started to spring up again. Now, there’s scuttlebutt that she’s running again, and what happens? These things on social media platforms are coming out on the birth certificate. Is it possible that those are warning shots of “We don’t want her to run, and if that happens, we’re going to out him?
Rondeau wrote:Another thing Zach said was that birth certificates are ‘created on a typewriter,’” we observed. “To your knowledge, is that true today?
Zullo wrote:No, the short-form was electronic, and now everything is electronic. But that was not the case in 1961.
Rondeau wrote:At 13:30 in the video, Zach said the half-inch seal on the birth certificate image is ‘too small.’ Do remember saying that?”
Zullo wrote:I don’t recall saying that, but I know that the seal was always a question for us and we don’t believe it to be legitimate . . . .

The short-form birth certificate was produced electronically, but they get printed onto safety paper. The perilous dynamic for the long-form is that in 1961, it would have had to have been typewritten, and that’s when you use the comparison to the Nordykes’. In the typewritten documents, which were presumably typed by the same clerk or even in the same typing pool with the same typewriters, you can see the different spaces because they’re done by hand, and the carriage would have had to move by hand. So it makes the 1961 birth certificate for Obama that much more difficult to create today, and that’s where the Ah’Nee birth certificate played a critical role because it would be impossible to get documents created either 15 years or 15 days apart, however you want to look at it, to be typewritten and have the same spacing in that word group as another typewritten document.
Zullo then observed that both De Gregorio’s video and the WSA “X” post with the clip of his press conference remarks “are both finance feeds.” “Is somebody sending a message?” he asked rhetorically.
Zullo wrote:That’s my question today. You wouldn’t think this topic would be prominent with anyone investing in stock unless Wall Street is trying to send a message. That goes back to my theory, which I can talk about now because the investigation is over, that it goes back to some type of ‘control’ document. There’s no way you’re going to get around the fact that that’s a manufactured certificate. Our experts proved that. There’s no way you’re going to get around the fact that the governor of Hawaii could not find the certificate, and there’s no way you’re going to get around the fact that he came right out later and said, ‘Oh, it was in the archives; it wasn’t in the book it was supposed to be in.’ There’s no way you can get around the fact that Alvin Onaka didn’t want to talk to anybody. There’s no way you can get around the fact that Alvin Onaka, a year after it was reported not to be found, all of a sudden, in an unrelated meeting, cites the page and volume number that it’s in. You can’t escape the fact that Alvin Onaka took possession of that book and reportedly locked it away in a file cabinet. So all of a sudden, now it appears in a bound volume? (p. 32, bottom left) You can’t escape the fact that we were told by former CIA officers that they were going to do exactly that: that the book was going to be taken off the shelves and locked in a closet or in a vault away from anyone’s access. And lo and behold, mysteriously now we have it in the book. There’s no way you can get around everybody on the planet saying Obama produced a birth certificate when at his very own presser, a reporter was saying, ‘But you never showed us the certificate.’ You can’t get around the fact that he never took possession of it and held it up and said, ‘This is mine.’

You start putting all these things together, and it is the same scenario today: you know there’s voter fraud, but you know what? There isn’t, because the media says so. That’s out of the same playbook.
I didn't have Zullo on today's bingo card, but his "answer" to the headline's question is just the same ole same ole recycled :yankyank: .

And I lurve how Rondeau's pronouns jump around!
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"Obamas Birth Certificate Meets The Zombie" - do not miss out on the sequel :cantlook:
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It's an unusual and ineffective tactic from Zullo, paraphrased: "nobody listened to us racist nutters then, nobody listens to us racist nutters now, which is 100% proof that we are correct and there is a massive conspiracy to suppress the truth."

Shorter paraphrase "waaahhh! I still hate the scary black man all these years later!! waaahhhh!!!"
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Post by Luke »

REPORTED & BLOCKED. Go to Hell, Terrence, whoever you are.

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P&E: Has Trump Endorsed the Two-Citizen-Parent, Born-on-the-Soil Definition of “natural born Citizen?”:
On Monday, 45th President and leading 2024 Republican presidential candidate Donald J. Trump reposted on his TruthSocial account a headline from The Gateway Pundit, founded and operated by Jim Hoft, referencing a recent article by law clerk and former Trump adviser Paul Ingrassia opining that fellow Republican primary candidate Nikki Haley is not constitutionally eligible to serve as president or vice president.

* * *

On Tuesday morning, P&E reader Robert Laity, a constitutional activist himself, sent a video interview between Ingrassia and VOTUM.TV.

* * *

On January 3, The Post & Email contacted Ingrassia at the media email address he provided in his “X” profile but which no longer appears to be there. We wrote:
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As of publication, we have not received a response.
Blowing Rondeau off continues to be newsworthy! :towel:
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P&E: The Trump nbC Post:
'DeMaio' wrote:Well, whatta ya know…, it seems that the “natural born Citizen” (“nbC”) issue may finally be getting some renewed traction. . . .

As noted there, President Trump has recently posted to his TruthSocial website a comment referencing an article by one Paul Ingrassia.
Traction among the three remaining birthers, sure. But no one is covering that the quadfectee repeated some nobody's birther lies about Haley. Echo chambers within echo chambers.
President Trump’s TruthSocial-Gateway Pundit comment, coming from a person of his stature and influence, will also bring back to a front burner the debate over the “eligibility” issue not only as to Nikki Haley, but as to others with similar potential ineligibility problems, both past, present and future.

* * *

Thus far relegated to status as “birther nonsense,” or admonitions to “Forget about it, it’s settled” and “Give it a rest,” the issue today takes on added urgency as there are now at least three persons “in the mix” with significant eligibility questions, including sitting Vice President Harris, rumored to be running for re-election.

If the quadfectee actually believed this birther nonsense, he'd file a lawsuit. But he's content to let his mouthpieces carry his racist water while not actually doing anything.
Your humble servant’s advice to Ingrassia – as they say, “The advice is free, and therefore worthless” –: bring it on. To reiterate, President Trump’s TruthSocial post and the Ingrassia article have already cast needed light on the issue, not only as to Nikki Haley, but as to Kamala Harris, Vivek Ramaswamy and, of course, Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.
'DeMaio' feels emboldened yet literally no one has filed a lawsuit about Haley's and Ramaswamy's eligibility. :brickwallsmall:
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Post by Volkonski »

Trump's mother was an immigrant. I've never seen her naturalization documents. Perhaps they don't exist. :think:

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Post by bob »

Volkonski wrote: Tue Jan 09, 2024 5:26 pm Trump's mother was an immigrant. I've never seen her naturalization documents. Perhaps they don't exist.
They do, and she naturalized before his birth. (And I know you are just joshing.)
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Post by bob »

bob wrote: Tue Jan 09, 2024 4:56 pm Traction among the three remaining birthers, sure. But no one is covering that the quadfectee repeated some nobody's birther lies about Haley. Echo chambers within echo chambers.
UPDATE!: USA Today: Yes, Nikki Haley is eligible to run for president:
A Jan. 3 Instagram post (direct link, archive link) shared by the Gateway Pundit shows a picture of former South Carolina governor and 2024 presidential candidate Nikki Haley.

"Analysis: Legal scholar asserts U.S. Constitution disqualifies Nikki Haley from presidential or vice-presidential candidacy," reads the on-screen text.

The post's caption says Haley's parents weren't born in the U.S., which disqualifies her from presidential candidacy under the 12th Amendment.

The post garnered more than 10,000 likes in six days and was shared on Truth Social by former President Donald Trump. Similar versions of the claim were shared on Facebook, Instagram and X, formerly Twitter.
So someone noticed the quadfectee's interest.
This is nonsense, contradicted by both the Constitution and U.S. history.
James Gardner, a law professor at the University at Buffalo, said via email the claim is "ridiculous" because there's no "parental requirement" for the presidency.
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Post by Sam the Centipede »

So many eligibility questions …
:confuzzled: Perhaps Donald Trump is just a nom de voyage (or nom de trahison?) and in fact the malodorous orange lardbucket is the mysterious Harrison Bounel, out to avenge the wrong committed by Barack Obama stealing his SSN? :o
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Post by northland10 »

bob wrote: Tue Jan 09, 2024 5:46 pm
Volkonski wrote: Tue Jan 09, 2024 5:26 pm Trump's mother was an immigrant. I've never seen her naturalization documents. Perhaps they don't exist.
They do, and she naturalized before his birth. (And I know you are just joshing.)
But, by the birther definition, most of Trump's kids are not eligible should they wish to run in the future.
101010 :towel:
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northland10 wrote: Wed Jan 10, 2024 6:51 am
bob wrote: Tue Jan 09, 2024 5:46 pm
Volkonski wrote: Tue Jan 09, 2024 5:26 pm Trump's mother was an immigrant. I've never seen her naturalization documents. Perhaps they don't exist.
They do, and she naturalized before his birth. (And I know you are just joshing.)
But, by the birther definition, most of Trump's kids are not eligible should they wish to run in the future.
Except there's a general exemption for white right-wingers. Possibly with a "don't ask, don't tell" rider for the birthers.
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For many birthers, some of the quadfectee's spawns' ineligibility is a feature, because it lets them say, "See, we're not racist! (Just xenophobic!"
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:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
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I am delighted that Trump has brought this up. Of course he is too chicken to actually file anything in court because he knows he will add to his losses. But if it makes the racist pustules at the P&E happy that's wonderful. :dance:
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P&E: The Post & Email’s Interview with Zach of
On Thursday morning this writer and founder and personality Zach DeGregorio had an animated [50-MINUTE] video conversation about how he was drawn into the longstanding controversy over the “long-form” birth certificate image posted by the Obama White House on April 27, 2011 and its relevance to evidence of widespread government corruption today.

* * *

He is also a government whistleblower, he said, with ongoing litigation he is currently unable to discuss. :roll:

Of the Colorado Supreme Court’s 4-3 opinion to disqualify Trump from the state’s Republican primary ballot, De Gregorio said, “That was so unjust it blew my mind, and so I’m getting ready to cover this Colorado verdict…and I’m starting to think, ‘…We’re talking about being qualified to be on the ballot as a presidential candidate. Wasn’t this a topic of discussion not that long ago?…Didn’t we talk about this with President Barack Obama? Yeah, we did; there was something about his birth certificate,’ and that caused me to go back and revisit what happened with Barack Obama’s birth certificate.”

We discussed the 5+-year investigation launched by the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) under then-Sheriff Joseph Arpaio, with Mike Zullo leading the probe.
TL;DRW. :yawn:
Shortly after posting the video, a plethora of comments appeared commending De Gregorio on his work.
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P&E comment:
'DeMaio' wrote:Well, whatta ya know…, it seems that the “natural born Citizen” (“nbC”) issue may finally be getting some renewed traction.
[some jerk*] wrote:The “traction” has been uniformly negative.

For example: ... president/
P&E: Will the New York Post Publish our “NBC” Comment?:
At approximately 12:14 EST Friday, this writer submitted a comment to [the author] of the New York Post [article] titled, “Donald Trump shares false conspiracy theory Nikki Haley is ineligible to be president.”

* * *

Our comment to the Post article begins with
Rondeau wrote:There is considerable evidence and opinion the Founders desired two generations of allegiance to the new United States for the president and commander-in-chief.
* * *

As of this writing (12:46 p.m. EST), it has not passed out of moderation.
Rondeau's playing in the comments section is newsworthy! :towel:

A sampling from the NY Post's comments:
Laity wrote:Nikki Haley is NOT a Natural Born Citizen of the United States. Neither is Kamala Harris or Vivek Ramaswamy. Is it the Dark State's plan to only proffer ineligible "People of Color" to usurp our highest offices in order that these frauds could then cry "Racism" when they are confronted by the fact that they are constitutionally BARRED from being President or VP?

As I told Obama (15) years ago, one's race is not a license to break the law. Nor is it immunity from prosecution for doing so. It is NOT racist to confront a fraud regardless of whether or not they are in a minority.
Actual Conservative Patriot wrote:"Nikki Haley is NOT a Natural Born Citizen of the United States. Neither is Kamala Harris or Vivek Ramaswamy." Nikki Haley was born in Bamberg, South Carolina. Kamala Harris was born in Oakland, California. Vivek Ramaswamy was born in Cincinnati, Ohio. That would make all three of them natural born citizens of the United States.

"[W]ould then cry "Racism" when they are confronted by the fact that they are constitutionally BARRED from being President" Honestly I don't see how your conclusion is supported by anything but racism.
* * *
Kerchner wrote:Since Obama and "Team Obama" have manipulated language, gas-lighted, and used disinformation to abrogate the true Natural Law and Laws of Nature source of the constitutional term "natural born Citizen", which is not tantamount and logically identical to "Citizen" or "born a Citizen", many more constitutionally ineligible politicians in both major political parties, both in various degrees followers of the Progressive Movement that is ruining our Constitutional Republic have at various times put their hat in the ring to be President and Commander in Chief, of the VP. Do a google search on: www scribd com/lists/22182725/Some-Politicians-Seeking-High-Office-Who-Are-Not-A-Natural-Born-Citizen-of-U-S Adjectives mean something in a constitutional and legal terms. And the adjective "natural" refers to Natural Law in its meaning and source, not man-made naturalization laws like USC Title 8 Section 1401. Progressive Movement language manipulation is seeking the ruination of our country as we see every day in the efforts to change the meaning of words and biological facts. This manipulation of language has to be stopped. The U.S. Constitution must be read with original intent in mind, not with a living document, we can change the meaning of words and terms mind.
Actual Conservative Patriot wrote:Get help.
:rotflmao: Kerchner and Laity are learning there's a whole world beyond Rondeau's skirt of moderation.

* :whistle: :dance:
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P&E: The nbC Eligibility Brainwashing Runs Deep:
'DeMaio' wrote:Following up on the presidential eligibility posts recently appearing at The P&E here and here, the New York Post – founded, BTW, by Alexander Hamilton in 1801 – has come out and slammed President Trump’s suggestion that Nikki Haley is likely ineligible to the presidency. The Post labels President Trump’s suggestion that Haley is not a “natural born Citizen” (“nbC”) under the Constitution as being “bonkers.”

* * *

First, President Trump’s post questioned Nikki Haley’s eligibility primarily in terms of her pursuit of the presidency, but it also addressed her likely disqualification for the vice-presidency under the 12th Amendment. Problematically, the Post article misinforms its readers when it asserts that “[t]he 12th Amendment lays out the procedure for electing the president and vice president and makes no mention of eligibility.” (Emphasis added)

Even the most cursory review of the actual language of the 12th Amendment reveals that its final sentence states: “But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.” (Emphasis added)
A fair-ish point, but the article's premise still stands: nowhere (including the 12th Amendment) are the eligibility requirements defined.
Instead, [the article relies] on, among others, one Geoffrey Stone, a University of Chicago professor who, she claims, is an expert on constitutional law.

Professor Stone is quoted in the Post article as labeling President Trump’s (and one Paul Ingrassia’s) Haley ineligibility claims as being “bonkers.” He added that against the backdrop of the 14th Amendment, there was “no legitimate case that would disqualify Haley from the presidency based on her parents’ citizenship.”

[Usual :yankyank: snipped.]

Therefore, against the foregoing empirical, factual backdrop, it would seem that a far better case can be made for labeling the NY Post article, as well as the CRS and 14th Amendment “citizen at/by birth” narratives – rather than President Trump’s post – to be “bonkers.”
Stone has taught at Chicago Law (currently the third best school in the nation) for 50(!) years, including seven years as dean. Before teaching, Stone clerked for Brennan.

OTOH, the background of "DeMaio" is unknown, and Ingrassia appears not to have passed the bar.
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Post by Luke »

"DeMaio" brings it up -- "While this issue has been addressed and critiqued here at The P&E as long ago as 2009 by P&E Founder John Charlton"

Almost nobody knows about John Charlton. How can we expose that "DeMaio" is really Charlton?
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Luke wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 5:44 pmAlmost nobody knows about John Charlton. How can we expose that "DeMaio" is really Charlton?
Fair point, as "John Charlton" also was a pseudonym. (Loren sleuthed out who it actually was.)
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Luke wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 5:44 pm "DeMaio" brings it up -- "While this issue has been addressed and critiqued here at The P&E as long ago as 2009 by P&E Founder John Charlton"

Almost nobody knows about John Charlton. How can we expose that "DeMaio" is really Charlton?
"John Charlton" is John Bugnolo and a resident of Massachusetts as I recall. It is possible that DeMaio is another pseudonym for Bugnolo.
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Post by pipistrelle »

bob wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 5:32 pm Stone has taught at Chicago Law (currently the third best school in the nation) for 50(!) years, including seven years as dean. Before teaching, Stone clerked for Brennan.

OTOH, the background of "DeMaio" is unknown, and Ingrassia appears not to have passed the bar.
But Obama was an instructor at Chicago Law, so the school and everyone there is suspect.
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Post by Luke »

I'd totally buy that, RC. Wonder if with AI we could run some "Charlton" and "DeMaio" text for similarities. And I like you are X-Check on Twitter now :biggrin:
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Post by chancery »

bob wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 5:32 pm
Stone has taught at Chicago Law (currently the third best school in the nation) for 50(!) years, including seven years as dean. Before teaching, Stone clerked for Brennan.
And before clerking for Brennan Stone clerked for J. Skelly Wright, who was not chopped liver.
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