Democratic Messaging

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Democratic Messaging


Post by RVInit »

I would like to respectfully submit that voters are not interested in, nor do they listen to policy positions during campaign season. If they did, Democrats would have control of way more states and would have large majorities in Congress and probably win Presidential elections every four years.

Here is what every single Democrat should be saying every time they get in front of the camera:

Democracy or Stalinism! That. Is. Your. Choice.

Full Stop. More than 7 words and you have lost the majority of voters. They don't give a shit about the long winded explanation of all the great things you have done for them. They voted for Youngkin because of One. Fucken. Word. CRT.

Ok, technically three words. But see. Less than 8.
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Re: Democrat Messaging


Post by p0rtia »

I think this is an excellent and even necessary topic. :dance:

But I also think it is necessary to clearly and with granularity define who you mean by "voters" beyond "most voters" or even "low-information voters" to give any meaning at all to the discussion.

I believe that one of the realities of the communication era we live in is that the old generalizations will not work (cf James Carville insisting (again this weeks) that Dems must abandon liberal positions to win).

I propose the proposition that there is no "average voter."
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Re: Democratic Messaging


Post by RVInit »

Keep on preaching policy positions while Republicans strike fear into the hearts of swing voters and we will no longer be a Democracy. I wish "most" voters carefully listen to policy positions and carefully consider the consequences of their choices. But Youngkin had no policy position. He had three or four short sentences that struck fear into the hearts of voters that voted for Biden a year ago and changed their minds based on dog whistles. And this isn't the first time that has happened. When is the last time we ever saw a Republican campaign on actual policy positions beyond short sentences that were designed to make people fearful of voting for Democrats? I can't even think of the last time I saw a Republican win by constantly pointing out policy positions. They use short sentences that strike fear into the heart and they are kicking Democrats asses in spite of the fact that Joe Biden has accomplished more in less than a year than any president I can remember.

But keep on with the long winded preaching and policy positions. Because it's worked so well in the past. Sometimes it's good to evaluate whether your messaging is really resonating with enough voters to actually win. You can't implement your policies unless you can win.
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Re: Democratic Messaging


Post by neeneko »

Yeah.. I think for the most part it is not even an issue of convincing voters who they do and do not support, and more a matter of getting people to vote or not. Simple emotional messages are more likely to have simple emotional responses, and that has more influence on if someone goes and votes or not.
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Re: Democratic Messaging


Post by Slim Cognito »

If it won't fit on a bumper sticker, they won't listen.
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Re: Democratic Messaging


Post by bill_g »

Republicans mastered messaging long ago. Democrats have been playing catch-up since The Southern Strategy caused a mass migration of white voters in the 50's and 60's. It was designed as top down party management, and it has worked quite well for over 50 years. They've refined it, narrowed it, and kept members in line with simple polarizing concepts that are quickly and easily deployed to their audience.

Recent examples would be Ivermectin vs the Jab, Mask Mandates vs Personal Freedom, and Voting Rights vs Voter Fraud. CRT is just the latest retelling of their most favorite tale: Scary People Other than You Will Take Over. Before CRT, it was The Wall. And before the The Wall, it was Muslims. They love ringing that bell because it resonates so well. They change a few words, turn the wheel, and out comes public concern like oven fresh bisquits. Their constituency gobbles them up, and begs for more.

I'm not sure Republicans could survive without a steady diet of anxiety. It's become their crack, and they have a lot of addicts.
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Re: Democratic Messaging


Post by Foggy »

Testing, testing. Is this thing on? HELLOOOO!! Can you hear me?


Busted. :bored:

No messaging for you! :fingerwag:
I'm Foggy and I forget if I approved this message.
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Re: Democratic Messaging


Post by Suranis »

I'm sorry, but anyone that thinks "Defund the Police" is a good slogan needs several 2X4s to the head.

"Black lives matter" would be made a perfect slogan with the addition of the word "Too."

Garland should not have played Cruz's game with the "are you putting parents in Jail!!!" line. He should have said "if they break the law damn right I'm putting parents in Jail. If they are threatening and attacking people for doing their jobs, damn right I'm putting Parents in Jail."

But the game is that whatever Republicans say will not be challenged by the media, and anything a Democrat says will be spun the worst way possible. After 20 years of that shit is it any wonder Democrats are just too tired to say anything? Why bother when the media wond carry it except for 3 words they can spin out of contectr, and half their base will charge after the worst goddam slogans on earth.
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Re: Democratic Messaging


Post by noblepa »

And, when discussing Covid-19 and vaccines, especially mandates, Democrats and newscasters should take every opportunity to lavish high praise on Fox News, for their internal policy of requiring vaccinations or weekly testing for all employees, including on-air personalities, even those, like Tucker Carlson, who constantly decry such mandates as "socialism" or worse.

Expose them for the hypocrites they are.
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Re: Democratic Messaging


Post by RVInit »

I hope I haven't offended anyone by my posting here. I was in a rather sour mood this morning. I feel much better after listening to some great music. I think I will sign off for today and try to get into a better head space.

Anyway, I'm not attempting to pick on anyone here, and apologize if I sounded like I was. I am just depressed in general at the way things are going politically. I need a drink. And, I don't even drink.

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Re: Democratic Messaging


Post by filly »

No, I am glad you started this thread. I posted about this earlier this week and I have been thinking a lot about it.

1. WTF are Jamie Harrison and the DNC? Jamie was supposed to be the different guy, the new breed of politician, the guy who could beat Lindsey Graham. Millions were poured into his Senate race from all over the US but he came up short. So they made him head of the DNC. This was going to be great, right? Umm, haven't heard bupkis from him.

2. If not the DNC, then some of these other Democratic groups that raise a shit-ton of money need to get together and hire some Comms firms;

3. This past week was a perfect example of lost opportunity. The Senate QOP filibustered the John Lewis voting rights legislation. Wouldn't allow debate on this. They do this because they can, because there are no consequences!!!. The Republican Party doesn't want you to be able to vote!. The hell with the media, start running ads now not during election season when folks tune them out. Run them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Make them fun! Riff off the old Harry and Louise ads. Target the people who need to pay attention to this stuff.

I keep recalling a Town Hall that Biden did this summer with Don Lemon. Don pressed him on voting rights and Biden smugly said the filibuster wasn't a problem! Biden's been very wrong about the filibuster so go around him!

I have lots of thoughts about this but thought I'd start here. If the Democrats won't save democracy, we are doomed. And that starts with messaging.
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Re: Democratic Messaging


Post by filly »

OMG I can't believe I think like Jennifer Rubin these days. She has a piece up at WAPO right now:
Distinguished pols of the week: How to respond to GOP lies ... -gop-lies/

Bottom line: Dems need to push back forcefully on the GOP lies.

Rubin lauds Deputy WH Press Secretary Karine Jeanne-Pierre:
Most critically, Jean-Pierre made the case that Republicans are the last people to be lecturing on support for education:

They’re talking about our kids when it’s — when it’s election season, but they won’t vote for them when it matters. You know, Republicans did not vote for the American Rescue Plan. … In that plan, it had funding to make sure that schools were open, to make sure that our kids got back to school. And they didn’t vote for that, and that was a key component of the America n Rescue Plan. We know how important it is to make sure that our kids have in-person learning for their mental well-being and also so that they can actually learn. And so that is something that the Republicans refuse — absolutely refuse to vote for.

It’s a truism that no matter how deceitful Republicans may be, Democrats cannot afford to ignore voters’ concerns. If voters hear CRT is a real issue or believe Democrats are dismissive of parents’ concern about their children’s education, it’s up to Democrats to push back — forcefully.

Whether the ginned-up issue is “open borders” (which neither Democrats in Congress nor the White House supports) or “defunding the police” (again, which neither supports), unaddressed allegations become conventional wisdom in the right-wing echo chamber that remains devoted to concocting a blatantly untrue portrait of their opponents and scaring voters.

Shield PAC, founded by a group moderate House members to defend like-minded Democrats against right-wing smears, operates on the premise that false accusations left unchallenged are deadly to their rank-and-file. Matt Bennett, co-founder of the group and Third Way, tells me, “Fighting back effectively in the culture wars — on crime, immigration or schools — requires Democrats to embrace and repeat an aggressive, three-step strategy.”

First, Democrats must “recognize that denial means political death.” Even if GOP claptrap about “defunding the police” does not represent the vast majority of Democrats’ views, or if CRT is not taught in Virginia’s schools, Democrats must not dismiss voters’ concerns about crime and education. Second, Bennett warns, “it is imperative to establish that the Democrat does not agree with the extreme position that’s being ascribed to them, which means a forceful, persuasive rebuttal is the first and best line of defense. That’s exactly what we created Shield PAC to do.” And finally, he shares Jean-Pierre’s view that Republicans are vulnerable on issues such as education “after decades of relentless attacks on school budgets and teachers” and some governors “seeking to ban books.”

In a similar vein, Republicans voted against the American Rescue Plan that included funding to keep police on payroll. The only one denying funding to the police is the GOP.
For pushing back against Republican lies, explaining their own record and refusing to shy away from political combat, we can say, well done, Ms. Jean-Pierre and Shield PAC. The rest of the party should follow their examples.
The arguments are there. Democrats must make them and make them where they will be heard.
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Re: Democratic Messaging


Post by filly »

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Re: Democratic Messaging


Post by Lani »

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Re: Democratic Messaging


Post by filly »

Blaming the media is a defeatist response. The idea should be to get around the media. If the messaging is done right the media will start to cover it.
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Re: Democratic Messaging


Post by RVInit »

filly wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 9:17 am Blaming the media is a defeatist response. The idea should be to get around the media. If the messaging is done right the media will start to cover it.
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Re: Democratic Messaging


Post by p0rtia »

filly wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 9:17 am Blaming the media is a defeatist response. The idea should be to get around the media. If the messaging is done right the media will start to cover it.
Counterpoint: I disagree. The media are not unbiased or impervious to corruption, nor are their motivations pure.
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Re: Democratic Messaging


Post by RVInit »

The media covers Nancy Pelosi's briefings and I see Democratic members of Congress interviewed on CNN and other media outlets all the time. They preach endlessly, but they don't leave a simple 6 word sentence emblazoned in the memory the way Republicans do every. single. time. they. are. interviewed. Every. Single. Time.

Go ahead and give the larger message if you must, but end it with the FACT that the next few elections are critical and here is the choice you have to make. "Democracy vs Authoritarianism. That is the Choice."
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Re: Democratic Messaging


Post by filly »

p0rtia wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 9:32 am
filly wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 9:17 am Blaming the media is a defeatist response. The idea should be to get around the media. If the messaging is done right the media will start to cover it.
Counterpoint: I disagree. The media are not unbiased or impervious to corruption, nor are their motivations pure.
I hate to quote Donald Rumsfeld but you go to war with the army you've got. I agree with your criticisms of the media, but throwing up our hands and saying the media is awful there's nothing that can be done about it admits defeat before anything is even tried. It's precisely why there needs to be ads and messaging that gains attention on social media. And traditional broadcast station as well.
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Re: Democratic Messaging


Post by Phoenix520 »

I used to be somewhat proud of that old adage about politics:
Ask any 10 Republicans a political question, you’ll get the same answer; ask any 10 Democrats the same question and you’ll get 20 different answers.
We’re inclusive, big tent kinda people
We don’t take orders on what we think

Still true but not the whole picture.
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Re: Democratic Messaging


Post by Uninformed »

“Extreme” views and outrage generate catching headlines and sound-bites gratefully received by the popular media, and the very lifeblood of those engaged in “propaganda”. How do you combat that in a “passionate” manner that will create equally noticed publicity if the essence of being a moderate is moderation?

(That said I think any attempts to encapsulate the beneficial nature of given policies in memorable phrasing is worthwhile). N.B. Now that’s what I call a catchy/memorable phrase. :roll:
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Re: Democratic Messaging


Post by SuzieC »

I like Speaker Pelosi's message upon signing the Infrastucture bill: Democrats Deliver For the People. Soon, Biden and his cabinet will start rolling out across the country, talking up the benefits of the bill. They should always open with the line Democrats deliver for the people, then get specific about the benefits to each local community. The Beltway journalists won't cover the rollout fairly but I guarantee every local newspaper will. Every hometown newspaper will love a story about the millions or billions soon to start pouring into their states and cities.
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Re: Democratic Messaging


Post by p0rtia »

filly wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 10:27 am
p0rtia wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 9:32 am
filly wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 9:17 am Blaming the media is a defeatist response. The idea should be to get around the media. If the messaging is done right the media will start to cover it.
Counterpoint: I disagree. The media are not unbiased or impervious to corruption, nor are their motivations pure.
I hate to quote Donald Rumsfeld but you go to war with the army you've got. I agree with your criticisms of the media, but throwing up our hands and saying the media is awful there's nothing that can be done about it admits defeat before anything is even tried. It's precisely why there needs to be ads and messaging that gains attention on social media. And traditional broadcast station as well.
Straw horse. I'm unaware of anyone arguing this position.

I'm questioning your statement that "if messaging is done right the media will start to cover it."

This is a complex topic, and I'm very interested in hearing and discussing strategy and tactics as well as the specific language of the proposed messaging. But IMO it's gonna take being able to serve several gods at once, and mainstream media bias is one of those gods.
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Re: Democratic Messaging


Post by filly »

Ah but your response was the media is slanted and corrupt. So what were you saying?

As flawed as the Lincoln Project is/was, they went around the media and got mainstream media attention (and lots of free airings of their stuff by the corrupt media). So there is precedent and evidence that, played the right way (and avoiding scandal) this is a viable pathway. But it takes organization, some good communications firms, some smart ad folks. Time is wasting.
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Re: Democratic Messaging


Post by busterbunker »

Every job I've ever had related to some aspect of media. Media is a ream of 8.5 x 11 paper. I'm not inclined to yell at a brick of blank paper. Media is what you make of it. And by golly, you're doing that right now.

I think Democratic messaging is caught in a battle between city mouse vs. country mouse. Suburban mouse casts the deciding vote in most elections.
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