Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF

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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Luke »

AHA! Karl has been cheating on us -- on Telegram! That rat bastid. With so much new information and ideas. He's been cheating on us in the Sons of Liberty group (1007 subs) https://t.me/sonsoflibertymedia Next thing you know, Karl's gonna say we killed Lucky.
Capt. Karl Koenigs, [04.03.21 17:44]
Even Uncle Larry just called me yesterday to tell me that I was right all along. And, that voting for Republicans WILL DO NOTHING to restore the Rule Of Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER. Not to mention, ALONG with restoring Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER will, virtually DOUBLE nearly all American paychecks, IN COMPLIANCE with the many SCOTUS decisions, without so much as a raise or the printing or digitizing of money out of thin air, which in the VERY NEAR FUTURE, will utterly eviscerate the US Dollar. When there will be NO MONEY to buy milk. Unless We The People COMPEL, by ANY MEANS NECESSARY, our State Capitol/s to sponsor and pass an exact facsimile of The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions augmented with AN ARREST PROVISION, so that our home Countries can State NULLIFY ALL, ALL, ALL Republican and Democrat, and President and SCOTUS usurpation of Power and ALL SPENDING not delegated to them under Article I Section 8 of The Constitution pursuant to Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER, IN TIME. And, the sands of time are RUNNING OUT FAST, Dorothy. When the Dollar utterly collapses, so too the Republic, FOREVER, short of a combination Civil/Re-Revolutionary War against the strong majority of our neighbors and against the U.S. Government, just EXACTLY like the Revolutionary War was. I, for one, do not want to go around shooting most of my neighbors, as IS GOING TO BE NECESSARY, like we did during the Revolutionary War. [Good to hear that, Karl!]

FEDERAL ELECTIONS ARE THE SOURCE of The PROBLEMS. Because AMERICA IS NOT, by LAW, a Democracy. A Democracy is OUTLAWED under Article IV Section 4 of The Supreme Law Of The Land. Republicans, according to what Paul Ryan told me to my face, are as bad as the Democrats. Not to mention that Republicans more than DOUBLE the Socialist SPENDING of the DemoCRAPS, IN THE TRILLIONS!!! In utter Capital Felony Treasonous usurping violations of Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER.

Capt. Karl Koenigs, [04.03.21 19:25]
[Forwarded from Capt. Karl Koenigs]
Laz, ALL POWER and ALL SPENDING, "not delegated" to the US Gov, POTUS, SCOTUS, Republicans and Democrats, and The Deep State, under Article I Section 8 of The Constitution; "are RESERVED TO THE STATES respectively, or to the people." All other power and/or SPENDING, by Republicans and/or Democrat is AGAINST Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER. So what are you talking about? BY THE SUPREME Law of The Land, Biden and Trump, Republicans and Democrats HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT! The game is to be played at our STATE CAPITOLS. Not where it DOES NOT MATTER, pursuant to the supremacy clause 2 of Article VI.

Isn't it about time WE THE PEOPLE use the Tenth Amendment Law that WE THE PEOPLE "ordained and established" upon Joe the Neanderthal Biden and upon all Republicans and Democrats, upon the entire Deep State to "secure the Blessings of Liberty TO OURSELVES and our Posterity". The more we go against Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER, by our own actions, the worse WTP make it against ourselves and the American Middle Class.

NOW LET'S TAKE OUR FIREARMS, surround our Capitol/s, DEMAND and COMPEL our State Assemblymen and State Senators* to sponsor and pass an exact facsimile of The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions and augment them with AN ARREST PROVISION, so that our Municipal, County and State LAW ENFORCEMENT personnel can ARREST, Jail, and try all Federal Agencies and Bureaus that have been properly and Constitutionally State nullified, if they refuse to cease and desist any Republican and/or Democrat usurpation of Power and SPENDING State nullified! Time is of the essence!

Capt. Karl Koenigs, [04.03.21 20:29]
[In reply to Janet Swilley]
1. Don't you have any clue as to what a Republican form of government is, as required under "the supreme law of the land" under Article IV Section 4 of The Constitution?

2. Don't you have any clue as to what Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER is? Just to furnish you with some clue it refers to the 18 only delegated powers and SPENDING PRIVILEGES granted to any President, to all Republicans, to all Democrats and to The Deep State. Any Republican or President who violates Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER, by definition and supreme law of the land, is a Capital Felony Traitor against The Constitution.

3. If not, how can you be so utterly ignorant of our American form of government and still feel like you can prove your ignorance to us?
And the mighty AMFF has 53 subscribers: https://t.me/AmericanMilitiaFreedomForces Lots to read there.

AMERICAN MILITIA FREEDOM FORCES of The Second Amendment Law, operating under Article I Section 8 clause 15 of The Constitution releases the following COMMUNICATIONS SECURITY REPORT. Be sure to forward this to all Constitutionally operating AMFF Units and Troops:

At this point TELEGRAM does not have a secure group chat. Therefore, at this juncture, as much as TELEGRAM is a pleasure to use due to its features:

—> 1.) AMFF ADVISES switching to SIGNAL for its absolute end to end encryption capabilities (even regarding SECURE GROUP CHATS), with the SIGNAL app built in such away that it is not possible to not be entirely end to end encrypted, EVEN IN A GROUP CHAT. The negative to the SECURE group chat on Signal is that only 1000 persons can be in the chat group, where Telegram can handle up to 200,000. <—


BE ALSO ADVISED: That Deep State Operatives, the plethora of Executive branch Agencies and Bureaus who operate ABOVE Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER, to SPY on ALL Americans and decimate individual God endowed unalienable Rights, LIVES, Liberty and Property, are creating videos that Signal is not as good as other 'so-called' encryption apps. THAT IS ANOTHER REASON to use Signal!!

All AMFF troops are advised to watch the attached video supporting the above Telegram/Signal security assessment. And, read this report regarding same (https://www.howtogeek.com/710344/psa-te ... y-default/).

Why Elon Musk is pushing Signal;

- Capt. Karl
AMERICAN MILITIA FREEDOM FORCES of The Second Amendment Law, operating under ARTICLE I Section 8 clause 15 of The Constitution; "To execute the Laws of the Union, Suppress (Deep State, Republican and Democrat) Insurrections (against Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER, the whole Constitution and the entire Bill Of Rights), and Repel (Foreign ILLEGAL Alien) Invasions."
Feb 5 AMFF:

Wanted to let you know that as of a couple of days ago, I have changed my position from State Elections to elect State Legislators and Governor, to elect those who pledge to sponsor and pass an exact facsimile of The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions augmented with AN ARREST PROVISION, to ARMED State Capitol Protest by AMERICAN MILITIA FREEDOM FORCES troops of The Second Amendment Law, operating under Article I Section 8 clause 15. I’ve pushed the Election plan for over a decade. The time for State Elections of State Legislators who pledge to sponsor and pass the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions augmented with an ARREST PROVISION, has been squandered. There is NO TIME LEFT for that process. Now I am pushing for the implementation of Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER via State Nullification IMMEDIATELY via States Rights, State SOVEREIGNTY and State Nullification. No time for the ballot box any longer, before the US Dollar utterly collapses. Now we need to reach for the bullet box and pray that God intervenes and moves our State Legislators and Governor to sponsor and pass the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions augmented with AN ARREST PROVISION to REVERSE all Republican and Democrat usurpations of Power AND ALL SPENDING not enumerated under Article I Section 8 of The Constitution, IN PURSUANCE of Tenth Amendment Law and Order as well as in pursuance of the Supremacy clauses 2 & 3 of Article VI. And, thereby, State Nullification ENFORCED by gunpoint and Prison of and by our Municipal, County and State Law Enforcement personnel, backed by AMFF Troops.* It has come to that.

Once the Dollar has collapsed, within the next few weeks, month or three, IF WE ARE LUCKY, there will be so many of our best most law abiding citizens in every one of our neighborhoods looting and raiding to feed and cloth their wives and children, nobody will even have the time to think about the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions backed by LEOs and AMFF Troops.

So this is a dramatic change in policy by me. The American people squandered their time and now it has come to this, or else the end of the republic of OUR laws, “ordained and established” upon the POTUS, SCOTUS, Republicans and Democrats, is over, likely forever, as the Founders warned.

1. Militia “Captain Karl”: The People Are The Constitution’s Law Enforcers; https://thewashingtonstandard.com/milit ... enforcers/

2. FISA Courts, The FBI & The Lawless Surveillance Of The American People; https://thewashingtonstandard.com/how-c ... an-people/

3. FISA Courts, The FBI & The Lawless Surveillance Of The American People https://thewashingtonstandard.com/fisa- ... an-people/

4. How Constitutional Militia Forces Executed The Law & Restored Liberty Recently & Exposed A Treasonous International Crime In The Obama Administration Against The American People; https://thewashingtonstandard.com/how-c ... an-people/

- Capt. Karl
It was so wrong of him not to tell us. So hurt. Imagine how Foggy and Realist are going to feel. :(
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Estiveo »

orlylicious wrote: Thu Mar 04, 2021 8:53 pm
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by sad-cafe »


every instance
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Estiveo »

The FBI has better things to do than deal with an impotent drunk who never does anything worse than drive drunk & skip bail, and who plays to an audience of the voices in his head, a handful of equally impotent goofballs, and us.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by scirreeve »

Damn you Capt. Drunkard. I don't have a Telegram account and don't want one. I see he is conversing with Laz there. Thanks OL.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Luke »

Scir, you can see the basic Telegram pages in a web browser without an account, give the links a try. Finally joined it with a disposable phone number (be sure you can access the number for the text code) but for a long time just looked at Jakey Wohl and a few others on desktop.

But agree, it was so rude of Karl to hide it from us! Foggy is clearly so distraught about this he hasn't even commented yet. :cry:
Kraken: Election Stolen Say US Army 305th Intelligence ...

https://evidence2020.wordpress.com/2020 ... rom-trump/

The 305th battalion is a decorated unit which lost men in intelligence operations over the Ho Chi Minh Trail during the Vietnam War.

Situation Update, Dec. 11th - DoD de-fangs the CIA, 305th ... https://www.sgtreport.com/2020/12/situa ... maneuvers/

"Spider" is the expert cyber security witness trained by the 305th military intelligence battalion Yesterday, military intelligence analyst Jeffrey Prather dropped a bombshell during his live broadcast: A military intelligence analyst code named "Spider" had filed a sworn statement in a lawsuit handled by attorney Sidney Powell

Situation Update: 305th Military Intelligence Battalion is ... https://www.sgtreport.com/2020/12/situa ... is-kraken/

How the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion is actually serving as a key source for Sidney Powell's lawsuits which allege that China and Iran directly interfered with US elections through remote control and alteration of vote counts. Key witnesses tied to the 305th have the bombshell evidence
Guess Karl missed the memo that "Spyder/Spider" failed out. Unfortunately, neither the AMFF or Liberty groups allow comments (which is unusual), hope his friend reads here and can get him the message. He'll want to correct it so he doesn't look foolish.
Sidney Powell’s ‘Military Intelligence Expert’ Witness Was Actually an Army Mechanic Who Never Worked in Military Intelligence: Report
JERRY LAMBE Dec 12th, 2020, 1:41 pm

Sidney Powell, the former Trump campaign attorney behind a series of “Kraken” lawsuits challenging the results of the 2020 election in multiple states where the president lost the popular vote, appears to have misled courts as to the qualifications of one of her key witnesses. Powell’s team described the witness in question as a “Military Intelligence expert” who would provide unambiguous proof that voting systems used in the election were compromised. The witness was known only as “Spyder” to protect him from an “established pattern of witness and attorney harassment and coercion,” Powell’s team wrote. But a Friday report from the Washington Post revealed that “Spyder,” whose real name is Joshua Merritt, was actually an army vehicle mechanic who had never even worked in military intelligence.

According to the report, the 43-year-old Merritt is an information technology consultant in Dallas who had previously been enrolled in the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion training program but failed to finish even the entry-level training course. [E]ven by his own account, he was only a trainee with the 305th, at Fort Huachuca in Arizona, and for just seven months more than 15 years ago,” the Post reported. “His separation papers, which he provided to The Post, make no mention of intelligence training. They show that he spent the bulk of his decade in the Army as a wheeled vehicle mechanic. He deployed to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, where he said he worked in security and route clearance.”

Merritt even conceded to the Post that describing himself as an “electronic intelligence analyst under 305th Military Intelligence” was specious. He said legal clerks on Powell’s team wrote that information on his declaration without informing him of the specific language. “That was one thing I was trying to backtrack on,” he told the Post. “My original paperwork that I sent in didn’t say that.” Despite the fact that the Post had spoken with Merritt and confirmed his identity as “Spyder,” Powell refused to answer questions about his qualifications.
https://lawandcrime.com/2020-election/s ... ce-report/
Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5jDHZd0JAg
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Foggy »

Wait, we killed Lucky? :oops:
I'm Foggy and I forget if I approved this message.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Suranis »

You monsters. Lucky had 2 broken legs, half a tail, an eyepatch and 15 missing teeth all from accidents and you do this to him! :(
Hic sunt dracones
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Luke »

Poor Lucky.

Scir, guess the AMFF isn't imaginary :lol: "God's / Jesus Christ's Church (people) aka The AMERICAN MILIITA FREEDOM FORCES"

The bar is already open at 11:30am --
Brother Tim Brown, Listening to you and Bradlee Dean this morning (SonsOfLibertyMedia.com ), at the same Bat Time / Same Bat Channel, I heard you state that God's Church HAS TO GET ENGAGED in ALL OF THIS. I have studied American Revolutionary War history, the Science of governance, the lives and documents of the Founding Fathers/Framers of "the supreme law of the land", that through the grace of God Almighty makes us free, in His Liberty and Righteousness. I am telling you, as you are more than likely aware, it was all preached from the pulpits of the day. Freedom/Liberty/Righteousness that resulted in America's Blessings sprang forth from the Christian pulpits. It is level history.

To restore our republic of laws, NOT MEN, not the horrors of a Democracy of the Fallen nature of men/Mob voting Rule to covet our God endowed individual unalienable Rights as God's church/people through Jesus Christ our Lord, Savior, friend and brother, as God Himself is our real Father through Christ, the churches throughout the Union, MUST ENGAGE from the pulpit. I am simply telling you that your statement is utter fact, my brother! Please continue to endeavor to get this out from Sea to shining Sea. Thank you.

SOMEDAY, I pray soon, it will be God's / Jesus Christ's Church (people) aka The AMERICAN MILIITA FREEDOM FORCES of The Second Amendment Law, operating under Article I Section 8 clause 15; "to execute the (9th & 10th Amendments, the whole Constitution, and the entire Bill Of Rights) Laws of the Union, Suppress (Deep State, Republican and Democrat) Insurrections against Tenth Amendment Law & Order) and Repel (Foreign Illegal Alien) Invasions" against the Evildoers and the wicked wiles of the FALSEHOOD of Democracy, which IS utterly and absolutely OUTLAWED under Article IV Section 4 of The Constitution, in conjunction with Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER.

For '"The supreme law of the land" was "ordained and established" upon ALL POTUSs, SCOTUS, Republicans and Democrats and upon the entire Deep State of six million EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED jobs according to tjhe Supremacy clause 2 of ARTICLE VI in conjunction with Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER, by God's ordained rulers, leaders and higher powers, pursuant to Romans 13:1-5 KJV and the Preamble of The Constitution. And, His rulers and leaders are all listed in the first three words thereof.

You know, as a metaphor, to facilitate the meaning of these words, I like the Star Trek episode called "OMEGA GLORY";

This message to God's ordained Rulers, Leaders and His church is so important, I think God would be pleased to hear you broadcast/read the above over the air. And, when I can, I will also repeat them on your show. It is so vital that they are taught, once again from the pulpits.

- Capt. Karl
Operating under ARTICLE I Section 8 clause 15 of The Constitution
Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5jDHZd0JAg
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Luke »

More words of wisdom from the Gassy Burro.

Burro.JPG (43.86 KiB) Viewed 5307 times

Karl's Telegram, no original thoughts:

Remembering Boston Massacre Day: John Hancock Edition
(video and podcast here)

Today in history, on Mar 5. 1770, a violent incident unfolded on Boston’s King Street, where an agitated group of colonists swarmed around a group of British regulars.
After a group of Bostonians uttered insults, threw snowballs, and dared the British to fire, several soldiers ultimately fired into the crowd. While some colonists alleged that Captain Preston ordered the soldiers to fire into the group, the soldiers claimed the action was taken upon a misinterpretation of Preston’s order not to fire.
Five Bostonians died, and six were seriously wounded, including a young boy. This incident did much to exacerbate tensions between the colonists and the crown. Firebrands such as Samuel Adams and Paul Revere quickly branded the incident the “Massacre,” and worked quickly to depict the event as an egregious assault against a peaceable people.

Additionally, they used the episode to initiate a boycott of British goods, which the two rallied support for over the coming months. In the court of public opinion, public unrest toward the British grew to an all-time high.

Starting in 1771, and for many years after, residents of Boston held a solemn public holiday to commemorate the event annually. These tributes were known as "Massacre Day," and featured special orations, poetry, and visual representations.

On this episode of Path to Liberty, highlights from John Hancock’s Massacre Day Oration of March 5, 1774.

Some Hancock Oration Highlights:

Some boast of being friends to government; I am a friend to righteous government, to a government founded upon the principles of reason and justice; but I glory in publicly avowing my eternal enmity to tyranny.

They have declared that they have ever had, and of right ought ever to have, full power to make laws of sufficient validity to bind the Colonies in all cases whatever. They have exercised this pretended right by imposing a tax upon us without our consent

it was easy to foresee the consequences which so naturally followed upon sending troops into America to enforce obedience to acts of the British Parliament, which neither God nor man ever empowered them to make.

It was reasonable to expect that troops, who knew the errand they were sent upon, would treat the people whom they were to subjugate, with a cruelty and haughtiness which too often buries the honorable character of a soldier in the disgraceful name of an unfeeling ruffian.

Our streets nightly resounded with the noise of riot and debauchery; our peaceful citizens were hourly exposed to shameful insults, and often felt the effects of their violence and outrage. But this was not all: as though they thought it not enough to violate our civil rights, they endeavored to deprive us of the enjoyment of our religious privileges, to vitiate our morals, and thereby render us deserving of destruction

let all America join in one common prayer to heaven that the inhuman, unprovoked murders of the fifth of March, 1770

But since standing armies are so hurtful to a State, perhaps my countrymen may demand some substitute, some other means of rendering us secure against the incursions of a foreign enemy. But can you be one moment at a loss? Will not a well-disciplined militia afford you ample security against foreign foes?

A well-disciplined militia is a safe, an honorable guard to a community like this, whose inhabitants are by nature brave, and are laudably tenacious of that freedom in which they were born. From a well-regulated militia we have nothing to fear; their interest is the same with that of the State. When a country is invaded, the militia are ready to appear in its defense

Surely you never will tamely suffer this country to be a den of thieves. Remember, my friends, from whom you sprang.

(See next page >)

Despise the glare of wealth. That people who pay greater respect to a wealthy villain than to an honest, upright man in poverty, almost deserve to be enslaved; they plainly show that wealth, however it may be acquired, is, in their esteem, to be preferred to virtue.


All through history - Patriots like the Sons of Liberty have been a rare breed - and we don't have to agree with everything they did in their lives to say that. But as John Hancock said, "Remember, my friends, from whom you sprang"

This is the kind of information we work to get out to more and more people every single day - all in an effort to roll up our sleeves and stand for the Constitution and liberty.
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Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5jDHZd0JAg
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by scirreeve »

Rachel warning about Zombie Cyborgs. I think Zombie Cyborgs would be kinda fun to meet.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Frater I*I »

It's an amazement that people this stupid still remember to breath....
"He sewed his eyes shut because he is afraid to see, He tries to tell me what I put inside of me
He's got the answers to ease my curiosity, He dreamed a god up and called it Christianity"

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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by pipistrelle »

Frater I*I wrote: Sat Mar 06, 2021 10:38 am It's an amazement that people this stupid still remember to breath....
Breathing is autonomic. No need to think. I wonder how they manage their Velcro shoe ties though.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Estiveo »

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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Luke »

Rut roh. Karl is not looking forward to getting his COVID19 PASSPORT.
Do you want to eat, ride a bus or taxi, buy groceries, or stay at a motel? THOSE THINGS ARE AGAINST THE 'SO-CALLED' LAW for Americans, if you do not possess a COVID19 PASSPORT according to Republicans, Democrats and their Deep State of Agencies and Bureaus that are EXPLICITLY PROHIBITED from even existing pursuant to Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER, which is a part of "the Supreme Law Of the Land" (See ARTICLE VI clause 2 of The Constitution)

And, The COVID19 Vaccines are proving to be very dangerous to health and welfare, all around the World.

—> It's beginning to look like we Americans are going to have to shoot our way out of this one, if we want to be healthy, happy and live in FREEDOM and LIBERTY. So help us God! <—

https://thewashingtonstandard.com/want- ... gregation/
Want To Eat At A Diner Or Ride The Bus? Not If Your Equity Credit Score Is Too Low – Immunity Passports Bring Back Racial Segregation

Vaccine passports aren’t coming: they’re already here. And while discriminating against people based on their vaccination status is bad enough: the implications are even worse. A vaccine passport transforms all of society into a two-tier system, but the basis for it isn’t a needle, it’s a set of government guidelines that were based on identity politics or ‘equity’. From the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices to various state equity initiatives, some even worse than the CDC’s push to prioritize people by race, the vaccine rollout was designed to put minorities at the head of the line. These prioritizations were meant to be invisible, using disparate impact to advance groups with the right demographic skew.

The government using race to prioritize medical treatment is horrifying enough, but vaccine passports take the biased vaccine system and embed that bias into everyday areas of life. The end result is a horrifying cross between China’s social credit system and the racial segregation of the South. Call it the equity credit system based on racial and sexual identity. Take New York’s ‘Excelsior Pass’: an app which allows users to get into events by showing their vaccination status. Excelsior is still in the testing phase, but it is based on IBM technology and variations of it are likely to be adopted by multiple venues and states once the testing is done. California had previously tethered reopenings to ‘equity’, but vaccine passports shift the burden from the region to the person, using the criteria of an inherently racist system to determine access. In New York City, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that the city would use the Taskforce on Racial Inclusion and Equity’s demographics to “prioritize appointments for residents at vaccine sites in the Taskforce neighborhoods, setting aside specific hours and slots”.

What that really means is that the people more likely to have an Excelsior Pass are those who benefited from the racial discrimination policies of New York City’s equity. Expand that pass and New York City becomes the new epicenter of racial segregation under the equity credit system. Generations after the end of segregation, the pandemic has been used to impose racially discriminatory conditions that have the potential to recreate the worst of segregation with people being barred from eating at diners or riding the bus because of the color of their skin. The social and economic consequences of vaccine passports could easily become as devastating as those of segregation :roll: by preventing store owners from doing business, segregating flights, and determining who is allowed to socialize and who isn’t. And while the vaccine rollout will come and go, the legal precedents created here will not easily disappear.
Not only has equity prioritization for vaccines baked the bias into a systemically racist pipeline, but there will also be a racial double standard for those who opt out of the pandemic regime. Skepticism about vaccines and hostility to pandemic measures have been treated very differently along racial, ethnic, and religious lines during all of last year much as political protests by lockdown opponents were banned on the grounds of public health, while the Black Lives Matter riots were endorsed, celebrated, and mandated by the political establishment. The medical experts eager to warn about the dangers of Trump rallies or Chassidic weddings were hesitant to express any doubts about the health impact of thousands of race rioters. Beyond the left-right paradigm, there is a clear racial bias when it comes to the censorship of vaccine skeptics with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. being banned from Instagram while Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam are free to use the platform for attacks on vaccines.

The leftist establishment sees vaccine skepticism from minorities as understandable, if mistaken, responses to oppression, and is much more willing to excuse and tolerate it. Vaccine passports would build these biases into the basis for systemic medical discrimination that would make it increasingly difficult for people to go out in public, earn a living, or just exist on the basis of their race. Unlike China’s social credit system, the equity obsession of our elites is obsessed with punishing or rewarding people based on their identity politics category. The emergency powers of the pandemic have given our elites the power to do just that. Vaccine passports would plug into an already pervasive equity credit system built around systemic racism that deprives people of basic needs and civil rights on the basis of race. Access to higher education, to employment, to mortgages, and government contracts, is already based on a system of racial discrimination as egregious as anything in the segregated South.

Americans have accepted this silent systemic racism for generations. But the new vaccine segregation threatens to turn the equity credit system from covert discrimination, rewarding some on the basis of their group identity or feigned group identity through affirmative action, to an overt system that segregates those with poor equity credit from being able to live their lives. A civil rights system that was built to reverse segregation is instead laboriously recreating it, by embedding the racial inferiority theories of critical race theory into schools and workplaces, denying medical treatment, and even the ability to eat out at a diner based on race. The only thing missing are the separate water fountains for those with a poor equity score.
https://thewashingtonstandard.com/want- ... gregation/

How will they have Grand Slam Grand Juries if they can't get into DENNY'S????? :cry:

PS: Karl sez don't pay taxes.
Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER, ordained and established upon all POTUS's, SCOTUS, The Deep State and upon all Republicans and Democrats:

"The powers (MEANING ALSO SPENDING) not delegated to the United States by the Constitution (under ARTICLE I Section 8 ), nor prohibited by it to the States (under ARTICLE I Section 10 ), are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

This is why Income nor Employer Taxes apply to the American people, according to the SCOTUS. And, this is why our weekly paychecks are not to have any withholding taxes NOR the invisible Employer taxes stolen from them, which would result in us procuring DOUBLE the weekly paychecks we get today. According to Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER upon the POTUS, SCOTUS, The Deep State, and upon Republicans and Democrats, they are NOT AUTHORIZED to spend any money on anything that isn't itemized under ARTICLE I Section 8 of The Constitution. Therefore, they have no need for Income Taxes or Employer Taxes, because all of that money is to be spent by our States and/or our own families on the things WE THE PEOPLE need and/or want.
Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5jDHZd0JAg
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Volkonski »

From "It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World"-

Lennie Pike (the moving van driver played by Johnathon Winters): *Everybody* has to pay taxes!- Even businessmen, that rob and steal and cheat from people everyday, even *they* have to pay *taxes*!
“If everyone fought for their own convictions there would be no war.” ― Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by scirreeve »

IDK WTF is going on here. From another Gassy Burro post seims she is anti Q. Whatever - won't spend a second trying to figure out what this nutter thinks.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Luke »

[Forwarded from Capt. Karl Koenigs]
Ryan Bundy may run for NV Governor to facilitate sponsoring and passing an exact facsimile of the Kentucky & Virginia Resolutions augmenting them with AN ARREST PROVISION. So that Municipal, County and State Law Enforcement officials, backed up if and when necessary by the AMFF, can arrest any Deep State Agency or Bureau who refuses to cease and desist any Republican, Democrat, POTUS or SCOTUS usurpation of Power or SPENDING not delegated to them under ARTICLE I Section 8 of The Constitution, properly and Constitutionally State Nullified in pursuance of Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER.

Would you like to do a show with him?
Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5jDHZd0JAg
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Frater I*I »

orlylicious wrote: Mon Mar 08, 2021 6:37 pm
[Forwarded from Capt. Karl Koenigs]
Ryan Bundy may run for NV Governor to facilitate sponsoring and passing an exact facsimile of the Kentucky & Virginia Resolutions augmenting them with AN ARREST PROVISION. So that Municipal, County and State Law Enforcement officials, backed up if and when necessary by the AMFF, can arrest any Deep State Agency or Bureau who refuses to cease and desist any Republican, Democrat, POTUS or SCOTUS usurpation of Power or SPENDING not delegated to them under ARTICLE I Section 8 of The Constitution, properly and Constitutionally State Nullified in pursuance of Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER.

Would you like to do a show with him?
Yeah, about that Kraptin Karl...you might wanna check out what happened the last time he tried that... :mrgreen:
"He sewed his eyes shut because he is afraid to see, He tries to tell me what I put inside of me
He's got the answers to ease my curiosity, He dreamed a god up and called it Christianity"

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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by scirreeve »

According to the twitter Drunk Karl and Brand played a shofar duet at Ammhole's meeting in St. George last night. I haven't bothered to look for the video.

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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by scirreeve »

Drunk Karl, Brand Nu, Shawnanana, and Ammhole's silly hat in Kanab tonight.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by scirreeve »

Not sure (and don't care) if Rachel and Drunk Karl are still together. I am happy though that Rachel edumacated me today about stuff.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Foggy »

scirreeve wrote: Fri Mar 12, 2021 1:10 am Drunk Karl, Brand Nu, Shawnanana, and Ammhole's silly hat in Kanab tonight.
With a spare tire under his shirt and a pocket Skousen Constitution in his pocket. :sick:
I'm Foggy and I forget if I approved this message.
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by scirreeve »

Wut? Is this a trick question?
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Re: Drunk Capt. Karl and the imaginary AMFF


Post by Luke »

Karl on Telegram. He doesn't like wearing a mask:
TO BELIEVE THAT The US GOV is always right, is as intelligent as thinking that wearing face diapers will do anything but give tens of thousands of Americans DEADLY pneumonia, WHICH HAS CURRENTLY HAPPENED, via US Gov and State Gov ENFORCED self-SUICIDE, via Capital Felony 18 U.S. Code Section 241/242 "Deprivation Of Rights Under Color Of Law", in utter violation of The Supremacy clause 2 of ARTICLE VI of The Constitution, The 4th Amendment Law, as well as Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER upon all POTUS's, SCOTUS, upon ALL Republicans and Democrats, and upon the Entire Deep State of Executive branch Agencies and Bureaus that are EXPLICITLY PROHIBITED from even existing in the first place, IN PURSUANCE of Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER.

Amendment 4 - Search and Seizure. Ratified 12/15/1791:

"—> The right of the people to be secure in their persons<—, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." People have been literally KIDNAPPED/Seized, and Children FROM THEIR PARENTS for not wearing a face diaper, which is proven to have given Tens of Thousands of Americans pneumonia.

The Supremacy clause 2 of ARTICLE VI:

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which —> shall be made in Pursuance thereof <—; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, —> shall be the supreme Law of the Land<—; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding."

"The powers (MEANING ALSO SPENDING) not delegated to the United States by the Constitution (as enumerated under ARTICLE I Section 8 ), nor prohibited by it to the States (under ARTICLE I Section 10 ), are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." Neither the US Gov, nor any State Gov. has the Constitutionally delegated power to force you to commit SELF-SUICIDE by Face Diaper.

- Capt. Karl
Operating Under ARTICLE I Section 8 clause 15 of The Constitution; "To execute the Laws of the Union (9th & 10th Amendment Laws, the whole Constitution, and the entire Bill Of Rights), Suppress (Deep State, Republican and Democrat) Insurrections (against "the supreme law of the land"), and Repel (Foreign ILLEGAL Alien) Invasions.
So help us God...

[ File : Deprivation of Rights Under Color Of Law - Copy.jpg ]
By violating this Law, Republicans, Democrats and Commissioners, State and Federal, are ENFORCING SELF-SUICIDE by Face Diaper. Tens Of Thousands of Americans have contracted DEADLY Pneumonia, which is exponentially far more DEADLY than COVID19.

https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news ... al-hygiene

FACE DIAPERS and DEADLY Pneumonia —> Regarding MSM and The Deep State of Agencies and Bureaus who are EXPLICITLY PROHIBITED from even existing in the first place, pursuant to Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER, the question becomes; WHO IS LYING TO WHOM?
That is the question of LIFE AND DEATH for American families. For the chances of DEATH from Pneumonia are exponentially higher than the 98.7% survival rate of COVID19.

https://truth11.com/2020/11/05/death-by ... he-masked/

Question in point; Did The Deep State lie to all Americans, over and over again, about the Trump Collusion Hoax? I say fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice DEATH ON ME, by FORCED SELF-SUICIDE.

Advise from The AMERICAN MILITIA FREEDOM FORCES of The Second Amendment Law, operating under ARTICLE I Section 8 clause 15 of The Constitution, believe the alphabet soup Deep State and you are taking your own life into your hands and Face Diaper. DO NOT LET BUSINESSED FORCE YOU into SELF-SUICIDE like the Tens Of Thousands of Americans who have already perished from rebreathing in their own moist waist products.

The Deep State SCAM ARTISTS need to be held fully accountable for the murders they have and are committing daily.

The PLETHORA of alphabet soup Executive branch Deep State Agencies and Bureaus, and their MSM propaganda arm are the MURDERERS of Americans via ENFORCED Self-SUICIDE by Face Diaper!

[Forwarded from Capt. Karl Koenigs]
https://www.jpost.com/health-science/co ... lth-628400

But only at the most powerful SOVEREIGN ENTITY over The POTUS, over the SCOTUS, over The Deep State and over all Republicans and Democrats. Which are our State Capitols who created the US Gov. with only 18 Powers and SPENDING privileges as are enumerated under ARTICLE I Section 8 of The Constitution, "IN PURSUANCE thereof" the supremacy clause 2 of ARTICLE VI and Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER.

We have to surround our State Capitols Armed and COMPEL them to do their Constitutional DUTY and Constitutionally, via State Nullification, ENFORCED by Municipal, County and State Law Enforcement ACTION, backed by the AMERICAN MILITIA FREEDOM FORCES of the Second Amendment LAW, operating under ARTICLE I Section 8 clause 15, "To execute the Laws of the Union, Suppress (Deep State, Republican and Democrat) INSURRECTIONS (against the Tenth Amendment Law), who are in the UNORGANIZED MILITIA pursuant to 10 US Code 246, when necessary, to RESTORE Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER upon ALL POTUS's, upon the SCOTUS, upon all Republicans and Democrats, and thus upon The Deep State of Executive branch alphabet soup FEDcoat Agencies and Bureaus who are EXPLICITLY PROHIBITED from even existing by Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER.
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Lt Root Beer of the Mighty 699th. Fogbow 💙s titular Mama June in Fogbow's Favourite Show™ Mama June: From Not To Hot! Fogbow's Theme Song™ Edith Massey's "I Got The Evidence!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5jDHZd0JAg
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