Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF

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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by scirreeve »

orlylicious wrote: Thu Mar 18, 2021 10:49 pm Damn. Rachel ditched him once, didn't she? Tragic she let him back in. IIRC, she had a strapping ex-military son, if he reads what she wrote Karl may not be in a position to do that again to any woman. Typical friggin coward, posting all his tough-guy stuff on Telegram when he can't even buy a gun. Hope Rachel finds out where he is and gets him sent away, if she has recordings he's brunt toast. Foggy, even though you're close personal friends, don't bail him out.

22 Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.
Don't know if he is ex or still in. Either way it wouldn't bother me if he beat the shit out of Karl.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Luke »

Thanks Scir, that's the photo I remembered. That son should hunt Karl down and have a stern talk with him about what Karl did to his Mom.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by djpalmer71 »

Seeing the many, sordid, details of Karl's history, I am comforted by a quote from my favorite fictional librarian, Evelyn (Evie) Carnahan from The Mummy: "You know, nasty little fellows such as yourself always get their comeuppance."
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Suranis »

Lets be fair, Ephesians has instructions for husbands too, right after that part. Karl et al tend to forget this part. Can't think why
25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26 to make her holy, cleansing[a] her by the washing with water through the word, 27 and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. 28 In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29 After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— 30 for we are members of his body. 31 “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh."
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Luke »

Well, this certainly should get results! Nice brownnosing at the end, Karl.

Subject; Correction to Cavuto Live, David Asman hosting
From: Karl P. Koenigs

Most every anchor at FNC and FBN reports that America is “a Democracy”. Even the word “Democracy” is not found anywhere in The Constitution. In fact, pursuant to ARTICLE IV Section 4 of The Constitution, instead of a Democracy, this “supreme law of the land” (See supremacy clauses 2 and 3 of ARTICLE VI) it states:

“This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made  IN PURSUANCE thereof (ART IV Sec 4 and it’s ENFORCEMENT LAW called Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER) and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be  the supreme Law of the Land ; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.
The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution …”

ART IV Sec 4:

“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and swhall protect each of them against Invasion”

According to John Adams a “Republican Form of Government” is “a government of LAWS NOT MEN”. Pursuant to The Preamble of The Constitution We The People (through our fifty Free, Independent and SOVEREIGN home Countries, called States) “ordained and established” Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER, upon all POTUS’s, SCOTUS, Republicans and Democrats; “to secure the Blessings of Liberty TO OURSELVES and our Posterity.”

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A “Democratic Republic”, for a Democracy is OUTLAWED under ART IV Sec 4 to protect our GOD ENDOWED individual unalienable Rights, wages, salaries and property FROM MOB voting Rule. Republicans and Democrats BUY VOTES as Speaker of the House told me in a private moment in our Wisconsin State Capitol, which, according to Paul Ryan, Republicans have to do to keep utter power, which we in the Wisconsin TEA Party coalition gave to them via Elections that year. That is why the Founders OUTLAWED a Democracy. Refer to Federalist Papers #s; 10, 33, 45 and 78.

FNC and FBN, please stop mis-informing the American people, for according to THE LAW, America is not a Democracy. And, most certainly America is NOT the oxymoron of a “Democratic Republic”. For such are two EXACT bipolar opposites.


TENTH AMENDMENT LAW & ORDER, "ordained and established" upon the POTUS, SCOTUS, The Deep State, Republicans and Democrats, to "secure the Blessings of Liberty TO OURSELVES and OUR Posterity" (Preamble of The Constitution):
"The powers (MEANING ALSO ALL SPENDING) not delegated to the United States by the Constitution (as enumerated under ARTICLE I Section 8 ), nor prohibited by it to the States (under ARTICLE I Section 10 ), are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

(See next page —>)

This is the reason why the States need to pass an exact facsimile of The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions of 1798-99 and augment them with AN ARREST PROVISION to make them BINDING including with handcuffs. So that our free, independent and SOVEREIGN home Countries can STATE NULLIFY all Powers and SPENDING not delegated to any POTUS, Republicans, Democrats or The Deep State of Executive branch Agencies and Bureaus that are explicitly prohibited from even existing in the first place, IN PURSUANCE thereof Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER in The Supreme Law Of the Land. In this Constitutional manner The States could, independently and unilaterally, commence INCREMENTALLY State Nullification of ALL Republican and Democrat usurpation of Powers and SPENDING not delegated to them under ARTICLE I Section 8 of The Constitution, over a transitional period of 3-5 years. Simultaneously the State/s would incrementally commence State nullifying the INVISIBLE Employer Taxes (put back on their weekly paychecks) and Income Taxes in compliance with the many SCOTUS findings that they do not apply to Americans. (America; From Freedom to Fascism)

Sincerely your viewer,

Karl P. Koenigs

P.S.; If you would like to invite me, I would be pleased to explain all of this. And, answer questions. I love questions.

If you want Fox to report on this, perhaps even invite me on the show, please copy the above and send your request to them, too.
Yeah, right Karl.

Something about Ammo:
https://www.stgeorgeutah.com/news/archi ... EuKULCSnD4

Ammon Bundy visits St. George to talk People’s Rights, civil disobedience
Written by Ammon Teare March 11, 2021

ST. GEORGE — As part of a two-week road trip through Utah, Ammon Bundy, his family members and individuals in the People’s Rights Network gathered at the Red Lion Hotel in St. George to discuss local efforts to resist mask mandates and to hear Bundy share his vision for government in the United States.

Bundy talked at length about the First Amendment during the meeting on Wednesday evening, paying particular attention to the rights of assembly, speech and press. He said that gathering restrictions and mask mandates are a form of suppression of speech and assembly.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by pipistrelle »

Bundy share his vision for government in the United States.
No one cares, you pompous ass.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by LtDansLegs »

"the last horrific event" she mentions, being left at a truck stop, happened a year or two ago from what I remember.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by scirreeve »

LtDansLegs wrote: Sun Mar 21, 2021 12:24 pm "the last horrific event" she mentions, being left at a truck stop, happened a year or two ago from what I remember.
That was a previous truck stop incident. There was a another that happened a few weeks ago.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by northland10 »

scirreeve wrote: Sun Mar 21, 2021 3:53 pm
LtDansLegs wrote: Sun Mar 21, 2021 12:24 pm "the last horrific event" she mentions, being left at a truck stop, happened a year or two ago from what I remember.
That was a previous truck stop incident. There was a another that happened a few weeks ago.
Even his nasty behavior toward Rachel is not new. He is very unoriginal.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Suranis »

Always nice to have a hobby.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Luke »

Karl is stuck on stupid.

We THE PEOPLE FIRED THE GOVERNOR OF Illinois!Based on an investigation conducted by The PEOPLE'S Bureau of Investigation (The PBI), public servant Pritzker h...

See Which Members of Congress Betrayed Gun Owners | GOA

(https://www.gunowners.org/na03112021/?u ... urce=Email)See Which Members of Congress Betrayed Gun Owners | GOA
Brutus. Judas. Benedict Arnold. There are some persons in history that when you hear their names spoken, one word comes to mind — betrayal. This week, there are some additional names

[Forwarded from Jack Abercrombie]
(a home made gun of 2x4 and plumbing pipe) @northexpedition,23h- Pensacola, FL - "police bought these yesterday at a "gun buyback" event. Once he demonstrated that they worked they paid him $200 each." -

FOR ALL YOU "CONSERVATIVES" OUT THERE. I am a strict Jeffersonian Constitutionalist and unanimously elected a Captain, of many thereof, of The AMERICAN MILITIA FREEDOM FORCES of The Second Amendment Law, operating under ARTICE I Section 8 clause 15 of The Constitution. MY/OUR Responsibility and DUTY is "to execute the Laws of the Union (meaning the first CURRENTLY EXISTING LAW in U.S. Code aka The Declaration of Independence and its 2 dovetail documents of "THE Supreme Law of The Land" the Constitution, most importantly Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER, and The Bill Of Rights.

THIS VIDEO will give you a clue as to why the Second Amendment Law states; "a well regulated militia" as the word "regulate & regulated" in the day, means/meant, "TO MAKE REGULAR" ie; a Militia in every single neighborhood across the Union (of fifty FREE, INDEPENDENT and SOVEREIGN Countries which we call States). It is to protect our LIVES, wages, salaries, families, property and God endowed individual unalienable Rights, from MOB VOTING Rule, from our Governments, from The Deep State, and from our elected Republicans and Democrats. You see, this is why a Democracy is OUTLAWED under Article IV Section 4 of the Constitution in favor of "a Republican form of government". A Republican form of government is where elected representative, aka "Public SERVANTS" are subject to the Laws that We The People "ordained and established" upon them and upon their Law Enforcement henchmen of tyranny, oppression and despotism, that many Republicans and Democrats justify via elections. Which again is why a Democracy of Mob Voting Rule was OUTLAWED in The Constitution.

Here is another video SHOWING Bureau Of Land Management (BLM) Law Enforcement personnel BURNING homes, ranches, farms and CATTLE ALIVE in the area of Burns Oregon. THIS IS WHY "a militia is necessary to the security of A FREE State" and why they are to be "well regulated" meaning in every single neighborhood from Sea to Shining Sea;

Amendment 2 - Right to Bear Arms. Ratified 12/15/1791. Note:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

ARTICLE I Section 8 clause 15 of The Constitution:

"To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress (Deep State, Republican and Democrat) Insurrections (against Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER) and repel (Foreign ILLEGAL Alien) Invasions"

Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER, "ordained and established" upon all POTUS's, SCOTUS, The Deep State and their progenitors the Republicans and Democrats, by We The People, through our Home Countries (States) "to secure the Blessings of Liberty TO OURSELVES and our Posterity" - (Preamble of The Constitution):

"The powers (MEANING ALSO SPENDING) not delegated to the United States by the Constitution (as enumerated under ARTICLE I Section 8 ), nor prohibited by it to the States (under ARTICLE I Section 10 ), are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

MUSTER YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD AMFF Unit today to protect your God endowed individual Rights, your wages, your salaries, your property and your family from the BLUEcoat and FEDcoat henchmen of Republican and Democrat tyrants and despots HELL bent on violating Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER, The Constitution and The Bill Of Rights.

THEY ARE COMING to a neighborhood near you, to steal and rob you. And, Conservatives are BACKIKNG THEM UP to do so! The vast majority of Conservatives SO NOT back the Rule of Constitutional Law and Order that We The People "ordained and established" upon The Deep State nor upon Republicans or Democrats. They just stick up for The BLUEcoats and FEDcoats who violate their oath of service to "Support and Defend the Constitution against ALL ENEMIES", BOTH REPUBLICAN and DEMOCRAT.

- Capt. Karl
Operating Under ARTICLE I Section 8 clause 15 of The Constitution



- Capt. Karl
Operating Under ARTICLE I Section 8 clause 15 of The Constitution
Less yapping, more jail.
Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5jDHZd0JAg
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by northland10 »

We the people of Illinois elected the Governor. If the idiots want them out, wait two years or recall him. A couple yahoos don't speak for the people of Illinois.

And Karl's AMFF is not a state organization so they cannot remove the rights of the people of Illinois. You know.. that whole state's rights thing.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by pipistrelle »

northland10 wrote: Wed Mar 24, 2021 7:31 pm We the people of Illinois elected the Governor. If the idiots want them out, wait two years or recall him. A couple yahoos don't speak for the people of Illinois.

And Karl's AMFF is not a state organization so they cannot remove the rights of the people of Illinois. You know.. that whole state's rights thing.
Has Pritzker seen that verdict? Are you going to tell him? :biggrin:
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by northland10 »

Everybody wearing guns everywhere will make life safer, but wearing masks in some places, for now, will not. Yeah sure.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by northland10 »

pipistrelle wrote: Wed Mar 24, 2021 7:36 pm
northland10 wrote: Wed Mar 24, 2021 7:31 pm We the people of Illinois elected the Governor. If the idiots want them out, wait two years or recall him. A couple yahoos don't speak for the people of Illinois.

And Karl's AMFF is not a state organization so they cannot remove the rights of the people of Illinois. You know.. that whole state's rights thing.
Has Pritzker seen that verdict? Are you going to tell him? :biggrin:
We're used to our governors being convicted of stuff and hauled out of office. At least this way, Pritzker won't feel bad that he was left out.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by scirreeve »

That Ammhole video Karl linked to is very old (>5 years) and full of lies of course. I checked Vinelink today - unfortunately Karl has not yet been picked up on his NV warrant.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Baidn »

I'm honestly impressed that he managed to find new ways to be wrong while explaining his delusions on the second amendment. If you're going to try and use archaic language to defend you're views you should at least put more effort into it Karl, "regulars" or as it's put above "to make regular" wouldn't mean commonplace but refers to the idea that the militia company intends to respect the common rules of war (ie care and dignity for captives etc) irregulars generally referred to a mercenary outfit which might be unlikely to follow such rules. Both are irrelevant of course because that's not what it means in the constitution. Also I've got to wonder how hard it is to win unanimous vote when you're the only member?
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Uninformed »

I wonder when/where the game of “pass the poot” will end? It seems that so far the State LE / courts that have had to endure the pleasure of the Kraptain’s presence are content to leave him alone as long as he buggers off to continue his annoying antics elsewhere.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by northland10 »

Uninformed wrote: Thu Mar 25, 2021 12:29 pm I wonder when/where the game of “pass the poot” will end? It seems that so far the State LE / courts that have had to endure the pleasure of the Kraptain’s presence are content to leave him alone as long as he buggers off to continue his annoying antics elsewhere.
At least the courts are getting the better end of the deal, financially. He has spent a bunch more in forfeited bail than the fines he probably would have gotten. With each new fail to appear, the courts get new bail jumping charges and eventually, more fines (or forfeited bail)
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Frater I*I »

Baidn wrote: Thu Mar 25, 2021 12:19 pm Also I've got to wonder how hard it is to win unanimous vote when you're the only member?
Maybe all the voices in his head don't agree... :shrug:
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by woodworker »

The voices in his head agree, they just can't agree with the voices coming up from his ass.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Estiveo »

The voices will always agree as long as the Kap'n keeps buying 'em drinks.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by scirreeve »

Karl been posting on DOL's page - I hadn't noticed. Only 1 poot did too also.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by scirreeve »

Rudy (not that one) wonders if it is the drunkard. It is.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by scirreeve »

Karl had court in Wisconsin today. Of course he didn't show up because he is drunk in LV. Lost another $2500.
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