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Re: Trump's Classified Docs: FBI Subpoenas, Searches & Seizures - Mar-A-Lago, DOJ, Merrick Garland - GOP Madness

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 1:38 am
by keith
Slarti the White wrote: Wed Aug 31, 2022 1:27 am
A question to the lawyers here -- is it as bad as it sounds for those who signed the statement saying that they had diligently searched for documents responsive to the subpoena and didn't find anything? Because it sounds pretty bad.
In those declarations, I noticed several sets of words along the lines of "to the best of my knowledge".

Is that a term of art that means
1) "I'm lying through my teeth, but here's my get out of jail free card so nyah, nyah, nyah" or
2) "I don't know anything that "target number 1" didn't want me to know, so don't blame me" or
3) "I really, really did try my hardest and I pinky swear that I looked EVERYWHERE and there's nothing"?

Re: Trump's Classified Docs: FBI Subpoenas, Searches & Seizures - Mar-A-Lago, DOJ, Merrick Garland - GOP Madness

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 1:41 am
by bob
Another good thread:

Amply showing why the MAJOR MOTION was a Bad Idea.

Re: Trump's Classified Docs: FBI Subpoenas, Searches & Seizures - Mar-A-Lago, DOJ, Merrick Garland - GOP Madness

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 4:22 am
by much ado
Yeah, this is definitely getting to be more fun than the birthers.

Trump's counsel does not seem to have caught on to the fact that the more filings they allow the DOJ to make, the more opportunities they give the DOJ to make public information that clearly exposes their client's guilt.

It's so SAD!

Re: Trump's Classified Docs: FBI Subpoenas, Searches & Seizures - Mar-A-Lago, DOJ, Merrick Garland - GOP Madness

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 4:26 am
by Kriselda Gray
keith wrote: Wed Aug 31, 2022 1:38 am
Slarti the White wrote: Wed Aug 31, 2022 1:27 am
A question to the lawyers here -- is it as bad as it sounds for those who signed the statement saying that they had diligently searched for documents responsive to the subpoena and didn't find anything? Because it sounds pretty bad.
In those declarations, I noticed several sets of words along the lines of "to the best of my knowledge".

Is that a term of art that means
1) "I'm lying through my teeth, but here's my get out of jail free card so nyah, nyah, nyah" or
2) "I don't know anything that "target number 1" didn't want me to know, so don't blame me" or
3) "I really, really did try my hardest and I pinky swear that I looked EVERYWHERE and there's nothing"?
I use phrases like "to the best of my knowledge" quite often, by which I mean "I don't know everything on this topic, so my answer may end up being incorrect, but based on what I *do* know, this is the explanation/situation/etc." Trump lawyers may use it more nefariously, such as in the ways you suggest.

Re: Trump's Classified Docs: FBI Subpoenas, Searches & Seizures - Mar-A-Lago, DOJ, Merrick Garland - GOP Madness

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 5:44 am
by Sam the Centipede
Well, yes, that's what it usually means when used in good faith … but assuming good faith in any Trump-connected person, be they family, friend, supporter, employee, lawyer? … no, no, no, no, no.

Re: Trump's Classified Docs: FBI Subpoenas, Searches & Seizures - Mar-A-Lago, DOJ, Merrick Garland - GOP Madness

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 6:20 am
by Foggy

Re: Trump's Classified Docs: FBI Subpoenas, Searches & Seizures - Mar-A-Lago, DOJ, Merrick Garland - GOP Madness

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 6:41 am
by Dr. Ken
Greatgrey wrote: Tue Aug 30, 2022 11:32 pm Finis!

Is that black thing in the upper left hand corner a hard drive? Are they suggesting the Trump team digitized the files?

Re: Trump's Classified Docs: FBI Subpoenas, Searches & Seizures - Mar-A-Lago, DOJ, Merrick Garland - GOP Madness

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 6:46 am
by pipistrelle
bob wrote: Tue Aug 30, 2022 11:39 pm
DOJ wrote:In particular, the government developed evidence that a search limited to the Storage Room would not have uncovered all the classified documents at the Premises. The government also developed evidence that government records were likely concealed and removed from the Storage Room and that efforts were likely taken to obstruct the government’s investigation.
Somebody snitched. :popcorn:
Thanks. I thought that was an odd phrase.

I keep thinking how amusing it would be if the snitch were an undocumented employee.

Re: Trump's Classified Docs: FBI Subpoenas, Searches & Seizures - Mar-A-Lago, DOJ, Merrick Garland - GOP Madness

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:07 am
by Foggy
Yeah, WaPo called it "a blistering court filing" in its lede. Is that how you use lede? :confuzzled:

This is exactly what Trump never wanted when his lawyers suggested filing a second case in front of Judge Cannon.

It's going to be really fun to see the spinmeisters put a spin on this one.

And it's going to be fun to see what he does today on Pravda Social and other places. Today, I seriously suspect, calls for some totally unhinged behavior, as the walls cell bars close in on him.

But I must go AFK for a short time. :silenced:

Re: Trump's Classified Docs: FBI Subpoenas, Searches & Seizures - Mar-A-Lago, DOJ, Merrick Garland - GOP Madness

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:17 am
by Kendra

So much to read through this morning, but one thing sticks out for me, the documents (three?) found in tfg's desk. If I have it correctly, he was up in Bedminster, I think for the summer and they shut up MAL. While he's up north playing golf with top secret stuff in his desk, who was in charge at MAL and had access to his private quarters? Did housekeeping come and go?
Edit: Saw a bit of a discussion on F&F with the three hosts blathering about this news, of course Kilmeade turned it into a discussion of Hunter's laptop, but Ainsley seemed so torn how bad this was, but why oh why can't they let them appoint a special master to look over everything so all is good? It's like she thinks a special master is like a special counsel who will step in and take care of it all. I don't think it is what I think she thinks it means. :confuzzled:

Re: Trump's Classified Docs: FBI Subpoenas, Searches & Seizures - Mar-A-Lago, DOJ, Merrick Garland - GOP Madness

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:25 am
by Kendra

Weissmann says Trump’s lawyers should withdraw from the case and retain defense counsel

Re: Trump's Classified Docs: FBI Subpoenas, Searches & Seizures - Mar-A-Lago, DOJ, Merrick Garland - GOP Madness

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:29 am
by Dave from down under
“developed evidence” - I’m guessing from an FBI agent (or informant) being a guest or on staff - possibly with video of accessing the various areas.

Re: Trump's Classified Docs: FBI Subpoenas, Searches & Seizures - Mar-A-Lago, DOJ, Merrick Garland - GOP Madness

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:36 am
by Kendra

Longest “they are not your documents you fucking dipshit” I’ve ever read

Re: Trump's Classified Docs: FBI Subpoenas, Searches & Seizures - Mar-A-Lago, DOJ, Merrick Garland - GOP Madness

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:36 am
by RTH10260
Greatgrey wrote: Tue Aug 30, 2022 11:32 pm Finis!

The framed Time front page in the box is a nice touch :lol:

Re: Trump's Classified Docs: FBI Subpoenas, Searches & Seizures - Mar-A-Lago, DOJ, Merrick Garland - GOP Madness

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:42 am
by sugar magnolia
Might be a silly question but is the pile of stuff on the floor as they found it, or did the search team just put it all in one place and then take a photo of it?

Re: Trump's Classified Docs: FBI Subpoenas, Searches & Seizures - Mar-A-Lago, DOJ, Merrick Garland - GOP Madness

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:45 am
by Dave from down under
Laid out by the search team - is my interpretation - the “L” ruler and exhibit number.

Ps That is horrible carpet

Re: Trump's Classified Docs: FBI Subpoenas, Searches & Seizures - Mar-A-Lago, DOJ, Merrick Garland - GOP Madness

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:51 am
by Kriselda Gray
Dave from down under wrote: Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:45 am Laid out by the search team - is my interpretation - the “L” ruler and exhibit number.
Plus they made sure there's something covering any text on the pages except maybe the title of a few of the docs.
Ps That is horrible carpet
Yes it is!

Re: Trump's Classified Docs: FBI Subpoenas, Searches & Seizures - Mar-A-Lago, DOJ, Merrick Garland - GOP Madness

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:52 am
by Kendra
Dave from down under wrote: Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:45 am Laid out by the search team - is my interpretation - the “L” ruler and exhibit number.

Ps That is horrible carpet
Andy McCabe was on CNN this morning and did make mention of using a ruler when taking photographs of evidence during a search.

Yes, that carpet is horrible, I imagine it's going to look a lot worse when I'm up and at a larger screen and have glasses on :cantlook: :bag:

Re: Trump's Classified Docs: FBI Subpoenas, Searches & Seizures - Mar-A-Lago, DOJ, Merrick Garland - GOP Madness

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:55 am
by Dr. Ken

Re: Trump's Classified Docs: FBI Subpoenas, Searches & Seizures - Mar-A-Lago, DOJ, Merrick Garland - GOP Madness

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:56 am
by bill_g
Commercial grade carpet for high traffic.

Re: Trump's Classified Docs: FBI Subpoenas, Searches & Seizures - Mar-A-Lago, DOJ, Merrick Garland - GOP Madness

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 8:00 am
by RTH10260
sugar magnolia wrote: Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:42 am Might be a silly question but is the pile of stuff on the floor as they found it, or did the search team just put it all in one place and then take a photo of it?
layed out for photo. The cover sheets of Top Secret in plain sight, other documents redacted on photo for the court, but the FBI has all the evidence what confidential material he was horting.

Re: Trump's Classified Docs: FBI Subpoenas, Searches & Seizures - Mar-A-Lago, DOJ, Merrick Garland - GOP Madness

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 8:13 am
by Slim Cognito
Maybe I misread, but I got the impression trump's lawyer told the DOJ to come on the 3rd because trump would leave on the 3rd. Also too, stuff got moved before DOJ got there, moved to trump's office and residence.

So trump was at MAL, at least on the 2nd, going through what he was willing to give back and what he wasn't willing to give back? Sounds intentional to me.

Re: Trump's Classified Docs: FBI Subpoenas, Searches & Seizures - Mar-A-Lago, DOJ, Merrick Garland - GOP Madness

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 8:20 am
by RTH10260
bob wrote: Tue Aug 30, 2022 11:31 pm :snippity:
DOJ's response.
DOJ wrote:The NARA Referral was made on two bases: evidence that classified records had been stored at the Premises until midJanuary 2022, and evidence that certain pages of Presidential records had been torn up. Related to the second concern, the NARA Referral included a citation to 18 U.S.C. § 2071.
:brickwallsmall: :brickwallsmall: :brickwallsmall:

Re: Trump's Classified Docs: FBI Subpoenas, Searches & Seizures - Mar-A-Lago, DOJ, Merrick Garland - GOP Madness

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 8:34 am
by RTH10260
bob wrote: Tue Aug 30, 2022 11:31 pm :snippity:
DOJ's response.
DOJ wrote:Three classified documents that were not located in boxes, but rather were located in the desks in the “45 Office,”
:brickwallsmall: :brickwallsmall: :brickwallsmall:

Re: Trump's Classified Docs: FBI Subpoenas, Searches & Seizures - Mar-A-Lago, DOJ, Merrick Garland - GOP Madness

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 8:37 am
by bill_g
The photo shows a complete callousness towards the contents - that national secrets are equivalent to magazines and random bits of paper. The amount recovered suggests a massive haphazard accumulation during his administration, possibly viewed once, and then cast aside. The comingling suggests a continued negligence and low regard for sensitive information. No effort was made to separate it from dissimilar material. It was packed as-is in situ presenting us with a factual representation of how little attention it actually received.