Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"

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Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Sharon Bess Hanjian Wirth Rondeau Rated F "Questionable Source"


Post by Luke »

The august Pest & Fail updated their policies on September 24, 2020:
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Media Bias Fact Check:
The Post & Email - Questionable - Right Bias - Conspiracy - Pseudoscience - Some false claims - Not credible
Factual Reporting: Mixed - Not always Credible or Reliable

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

Overall, we rate the Post & Email Questionable based on Far-Right Biased story selection/editorials as well as the promotion of conspiracy theories regarding liberals, promotion of pseudoscience regarding climate change, and use of poor sources or lack of hyperlinked sourcing.

Detailed Report
Reasoning: Conspiracy, Pseudoscience, Poor Sourcing Country: USA World Press Freedom Rank: USA 45/180


Founded in 2009 by John Charlton, The Post & Email is an online newspaper that reports news from a Christian conservative perspective. According to their about page “Mr. Charlton is a natural-born American Citizen and devout Christian who founded The Post & Email as an act of faith in Christ Jesus in order to give the common man a vehicle to report the news in his own words to the world.” He also is a “staunch opponent of Communism and Fascism.”

The current owner/editor is Sharon Rondeau, who states she is a natural-born American Citizen who began researching the eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama during the 2008 election cycle. She has been operating The Post & Email since April 2010 following Mr. Charlton’s departure.

“Since its founding, The Post & Email has been at the forefront of the Obama identity/eligibility issue.”

Funded by / Ownership

As indicated on the about page the website is owned by Sharon Rondeau. Revenue is generated through a combination of donations and advertising.

Analysis / Bias

In review, The Post & Email reports news from a conservative perspective. The primary writer is Sharon Rondeau, though there are others, who occasionally uses minimally loaded language in headlines such as this: Giuliani: FBI Investigating Ukraine-Biden Connections. This story is properly sourced to The Hill and Twitter. However, when reporting on Democrats there is a very strong use of emotionally loaded language such as this: “SETH RICH IS A HERO FOR EXPOSING CROOKED HILLARY”.

The website breaks news down into 4 categories: US Government Corruption, Grand Juries, Horse Protection Act and Obama Birth Certificate. In general news reporting in the first three categories tends to be factual and mostly sourced properly. In the last category, Obama Birth Certificate, the website continues to report on the debunked claim that Former President Obama is not a citizen. A sample article under this category is Carl Gallups: “Some of Us” Know Who Obama Is. This story is sourced to two questionable far-right sources, Breitbart and David Horowitz’s Front Page Magazine. According to the SPLC FrontPage Magazine is considered to be a part of an anti-Muslim hate group. The Obama Birther Conspiracy has been debunked numerous times. Below is a list.

Barack Obama’s Columbia University ID says he was a foreign student and went by “Barry Soetoro.” – PANTS ON FIRE
“You know our current president is (Muslim). You know he’s not even an American.” – PANTS ON FIRE
Birthers have obtained a copy of Obama’s Kenyan birth certificate. – PANTS ON FIRE
Barack Obama’s birth certificate is a forgery. – FALSE
“His true name is Barak Hussein Muhammed Obama.” – FALSE

Story selection almost always favors the right with articles such as this: Illegals Commit More Homicides in Texas Than 9/11! While this could possibly be true, it really does not matter. The author did not provide a single hyperlinked source to support the claim. Therefore, this potentially true story is deemed not credible. However, it is safe to say the claim that 3000 homicides were committed by illegals since 9/11 is statistically impossible. According to the conservative Cato Institute, there were 47 homicides committed by illegal immigrants in Texas in 2017. Assuming this is a near-average year, a more accurate number would be approximately 850 since 9/11. To put it another way, it would take 63 years at that rate to equal 3000 homicides. Again, if a source was provided the reader could then check the accuracy of these numbers. Further, why not just report an accurate number and then make arguments to support your position on immigration?

When it comes to science The Post & Email does not align with the consensus of climate scientists when it comes to human-influenced global warming. In this article, the author states “despite the hysteria, there is not a scientific consensus that man-made climate change is even real. Numerous studies, such as the research conducted by S. Fred Singer, show that the theory that climate change is man-made is “in dispute.”

Singer is best known for his denial of the health risks of second-hand smoke. In 2005, the left-leaning Mother Jones magazine described Singer as a “godfather of global warming denial.” In August 2007 Newsweek reported that in April 1998 a dozen people from what it called “the denial machine” met at the American Petroleum Institute‘s Washington headquarters. The meeting included Singer’s group, the George C. Marshall Institute, and ExxonMobil. Newsweek said that, according to an eight-page memo that was leaked, the meeting proposed a $5-million campaign to convince the public that the science of global warming was controversial and uncertain. The plan was leaked to the press and never implemented. Lastly, according to Jeffrey Masters, Ph.D. Director of Meteorology, Weather Underground:

[Singer] has testified before Congress numerous times, and is probably the most widely quoted skeptic on the ozone hole and global warming issues. Unfortunately, Dr. Singer cannot be considered an active scientist publishing in the peer-reviewed literature, or even an objective informed critic. Dr. Singer touts himself as having “published more than 200 peer-reviewed scientific papers over the course of his career”. However, Dr. Singer’s contributions to atmospheric science have been essentially zero since 1971.

In other words, he is not a credible source who has opposed the overwhelming consensus that Human Influenced Climate Change is real and will have negative impacts on humanity.

Editorially, the Post & Email reports favorably on the Trump Administration such as this: Trump Victimized by the Swamp Again and negatively toward Democratic policies such as this: To Implement Socialism Just Brainwash The Kids.

Overall, we rate the Post & Email Questionable based on Far-Right Biased story selection/editorials as well as the promotion of conspiracy theories regarding liberals, promotion of pseudoscience regarding climate change, and use of poor sources or lack of hyperlinked sourcing. (8/23/2016) Updated (D. Van Zandt 10/06/2019)

Special Note: On 10/6/2019, Ms. Rondeau contacted us via email concerning the previous evaluation in which we ranked the Post & Email right biased and mixed for factual reporting. Specifically, our lack of evidence regarding the use of poor sources and a borderline extreme right designation. As per our policy, we re-reviewed the source and made appropriate changes according to our methodology.

The brain trust at the P&E:
Silhouettes in Courage
12 hours ago by Joseph DeMaio

(Feb. 23, 2021) — Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court seems to have crept a little closer to becoming the newest member of the Deep State cabal now “governing” the Republic. Your humble servant has in the past noted that if Benjamin Franklin were alive today, he would be weeping at the prospect of the Founders’ hard work to create a constitutional republic being set afire.

After yesterday’s denial of certiorari review on the grounds of purported “mootness” in Republican Party of Pennsylvania v. Degraffenreid (USSC Doc. No. 20-542) and Corman v. Pennsylvania Democratic Party (USSC Doc. No. 20-574), two cases challenging the legitimacy of the 2020 general election results in Pennsylvania – the birthplace of the Republic – Ben Franklin would be sobbing uncontrollably. Not manly, but hardly unjustified.

Make no mistake, faithful P&E readers, the dissenting opinions of Justices Thomas, Alito and Gorsuch, arguing that the denial of review was wrong and that review should have been granted, reveal in detail the perils awaiting the Republic if its trajectory is not corrected soon. And if you think the first 30 days of the new administration are bad, as they say: “You ain’t seen nuthin’ yet.”

Since it takes four (4) Justices at their normal weekly conference meetings to vote in favor of granting (or denying) a petition for certiorari review, and the conference addressing the two subject cases was held last Friday, Feb. 19, 2021, one might well ask: where were Justices Kavanaugh and/or Barrett (forget about Chief Justice Roberts) when the Republic needed them most? Huh?

The Thomas and Alito dissents are found here, beginning at p. 25. Readers are encouraged to review the two dissents – the first by Justice Thomas, the second by Justice Alito, joined in by Justice Gorsuch – before consuming the rest of this post, because much of what follows gets a bit convoluted and the dissents provide a useful backdrop.

In the cases at issue, both dissents acknowledge that the opposing parties – the Republican Party of Pennsylvania and the Acting Secretary of State of Pennsylvania (in Degraffenreid) and Mr. Corman and the Pennsylvania Democratic Party (in Corman) – all agreed that the anomalies in the Pennsylvania 2020 general election mail-in ballot fiasco, even if addressed by a grant of certiorari review, would not have made an “outcome-determinative difference in any relevant federal election.” Bummer.

Translation: even if the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s extra-legislative ruling – extending by 3 days after election day the date for counting mail-in ballots, plainly contrary to the Pennsylvania Legislature’s unambiguous deadline of 8:00 PM on the election day – were to be overturned, the total vote count would not have materially altered the result in that state. Perhaps that is why Justices Kavanaugh and Barrett joined the rest of the Court in rejecting the certiorari petitions.

But that is not the point. Both dissenting opinions correctly focus on the real danger presented by a refusal to grant review on the bogus claim that the matter was “moot.” A refusal by the Court to clarify now – not later – the operational parameters under Art. 1, § 4, Cl. 1 and Art. 2, § 1, Cl. 2 of the Constitution governing “the manner” in which a state legislature alone may prescribe how electors are to be appointed may well operate as an invitation to state judicial and executive officers to indulge in the same shenanigans which characterized the 2020 election in Pennsylvania in future elections. Stated otherwise, if Pennsylvania “got away with it” in 2020, who is to say they won’t if given the opportunity “get away with it” again in future years?

By analogy, because Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. successfully “got away with” masquerading as a “natural born Citizen” for presidential eligibility purposes not once, but twice, a feat seemingly repeated in 2020 by Kamala Harris as to the Office of the Vice-President, why not deem these species of electoral gambits to be the “new normal?”

The sole and exclusive authority of the state legislatures in this regard to prescribe the “manner” in which electors for president are selected and federal elections for Senators and members of the House of Representatives are conducted under Art. 1, § 4, Cl. 1 and Art. 2, § 1, Cl. 2 of the Constitution is specifically recognized by Justice Thomas through his citation to and reliance upon the prior Supreme Court decision in McPherson v. Blacker, 146 U.S. 1 (1892), as discussed earlier here.

The mere fact that, in the absence of a Supreme Court decision clarifying the issues, a state court or executive branch officer may feel free in the future to ignore plain and unambiguous statutory language enacted by a state Legislature – again, the branch of a state government exclusively possessed of the power to prescribe the manner of appointing electors and holding federal elections under the Constitution – merely underscores the fact that the cases were anything but moot.

Clearly, the refusal of the Court to address the issues raised holds the potential for either state courts or state executive officers in the future to repeat the usurpations and excesses which the Republic witnessed in November, 2020. Not good. Then again, courage is not one of the qualifications needed to hold a seat on the Supreme Court.

Ironically, Justice Thomas notes that the Court’s refusal to grant certiorari – after all parties had originally supported a grant of the certiorari petitions well before the Nov. 3, 2020 election to clarify the protocols, which support the Democrat parties withdrew after Nov. 3, 2020 – “is inexplicable.” See Thomas dissent at 2. With due respect to Justice Thomas, the refusal is not inexplicable at all. Indeed, the chronology of events is important. In this regard, the scheduling of the conferences to be held where the question of whether review will (or won’t) be granted is normally a function of the Office of the Clerk of the Court.

However, while the Court’s protocols and rules do not specify, in so many words, when cases will be scheduled for conference, because the Chief Justice chairs these conferences and sets their agendas, it would not be anomalous to speculate that the Chief Justice – in consultation with the Clerk, of course – might “influence” which cases are scheduled for particular conference days. See, e.g., Doctrinal and Strategic Influences of the Chief Justice: The Decisional Significance of the Chief Justice, 154 U.Pa.L.Rev. 1665, 1669 (2006) (“By controlling the conference, for example, the Chief may be able to pick the most strategic time to call a vote, such as when a swing vote appears to be leaning in the desired direction.”) (Emphasis added). Stated otherwise, as they say: “Timing is everything.”

Normally, cases are “at issue” and thus ready for “conference” when all of the parties’ briefs have been filed and, in some instances, after all amicus curiae (“friend of the court”) briefs have been filed. In these two Pennsylvania cases, the original petitions were filed prior to the general election, including an application for a stay filed Sept. 28, 2020 in Degraffenreid (Doc. No. 20-542). In both the Degraffenreid and Corman cases, certain amici curiae briefs had been proffered to the Court, both supporting the granting of certiorari. No ruling on the filing of these briefs was made until yesterday.

The amicus curiae brief of the “Honest Elections Project,” specifically urging expedited review, was filed on Oct. 26, 2020 (Degraffenreid) and the amicus curiae brief of the “White House Watch Fund,” also urging the grant of certiorari, was filed Nov. 30, 2020. Note, faithful P&E readers, that all of these dates are well before the Jan. 6, 2021 convening of the Joint Session of Congress where the final counting of the 2020 general election Electoral College votes was to take place. Oh, and by the way, not that it made any difference in the ruling, leave to formally file both amicus curiae briefs was granted in the same Feb. 22, 2021 order of the Court denying certiorari. All tied up in a neat bow.

An argument can be made that, given the stakes at issue, it would have been nice to have had a Supreme Court ruling on the issues presented in the two cases before Jan. 6, 2021. Things might have unfolded differently. Had the justices’ conference been scheduled earlier…, say in November 2020, December 2020 or sometime prior to Jan. 6, 2021 (or even before the date of the inauguration, Jan. 20, 2021), there might well be a different person residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue right now.

However, because the conference was not held until Friday, Feb. 19, 2021, with the decision denying certiorari handed down the following Monday, Feb. 22, 2021…, well, that’s just how the cookie crumbles. Now, the Goofball-in-Chief occupies the Oval Office and a likely ineligible Vice President lives at the U.S. Naval Observatory. How convenient. Again, timing is everything.

Finally, the Alito/Gorsuch dissent notes that, because the cases were “not moot,” and because there existed a “reasonable expectation” that the parties “will face the same question in the future,” the denial of certiorari will likely generate a high likelihood that “the question will evade future pre-election review, just as it did in these cases.” See Alito dissent at 4.

The “evasion” of pre-election review of difficult or controversial issues is increasingly becoming a hallmark of Supreme Court “jurisprudence.” As noted by Justice Thomas when testifying to Congress many years ago, he commented that the issue of presidential eligibility as a “natural born Citizen” was one which the Court “was evading.”

It is interesting that Justice Thomas, in explaining why the Supreme Court has not yet taken up an “eligibility” case on the merits, would select the term “evading” as opposed to “avoiding,” since the prior term suggests a conscious decision to “avoid facing up to” a difficult or known obligation.

Again, courage is not a component of character required to become or remain a Supreme Court Justice. The dissenters here have the courage which seems to be missing elsewhere. Is this a great country, or what?
Tuesday, February 23, 2021 at 3:50 PM
Thank you for that article, and especially for mentioning presidential eligibility.
The key to revealing the panic of the Deep State/Swamp after the election of Donald Trump is acknowledging the many complicit in The Obama Fraud, including the courts themselves and the Obama media must now protect the lies they spread concerning eligibility and continue to evade the issue to protect themselves. Those complicit in The Obama Fraud, both parties, effectively gave America’s government and her military to her enemies. They will never admit they were horribly wrong in ignoring the obvious…..even as they watch America being destroyed.
This was never complicated, just too big to prosecute, and even too big to openly and fairly discuss………….Courts say; “no standing, evidence moot because it was submitted too early…or too late”, or whatever it takes for them to continue their evasion. It doesn’t help that two of the Supreme Court Judges were installed by an ineligible pResident, Barack Hussein Obama……Unfortunately, it also seems two Trump appointed Judges got themselves appointed to continue the “evading” of Constitutional eligibility, which Justice Thomas mentioned……..doing so would reveal Obama’s usurpation and that of Kamala Harris…something the Supreme Court will never do………Goodby America…………
The answer to the question of your last sentence is “what”……………….

"Goodby America.........." Realist, if Bob68 says we are panicking, we must be! :P
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Rated A "Questionable Source"


Post by realist »

This is all I'm panicking over:

WHERE'S bob?????

Anyone seen or heard from bob since the crash?
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Rated A "Questionable Source"


Post by Luke »

Things are HEATING UP at The Post & Email! This may be it! Tom Arnold instructs the Government and News Media: Start Telling His Truth!
“Stealing” the Presidency
2 days ago by Tom Arnold

(Mar. 11, 2021) — [Editor’s Note: The following was sent to selected Republican members of Congress and representatives of various media outlets.]


“Obama” had three (3) different citizenships (British Kenya, Indonesia, and possibly the United States). HARDLY WHAT I WOULD CALL A “NATURAL BORN AMERICAN CITIZEN” PER ARTICLE 2, SECTION 1, CLAUSE 5 OF OUR U.S. CONSTITUTION! That is, “Obama” and his handlers (the CIA, Deep State, CPUSA, Democrat Party, and others) STOLE the U.S. Presidency and command of its Armed Forces. And, Chief Justice John Roberts let “Obama” do it, and KNOWINGLY swore him into our highest office not once but twice.*

IF 45th PRESIDENT (A DULY ELECTED PRESIDENT) DONALD J TRUMP CAN BE IMPEACHED TWO TIMES (ONE OF THOSE TIMES AFTER HE HAD LEFT OFFICE AND BECOME CITIZEN TRUMP), THEN WHY CAN’T “BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA” BE IMPEACHED AND/OR ARRESTED AND PROSECUTED FOR, LET’S SAY, TREASON? If you think that would be too harsh, then how about charging some of the many other crimes which he committed (some of them in order to deceive the American people and try to convince us that he was a lawfully qualified and constitutionally eligible candidate for office), including election fraud, forgery, identity theft, Social Security fraud, Income Tax fraud, perjury, bribery, sedition, abuse of power, criminally negligent manslaughter in Benghazi, etc).

As a military veteran and retired law enforcement and criminal court officer, I regret to say that our country’s greatest enemy is not China as so many think. IT IS OUR OWN CORRUPT FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. The best solution, if not the only one, is for our government and other institutions (such as the news media) to START TELLING THE TRUTH AND CORRECTING THE HISTORICAL RECORD BY REMOVING THE LIES. By the way, one of the biggest lies of them all is that “Barack Hussein Obama” was our “first African American president!” He is by far more ARAB AMERICAN (44% ethnically) than African American (6%), and, as has already been pointed out above, he never was a REAL president either!

I URGE YOU TO READ THE MATERIAL (ALL OF IT) CONTAINED IN THE ARTICLE REFERENCED BELOW. Then, tell me that you are not a part (a BIG part) of our country’s current problems. Tell me that you have not broken your vows of office and that you have not failed miserably to represent the American people who elected you. ... m#_ednref4

TAGGED:Barack Hussein Obama, natural born citizen, Presidential eligibility, treason, U.S. Constitution


Jonathan David Mooers says:
Saturday, March 13, 2021 at 9:09 AM
Virtually our entire U.S. Government remains INDICTABLE 08-28-08- TODAY as long as it pretends to be UNTEACHABLE on “natural born Citizen” vs “foreign born-citizenship ” (Kenya born-citizenship Obama, Jamaica born-citizenship Kamala, Canada born-citizenship Cruz et al).

Obama and Kamala and Cruz can pretend to be UNTOUCHABLE so long as We the People consent to our U.S. Government pretending to be UNTEACHABLE on John Jay’s invention intention of “natural born Citizen” to exclude any foreign citizenships.

Since the U.S. Constitution does not specify that any President and any VP can possess “dual citizenship” or “foreign citizenship(s)”, which Obama, Kamala and Cruz do posses, they can never be a “natural born [U.S.-only] Citizen”.

Likewise, the U.S. Constitution did not specify that only descendants of original 1620 Pilgrims can be President and VP.

Therefore, all efforts to make the U.S. Constitution “a living Constitution” for political expediency and power grabs, are lawless attempts.

Similarly, all efforts to make “natural born Citizen” include anyone who is not born within, and subject to, a sole U.S. jurisdiction of sole U.S. citizen-parents, are lawless attempts for “a lying Constitution”.


Saturday, March 13, 2021 at 8:31 AM
I read somewhere that during the investigation of bath-house barry soetoro that Detective Mike Zullo or someone that was working with him went to the place that keeps the old micro-fisch files of persons entering America from abroad by airplanes etc. They searched for the month of August, 1961…the supposed time obama’s mammy brought him to America from Indonesia? Anyway, that whole month was blacked out…(and this was when john brennan was obama’s CIA Director at the time ? Y’ALL KNOW john brennan right? He’s the former CIA Director under obama that always looks mad/mean…like he is seriously constipated and plugged up! Yeah, that’s him. Huuuummmm!) Sounds like somebody didn’t want people to find out that baby bath-house barry was brought to America that month and year. I may be off a little on the details but I definitely remember Zullo mentioning it. Apparently they wanted to stick with the fabricated lie about lil’ obama being born in Hawaii.
If I had a dollar I could pay off a bunch of ants and make them do what I wanted. If I had billions of dollars I could pay off a bunch of demonic humans to do what I wanted. Case closed…(SCOTUS Roberts.) You FOOL.

LoveWorkPray100 says:
Saturday, March 13, 2021 at 8:31 AM

By John D. Guandolo
March 11, 2021

“In traveling around the United States frequently and working with Patriots in many states, the Understanding the Threat (UTT) team is quietly building teams of citizens in many states across our nation to defend their communities from the onslaught of the communists and jihadis.

These teams are made up of courageous citizens who got involved in this counter-revolution out of necessity, not out of mere desire. They do not see themselves as “heroes,” but simply want to defend liberty and take back/defend their communities from those who seek to radically upend liberty, the free market economy, and the republican form of government.”

Continued Here: ... t-network/

LoveWorkPray100 says:
Saturday, March 13, 2021 at 8:22 AM
I recommend that people watch many of these Endtime videos. Documented evidence of many irrefutable facts of current and past U.S. history, world history, biblical history and solutions are openly discussed and shared here.

Looming Threat of a Socialist Communist America

Video Archives:
Urgent Questions:

LoveWorkPray1oo says:
Saturday, March 13, 2021 at 7:37 AM

By John D. Guandolo
February 4, 2021

MUST READ! ... rica-fell/

TRUMP IS STILL 44...NOT 45 says:
Friday, March 12, 2021 at 10:30 PM
And to think that the majority of American public still believe michele gave birth to the 2 girls that look exactly like bath-house barry barack hussein soetoro obama’s & michele’s best friends, Anita Blanchard & Party Marty Nesbitt. Unbelievable.
So, barry’s mammy went to Indonesia, joined Muhammed Subud’s cult, then gave birth to a boy who later looks just like Muhammed Subud. If Muhammed Subud is his natural pappy, would this be the “44% ARAB-AMERICAN” Tom Arnold mentioned in above article? I’ve heard this “ARAB-AMERICAN” thing several times, is it because of MUHAMMED SUBUD or ANOTHER PAPPY? PLEASE EXPLAIN. THANK YOU.

Charles D Kowalski says:
Friday, March 12, 2021 at 6:30 PM
I believe Obama/Soetoro is a product of John Brennan’s CIA, aided and abetted by none other than Nancy Pelosi and her non-vetting of Obama.

Bob68 says:
Saturday, March 13, 2021 at 11:02 AM
I agree, and using the ineligible, race-protected, Soros funded and CIA created Obama as their puppet president to destroy America worked, probably better that anyone complicit believed it ever would…….until the planned in 2008 after Obama cover-of Hillary Clinton failed to defeat Barry’s biggest nemesis, Donald Trump.
When John Roberts swore-in Obama in 2009 America’s government and her military were given to her enemies. Both political parties were complicit, as a minimum, of violating their sworn oath to protect the Constitution and some individuals are complicit up to their ugly necks. This HUGE crime had to be covered-up forever by all complicit to protect themselves from criminal charges, up to and including sedition and treason. With almost total control of they media they were successful. When Hillary lost to Donald Trump, President Trump was kept under siege and eventually removed from office in a stolen election.

Today, the Communist/Socialist are back in full control with Obama/Biden/Harris. Almost none of the media will touch any this, but the installation and protection of the usurper Barack Hussein Obama was and is easily the biggest criminal act in America history…,,It destroyed America from the inside, as was promised by Communist in the 50’s. Getting an ineligible, race-protected putative president in office and controlling America’s government and military was a brilliant move by America’s enemies. The silence, inaction and protection of both political parties on Barry’s usurpation… protect themselves, is destroying America……….

Glen Day says:
Friday, March 12, 2021 at 11:36 AM
Did Barack Obama steal the presidency in 2008? I am convinced that he did. The evidence is clear and convincing that Obama was not eligible to be president. Most who read the P&E will probably agree with me.
To briefly summarize, we know about the national-born Citizen clause in the Constitution that clearly made Obama ineligible. We know about his fake birth certificate, and his fake Selective Service registration card. We know that the Hawaiian Democratic Party refused to certify him as eligible to appear on the 2008 Hawaiian ballot because he could not produce a required document. We know Obama told people in Hawaii that he was born in Mombasa, Kenya. We know that his book agent published a bio which stated Obama was born in Kenya and raised in Hawaii and Indonesia.
The question for me has been, with all we know about this man, how in the cotton-picking Hell did he pull it off?
My conclusion is he had help, lots of help. But it is more complicated than just that. He got help from the usual suspects, the Democrats, the Left, the New York Times the Washington Post, and the major broadcast news networks. He raised lots of money from many legal and questionable givers. But most importantly, Obama was an attractive black candidate, and the voters were ready for a black president. They fell in love with the guy. He was the perfect candidate at the perfect time. He offered a chance to show the world America had changed and matured. Finally, the nation could clear its collective soul of the past and move on. The bad old days of racism would be over.
Most people did not want to hear about the natural-born Citizen controversy, the birth certificate, the Selective Service card, Kenya, and the rest. They did not understand it and did not care about it. Thus, we got an illegal presidency and when Tamala Harris takes over for “Sleepy Joe” we will have another.

And a comment from the Last Birther (with no) Standing:

Robert Laity says:
Friday, March 12, 2021 at 2:57 AM
Obama remains free after having usurped the Presidency by fraud, during time of war. This was done with the help of Nancy Pelosi and Joseph Biden was complicit. Strangely Biden, an accomplice to Obama’s treason is now our purported President. His VP, Kamala Harris is not eligible to be VP or President and Nancy Pelosi is in line to become President. She too being complicit. THESE are the ramifications that have resulted because Obama was not arrested in 2008. Can this mess be cleaned up? God only knows. ... residency/

God only knows? Ask Her, Laity!


God is a Woman" painting by Alicexz!

* Don't tell Tom, but it was actually three times Roberts swore President Obama in since the first swearing-in had a technical issue. :P

Realist, should we PANIC? Should we keep that DARPA/CIA Green Playbook handy? Sound like they are on to us! All that fresh news and perspective!
Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!"
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Rated A "Questionable Source"


Post by northland10 »

orlylicious wrote: Sun Mar 14, 2021 5:44 am * Don't tell Tom, but it was actually three times Roberts swore President Obama in since the first swearing-in had a technical issue. :P
Actually, it was four times. January 20, 2013, fell on a Sunday so Obama was sworn in privately that day and then again at the public ceremony on Monday.
101010 :towel:
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Rated A "Questionable Source"


Post by Reality Check »

Seems the team of fact checkers at the P&E were given the day off ... again. Trump was indeed impeached twice while in office.
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Rated A "Questionable Source"


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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Rated A "Questionable Source"


Post by realist »

orylicious wrote:Realist, should we PANIC? Should we keep that DARPA/CIA Green Playbook handy? Sound like they are on to us! All that fresh news and perspective!
I suggest keeping the DARPA/CIA Green Playbook and the Blue Book of Codes handy but I don't yet believe it's time for a full-on panic.
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Rated A "Questionable Source"


Post by Luke »

Whew, thanks Realist. Made sure the DARPA/CIA Green Playbook and the Blue Book of Codes are in the bug-out bag.

The Post and Email finally has a headline we can agree with! See, President Biden is bringing the nation together :P A thoroughly enjoyable article.
Conservatives Are Splintered, Fractured, Divided and Ineffective
16 hours ago by Ron Ewart, President, NARLO

(Mar. 28, 2021) — “It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one’s steps to the upper air – there’s the rub, there’s the task.” Virgil, an ancient Roman poet

Never have so many tried so hard with such little effect. Conservatives have had all the impact of bumper cars at an amusement park. They keep bumping into each other with their own individual ideas, concepts and solutions on how to defeat the socialist Democrat horde but can’t seem to come together on one solution they can all rally around.

The enemy that conservatives are up against is powerful, intractable, uncompromising, vicious and mean. Worse than that, they have the majority of the votes, mostly from government-dependent big cities. That enemy owns the news and most of the journalists. They are aided and abetted by academia and social media

They have corrupted the military with socialist and LGBTQ nonsense and are on a mission to purge the ranks of extremists.* You know, like Trump voters. The United States military, the most powerful fighting force on the planet, has gone “woke.” Insane!

The socialist Democrats own Hollywood, comedians, the Oscars, the Grammies, the Emmies and the Tony awards. [sic: Emmy's.]

Their flawed ideology is taught in public schools and colleges.

Socialist Democrats have infiltrated all of our institutions, including the secretaries and directors of government agencies and the deep-state bureaucracy.

To keep us confused and fighting each other they work incessantly to divide us by race, gender, nationality, diversity, the economy, religion and rich and poor.

They are a malignant, metastasizing disease that has gone viral throughout the nation and the planet.

They are socialists, communists and fascists.

They have set up a two-tier justice system where they get off scot-free and the rest of us are subject to the law of the land. (Hunter Biden or Hillary Clinton, anyone?) They are on a determined path to dominate the political class, the bureaucracy and the citizens by any means. Their power is derived from taxpayer money that is used to buy off large percentages of the ignorant population for their votes. Their recent $1.9 Trillion stimulus package was the latest example.

Their goal is one-party rule, sometimes called an Absolute Democrat Monarchy**, or Dictatorship. One of their methods to accomplish one-party rule is the cancel culture where they use the entities they control to shut down conservative speech or ideas and concepts that don’t toe their party line or conflict with socialist or scientific dogma.

To demonstrate just how powerful they are and how difficult it will be to defeat them, we wrote three articles that describe the obstacles that conservatives face.

“Just How Are You Going to Unravel This Banana Republic?” 7/5/14
“Just How Are You Going to Reverse Engineer History?” 3/14/15
“Just How Are You Going to Overcome the Freeloader’s Vote?” 6/27/15

Rush Limbaugh didn’t stop them. Fox News Corp’s Hannity, Tucker, Ingraham, Dobbs, Varney, and all the conservative radio talk-show hosts around the nation haven’t stopped them. The Republicans in Congress haven’t stopped them. Some Republicans actually vote with the Democrats from time to time. These renegade Republicans say, when they vote with the Democrats, that it is in the spirit of compromise. But since when does it make sense to compromise with the enemy and forsake your own principles? Ten of these traitor Republicans voted to impeach Trump.

You don’t win a war by being nice or confronting the enemy with compromise and appeasement. You win a war with sound battle strategy and a superior force. The people are that superior force provided they have a strong, charismatic leader, are organized, well-funded, well-equipped and united in mind and spirit. We already have the guns and the spirit. We lack the rest.

There are many failed democratic governments that morphed into dictatorships like moths into worms. :?: The devastating trail of collapsed democracies has led to mass graves full of millions of innocent civilians, dead soldiers and patriots, each praying for a better life and freedom. The most recent Democrat failures in the 20th century are Nazi Germany, North Korea, Iraq, Ghana, Venezuela, Uganda and Libya.*** They slid into a dictatorship because the masses weren’t paying attention to what their leaders were doing, or worse, they were hiding in their homes, afraid to get off the couch. Could America, England, Canada and Australia be the next victims?

Dante, an Italian poet, writer and philosopher in the 14th Century said: “The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis.”

The masses are generally cowards and will bend to the will of their masters. (Masks, anyone?) Remember, it is estimated that only about 3% to 6% of the Colonials took up arms against the British in 1776. That means just 3% to 6% of Americans gave birth to freedom for and on behalf of an estimated population of 2,700,000 Americans, many of whom were loyal to King George III.

There are thousands of small-to-medium-size conservative groups in America, each trying to do their own thing in the hopes of making a difference. God bless them. Unfortunately, their efforts are too small to have any impact against the entrenched and powerful enemy we face. We know. For 15 years we have expended thousands of hours in that pursuit, but to no avail. When the members of the group see that they aren’t getting anywhere, they fade away into the shadows, never to be seen again, and the organization closes its doors.

Even large groups like the NRA or the Tea Party Movement, with thousands of members, haven’t stopped the steep dive into socialism. Obviously, conservatives are doing something wrong, or they are so splintered, fractured and divided as to be ineffective. Conservatives have the numbers to be successful. The only thing that is keeping them from winning is they keep getting in their own way.

What is needed is a major convention of conservative group leaders (COCL) who will come up with a peaceful solution to unite all American conservatives and the 75,000,000 Trump voters under a single plan to strip the socialist Democrats of their power and render them impotent.

Any workable solution would have to include some basic elements, which we have outlined HERE.
Here are Ron's basic elements from the narlo website.
1. Convince sufficient numbers of Democrats to change sides based on principle, the foundation of freedom and emphasize the horrendous damage that socialism has inflicted on the country, such that the balance of voting power shifts to the conservative side where conservative politicians can be elected to Congress and state legislatures. This could be accomplished by a massive TV ad campaign, seminars and speeches around the nation. The TV ads, seminars and speeches would expose the fraud that is Progressivism, the futility of socialism and the insanity of “wokeness.”

2. Establish a huge, nationwide conservative organization with a charismatic leader and a funding mechanism to raise tens of millions of dollars to fund the TV ad campaign and general operations. The goal would be 10,000,000 conservatives donating $10.00 per month. That would be $1.2 Billion per year. Without a huge war chest with which to pursue conservative goals, the task is impossible.

3. Start a massive nationwide legal initiative to sue government, at all levels, for violations of the U. S. and state constitutions and oaths of office. The violations are endless throughout the system but no one sues them. Environmental organizations have used the courts for this purpose quite successfully.

4. Get thousands of citizens to investigate corruption, collusion, graft and racketeering in government, at every level, and business and expose it to the press, law enforcement and the courts. To communicate the efforts and successes of citizen investigators, a national newsletter, with subscriptions, would be launched. Awards could be granted to citizen investigators with outstanding efforts and successes in exposing corruption that ends up in resignations or indictments and convictions by politicians or bureaucrats. To that end, we have prepared a booklet to assist citizen investigators in their efforts. We call the booklet, "Connecting the Crooked Dots. The booklet provides many details about becoming a citizen investigator. It is available on a USB 2.0 Flash Drive. To obtain a copy of the booklet use the "BUY NOW" button below.

5. Convince every state to clean up their voter rolls by proposing specific legislation or using the Initiative process in states that allow Initiatives.

6. Another subject that must be approached is whole scale civil disobedience on a grand scale as part of the battle plan.

Smokey the Bear says that "only you can prevent forest fires." We say, "only you can stop the socialist transformation of America."
Ron needs a hug. It's nice that he alone has figured it out. Shockingly, there are NO COMMENTS. Rough start.

* How can they have MARTIAL LAW™ if the military is corrupted? :pickle:

** That Absolute Democrat Monarchy phrase is great! FEAR THE ADM!

*** Those were "Democrat" failures?
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Rated A "Questionable Source"


Post by Uninformed »

They haven’t got a hope against the combined might of the “socialists, communists and fascists”.
If you can't lie to yourself, who can you lie to?
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Rated A "Questionable Source"


Post by northland10 »

orlylicious wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 4:57 pm Ron needs a hug.
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Rated A "Questionable Source"


Post by SuzieC »

Oooh, now I'm scared. They've prepared a booklet! :eek: :shock:

What does NARLO stand for? Not Against Republican Losers Often?
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Rated A "Questionable Source"


Post by northland10 »

SuzieC wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 5:46 pm Oooh, now I'm scared. They've prepared a booklet! :eek: :shock:

What does NARLO stand for? Not Against Republican Losers Often?
Actually, a rather benign name, National Association of Rural Landowners.

The header for his amazingly old and data website(is that Frontpage) is a bit more interesting.

Code: Select all

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>The National Association of Rural Landowners - No trespassing signs - Weapons Manuals - Gun Manuals - PARALLAX PROPHECIES - NARLO Offense - S-O-S Kit -</title>
<link href="narlo.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<meta name="Description" content="The National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) is a powerful organization, dedicated to fighting to protect
eroding private property rights, especially for America's rural
landowners and to return this great land of ours to a Constitutional Republic" />
<meta name="keywords" content="NARLO, NARLO Limited, Ron Ewart, Parallax Prophecies, Stand Tall American Republic, NARLO Offense, S-O-S Kit, Aginda 21, Agendi 21, Agenda 21, no trespassing, no trespassing signs, weapons manuals, gun manuals, landowners, landonwers, rural landonwers, rural landowners, conservation easements, liberty, give me liberty, fairness, Constitution, land owners, gun owners, weapons manuals, gun manuals, property rights, unfair legislation, America, American, farm, farms, farmers, rural, eminent domain" />
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Rated A "Questionable Source"


Post by Frater I*I »

"They are socialists, communists and fascists."
It always amazes me that wing nuts never seem to realize that these two political philosophies are at the polar opposite of the spectrum... :bored:

As a bonus I've had a SovCit call me a Nazi and a communist in the same phone call... :batting:
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Rated A "Questionable Source"


Post by northland10 »

Frater I*I wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 6:34 pm
"They are socialists, communists and fascists."
It always amazes me that wing nuts never seem to realize that these two political philosophies are at the polar opposite of the spectrum... :bored:

As a bonus I've had a SovCit call me a Nazi and a communist in the same phone call... :batting:
I think they have a very simple association method:

1. Communists are evil
2. Nazis are evil
3. Liberals are evil
4. Therefore, Liberals are Commies and Nazis.

Understanding the ideology of Communists, Nazis, and Liberals is too much effort for the RWNJs. They just repeat what they're told because it makes them superior.
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Rated A "Questionable Source"


Post by Flatpoint High »

it's nice that she doesn't permit "anti-Semitic" attacks, but does she allow antisemitic attacks?
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Rated A "Questionable Source"


Post by Luke »

Loser Thomas Gregory MacLeran aka OPOVV (, vomits up editorials at the P&E constantly. In each column, he seems to be trying to be topping himself in racist, stupid, pointless garbage. Maybe because it was so foul, a while back he changed from taking personal credit to bylining the dreck to "Professor Zorkophsky". He makes up characters to promote his racism, they must be the voices in his head. And he always ends with "Burger time: my treat". There are over 100 of these articles. Nobody ever comments on any of them.

Mike Pence: The Duplicitous Betrayer (RR)
1 week ago by Professor Zorkophsky

(Apr. 1, 2021) — “I’m A Long Gone Daddy” (1:59)

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to ‘The Pulse of the Nation,’ the place to hear it here first. Our contact at the Pentagon has informed us that any mention of ‘upholding the Oath’ will get your security clearance yanked faster than you could say ‘Jack Robinson.’ Since the fraud Biden-Harris ousted Trump — via the election fraud executed by the Deep State — every positive suggestion that the Trump Administration put forth to the Pentagon has been scrapped, replaced with regulations that guarantee our military gets decimated in the next skirmish, so a heads-up warning to any aircraft carrier operating within a thousand miles of North Korea and China: FAIR WARNING. Now to the show.”

“Glad to be here.”

“Wait until you’re introduced, please.”

“Okay, if that’s how you want it. You know who I am; the audience knows who I am. I mean, I’m wearing my uniform, for goodness sake, and I have my blackboard-on-wheels front and center; what more do you want?”

“It’s for those who don’t watch the show at 3:00 in the morning, that’s why, and to those who only get us by reading the transcript.”

“Well, as long as you put it that way. Why don’t they record the show?”

“Maybe they forgot or a thousand-and-one other reasons; who knows? Ladies and gentlemen, our featured guest tonight is our very own General, the General. Welcome to the show, General.”

“Glad to be here, Professor Zorkophsky, and I’ve brought my blackboard-on-wheels with me in case I need to draw encirclements and enfilades. Maybe I’ll draw a ‘crossing the T,’ or how the Union Army defended Little Round Top at Gettysburg.”

“Maybe, but you can call me ‘Zork’; I feel it makes for a more relaxing atmosphere. So, tell us what you think about Mike Pence’s chances of running for president?”

“What, all of a sudden ‘Pulse’ turns into ‘Comedy Hour?’ You’ve got to be kidding: Mike Pence, the ‘Judas of our time,’ has as much chance of being president as, well, as Biden has, which is a big fat zero.”

“So the Republican Party won’t nominate Pence?”

“What ‘Republican Party?’ There is no ‘Republican Party’; used to be, but no more. All you have today is the ‘Democratic Socialist Party’ and ‘RINOs’ on one side of the political coin, while on the other you have the ‘Constitution Trump Party’; understand?”

“Yes, we do. Excuse us while we take this quick commercial break.”

“Amazing Grace” (3:33)

“And we’re back. So what do you think about it all?”

“I think that the Deep State placed a puppet in the White House that is entirely under their direct control, just as Pence would be, especially since he passed the ‘Deep State Test’ by accepting fraudulent votes as legitimate votes.”

“So Pence has a chance of winning?”

“Oh yes, an EQUAL chance as anybody else the Deep State nominates. You see, everybody read Trump wrong, everybody but the real Americans, people who actually believe in the Constitution; the people who stand with hand over hearts when the National Anthem is played; citizens who don’t want Muslims in our country, let alone in the military; citizens who want each and every illegal immigrant deported, and that includes anchor babies and DACA scammers.”

“Speaking of Muslims in our military, what’s the plan?”

“Deep State’s plan is for the United States to take the side of the Islamic States to bury Israel once and for all, which is why the JCS has allowed Muslims within its ranks, all the way back during the Kuwait War, when Hasan Akbar, a U.S. Army Sergeant, murdered two and wounded a few more. Premeditated murder: a Muslim killing Christians; a Muslim killing Americans; a Muslim killing Infidels, just as it teaches in the Quran.”

“So why do they have even one Muslim in the military, especially when they know Muslims won’t fight against their fellow Muslims and will do anything to kill Jews, Christians and every other human being on the planet?”

“I’m sorry, but you already asked that question and I already answered. Let me answer your repeated question this way: the Deep State is ahead out of the gate; the end of the first year is at the quarter-mile mark; going down the back straight is halfway; going into the third turn is the three-quarter mark and the end is back to the START-FINISH line.”

“I understand.”

“Now the timeline for the Deep State to confiscate our guns is by the three-quarter mark, understand?”

“Yes, General, I do.”

“The Deep State will manufacture and manipulate whatever it takes to get our guns, even if it takes murdering ten thousand third-graders to pass illegal laws to circumvent the Second Amendment; trust me. As it stands, we still have a chance to take our country back, but once they take our guns, all is lost. Notice they NEVER suggest taking the weapons of the criminals.”

“Yes, we’ve noticed that; be a waste of time, wouldn’t it?”

“That it would. I hear a lot of the troops are greatly dissatisfied with the JCS for not upholding their Oath, which is a good sign. It has always been and forever shall be that the Colonels are the backbone of our military, so maybe we’ll see if that’s really true.”

“Yes, I agree, which leads us to the time to wish our listeners, and readers, a goodnight: Goodnight.

“Good show. If I were Israel, I’d be worried. Burger time: my treat.”
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Rated A "Questionable Source"


Post by Reality Check »

I wonder how many bathroom breaks there are for every OPOVV article written? :P
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Rated A "Questionable Source"


Post by neonzx »

Reality Check wrote: Mon Apr 12, 2021 8:38 am I wonder how many bathroom breaks there are for every OPOVV article written? :P
I know the smilie I wanted was not in the inventory..

:shark1: :puke: :vomit:
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Rated A "Questionable Source"


Post by Frater I*I »

orlylicious wrote: Sun Apr 11, 2021 8:31 pm

“So why do they have even one Muslim in the military, especially when they know Muslims won’t fight against their fellow Muslims and will do anything to kill Jews, Christians and every other human being on the planet?”
I understand the guy is a racist, but damn, how ignorant of current events, let alone history, do you have to be to post that bit of swill...
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Rated A "Questionable Source"


Post by bob »

Because I am a horrible person:

P&E: The Four Amigos Letter:
Executive summary: Perkins Coie sent a nastygram to the organizations that might participate in the proposed audit of Maricopa County's election results. :yawn: (A politically connected law firm protecting the interest of its client in a politically motivated challenge? You don't say.)

DeMaio felt compelled to comment, and Rondeau felt compelled to "print" it. But DeMaio's "reasoning," predictably, is overwrought, meandering, and just plain ole boring. But:
Accordingly, faithful P&E readers may wish to have their favorite caffeinated beverage handy… your humble servant has sworn off Diet Coke® and now sips Diet Dr. Pepper® (Plano, TX).
Which prompted:
[some jerk] wrote:Although Diet Dr. Pepper is owned by Keurig Dr. Pepper, some of the U.S. supply is produced under contract by Coca-Cola.
Rondeau wrote:From the author:
DeMaio wrote:Interesting. The substantive deceptions of footnote 10* in the ominous 4 Amigos Letter are now revealed to the world…, and [some jerk] focuses the world’s attention on who manufactures Dr. Pepper, a typical liberal “look-at-the-shiny-object” deflection tactic. While the intimidating letter seeks to prevent, through misrepresentations, any further examination of some 2.1 million ballots from the 2020 election in Maricopa County, Arizona, [some jerk] frets about the source of a caffeinated soft drink being consumed by your humble servant. Really?
Really! Because no one cares what DeMaio believes about some footnote in some letter.

(And, of course, the point is to note that DeMaio can't even boycott competently. But DeMaio lacks the introspection to discern his limitations.)

* "For completeness":
Footnote 10 wrote:See U.S. Att'y for N.D. Ala., District Elections Officers Available Nov. 8 to Receive Complaints of Election Fraud or Voting Rights Abuses (Oct. 21, 2016), available at ... -or-voting (observing that even "actions to uncover illegal voting . . . may violate federal voting rights law").
Yes, a citation to a four-year-old presser for a general proposition of law is what now consumes DeMaio. :yankyank:
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Rated A "Questionable Source"


Post by Luke »

:lol: Bob.

This disgusting graph is on the border of reportable. It shows the vile ugly hate of these people. How would DeMaio have reacted if someone suggested this about DL2XIT? Would Sharon have printed that?
The enactment in Georgia of its new voter and election integrity law – S.B. 202 – has sent liberals and congressional Democrats into an apoplectic fit. To that point, would the bursting of a blood vessel in Nancy Pelosi’s brain really be a bad thing?
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Rated A "Questionable Source"


Post by woodworker »

Oh noes. My vin ordinaire for close to fifty years has been Diet Dr. Pepper. Please Mr. Foggy, give me absolution that I may continue to drink it.
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Rated A "Questionable Source"


Post by bob »

"For completeness":
[some jerk] wrote:If the intent is to boycott Coca-Cola, then the first step is to not purchase products that provide revenue to Coca-Cola.
Rondeau wrote: Response from Joseph DeMaio:
DeMaio wrote:The Diet Dr. Pepper can from which the caffeinated beverage is being sipped by your humble servant discloses that it originated in the Plano, TX bottling facility. If proof is adduced that Coca-Cola owns and operates that Texas facility, your humble servant will immediately switch brands of caffeinated drinks. Until then: skol!. [Personal insults, which totally don't violate the P&E's comment policy, snipped.]
[some jerk] wrote:Regardless of where each batch of Dr. Diet Pepper is bottled, Coca-Cola derives revenue from its consumption. If the demand for it is lessened, Keurig Dr. Pepper wouldn’t need to outsource its production to Coca-Cola.

The facility in Plano, Texas appears to be a corporate office, and not a bottling plant.

Regardless, switching to Diet Pepsi would be a more effective boycott of Coca-Cola.
Rondeau wrote:Yes, sir!
Maybe, at some point, DeMaio Rondeau will realize that Dr. Pepper's bottling is more interesting than DeMaio's beliefs.
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Rated A "Questionable Source"


Post by Foggy »

woodworker wrote: Sat Apr 17, 2021 5:32 pm Please Mr. Foggy, give me absolution ...
Absolutely. :whistle:
I'm Foggy and I forget if I approved this message.
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Re: Sharon Rondeau's The Post & Email - Rated A "Questionable Source"


Post by bob »

P&E comment:
Luke wrote:That’s true about Coca-Cola making a lot of money from Dr Pepper, they are a huge shareholder, bottler and distributor. By the way, there’s no period after “Dr”. In the 1950s, Morrison took out the period from ‘Dr’ to make the brand name more stylish.

Important to note that The Coca-Cola Company was Keurig Green Mountain’s largest shareholder at 17.4%. Now the majority is owned by a foreign company, JAB Holding Co, the private holding company of Germany’s Reimann family.

The company’s business arrangement with Coca-Cola is quite complex. When Dr Pepper filed for bankruptcy in 2008, Coca-Cola tried to buy it. However, antitrust problems prevented the merger from pushing through. But still, Coca Cola owns some of the rights to distribute Dr Pepper in other countries such as in select European countries and in South Korea. Dr Pepper also utilizes some of Coca-Cola’s bottling facilities and warehouses for its beverage products.

JAB Holdings owns the majority of Dr Pepper’s stock (about 86%).

Nearly 100% of the market of Dr Pepper is in the United States. It uses different bottling companies to bottle its beverages. Coca-Cola owns the majority of these bottling facilities. Dr Pepper has also made business arrangements with the soft drinks giant to distribute its products. It provides the syrups or the ingredients and recipes to the bottlers. The bottlers, in turn, pour the liquid beverages into Dr Pepper bottles. Dr Pepper has an existing bottling and warehouse agreement with Coca-Cola.

Last month, Keurig Dr Pepper announced it: “Earns Perfect Score in Human Rights Campaign’s 2021 Corporate Equality Index —
KDP designated as a “Best Place to Work” for LGBTQ equality in the U.S.”
Expert-level trolling. :thumbsup:

(But I was sitting on Dr Pepper being foreign-owned. :torches: )
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