Sovcit nutz

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Re: Sovcit nutz


Post by Frater I*I »

Suranis wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 10:39 pm As seen on some of his vids, Grandfather Nurgle has gifted him with a Nauseating Stench Mutation which gives all opponents a -10 to their hand to hand combat stats.
The champions of Khorne will negate the Plague Father's psychic debuff, then he is truly screwed...

Still, the Emperor Protects, Always...
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Re: Sovcit nutz


Post by roadscholar »

SovCittery ignores the Categorical Imperative. Probably because not one of them has any real education.

But you can dumb it down for them:

“Think about how the world would work if everybody behaved like you are right now.”

And you can even give them a subtle hint: “It would fall the fuck apart, that’s how.”
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Re: Sovcit nutz


Post by bill_g »

Oh, I'm sure he would be a sensitive and reasonable totalitarian leader. /sarc
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Re: Sovcit nutz


Post by woodworker »

bill_g wrote: Fri Oct 22, 2021 9:24 am Oh, I'm sure he would be an incredibly incompetent and stupid sensitive and reasonable totalitarian leader with an extremely short life span. /sarc
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Re: Sovcit nutz


Post by bill_g »

woodworker wrote: Fri Oct 22, 2021 11:17 am
bill_g wrote: Fri Oct 22, 2021 9:24 am Oh, I'm sure he would be an incredibly incompetent and stupid sensitive and reasonable totalitarian leader with an extremely short life span. /sarc
Oh come on. Ceausescu lasted more than twenty years in office.
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Re: Sovcit nutz


Post by scirreeve »

Crazy sovcit in Portsmouth UK. I spent 3 months in Hampshire many years ago. Lovely place and didn't see any sovcits.
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Re: Sovcit nutz


Post by Gregg »

They hide them from us hillbillies.
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Re: Sovcit nutz


Post by Slim Cognito »

Looks like Old Rooster found a sucker, errrr pootriot to take over PFA (Patriots For America). Possibly even nuttier than before. Turns out we are now living in a communist state. I bet all the business owners in the strip mall down the street will be glad to hear that.

If anyone is interested, here's the link. If you were already registered, the info carried over. ... es_network

I won't bother to post anything from it, today at least. You've all heard it before.
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Re: Sovcit nutz


Post by Luke »

Okey Dokey Slim, glad I searched before starting a new topic. Got the PFA message too also, all in spam. Forgow the PW so reset it. Didn't get to look at much of the fabulous content yet but OldRooster posted they are having stellar success over there. 30 new members with such a high admission fee and dues structure, really well done. This may be a chance for a deep cover Obot to slip through while they're slammed with paperwork and new members.

We have some new members and some news
Posted by Oldrooster on October 21, 2021 at 3:25pm

Over the past week we have approved 30 new members to our PFA site.
Welcome to all these new members.
As you all know the current administration in Washington is creating a massive amount of problems around America, it's not just a Texas problem.
These things that are happening now will effect all Americans for generations to come.
These problems are not limited to the surge of illegal immigrants being allowed to enter the country.
There are many other things that this administration has been doing that are destructive to our way of life, our liberty, and our freedoms, here in America.
They have and they continue to use every branch of the federal government as a weapon against the American people. The IRS has been directed to monitor all bank accounts of American citizens for any transactions or accounts over $600 dollars. That is a gross violation of privacy, but it doesn't stop with them simply snooping at our bank accounts. They will use that information to track your tax returns. They will track your travel activities and purchases. And it goes a lot further than that.
They have weaponized virtually every branch of our government, including the US Military. They have declared over half of the US population to be potential domestic terrorists. What in hell kind of government does a thing like that?
The answer is a government like Nickolas Maduro, Fidel Castro, Adolph Hitler, Mao Tzdong, and Joesph Stalin.
A Marxist/Communist government.
I have already been paid a visit by the FBI for speaking out and for saying things that they don't like.
They asked me if I knew of or was aware of anyone who is planning or wants to overthrow our US Government. I answered YES, but it is not from anyone on any of the forum sites that I use. I also told them who it is that intends to destroy America, and that they (the FBI) should go and do their damn job.
Cut off the head of the snake, remove the leaders and organizers of this Communist movement to take over America.
They said nothing in responce.
Most of us know who is leading and organizing this "Fundamental Transformation of America".
It's the American Communist party and their organizers., and we know who many of them are.
So once again I call on the true patriots within our government, (yes - there are still some), to go up there and do their sworn duty to preserve, protect, and defend our Constitutional Republic.
And do it before the American people have no other choice but to do it ourselves.

Here's a little bit of good news: We can only hope it's true. ... l-Migrants
Long read - First 2 paragraphs

In a dive into new political and legal water, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has initiated the first-ever border security operations in which thousands of National Guard troops — newly imbued with civilian arrest authority and given 40 hours of traditional police training in the use of deadly force — have started handcuffing illegally entering migrants on state trespassing charges.

Small-scale soldier arrest operations began quietly this week as an unprecedented addition to the state’s ongoing “Operation Lone Star” in close physical coordination with a pre-existing border surge of some 1,000 Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) officers concentrated in Val Verde and Starr counties, but also expected to happen elsewhere. Abbott has been signaling for weeks that he was preparing a more aggressive use of the National Guard.
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Welcome new PFA members
The Patriots For America <>
11:08 AM (5 hours ago) to me

We would like to welcome all new P.F.A. members. We have had quite a few new people join us. Thank you for your Patriotism and your love for your nation. The chat room is always open and you can feel free to join us at any time in conversation. A lot is changing in our country and these are difficult times with this pandemic, high prices, illegal immigration and so on and so forth. Stay strong, stay positive and hopeful. Together we can make PEACEFUL changes through voting and keeping our heads in the right place through peaceful means. Thank you for being here you are important to are part of our family now. Here at P.F.A. we encourage positive feed back on comments and articles and peaceful means of solving our national problems. Any and all ideas are welcome. Thank you again for joining us. You are a true patriot.
That reminds me -- Foggy, where are our Fogbow Hero of Socialist Medals???? They would be soooo cool to show off at PFA!

pfa come join us
The Patriots For America <>
Sun, Oct 24, 1:12 PM (1 day ago)

Hello PFA members. Now is the time to come back and join us. With this administration in office we need to join together to stand up for our constitutional rights. maybe together we can all come up with solutions to the problems we are having in the America due to our administration. We need ideas and action. thank you. Mr. John Holmgren.

Visit The Patriots For America at: ... es_network

Hadn't heard from them since January.

Notice to all Patriots For America members
PatriotsForAmerica <>
Wed, Jan 20, 3:47 PM to me

Patriots For America;


It’s time for me to retire.

When Colonel Harry Riley retired after the OAS mission to DC he searched and asked around the network for someone to take over, that ended up as me. It has been a pleasure and a prevalence for me to serve as the administrator since Col. Riley retired.

It’s now time for me to do the same. I am now 78 years old, and my health is not the best it’s ever been. So if anyone out there on the PFA network is interested in taking over the reigns as the system administrator and manager of this system please contact me. Be aware that it does involve a financial commitment. This NING network costs $29.00 per month.

If you're interested please contact me through the system messages or my email.
Than you.

Would have been lovely if OldRooster passed the torch to SexyYoungRooster (Foggy). The one that got away :(

They raised $5,311 for Terry Trussell but 50 months since the last donation.

$5,311 raised of $100,000 goal

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Re: Sovcit nutz


Post by pipistrelle »

The IRS has been directed to monitor all bank accounts of American citizens for any transactions or accounts over $600 dollars.
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Re: Sovcit nutz


Post by bob »

pipistrelle wrote: Mon Oct 25, 2021 5:05 pm
The IRS has been directed to monitor all bank accounts of American citizens for any transactions or accounts over $600 dollars.
"For completeness": KATV (a Sinclair station): IRS proposal to monitor bank accounts with $600 sparks backlash:
The Biden administration is facing growing backlash over a plan to provide the Internal Revenue Service with data on individual bank accounts with more than $600.

The proposal emerged as a way to recover some of the estimated $600 billion per year in unpaid taxes, largely owed by wealthy people and businesses, to help pay for President Joe Biden's Build Back Better social spending program. House and Senate Democrats are currently debating the measure as part of the budget reconciliation bill.

* * *

Members of the Biden administration are facing difficult questions about why they want the information and how it will help them catch the biggest tax evaders. In an interview with CBS News Tuesday, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen was asked whether the government was trying to "peek into [Americans'] pocketbooks."

"Absolutely not," Yellen responded. "I think this proposal has been seriously mischaracterized. The proposal involves no reporting of individual transactions of any individual."

Banks are already required to submit information on account deposits in excess of $10,000. They also have to report interest paid on customer accounts in excess of $10. The new proposal would give the agency even more visibility to compare the income reported by an individual or a business to what they have in their bank account and investigate whether any of that money is unreported income.

According to the Treasury Department, the additional information would help close a massive tax gap over the next decade that would otherwise cost the United States $7 trillion in owed taxes that are never collected. The administration estimates that the reporting requirements could allow the IRS to recover about 6.5% of the lost revenue or $460 billion over a decade.
"Administration wants more robust tools to catch tax evaders" wasn't sufficiently scary/sexy.
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Re: Sovcit nutz


Post by keith »

Initial suggestion of a $600 threshold changed to $10,000 weeks ago. They are looking for unreported taxable income.
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Re: Sovcit nutz


Post by northland10 »

I somehow recall, at one point, the threshold for reporting self-employment income was something like $600. I assume that is where that number came from. Last tax season, I did not have to worry about that at all. Being locked down for the year meant no weddings or funerals for the tax year so no self-employment income.

Only a single wedding this year and, so far, only a funeral scheduled for November 26, so it will be a rather low year this year as well (not that I have to many large years anyway since I cannot often do ones during the day, at least when I was not working from home).
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Re: Sovcit nutz


Post by noblepa »

pipistrelle wrote: Mon Oct 25, 2021 5:05 pm
The IRS has been directed to monitor all bank accounts of American citizens for any transactions or accounts over $600 dollars.
A threshold that low would get the IRS every mortgage and rent payment, many car payments, many credit card payments and direct payroll deposits. And that's just for personal accounts. For a lot of big businesses, that issue thousands of transactions per DAY, most of those transactions would be for more than $600. That's a lot of data to gather, store and analyze. Just my swag, but I would guess that it would be several petabytes or data per day. That fact alone is enough to tell me that the IRS has no such directive.

The IRS doesn't have enough computers to keep track of the stuff they're supposed to keep track of. This suggested data gathering is way beyond their capability.

Someone probably found out about the long-standing requirement for banks to report CASH transactions of $10K or more and the notion morphed into the IRS tracking almost every transaction in the US.
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Re: Sovcit nutz


Post by John Thomas8 »

Ragical is awesome:

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Re: Sovcit nutz


Post by Gregg »

northland10 wrote: Mon Oct 25, 2021 7:32 pm I somehow recall, at one point, the threshold for reporting self-employment income was something like $600. I assume that is where that number came from. Last tax season, I did not have to worry about that at all. Being locked down for the year meant no weddings or funerals for the tax year so no self-employment income.

Only a single wedding this year and, so far, only a funeral scheduled for November 26, so it will be a rather low year this year as well (not that I have to many large years anyway since I cannot often do ones during the day, at least when I was not working from home).
I'm curious about how you schedule a funeral a month in advance. Is this a Pharaoh who needed 70 days of preparation or something?
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Re: Sovcit nutz


Post by Gregg »

noblepa wrote: Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:23 pm
pipistrelle wrote: Mon Oct 25, 2021 5:05 pm
The IRS has been directed to monitor all bank accounts of American citizens for any transactions or accounts over $600 dollars.
A threshold that low would get the IRS every mortgage and rent payment, many car payments, many credit card payments and direct payroll deposits. And that's just for personal accounts. For a lot of big businesses, that issue thousands of transactions per DAY, most of those transactions would be for more than $600. That's a lot of data to gather, store and analyze. Just my swag, but I would guess that it would be several petabytes or data per day. That fact alone is enough to tell me that the IRS has no such directive.

The IRS doesn't have enough computers to keep track of the stuff they're supposed to keep track of. This suggested data gathering is way beyond their capability.

Someone probably found out about the long-standing requirement for banks to report CASH transactions of $10K or more and the notion morphed into the IRS tracking almost every transaction in the US.
Its not so much that they want to track EVERY $600 transaction, it might be that when they come looking, they want the rules to allow them to look at transactions as low as $600.
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Re: Sovcit nutz


Post by sugar magnolia »

My girlfriend gave Aidan a gift certificate for a tattoo for a wedding gift, and when I went to buy it, I was told cash only because of the new "Biden IRS rule" about letting the government pry into their bank accounts. I said a polite thank you to them and took my business elsewhere when my Fox news spidey sense started dinging.
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Re: Sovcit nutz


Post by bbflatt »

The proposal is that banks would be required to report the total deposits to the account, not individual transactions over the threshold amount. See ... -dollars/

The IRS has long (since at least 1954) had the ability to summons bank account information (IRC § 7602) and get details of every transaction, including copies of deposited items. But to do that they need to be aware of the existence of the account. If the account is interest bearing, there will usually be a 1099 that will alert them to it, but non-interest bearing accounts (like most typical business accounts) can fly under the radar and require special efforts to identify. This proposal seems to be aimed at making “hidden” accounts easier to locate and analyze.
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Re: Sovcit nutz


Post by northland10 »

Gregg wrote: Tue Oct 26, 2021 12:05 am
northland10 wrote: Mon Oct 25, 2021 7:32 pm I somehow recall, at one point, the threshold for reporting self-employment income was something like $600. I assume that is where that number came from. Last tax season, I did not have to worry about that at all. Being locked down for the year meant no weddings or funerals for the tax year so no self-employment income.

Only a single wedding this year and, so far, only a funeral scheduled for November 26, so it will be a rather low year this year as well (not that I have to many large years anyway since I cannot often do ones during the day, at least when I was not working from home).
I'm curious about how you schedule a funeral a month in advance. Is this a Pharaoh who needed 70 days of preparation or something?
Actually, she passed last November and any memorial/service was held off until things opened up. I don't know if she is being inurned in our columbarium but if she is, it is just cremains so the family can, and sometimes do wait. They chose this date because they were looking for a time other family members could be there. This happened often when I lived up north as they would hold off on the final burial or memorial service until the snowbirds returned for the summer (they might have one at another church down south soon after the event but do the regular one up north).

We actually have one still pending. She passed away before the lockdown but the service had been scheduled for later so the family could travel up, but then the lockdown happened. The surviving spouse has stated he wanted to wait until we were back to full functioning. I think we may be pretty close so that one may come up at some point again (not to mention a few other delayed services during the lockdown).
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Re: Sovcit nutz


Post by RTH10260 »

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Re: Sovcit nutz


Post by Luke »

Class A Felony, same as a murder charge. Terry Trussell would be so proud of her. Where's Rodger Dowdell?
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Re: Sovcit nutz


Post by raison de arizona »

bob wrote: Tue Jul 20, 2021 11:32 am
covfefe wrote: Tue Jul 20, 2021 10:58 am
scirreeve wrote: Tue Jul 20, 2021 2:07 am Adam has nothing better to do than engage with his troll (me). Whatever. I am bored with him. ... 2382004225
This is the libertarian dude that had the Russian TV show or whatever, right?
Yes; Kokesh had a RT show.

Also wrote a book, ran for various offices but never won, arrested for various crimes, convicted for some. So your usual right-wing grifter.
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Re: Sovcit nutz


Post by bob »

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Re: Sovcit nutz


Post by scirreeve »

Cantwell has been on his podcast a couple of times in the last week. Seems weird for Cantwell to do that while on trial but Cantwell is an idiot. Won't link to it - on Adam's TL.
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